H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E j at aped out of the large wicker 1 Rchweer was suffering from asphyxla- m iu c w litte n , on the tip of bi» beaaet it had covered. W ith a merry t tlon and hla respiration had dlmln- tongue. laugh »he threw her arms around Jack I ished to the danger p o in t In ,a few "Welcome,' and here!» the best sett tobacco, muscovado sugar and molaa Kelso's neck and kissed him. - | — ‘ -*■'— *------- minute» hla •----- breathing became oqrtugl a t the fireside,” he said to Samson. •ea. There waa a counter oo each The deep shock o f his e x p e rie n c e *^ Th« men clapped th e ir hands “M y w ife and daughter are away for aide. Bolta of d oth, mostly calico, noisy merriment. came apparent the moment be re- a visit and for tw o days I've had the were piled on the fa r end of the right "T h a t’e like Blm, isn't I t T ’ said tha gained consciousness, but ones he wgs counter aa one entered end the near cabin to myself. Look. ye worshipers Doctor. convinced that nothing more t h . » ' , of fire, and see how fine It Is now! end held a showcase containing a “E xactly I” Abe exclaimed. hideous dream remained of b it harrow­ display of cutlery, pew ter spoons. The homely cabin la a place of beauty. “1 stop at David Barney’s an' dere ing experience he sooo got hold of Jewelry and fishing tackle There W hat a heaven It la when the flames ahe took de goods out o' my pack an' himself. are leaping! H ere la Hogarth’s line were double windows on either aide fix up dis job lot ter you,” said E li Because of efforts made to prevent of the rough board door w ith Its wood­ of beauty; nothing perpendicular or w ith a laugh. horizontal.” the occurrence from becoming public, en latch. T he left counter held a "A real surprise party I" the girl ex­ It waa not learned Just how Schweer H e took Abe's hand and went o n : case filled w ith thread», buttons, A Story o f the Builder» claimed. "Here, ye lovera of romance. Is one heenme Imprisoned. I t was said that combs, colored ribbons, and belt» and She was a small-sized girl, nearing while he was putting some books away o f Democracy Jew's-harps. A balance stood In the j of the story-tellers of Ispahan who j sixteen, with red cheeks and hazel he door was shut "In some manner." middle of this counter. A chest of has In him the wisdom of the wander- eyes and blonde hail that fell in curls He can tell you a tale Nor could It be learned precisely how tea a big brown Jug, a h o i of can t Ing tribes. ) that w ill draw children from their upon her shoulders. ■ ing the boy had been there. Those dies a keg and a large wooden pall “M r. T raylor, thia la my daughter vho i>artlclpated In hla rescue and re- occupied Its farth e r end. The shelv­ l play and old men from the chimney Bira,” said Kelso. “She Is skilled In My boy, take a chair next lvaJ were certain It waa two hours, ing on Its side walls was filled by corner. the art of producing astonishment.” if not longer. straw hats, plug tobacco, bolts of to Mr. Traylor. M r. T raylor, you owrnaat I n l | i a»«*sii»r “She must have heard o f that hand­ cloth, pills and patent medicines and stand up as proud and firm as a some boy at the tavern and got in a pasteboard boxes containing shirts, big pine. I believe you're a Yankee.” Taxes of th« Nations. hurry to come home," said the Doctor. _ C H APTER I I I . “ So do I," said Ramson. “I f you handkerchiefs and underwear At the The tax burden In Im portant coun­ “Ann Rutledge says that he la a rear end of the store was a large fire ­ took all the Yankee out o' me I ’d have right purty boy," the g irl laughed as tries was computed for the financial Wherein the Reader le Introduced to place. There were two chairs near an empty skin." conference held at Brussels. Ex­ she brushed her curls aside Ohut’» Store and Hie Clerk Abo, and Then Abe began to show the stran­ the fireplace, both of which were oc­ pressed In d ollar* at the rate of ex­ the Scholar Jack Kelao and Hla cupied by a man who sat- In one ger his peculiar a rt In these words: change current In the summer, the Cabin and Hla Daughter Blm, and ! while his feet lay on the other. He "Stephen Nuckles used