r* The Great Outdoors L iv e s to c k , D a ir y » - J . p ro d u c ts . rx . B e rrie s , „ F r u it , C U L L IN G OF C H IC K E N F L O C K S slderable. and when so separated w ill ------------- One V irgin ia F arm e r Reporta Selling Fowls to Amount of $70 W ithout Lessening Egga ordinarily command a fa ir price. Under the dockage system of the fo le ra l standards, the amount of for- elgn material separated and con. id- ered as dockage is deducted from the weight of the wheat purchased and, In any event, does not affect the grade of the clean wheat. This results In a higher grade and the price paid is on the basis of this grade for the do Lugo- free wheat. R E N O V A TE O LD PO TA TO B IN S _______ A l| Growers Are Warned to Thorouahlv W Z Disinfect All Storage Places • Before Using. A t Shedd Friday 14 peop’e saw County Agent Hev i an cull 75 poor layers from 240 hen«. pBUl Dawson culled before 15 people at Tennessee and 25 at Tallman At O 'k v ille Berth* Beck culled 140 bens before 8 spectators. Ai M il­ lersburg 20 p“ople saw 200 culled. W ith the development of p o u ltr y culling and stock ju Iging in this county more and more income will be derived from the feed con- I suraed. At Shedd Mr. H eym *n rejected 75 hens out of 250 Every grower who experienced non- hie with dry rot In his potatoes Is warned hy A G Tola as of H liv e rs lty farm chief inspector of the potato seed department, to disinfect thoroughly all bins before using them again. Either a solution of formaldehyde in ten gal­ lons of water, or a solution of blue- stone (ropper sulphate) consisting of one pound of the hluestone dit solved In ten gallons of water, should be used tor this purpose. PESTS HAVE BIG APPETITES CLUB SOYS IN GREAT CONTEST AT ATLANTA Tobacco E xtract la Recommended tor Plant Lice and Other Sucking Par. asites— Main Point is to Start Fight Early. Teams From Many States to Compete for Prizes. (P repared by th e U nited S ta te s D ep art­ m en t ot A g ricu ltu re.i Seven W in n e r* W ill Be Given T rip to English Royal Stock Show— Lead­ ers and Members Arc S h o w ­ ing Interest In Event. (P repared by th e U nited S ta te s D ep a rt­ m ent o f A g ricu ltu re ) Probably the greatest gathering of boya In the history of club work will take place a t Atlanta. Ga.. October 19 to 21. 1921. when club boys represent- Ing practically every section of the United States w ill take ptlrt In an In­ ternational club Judging contest. T lie seven winners In this con'est w ill he given a trip to the English roval stock show, and hundreds of dollars w ill be distributed as additional prizes. T hia contest I t under the superv-lah-u of club leaders representing the stale A Pig Club Boy Preparing H it Prize Pig for the Show Ring. agricultural colleges and the United Slates Departm ent of Agriculture M any club lenders and members are showing ail Interest In the contest and have expressed their willingness 1» send Judging teams. The team from Texas, which defeated The entire Held last year, is now completing prepara tions fo r the trip to Europe. That state w ill be represented again at th contest In Atlanta, hut thia year then w ilt be more competition, for team« from Mississippi. Louisiana. Virgin u Oklahoma. Florida. Arkansas. Alaha ma. Kentucky. North Carolina and South Carolina are preparing to ente- Several other states In the North an West have signified their wlllingnc« to send teams to the contest If suit able arrangements can he made AUGL'hT IS uf nicotine sulphate should to one gallon of water, to one-inch cube of hard soap added suti thoroughly mixed fluid ounce to eight gallons of water, with the addition of one-hall pound of soap. F ull directions are given on the covers of packages, and Instructions accompany them. Effective Application of Spray. “In the use of nicotine sulphate the effective application o f the spray Is of the utmost importance, sjuey