k. TAGE 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E AL’ J U S r 18, 1921 HALSEY ENTERPRISE One “ government” has discard­ An independent— NOT neutral—new* ed prohibition after a trial. The paper published every Thursday, Lwnlne-Trotsky'¿aepotism has re. by W m H. A A A W H E E L E R stored 14-per-cent wine to favor W m . H. W m U I . H Editor, A1U*. A A. WHfcBLKU Husineaa Manager provided it p a n a heavy tax. and Local New« Editor, 0 her countries are not avidly Suber-nbtion«, >1.50 a year in advance copying a n j of the Lenine eccen­ Arre«r«ge», >2 a year. tricities. T ia n iien t advertising. 25c an inch; per manent, 2«c. No diacouut lor tiini or »pace • In 'I'a id -lo r Paragraph«,'' Ac a line Ko advertising disguised a« new« for eale at public suction. ' PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS The paving, which ia the prime matter of public intereat io Browns­ ville these dr ye, made fine prog, rest last week. From the point of starting, at the east end of Blakely ayenue near the south aide school building, the paving is completed to the south end of the Calapooia river bridge at thia writing (Tuna- day). . To a novice the work seems to be well done and gives everv ap- pearnace of being a substantial and permanent improvement. While the expense at this time is no doubt very heavy on property hold­ ers in the paving district, some kind of street improvement has long been needed in Brownsville and what ia now being done will no doubt be greatly appreciated in future years. The completion of the entire contract is expected in a short time. — — 1895 Admittance Here 5 Cents a Liue IN S U R E IN T H E O L D R E L IA B L E F armers ' OF Card« o f Thanks We with to express our gratitude1 to the friends and neighbors who showed such sympathy in onr be­ reavement iu the death of eur bus- band and father, Dr. Philo Starr. | Mrs. P. T. Starr, George W. Starr, Mrs. Basil VVitxig, Mrs R. B Kenoyer. _ _ 1921 fire relief association BUTTEVILLE ORE. >49,737.64 Cash Surplus Capital on July 1, 1921, >8,033,361,00 insurance in force. Rates : First class, 25c ; second glass, 30c per $100 SCOTT & SIMONS LEBANON, OREGON O nly authorized agents for Linn County. Tuesday’s Albany Herald con tiin a a good-natured article on the varied experiences of the Enter­ H A .SKY, Linn Co., Ora Aug. 18, 192 prise publishers with fire. Th» vtory sounds like Karie Stanard. I wish to thank all of those who I LESSONS IN KINDNESS so kindly helped to put the fire out Well, perhaps it it batter to bav that was burning in my pasture on The movie show, ‘ ‘B ,g"k Beau­ such experiences in this world than Thursday of last week. the next. ty ,” at the local theater Friday J. S. McMahan. mgbt drew a full house and, eg We wish to thank our many Freddie Schmeer, whose experi tuanv of those attending were young friends for the assistance rendered ence when be nearly lost hie life people, it ia probable that it wilt Word comes to Brownsville of us during the fire Sunday eveoing, while locked in a bank vault is Cross f our presidents once said this w ere v irtu a lly all newly rich Viennese. apprise persona generally that the un- dean m'ght be brought to the gate Many professional collectors and as the hunt, but there is reason in a J central western states this fall. r°*^ bond», crushed rock in great country was, named KTcanor. buyers from France. G reat B ritain endeavoring to iudnce the user of The chamber of commerce will see i MU^otity is being applied to the and the United States came here for that the town is properly promoted. rosi* t™*® Brownsville to Sweet the weed to use caution not to the sale hut declared they could not . . . Horne io one direction and to tuake his pleasure too costly to b ...A , P ^ VOWner* h* V' n g re - ,5’ h*d<1 ft" d Alhuny i„ another compete with native bidder*, who ran fused to pay the assessment for the; while a mile end a half of beaut i- prices up into m illions as nonchalant­ other people. As Bad as the Shower. ly as if bidding in hundreds. D ollars. 1 W hile visiting a friend who llve< Pictures like "Black Beauty” t h e c 1 t r u \7 v " .,t.n.’ tb n rh 0 l'’ ' ,,g*‘ | fU‘ f1* ’ * « « ’11 '«being laid in the Man Visits City for First Time pounds and francs, they said, w ere , quite a distance from my home, i the city te a d v e rtin g the property city. teach leu in* in kindness and hu­ out of the running. Several rare Gobe­ and Sees First Woman. »hower threatened, and 1 remarked lin« b ro u-ht from 1,000,000 to 1,500.000 mane conduct. "I guess I'll go before I get w et.’ S p e c ia l S ale I H IG H G R A D E Aluminum Ware Each article guaranteed for 20 years. £ One day only, SATURDAY, ACG. 27. 4 Sale starts at 10 a. nr shapp. Your choice only # 1 .5 9 Albany F u r n itu r e E x c h a n g e IS HERMIT 33 YEARS The Johns Hopkins hospital an­ nounce* that hereafter no surgeon s’ ’ 11 charge more than {1000 for an operation parformad there Country editors needing such serv. lues m ly be compelled to go else­ where to got adequate cutting-up done. Sw ift Change Come« and He Imme- diately Shed« Hla Whiskers and Buy« Store Clothes. W e w ill pay 3c a pound, delivered at the Creamery, in crate lots only. L. W. Byerley. A youth of .72 eloped with and married a blushing miss of 62 in Michigan the other day. Perhaps the most interestintg point ol th« story is the further fact that a a >n of the bridegroom is president of the United Flutes. Omaha.