to say; (To be continued.) Nation's Business stataa. It |g shown Oete a First Look at Lincoln. i wore a catlco shirt with a fanciful ‘God's grace embraces the Isles o’ the that per capita the United Kingdom sea an’ the uttermost parts o' the They had a dinner of prairie chick I design o f morning-glories on It prlnt- pays the highest taxes o f »87 00; the earth. I t fakes In the Esquimaux an' ens and roast venison, flavored w ith I , ed In appropriate colors, a collar of United States Is second, w ith *5 8 8 0 ; the Hottentots. Some go so fu r to wild grape Jelly, and creamed potatoes j the same m aterial and a red necktie. France, third, w ith *84.80; and Nor­ Ahe laid aside bis book and rose say that It takes In the Yankees but and cookies and doughnuts and raisin * way, fourth, w ith *28.80. I don't go so fu r.’ " Began to Speak the Linas In a High- pie It was a well cooked dinner, i to a sitting posture. W ith the Income pet capita, the Samson Joined In the good matured Pitched Voice. “Pardon me— you • gee the firm Is served on white linen. In a clean room, ! economists compered the present gov­ laughter that followed. and while they were eating, the sym- j busy,” said Abe " Y o fj know Eb Zane ernment revenue o f the l i t t e r to the “ I f you deal w ith some Yankees "Surely—-there are so many of us pathetic landlady stood by the table, form er— which comes nearest to show­ you take your life In your hands," he who hate It. These Yankees hate It eager to learn of their travels and to ing the relative burdens of taxes today Clerk Rescued in Unconscious said. "They can serve God or M am ­ and they and their children are scat make them feel at home The good — 1» lowest In the United Statgs at 8 mon and I guess they have given the terlng all over the midlands. T h e ir food and their kindly welcome and Condition Is Revived by per cent and highest Io the -United devil gome of htg best Ideas. H e spirit w ill guide the West. The love the beuuty of the rolling. wooded Kingdom at 27 per cent. T he other seems to be getting a lot of Yankee of liberty Is the salt of thetr blood and Pulmotor. prairies softened the regret which had countries corr.e In be ween. notions lately." the marrow of their bones. Liberty been growing In their hearts, and "There was a powerful prejudice means freedom for all. W a lt until which only the children had dared T he Cooties. In Kentucky against the Yankees," these babies, coming out here by the to express. Colonel Roosevelt told a w a r story Ahe went on. “Down there they used wagonload, have grown to manhood. "Perhaps we haven't made a mis­ at an Albany reception. to fell about s Yankee who sold his Slavery w ill have to reckon with take after all," Sarah whispered when “A doughboy." he said, “had Just got hogs and was driving them to town. them.” the dinner was over. “I like these When Questioned by Hie Parent» De­ back home from the war, and he was On the way he deddet, that he had “I hate It, too," said Abe. “1{ I live people and the prairies are beautiful " nies T h rillin g Experience in lunching In a cafeteria when a dear sold them too cheap. He left them I'm going to hit that thing on the “It is the land of plenty at last,” Which He Was Near Death old lady In the next chair to his own w ith his drover In the road and went head some day." »aid Samson, as they came out of leaned over across her pie and s a id : From Asphyxiation. on to town and told the buyer th a t he "Do you still want to be a lawyer?" doom. “It Is oven better than I “ 'I, too, have a soldier son, young would need help to bring 'em In, Kelso asked. thought.” man. and a lucky one at that Would New York.— Locked In an a ir tight “ 'How's that?’ the buyer asked. “Yes. but sometimes I think I'd “As Douglas Jerrold said of Austra­ you believe It? M y boy went through steel vault fa r below the street level "W hy they git away an' go to run- make a better blacksmith," said Ahe lia : 'Tickle It with a hoe and It the w ar w ithout a scratch.' nln' through the woods an' fields an' " I’m trying to make up my mind In the M etropolitan building. Twenty- laughs with a hsrve«t,’ ” said D r '“ Gee. lady,' aald the doughboy, third street and Fourth avenue, for we can’t keep up w ith 'em.' what's best fo r me." Allan, who still sat In the shaded spill us the Dame of hie Insect powder two hours, Frederick J. " ' I don't think I want 'em,’ says “No, you're trying to decide what nearly douryard. smoking his pipe. “I have w ill yeF " the buyer. 