it Is pri- m arlly upon this that the success or failure of the treatm ent depends. I f the liquid has stood for any- length of time It should be agitated thoroughly twf'-re use The Insects themselves muse lecelve a thorough coat e f the spray or they w ill not be killed, and Immediate inspection a fte r spraying should show the foliage o cA pied by t,ie ,o • * completely wet. “Spraying should be done as early Hti P"«’-11’'* . always on the first appear- j . . . . __ _ . . _ m-.ce of the Insect, not only because It is good practice to keep (he plants free from posts but because more thor­ o u g h w o rk can he done on small plants?’ j The ma n point Is to start the flyht in time and kill the advance scouts nnd herd off the main arm y of Insect p e e l 3. VALUE OF UNDRAWN POULTRY Experiments Conducted by Departm ent of Agriculture Show Birds Spoil Leas Quickly. Poultrvpien * ll l l discuss the rela­ tive merits of drawn and undrawn poultry. Practice varies In different communities. Qpening the body un­ doubted y e x |Mises the internal surface ; to the a ir which always contains ink j cro-orgsnisins, and thus may hasten 'decom position; but It should lie re­ membered also that the viscera daeom- pose more rapidly than other parts of the body, and If left they tnay tain t or infect the rest of the bird. In elaborate experiments w ith drawn, partly drawn, and undrawn poultry, conducted by the United States .Departm ent of Agriculture, It was found that undrawn hints spoil least quickly, and partly drawn ones less quickly than the fully drawn ones from which, not only the viscera, but also the heads and feet, have been re­ moved. H a lf a dosen British w riters having looked ua over thia summer sad record­ ed their Impressions, a Frenchman. Louis Thomas, is now doing the same thing for the French Capper’s W eekly, the Opinion. "American wastefuloeea la a stupefy ing thiug to Frenchmen.” aaya Thomas. “We are th rifty and even we must admit, avaricious. O ur experts, who cooperated w ith them In w ar enter­ prises, found them abominably waste­ ful. Indifferent to coats and Im provi­ dent to the last degree." The reason Is simple, says Thomas. “Americans are gamblers. T h e y do not want to make a mod erate profit, a steady, regular, perhaps mediocre Income, but. on the contrary, to make a great deal of money In a very short time, to 'get rich quick.' "They gamble at business— not at roulette or baccarat; but It la gain- bling all the same.” As for wastefulness: “So many people here have made their money by chance, by good luck, by a flash of Imagination, and no) by the sweat of their brow, that they are 1 naturally wasteful and spendthrift to an extent which we can hardly Imagine In Europe. "Everyone wastes, even the poor, and particularly the women, who, for the most part do not seem to h ate time to acquire the habits of ecoDoiglcal housekeeping posseased hy » o w e * of the old world." DIAMOND 8 YEARS IN GARDEN Ring Lest by New Jersey Woman Found end Restored by Present Tenant Glen Ridge. N. J.— Exactly eight years to the day a ftg r she had Inst a diamond ring In th * garden o f her home the lost bit of Jewelry » i t re­ stored to the owner Subsequent to losing the ring Mrs. Smith removed from 01 H illside place and her form er home was occupied hy John Tow n­ send For three years M r. Townsend has hern planting the garden, and while hoeing lima beans this week he saw what he thought was a bit of glass shining on the ground. He picked up the object and It proved to be a dia­ mond ring. M eeting Mra. Smith he mentioned having found the ring. Its loss was explained and the ring was restored to Its owner. Gardeners are warned by specialists of the lu lle d States Depattuieui of Agriculture to prepare to combat the “little enemies of the garden." In­ sects of various kinds are making tlieir upiiearauce in vast numbers in gar­ dens In all pal ts of the