—T racy Gluts, older than Brigham Young when he took Ills third wife, has just le t. his eye« first see a woman. He also has had his first remembered view of a railroad train, a street car, a dally newspaper and a fiction mngaxine. .. , Upon seeing a woman for the first :me. Hillis visited a b a rte r shop and lad his long h air cut and Ills face It payt usva I CONTAINS: The CoBege of Literature I Science and the A r t* The School o f Architecture end Allied A rte The School a f Busines* Administration The School of Education. The Extension Division Auction Dates Brewster's Boy« jo straight. flbt. University of Oregon BEN T. SUDTELL’S ARBUCKLE lUtry. -------- 1 shaved. GHIIs Is thirty-th ree years old. He was born In Chicago. His mother was an actress and his fath er a disciple of Mood., and Sankey. But for a third of a century fath er and son, their Blhie open tn the chapter which tells of John the Baptist dw elling in the By graciou« permission of Lsn- wilderness h a 'e ltv e d alone on a west ine American Minister Crane Aug. 19. J O. Rotb, F ly Station Nebraska ranch 40 miles from croased R u m is to Riga on his wav railroad, with no stranger stopping 23, Chas Engel, near Marion w ith in Its fence posts. home from China The expense 29, Ed Storla, uua-half mil» north of Brownsville George W illis, the father, died re­ of the trip was lOO.OOO.OOd paper 80, A B Clement, near Sweat Home, Stock, etc., and cently. two years short of the fou r­ 140- rubles and a a small stock of sop. •era Farm score and ten which he believed that had been promised to him. Tracy, the plies The tatter were valuable F l, A. McCrae, near Jefferson son, burled the body on the ranch and th« former were not fvp t 1, John Hunter, mil» and a half west of Brownsvill« went on with his fnrm work. Today big sale he came to Omaha on hla pioneer Jour­ On th» heels of page» of protest ney with a load of cattle 7. N. M Shrode, near M ille rv ille , Lana county to the eff ret that the federal re- According to the young tw in’s tale, F, Manual Bn,«, mile »nd a half west of Brownsville, Jersey the older G illis trafficked, with hla •erv» fund« are not being with­ Ccwe .. 7 neighboring farm ers only on their held fro ii wheatgrowera for th» property and never on his own. for 9, T Ac Hofer, mile and • half northwest of Halsey u«" of »peculator« in wheat comes , fear h it son's ears should pick up ____ W. Oaotga Lu.by, ibrea mile» east of Ha.ri.btrrg this statement in a telegram from hints of civilization. The fath er fled to the West w ith his son to save him Washington ol last Tuesday. "Lo- from the dancing, singing actresses ROSCOE oal hank« look tbs view that wheat (F A T T Y ) In Chicago’s old H aym arket theater. •uould he actually «old before “ A devil lurks oa every city street corner father taught me." Tracy Otllla money could be advanced.” said today. "H e told me the sad story of my mother and warned ma to avoid G'»org» Johnson. 16 year» old, •11 sinful men." By arrangement with Joseph M Schenck) in «hot, probably fatally, Mon­ W ith the money from the sale.of his cattle G illis changed his home made day night while breaking into a garments for a stilt of store clothes. •t -re at Dtain. Brumfield, th« H e also bought a safety razor, a tube Roseburg murderer, has bean of footh paste and tw o silk neckties bi u jln hack from Canada in W i t A. H e Is w illing to adm it that one glimpse Ever wonder how too «pend a a n ,„ill,o > W ell. Bre Brr este- ’ • h s c k l- s r i,. . h . l .. u i ™ "®w ro w « d «pea,1 iilllo n a ? W ell, of the city has demoralised him In at Portland ha« been kUled"'i.nd 1 ' ^ 7 * 1 his plans for the future, whtrh In elude continued residence an his th . boy. who tri. I to rob ih . H al- £ „ "" ’ ’, 7 ' * ’"* "><— > » hoik ' secluded farm, he mentions a w lte spd . ’ f hank haven’, go, tbio ug h w i,,. 5 * " S z « h . dtd to grow poor I a course tn agriculture on Fifteen cents ia bet w.uT« F r ,,m on Fifteen cent* ia belter with a clear txtnseienca and freedom than • million do.Ura in tha paniten- D ; a crowns each. la b ile passing a few more remarks 1 The Vienna Derby Just run was an­ walked backward toward the door, hul other Illustration o f the money pleni­ not not’eing where I was going I tude. About 30 000 persons auvuvm attended. ------- i, landed in a tub of w ater on th e floor, and the reclpts of the betting machines * T he shower couldn't have gotten ms alone „n s 4,500.000 crowns. 1 any w e tte r!— Chicago Journal. noTel L_ Millions George Barr McCutcheon and the play by Winchell Smith. F rid a y I Love and Marriage. An eminent French doctor declares that love is a dlseeee of the emotlona Not being cynic*, we should describe ■tarnag» a* ■ inng and pleeaaat coo- raieacence.-London Opinleo. The Graduate School The The The The The School o f JournsHsm School of law. School of Medicine. School of Music. School of Physical Education. The School of Soeiejegy Fall Term Opens September 26 THF B e rlin A » » rwe.T •’’T *n»orw»*tton «writ« HE R EGISTRAR V K lV E M IT Y OF OF EGON EvfM« O r. * .A Lin* Hess’ Dip and u J Disinfectant, and Fly Chaser which | is appropriate at this season. * S tra w an d C loth H a ts warm weather. Also SHOES J for the whole Family. Special 1 Bulk Cneoa 2 0 c lb, 2 lb 3 5 c. 5 lb 75c 10 l»««i an Best G rade P e a n u t B u tter 12 l- 2 e |h 51b HO c, 1 0 lb f l . 10. D. H. STURTEVANT.