'A speedy hog hasn’t is best for your friends and your Schweer, Jr., n clerk In the M etropoli­ an extra horse and saddle. Suppose much pork to carry. I'll give ye country and for the reign of law and tan bank, was rescued Just In time to you leave the family with Mrs. Rut save tils life. The boy was uncon­ tx^ n ty bits to let me off.’ ” Justice and liberty.” ledge and ride around with roe a little “I guess that Yankee had one more “But I think every man acts from scious when lifted out. An amhuJance tills afternooo. I can show you how hog than he'd counted," said Ramson. selfish motives," Abe Insisted. surgeon front Bellevue hospital, who the land lies off to the west of us, M any M illions of Nerve Celle M ake Up "W hatever prejudice you may find Doctor Allen demurred as follows: had been w aiting more than an hour and tomorrow we'll look at the other the Mind W hich Centrals the here w ill soon vanish." said Kelso, Side." “The other night you happened to with a pulmotor, began work on him. Body's Movements, The lad. suffering when he first re­ turning to the newcomer. “I have remember that you had overcharged “Thank you— I want to look around vived, front shock and hysteria, made great respect for the sturdy sons of Mrs. Peters for a Jug of molasses and here a little," said Santson. "W hat's T he highest product of evolution la New England. I believe It was Theo­ a fter you had closed the store you aueh a rapid recovery that a fte r he the name of this p la c e t’ nndouhtedly the human brain. This Is reach,si his ho ttie at 1011 Chestnut ave dore P arker who said that the pine walked three miles to rpturn the nion "New Salem. We call It a village. the seat o f the m ind— and. en fa r as It was the symbol o f their character. ey which belonged to her. Why did nue, Jersey City, he ute a belated sup It lias a mill, a carding machine, a can be said to have a s e a t of the per and hurried out to the movie He whs right Its roots are deep In you do it?” tavern, a schoolhouse, five store*, soul, also. F illin g the great cavity of the s o il; It towers shove the fo re s t; “For a selfish motive," said Ahe. without telling his parents- of hh fourteen houses, two or three men of the skull la the cerebrum, thrown Into thrillin g exiierience. And when h< It lias the strength of tail masts and "Pardon “I believe honesty Is the best policy." genius. and a rola.v dam. I t ’a a crude many folds or so-called "convolutions.” the substance of the builder In Its hut growing place and aoon it w ill “Then you took that long walk Just came hack he stubbornly denied that This m atter Is gray on the outside and body, music In Its waving branches and to advertise your honesty— to Induce he had been In the vault at all. • hove all the embellishments of civi­ w hite toward the center. I t is In the used to say that he was never so turpentine In Its veins. I thought of lised Ilfs." W atchm an Hears Tapping. people to call you ‘Honest Abe' as they gray m atter, composed of millions up­ busy In hla life as when he lay on his this when I saw Webster and heard It was Just before seven o'clock thnt Tl at evening many of the Inhabit­ have begun to do?” on millions of nerve cells, connected back with a broken leg. He said he him speak at Plym outh.’- ants of the llttls» village came to the one w ith another, that higher thought “I wouldn’t want to put It that John Connollv, the bank watchman had to work tw enty-four hours a day- “W hat kind of a looking man Is way," said Abe. tavern to see the travelers and were making his zounds on the subway — reasoning, association, memory, etc., doin’ nothin' an' could Dever git an he?" Ahe asked. Introduced hy D r Allen. Host of go on In the brain there are certain “But that's the only way out,” the level, heu.d a steady tap. tap, tap at hour off. But a broken leg Is not "A big erect, splendid figure of a them hail eonte from Kentucky, a l­ the door o f a big vault used for the sensory centers which record the so bad as a lame Intellect. T hat lays man. H e walked like a ram at the Doctor Insisted, “and we knn.wlng ones though there were two Yankee fam senses of sight, smell, tsate, hearing would have to call you 'Sordid Abe.’ " safekeeping of books and records. At you out w ith the fever an' ague of head of hla flock." Illg» who had turned on from Ohio. «ml touch. There are also certain “There's a hidden Ahe and you first Connolly thought some one was Ignorance Jack Kelso recommended Abe who since Ids story had sat •’These are good folk*,“ said the tryin g to break In. Then he became "are«»” or parts of the brain which haven't got acquainted w ith him yet,” Klrkham 's pills and poultice» of po­ with s sad face looking Info the fire sure It was some one trying to break I lot "Theis are othera wno are move various parts o f the body a id Kelso Interposed. “W e have all caught etry I'm trying both and'slow ly get­ now leaned forw ard, his elbows on his not so good 1 could show you some out and dashed for a telephone. thhse are the so-called "motor areas.” a glimpse of him tonight. He's the i ting the better of It I've learned knees, nnd shook his head w ith Inter pretty rough customers at Clary's August C. Corby, second vice presl T lw nnntomy o f the brain haq.been Abe that loves honor and Justice and three conjugations, between customers, esf while his gray eyes took on a Grtoe. not far from here. W e have carried to such a fine degree o f know l­ I hum anity and their great temple of dent and cashier of the hank, was Just thia afternoon.” look of animation The diary speaks to take things as they are and do r . . . . . . . » „ u. 1 freedom that is growing up here In entering his home, 215 West One H un­ edge that we are now enabled ? o p u t The sleeper, whose name was W il­ often o f . the our best to make 'em better." veil of sadness on hl« .» npw wort(1 . . . IJp . . loves them - , dred and First street, when he got the our finger upon « certain speij- in the . __ nun,»! „11 in i the better liam Berry, rose and sketched him face “Any Indians? Sarah asked. watchman's hurry call. Corby na» the brain nnd say, "This group (or | 1 than fame or fortune or life Itself self and was Introduced to the new­ “You see one now and then, but “H e Is a very grpat man," Abe ex 1 I think It must have been that At)e nearest official who knew the combi­ of cells moves the little to e , Ö»« comer. He waa a khori, gental man. tbev re peaceable Most of 'em have claimed Ills automoblie was outside left foot," or w hatever It aaay 1 Bv- ' whose voice sounded like a trumpet nation. of some th irty .rears,- with blonde gone with the buffaloes— farth er west. "H ave you learned that last nohle and he broke all traffic regulations get e ty tnovet tent In the body Is cMrtroHs Hd curly h air and mustache. H is fat (light of hla lu the reply to Haynes, I Just now- and who sent you off to Mrs. ting to the bank. Now «nd then a circuit rider sets by these centers, either In th A Km Krai In | Peters w ith the money. You haven't cheeks had a color as definite as that as you promaed?" Kelso asked. here and preaches to us. You'll hear or hy the nervse which h rstfch'ojM Connolly meantime had notified Pa- , the chance to know- him that we have. of the feloetoms on his shirt, now the Reverend Stephen Nuckles I f you " I have." said Ahe. "and the other from the spins! cord. A ll «ctLwjyes Some day you tw o w ill get ac- trolm iin Darcy o f the East Tw enty rather soiled His prominent nose settle In these parts He can holler day when I w ia tramping hack from of the body, however, other rht>ttM?o«e second street station, on nearby post, q ualntril." shared their glow of ruddy opulence louder than any man In the s ta te " Bowlin' Green's 1 mm e across a drove In itiated l>y the brain, are unconM^otiA At this moment there was a loud and Darcy had summoned Doctor >l«c- His gray eyes wore a look of apology The tavern was the only house In of cattle and stopped nnd gave If to — Herew srd Carrington. In Lesjld’s. Mnnus w ith the pulmotor. rap on the door. M