country, and If left uudlsturbed w ill defeat the gur- deuer's best efforts and lay waste the vegetable crops. This Is the opeu sea­ son for insects and there are no laws which lim it the number which may be killed. The depurtmeut specialists urge the use o f the spray pump and BUILDS WEEVIL-FROOF CRIB dusting hag for the frequent applica­ Southern Farm er Demonstrate« How tion o f poisons in order to destroy Log Building Can Be Made Secure the pests before they destroy the gar­ Against Insects. den. Early efforts In lighting insects are mosl effective. The county agent of T ay lo r county. L ittle Bugs W ith Btg Appetites. BACHELOR SEA LIONS TO DIE In most localities the Colorado or Fla., reports that one farm er In his community has worked out a way by “hard-shell" potato beetles are indus­ United States Government Asks Bide which a log corn crib can he made triously depositing clusters of small for Killing of Lighthouse yellowish eggs ou the underside of the practically air-tig ht to guard the corn Annoyera. This farm er put potato leaves. In a few days these against weevils. batch Into little red, soft-shelled slugs three or four Inches of d irt on the Son Francisco.— Because 100 bach­ or “soft-shells,” as they are often floor ami covered It with another floor. elor sea Hons on Anno Nuevo Island. T he walls were covered w^th rough called, that have most wonderful ap- 20 miles north of Santa Cruz, clutter petltle«. and unless poisons ure ap­ lumber, n'nd the cracks outside were up ttie walks around the lighthouse, The door facings plied they w ill soon strip the potato filled w lih clay. steal food from the heck porch of the were padded w ith cloth and the door plants of their leaves. lighthouse keeper’s cottage end have made of two layers of cypress lumber, Perhaps there la no class of garden a sneaking deaire to take up their with a piece of paper roofing between insects the method of attack of which residence In the front parlor, the This arrangement cost about $10, In is so Insidious as that of the plant United States lighthouse service will addition to the farm er's labor Others lice or aphids. open bids for shooting the obnoxious n this neighborhood are building At first a very few lice may he found bachelors. hidden on the under side of the leaves cribs In the same way. T here are <00 more sea lions on the of melons, peas, cabbage, and other ______________ < i Island, hut aa they consist of thor­ vegetables. A little later the leaves be­ oughly trained husbands w ith their gin to curl up and to lose their color, COAL ASHES AS FERTILIZER harems of wives, they have their own and on examination w ill show that social sets and don’t bother the light the "lice" which the ants carried out house keeper. The. bachelors' skins Their Use Is Mainly to Loosen Up Soli have became grandmothers, and the are good for leather, their blubber and Make It More W o r k a b le - nuder side of the leaves w ill be l it ­ Most Useful on Clay. contains good oil and the rest of tbslr erally alive with them, feasting on the carcasses can be sold for fertilize r. Juices of the plants. At this stage Coal ashes have little value as fe r ti­ something mast he done quickly, for lizer. their use being m ainly to Ifiosen B rita in ’s Debt Is $6.M7.$1S,000 within . a few- days there w ill tie the soil and make It more workable. London.— Great B ritain's external another generation or brood at work They are roost valuable on heavy H ay debt now amounts to ahmit $5.907 .818.* Arsenate o f lead and parls green (TOO normal vaine a decrease for ttie soil, but «hould he screened to take la v e no effect upon this array of plant 1 out coarse m aterial before th e y ,a te vear ending March 31 of about $5M5- Mood suckers, and It Is necessary to applied, and should he spread evenly I 775.0110 an officiai return statea. The use contact poisons. A preparation over the surface and thoroughly mixed chief creditors are the United Rtates must be used that will not injure the | with the soil. Wood ashes have fe r ti­ £072.704.000. normal value shout »4«n.52O.OOO and Canada, £53.3.19,■ lizing value, hut should he applied be 000 about »200 095,000. 