The Great Outdoors Livestock, spoonful of nicotine sulphate should l>e used to one gallon of water, to which a one-inch cube of hard soap should be added and thoroughly mixed. I f a larger quantity Is desired, use one fluid ounce to eight gallons of water, with the addition of one-half pound of soap. F ull directions are given on the covers of packages, and Instructions slderahle. and when so separated w ill accompany them. ordinarily command a fa ir price. . Effective Application of Spray. t niter the dockage system of th« “lu the use of nicotine sulphate the frtleral standards, the amount of for- effecth e application of the spray la of elgn material separated and consld- the utmost importance, sine« it is pri- ered as dockage Is deducted front the m ad ly upon this that the success or weight of the wheat purchased and, failu re of the treatm ent depends. I f in any event, does not affect the grade the liquid has stood for any- length of of the clean wheat This results In a time it should be agitated thoroughly higher grade and the price paid Is on before use The Insects themselves the basis of this grade for the dockage- must lecelve a thorough coat e f the free wheat. , spray or they w ill not be killed, and - — I immediate inspection a fte r spraying Dairy Products, Berries, Fruit, “ The Farmer Feedeth All.” CULLING OF CHICKEN FLOCKS ------------- On« V irgin ia Parm er Reports Selling Fowls te Amount of $70 W ithout Lessening Eggs. Grains. Good reports continue to come Into the county agent at Smyth county, V a , from those who have taken ad­ vantage o f the poultry-culling work given by him. T here Is still a great demand for Inform utlon concerning the culling of Sot ka. One farm er reports th a t he sold chickens amounting to $70 without reducing his egg produe- RENOVATE OLD POTATO BINS tlon at all. Another reports that he sold poultry amounting to $72.50 und A ll Growers Are Warned to Thoroughly Is now getting Just as many eggs as Disinfect All Storage Places before. • Before Using. A t Shedd Friday 14 peop'e saw County Agent Hev . an cull 75 poor layers from 240 hep.. pBUi Dawson culled before 15 people at Tennessee and 25 at Tallman At O ik v 'lle Berths Beck culled 140 bens before 8 spectators. Ai M il­ lersburg 20 people aaw 200 colled. W ith the development of poultry culling and ju Iging in thia county more and mote income will be derived from the feed con. | suraed. At Shedd Mr. H erm an rejected 75 hem« out of 250 should show the foliage o cA pled by the Insects to be completely w e^ "Spraying should be done ss early as possible, always on the first appear­ ance of the Insect, not only because It is good practice to keep (he plants j free from pests hut because mnra thor­ ough work can he done on small plants.” The inhla point Is to start the fight In time and kill the advance scouts and herd off the main arm y of Insect neats. Every grower who experienced trou­ ble with dry rot in his potatoes Is warned hy A G. Tolaas of (D iv e rs ity farm , chief Inspector of the potato seed department, to disinfect thoroughly all bins before using them again. Either a solution of formaldehyde In ten gal­ VALUE OF UNDRAWN POULTRY lons of water, or a solution of blue- stone (ropper sulphate) consisting of one pound of the hluestone dhsohed Experiments Conducted by Departm ent of Agriculture Show Birdo Spoil In ten gallons of water, should be used Less Quickly. for this purpose. PESIS HAVE BIG APPETITES CLUB BOYS IN GREAT CONTEST AT ATLANTA Tobacco Extract la Recommended tor Plant Lice and O ther Sucking Par­ asites— Main Point Is to Start F ig ht Early. Teams From Many States to Compete for Prizes. • P repared by th e U nited S ta le* D ep a rt­ ment o f A gricu ltu re.) Poultrytnen » till discuss the re la ­ tive merits of drawn and undrawn poultry. Practice varies In different roniuiiinities. Qpening the body un- douhledly exposes the Internal aurface . to the n lj which alwuyg coatalns raL | cro-organisms, and thus may hasten ' decomposition; but It should be re- | membered also that the viscera decom­ pose more rapidly than other parts of the body, amt if left they may tain t or Infect the rest of the bird. In elaborate experiments w ith drawn, partly drawn, and undrawn poultry, conducted by the United States .Departm ent of Agriculture, It was found that undrawn birds spoil least quickly, and partly drawn ones less quickly than the fully drawn ones front which, not only the viscera, hut ■ also the heads and feel, have been re­ moved. Gardeners are warned by specialists of the lu lle d States Ueput tuietit of Agriculture to prepare to coiubut the "little enemies o f the garden.” ' In ­ Seven W inner» W ill Be Given T rip to sects of tarious kinds are making tlieir English Royal Stock Show— Lead­ appearance in vast numbers In gar­ ers and Members Are Show­ dens In all p ails of the country, and If ing Interest In Event. left uudlsturhed w ill defeat the gar­ dener's best efforts and lay waste the (Prepared by the United S lates Depart- vegetable crops. This Is the open sea­ ment of Agriculture .) son for insects and there are uo luvvs Probably the greatest gutherlng of which lim it the itutuber which may he boys in the history of club work will killed. The departm ent specialists take place at A tlanta, Ga.. October 19 urge the use of the spray puiup and BUILDS WEEVIL-FROOF CRIB to 21, 1921. when club boys represent­ dusting hug for the frequent applica­ ing practically every section of the tion of poisons In order to destroy Southern Farm er Demonstrates How United States w ill take p i n In an In­ the pests before they destroy the gar­ Log Building Can Be Made Secure ternational club Judging contest. The den. Early efforts In lighting lusects Against Insects. aeven winners in this con'est w ill be are most effecthe. given a trip to tha English royal stock L ittle Bugs W ith Big Appetltea. The county agent of T ay lo r county, show, and hundreds of dollars will in most localities the Colorado or Fla., reports that one farm er In hia be distributed aa additional prizes. “hard-shell" potato beetles are Indus­ community has worked out a way by T hia contest Is under the supervision triously depositing clusters of small which a log corn crib can he made o f club leaders representing the state yellowish eggs on the underside of the practically alr-tlght to guard the corn potato leaves. In a few days these against weevils. This farm e r put hatch Into little red, soft-shelled slugs three or four inches of d irt on the or “soft-shells," as they are often floor and covered It with another floor. called, that have most w-onderful ap- T he walls were covered w ph rough l>etlties. and unless poisons ure ap­ lumber, and the eracks outside were plied they w ill soon strip the potato filled w lih clay. The door facings plants of their letups. were padded with cloth and the door made of two layers of cypress lumber, Perhaps there is no class of garden Insects the method of attack of which with a piece of paper roofing between is to insidious as that of the plant This arrangement cost about $10. In lice or aphids. addition to the farm er's labor. Others At first a very few lice may he found !n this neighborhood are building hidden on the under side of the leaves cribs In the same way. of melons, peas, cabbage, and other _________ t vegetables. A little later the leaves be­ gin to curl up and to lose their color, ' COAL ASHES AS FERTILIZER and an examination w ill show that the “lice" which the ants curried out Their Use Is M ainly to Looaen Up Soli have became grandmothers, and the and Make It More Workable__ under side of the leaves w ill be lit- 1 Most Useful on Clay. erally alive with them, feasting on the ; At this stage A Pig Club Boy Preparing Hia Prize Juices of the plants. Coal ashes have little value as fe r ti­ something mast he done quickly, for ’ Pig for the Show Ring. lizer. their use being mainly to l&oseo within . a few days there will he ' agricultural colleges and the United another generation or brood at work. 1 the Roll and make It more workable. They are most valuable on heavy clay States Departm ent of Agriculture Arsenate of lead arid parts green «nil. but should he screened to take Many club leaders and members an- have no effect upon this army of plant ahowlng an Interest In the contest and blood suckers, and It Is necessary to ’ out course material before they _afe applied, and should he spread evenly | have expressed their willingness to use contact poisons. A preparation | over the surface and thoroughly mixed send Judging teams. The team from must he used that will not Injure the with the soli. Wood ashes have fe rtl- Texas, which defeated The entire field v il'ie . but should be applied be last year, la now completing prepara­ I fore they become leached. tions fo r the trip to Europe. Thai •ta te w ill be represented again at th contest In Atlanta, hut this year then w ill be more competition, for teams from Mississippi. Louisiana. Virginia Oklahoma. Florida. Arkansas. Alaha ma, Kentucky. North Carolina and South Carolina are preparing to ente- Several other states In the North an West have signified th eir wllllngnes to send teams to the contest If suit able arrangements ran be made I1 A L 8 E Y E N T E R P R IS E SMUGGLE IN CHINESE Americana Are Gambier« In Business and Careleea In T h rift, la Verdlot Ha Renders. Few Places Where bcheeners Cannet Make Eaay Landing »n Coast­ line »f Southern State. Tampa. Fla.