r. Kelso opened "M r. Traylor, this It M r. W illiam •hem. New Salem with stairs In It—stair« They all let go of the grass There was some delay In getting the I It and s a id : "H ello, E ll I Come in.” Berry." said Dr. Allen. "M r. T raylor and stood looking" so steep as Samson writes, that “they A hairy-faced, how-legged man. bent vault open, which was not explained. How She Propo has Just acquired an Interest In all out were first cousins to the ladder.” "Good I Now- stand np and let ua see under a great pack, p artly covered Women do propose though they do Institutions. He has bought the Goll- how yon Im itate the great chief of There were four small rooms above j w ith bed ticking, stood In the door­ a her tract and la going to build a the Whig clan, «aid Kelso. not agy outright. “Jack. I love you! them. Two of these were separated way. W ill you please be mv husband?” They house and some fences. Ahe. couldn't by a partition of cloth hanging from The lank »nd aw kw ard youth rose "Hello. M r. Kelso." the bearded man sometimes do as did Alice and her you help get the timber out In a the t afters. In each was a bed and and began to speak the lines in a high- answered. “T he pool vanderlng Jew friend Fred. They had been singing, bedstead and smaller heda on the hurry »o we can have a raising within pitched voice that trembled w ith ex­ haa gome hack ag'ln— hey? I tln k I and Alice searched through the music floor. In case there were a number a week? You know the arts of the citement. Il lowered and steadied h af to .ta k e de hump off my hack be­ till she found s song entitled. " I sm ;o f adult guests the bedstead waa ax better than any of n a" and rang out like noble music on a fore I , gits In." j In love w ith you." Handing It to Fred Ahe looked at Ratoson. screened with sheets hung upon StaggerlRg hengath his load he let “I reckon he and I would make > I well played trumpet as the channel she said “Do you know It?” Fred strings. Io ons of these rooms the of hts spirit filled w ith the mighty It down to the ground. ! looked stunned, and Ignoring the song good teem with the ax." he said. "H ' ; travelers h id a night of refrealtlng current of the orator's passion. Then "Bring in your T ro ja n horse and she held out to him. he said, “No. I looks as I f he could push a house | i sleep. Indeed, the words fell from his lips w ind you do not let out Its four and didn't know It, but I certainly sm glad ' >wn w ith one hand and build It up After riding two days with the ilk a the w inter snows." j to hear you say so." And shortly tw enty w arriors until morning. I ’ll Doctor Samson bought the claim of wdtti the other Ton can bet I'll be "They shook our hearts as the wind have some bread and m ilk for you In ! Alice wss w earing an engagement glad to help in any way 1 can " one Isaac Gollaher to a half section shakes the branches o f a tree,” Sam a minute. Gentlemen, this Is my frlerfd ring. But sometimes It works the We ll all turn In and help I should of land a llttls mors than a mite from j other way. a young roan was taking sm write» In hla diary. "The lean. Bit-—a wandering pioneer of trade." the western end of the village He think Bill or Jack K4tso could look ’>ony body of the hoy waa transfigured . a girl home on a beautiful moonlight " I h af a vonderful line o' goods— chose a aits for his house on the a fte r the store for a few days," said end as I looked at his face In the fire t evening Looking Into his eye« she von d e rfn l' v o n d e rfu l'" said E ll, ges the Doctor. " I promised to tske M r. | edge of an open prairie Ugh! I thought It was handsome. said. "E r— I'm not going to get m ar­ turtng w ith both hands T raylor over to Jack Kelso's tonight , "Now we'll go over and see Ahe." ried until you do." He asked why. and “F irst supper— then open your T r o “ Not a word was spoken fo r a min­ •aid Or. Allen, after the deal waa Couldn't you come along?" she replied "Because so long as yon ute a fte r he sat down I had got Isn horse.” said Kelso. “G ood' We ll have a story tellln made. "He's the heat man with an I fire single there Is hope." But alaa "F irs t I must show my goods," E ll Rk and a taw In this