'o re they become leached. Florida by Way of Cuba. Few Places Where bcheeners Cannot Make Easy L a n d in g an Coast­ line ef Southern State. Tem pe, F la .—Chinese are being «muggier! Into the United States on a large scale by way of Cuba end •lorlda, according to reports from the South. Unless prompt action la taken >y authorities at Washington, condi­ tions w ill soon be as had In the south­ ern statea as they were on the Mexl- an border, where It took five years o stamp out the smuggling of the yel­ low men, says Im m igration Inspector W halen of Tam pa, Fla., In whose dis­ trict much of the smuggi ng has been going no. "W e have learned that w ithin the iwet few months almost 75,«00Chinese iiavg been landed In Cuba," says Whalen. "According to the state­ ments we got from some of the smug­ gling parties that we have rounded up. these Chinese remain In Cuba only long enough to make arrangements with the smugglers to be landed on the Florida coast. 'T h e fact that ell the Chinese who line* hewn arrested In this vicinity are p len tifully supplied w ith money end lire ghle to obtain unlimited funds to defrgy court expenses Indicates that Iberg la a well-organized smuggling combine at work." The lirtest arrests In the smuggling w ar were In Charleston. S. C.. where four Chinese were picked up, with railroad tickets from Clearwater. Fla., a short distance from Tam pa, to Washington. D. C. Six more were a r ­ rested the same day at Dunedun. F la , also near Tampa These alx were takon when they tried to buy railroad tick ­ ets to Washington. The coast of Florida Is an Ideal piece for smuggling . operations ■■ there are only a few places along the entire 1,400 miles of coast line where schooners cannot make so easy lend­ ing. Cleae Race Indicated. 1 scientist predicts that the end of the earth w ill he glaclul. In other words, the foul trust w ill outlive the Ice tru s t.—G reenville (S. C.) Piedmont. Addition te Commandments. Four-year-old Bessie had been te Burnley school, where the Top C o n - maudnients were being studied. She had an older brother who was noted for being sick or crippled If there wee work to be done. One day their moth­ er asked tla> hoy to fill the woodbox. ' nuuedlalely he developed a sore foot aud limped slowly tow ard the wood pile. rtesxle looked at him reproach­ fully and said: 'T h o u shell not hypo- vrtte."—Chicago A liter lean. Parachutes. The prevailing Idea that parachutes frequently fell to open Is a fallacy, la Ikkl lutrachute descents from observa­ tion balloons during the w ar, only three failures occurred— Brooklyn Racle R E G IS T E R E D Shropshire Bucks, Oxford yearlings, and I registered 2 year-old for tale. DR. J. W . C O O K . Brownsville, Oregon. for sale 20 registered S h iO p S h ir t R lID p "I Yearlings. These ere exceptiqnel big. fine, th rifty fellows A ls o .’Qhei of legistered B R E E D IN G EW E Priced to »ell. ~ W A L T E R H T A B F O R IJ, Meadow view, O r* Address Jtn clion City, route 2. I FDR SAuE Two Horses I Grsy Mere. B years old, w ith a Colt. 1 black 4-year-old D riv in g or Saddle Mere. M R S . |. K O o E R S , Route 2, Halsey * * * * * * Harvest is Over N o w is t h e t i m e to b e g in a n o t h e r y e a r b y g e t - '! t in g n e w im p le m e n t s , s u c h a s * I.H.C.Tillage Tools?,Tractors £ N o w is t h e t i m e b» u s e t h e m . f o r y o u r f a ll n e e d s . G iv e u s a c a ll G.W. Mornhinweg I m p l e m e n t S to r e FARMSfor RENT b u s in e s s O p p o r t u n it ie s in H a ls e y : Several reel bargains in farm buys Also town property Agent for P id elit)-P h en u r Fire Ins'iraoce company o f New Y o rk