— t'htnese are being muggled Into the United States on a large scale by way of Cuba and •'lorlda. according to reports from tbs South. Unless prompt action la taken >y authorities at Washington, condi­ tions will soon be as had In the south- iu states as they were on the Mexl- “A m ericans are gamblers. an border, where It took five years T h e y do not want to make a mod­ o stamp out the smuggling of the yel erate profit, a steudy, regular, perhaps low men. says Im m igration Inspector mediocre Income, but. on the contrary, Whalen of Tam pa. Fla.. In whose dis­ to make a great deal of money In a trict much of the sntttggl ag hat heen very short time, to get rich quick.' ;oing on. "They gamble a t business— not at "We have learned that w ithin the roulette or baccarat; but It is gam­ past few months almost 75,«X) Chinese bling all the same." •'»»» been landed In Cuba," says As for wastefulness: Whalen "According to the state­ “So many people here have made ments we got from some of the smug­ their money by chance, by good luck, gling parties that we have rounded by a flash of Imagination, and nof by up, these Chinese remain In Cuba only the sweat o f their brow, that they are long enough to make arrangements naturally wasteful and spendthrift to With the smugglers to be landed on an extent which we can hardly Imagine the Florida coast. In Europe. T h e fact that all the Chinese who “Everyone wastes, even the poor, hnvp heen arrested In this vicinity are and particularly the women, who, for plentifully supplied w ith money and the most part do not seem to have [line nre $l»le to obtain unlim ited funds to to acquire the habits of eeonoiqlcal defrgy’ court expenses Indicates that housekeeping possessed by women of llterp |a a well-organized smuggling the old world." combine at work." Tha irtWest arrests In the smuggling war were In Charleston. S. C„ where four Chinese were picked up, with railroad tickets from Clearwater, Fla., a short distance from Tatupa. to Washington. D. C. Six more were a r­ rested the same day at Dttnednn. Fla., Iso nettr Tampa. These six were taken when they tried to buy railroad tic k ­ ets to Washington. The coast of Florida Is an Ideal place for smuggling . operations as there «re only a few places along the entire 1,490 miles of coast line where schooners cannot make an easy land­ ing. DIAMOND 8 YEARS IN GARDEN Ring Lost by Naw Jersey Woman Found and Rastorag by Present T en an^ (lien Ridge. N. J — E xactly sight years to the day a ftg r she had lost a diamond ring In th» garden of her home the lost bit of Jewelry was re­ stored to the owner. Subsequent to losing the ring Mrs. Smith removed from 01 H illside place and her former home was occupied by John Tow n­ send For three years M r, Townsend hag heen planting the garden, and while hoeing lima benns this week he saw what he thought was a bit of glass shining on the ground. He picked up the object and It proved to tie a dla mond ring. Meeting Mrs. Smith he mentioned having found the ring. Its loss was explained and the ring was restored to Its owner. Cleae Parachutes. The prevailing Idea that parachutes frequently fail to open la n fallacy. In 999 parachute dcsceuts front observa­ tion balloons during the war, only three failures occurred— Brooklyn Ragle REGISTERED Shropshire Bucks, yearlings, and 1 registered 2-year-old Oxford foe sale. DR. J. W. COOK. Brownsville, Oregon. E q R SALE 20 Shropshire Ramp registered Yearlings. These are excrpltqnal >1 iqnal If big. fine, th rifty fellows Also 2 -t) heid of registered B R E E D IN G RWE< Priced to »ell. Z Z W A L TE R HTAEEORD, Meadowview, Or»- Address Jut ction City, route 2. EUR SA l E Two Horses I Gray M art, 8 years old. w ith a Colt. I black 4-year-old D riv iu g or Saddle Mare. MRS. I. R O oE R |, Route 2, Halsey Harvest is Over j United States Government Asks Bids for Killing ef Lighthouse Annoyera. ; B ritain ’s Debt Is $5,807,$!5,000. London.— G reat Britain's externa) debt now amounts to shout $5.997.815, ■ 999 norntnl value, a decrease for the year ending March 81 of about $585.. 775.099. an official return states. The chief creditors are the United Rtates £972.794,909, normal value about $4.«9.7,529.009 and Canada, £53,330, 999. about $299.995,000. Addition te Commandments. Four-yenr-old Bessie had heen te Bunday school, where the Teg Coin- niuudnients were being studied. She had tin qjder brother who was noted for being sick or crippled If there wae work to be done. One day th eir moth­ er asked tlie hoy to fill the woodfcox. Imm ediately he developed a sore foot Slid limped slowly tow ard the wood p ie. Bessie looked at him reproach­ fully and said: ‘T h o u shalt not hypo- rite."— Chlcugo American. Indicated. A scientist predict» thut the end of the eitrth w ill be glacial. In other words, the cool trust w ill outlive the Ice tru s t.