part of the and get Jack to unllmher hla g ins." my first look at Lincoln. I had seen he took her home and le ft her there hla soul. I think It was then I began Insisted, "an' I'll het you take dem all said Ahe country He clerks for M r O ffu t ’ and never saw her again! —everything vat I have In dot pack to realise that a man was being made Abe Lincoln Is one of the best fellows ; tscg^K elan's cabin, cue of tw o which an' you pay my price an' you t'aok among na 'more precious than fine that ever lived- -a rough diamond Just I stood close together at the western W ar Department I t 1« Take H a lf of me an' say 'EIL vat yt n have te nut of the great mine of the West that I end of the village, »«« lighted hy the gold; even a man more precious than Total Government Budget for drink ?' " the golden wedge of O phir.' ” only needs to he cut and polished I cheery hlste of d n lr.*a In Its fire Next Year. “I'll bet you four bits I don't," said The Doctor gazed In alienee at the place There were guns en a rack Denton Offut » store w as a smalt I SiMSfeS_ log structure about twenty by twenty ' Ov* r fireplace under a buck's head, boy. Kelao sat w ith both hands In Kelao. Belgrade. Jugoslavia— The w ar de­ "You are my frte n t; I vould not which stood near the hrow of the I a ponder h im hanging near them on hla pockets and hla chin upon hla partment of the new kingdom of Jugo­ take your money lik e dot so easy. hreaat looking solemnly Into the fire. hill east of Hutledgee tavern. When I Its string looped over a nail. There slav!« w ill cost 2nno.(M(?.«)o dlnara, No I It vould not be right. These the, entered It Ahe lay al full length 1 • ore wolf and deer and hear pelts on . "Thank you, Abe." he said In a low one-half the government's total budget are Scotch goods, gentlemen— so rare on the counter, hla head resting on a i the floor. The skins of foxes, rac­ vdtee. "Something unusual has hap­ In the next fiscal year, despite vigor- an' beautiful not'lng like dem in oe The Huddled Form of the Boy. 1" t of hlue denim a« he studied a i coons and wildcats adorned the log pened end I'm Just a little scared." on» effort» hy the minister of finance " W h y r Abe asked world." hook In his hand. He wore the same walla Jack Itelao waa a blond, T h l. I . . mdue- For fear somebody w ill spoil It H e began to undo his pack w hile the and long before the huge doors swung to reduce expense. good-looking, marry shirt and one suspender and llnsey I am noth faced, w ith another hog story. I'm a little little company stood around him. outward all sounds had ceased wtthtn tlon of 500.tgm.000 d tu .ra from the ap- Houser. Which he had worn In the I hearted Kent about forty years old. T he huddled form of the hoy, his » « » t e . »»ked for hy the w ar minis- “Gentlemen, you can see but you dooryard of the tavern, but hla feet of a rattier alight build, some five a fra id of anything I can aay I would cannot buy. Only my frtent can have face press«! close against the door«, B y venture thia, that the man Webster feet, eight Inches tall. T hat la all • ere covered only hg hla blue yarn i The total budget estimates v e n t In hts Plymouth address dem goods," he went oo glibly aa he was dragged out by the policemen and that any one knew of M m save that Is a prophet secta. 8.000 Qfm.ooo dlnara but thia has been the ambulance surgeon he hear» receding la te never-returning removed the cover of the pack. he spent moat of Ms tim e hunting It waa a general »tore fu ll of exotic reduced to f.nno.nooooo The nominal Suddenly there was a lively stir distance the clank of chains and all Near Danger Point. flavor«, chleflg those o f tee, coffee. and fishing and seemed to havo all Doctor M acM anu* admlnlatered re- exc,’ " " * e value o f a dinar la about IB In It. T o the amasement of all a the best things which j r e s t nteQ had the din of alavery. It w ilt come tru e " beautiful | i r l threw aside the U ca I b « |toraUvea and applied " ? • j e u UROA a»?" a h aakad- du I b m k w at ,h* r»te It to » o r tk HAGE 4 A U G U S T IS, 192i . A Man for the Ages By Irving Bachelier LOCKED HOURS IN BANK VAULT GOES TO THE MOVIES MARVELOUS IS HUMAN BRAIN • * W H CtûU,