Renew your policy w ith a home agent end get results. J W MOORE, O ffice a t H a ls e y , O re. R e a l E s t a t e a n d In s u r a n c e L IV E S T O C K B U Y E R S H ig lic o t I 't i n g , »id (• i H> cl, 1‘irtk , V eal and M u tto n , before you pell, M aterial Sometimes Contains Quanti ties of N utritious Groin, Good for Form Use coat of claaaluj *U1 ba con- Combine Slips Yellow Men Into The Pineapple P la n t The plueapplr plant which la i ui«.L g rvna ah ut tw o feet hl$h «off produces a «logic axle end flower •talk . The fleshy part of the stalk form« the f r u i t which Is crowned by ■ cluster of leaves. It we« Introduced Into Europe by the Simnlard» a fte r their explorations In South Am erica. The earliest mention o f the pineapple Io England waa made by John Evelyn, English author. In hie “D ia ry .” In which he speaks of having tasted * pineapple from Barbados at the table of Charles II. MAYBERRY & . M c K inney VALUE OF DOCKAGE IN WHEAT Dockage found In wheot In some In otance* la of real value, while In oth ora It not only may have no value bu' often may contain Ingredients that are positively harm ful If ground with the ’ heat, say specialists of the Unite» States Departm ent of Agriculture The value of dockage, therefore, de pendo on the value of the materia! separated from the wheat. Dockag« frequently contains quantities of nutri tloua grain and weed seeds, as flax •red. wfid oata, or other cereal grain« Much of this m aterial can ba used t $ood advantage as poultry or stock feed, w ild mustard and flax«ee< can be removed from the dockage Ir Practically a pure state by the use ot ■pedal cleaning machinery, such a t h aometlmes found in term inal elevator and the larger flour mills, but eve SMUGGLE IN CHINESE Americana Are Gamblers In B u s in e s s and Careless In T h rift, la Verdiet Ma Renders. PAGI» 3 H A L S E Y E N I K R I’ R IS E AS A FRENCHMAN SEES US G ra in s . If ■ 1,r»*r quantity u desired, use <»« “ The Farmer Feedeth All.” Good reports continue to come Into the county agent at Smyth county, Va .. from those who have taken ad­ vantage o f the poultry-culling work given by him. T h ere Is still a great demand for inform ation concerning the culling of flock*, One farm er reports that he sold chickens amounting to $70 without reducing his egg pro-'uc- tlon at all. Another reports that he sold poultry amounting to $72.50 and 4* »ntflno Just llicf ea aa Is nom now getting as ravarvw many «noa eggs as before. Spoonful l>e us« d which a , -hould be phono 17®. a Surgeons Sew Up Cut Inch Long in Heart nsects Do Not Thrive in This Garden, but the Crops Do. tenta hut which w ill k ill the “lice." he most common of these contact oienns I» nicotine zulphate— ■ tobae- o extract— made of tobacco refuse -nm fai-forlea This la ■ poison end. ■ he effective In killing the “lice" It bout !n luring the plants, must tie -cd exactly according to (be direc- , ,ns given on the container. United rates Departm ent of Agriculture armer»' Bulletin Wff. on the control f garden disease» and Insect», ba« ie following to »ay regarding the use f nicotine sulphate: 'For autan ja rd e u p»»t» oo$ Thle is ■ photograph o f the famous old Bridge o f Spain, M anila. It le now a departed landmark of the Phil pplnes. for Its piece bee been taken hy one of (be finest bridge* tn tlie entire O rient, the new J one» bridge Ttie Jonea Bridge is named In honor of the late C o n /re »eiilna * made lietween two rlbe. Farino t t asked tn alt up Doctor* ere 9 hopeful for hie recovery. The 9 9 ot«r«tloo requlied 85 minutes 9 stitches being taken only when 9 9 the heart wee contracted. Dr. 9 James M tmwnev end If f 9 9 Geroge Doyle performed the 9 operation, said to be the first of 9 Its kind. » » o » *« » *» » » « » » » » See Va Brownsville phone 37c51. . Gr««k and R o m m Church»«. T b r G rrek c h v rc * jdiM rrtls from (h r doctrlnr that the Holy Otwiat pro- <*e