—Greenville (S. C.) Piedmont. BiCHELOR SEA LIONS TO DIE Son Francisco.— Because 100 bach­ elor sea Hons on Anno Nuevo Island. 20 tnlles north of Santa Cruz, clutter up the walks around tha lighthouse, steal food front the hack porch of the lighthouse keeper’s cottage and have a sneukittg desire to take up their residence In the front parlor, the United States lighthouse service w ill open bids for shooting the ohnoxlnns bachelors. T here are 400 more sea Ilona on the Island, hut as they consist of thor­ oughly trained husbands with their harems of wives, they have their own social sets snd don't bother the ligh t­ house keeper. The. bachelors' skins are good for leather, their blubber contains good oil snd the re»t of tbelr carcnsRes can he sold for fertilizer. Race PACK 3 The Pineapple Plant. The pineapple plant which la a bt«R» uml, grows uh ut two feet hlfch and produces a single axle and flower stalk. The fleshy part o f the stalk forma tha fru it, which Is crowned by a cluster of leaves. I t was Introduced Into Kurope by the Spaniards a fter their explorations In South America. The earliest mention o f the pineapple lu England was made by John Evelyn, English author. In his “D ia ry ," In which he speaks of havlug tasted a pineapple from Barbados a t the tabid ot Charles IL Combine Slips Yellow Men Into Florida by Way of Cuba. H a lf a doien British w riter» having ooked ua over thia summer and record­ ed their Impressions. a Frenchman. Louis Thomas, (a now doing the same thing for the French Capper's W eekly, (he Opinion. "American wastefulness la a stupefy­ ing tlilug to Frenchtaen." says Thomas. "W e are th rifty and even we must admit, avaricious. O ur experts, who co-operated with them In w ar enter­ prises, found them abominably waste­ ful, indifferent to coats and lmprovl dent to the last degree.” The reason is simple, says Thomas. A Passing Landmark of Old Manila Now is the time to begin another year by get- <> ting new implements, such as ‘ ,- I.H.C. Tillage Tools * Tractors Now is the time to use them. Give us a call for your fall needs. t G.W. Mornhinweg I m p l e m e n t S to r e FARMS for RENT Business O pportunities in Halsey : Several real bargain» in farm buys. Also town property Agent for P id e lit)-P h e n ix Eire Insurance company o f New Y o rk Renew your policy w ith a home agent and get results J. W MOORE, Real Estate and Insurance Office at Halsey, Ore. MAYBERRY & , M c K in n e y L IV E S T O C K B U Y E R S VALUE OF DOCKAGE IN WHEAT H ig iirs l p r i n t | a id (< t l it w V»« coat of daaalof win ba con- AUGUST 18 AS A FRENCHMAN SEES US H«t«cy phone 170. ; Surgeons Sew Up Cut Inch Long in Heart nsects Do Not Thrive In Thia Garden, but tha Crops Do. 'ants hut which w ill k ill the “lice." he most common of these contact oisons Is nicotine sulphate—a tobac o extract—made o f tobacco refuse mm factories. This Is a poison and. • he effective in killing the “lice" Ithout In luring the plants, must he -ed exactly according to the direc- •ns given on the container. United Nites Departm ent of Agriculture armers' Bulletin 859. on the control f garden diseases and Insects, baa ie following to M y regarding the use f nicotine sulphate: T o r (mall ja n l« n pitta oo% t$fc This la a photograph o f the famous old Bridge of Rpaln, M antle. It la now a departed landmark of the Phil pplnea. for Its place has heen taken by one of the finest bridges In tlie en tire O rient, the new Jones bridge T he Jones Bridge Is named In honor of the late Congressman W. A. Jon»a of Virginia, auihor of tlie Jones law of 1910 which promised the Filipinos Independence upon the establishment of a stable government. The old Bridge of Spain la called “the mother of M anila's bridge«." Tha original bridge was built of pontoons sometime between the years 1599 and 1099. being known aa the Bridge of Boats. T he atone bridge shown above was built about 1630 It was twice damaged by earthquakes, and was once partly detuoUahed by a flood. -I • * , J , J , J • J » J . — New York. -F o u r atltcbea were taken In the heart of Frank Fartlio, sixteen, »tabbed acd- dentally. The wound was an Inch hmg. Aftei the operation, i f performed th ro ig h an opening made between two ribs. Farlno asked Io alt up Doctors are hopeful for hia recovery. The » operation required minutes J «tltches being taken only when < Sea Ua Brownaville phone 37c51. . G rtek and Roman Churches. The Greek church dissents from the doctrine that the Holy Ghost pro- >weds from the F a th e r and Ron. re­ acts the papal claim to supremacy, •ad ndniiulatcrs tlie eurhsrtst In both Inds to the la ity ; It agree« w ith the Itmnan church Io tha belief of •van sacraments, trs n s u h s ta n tla tb « , ' e adoration of the host, confession, ■«olutlon, [»nance, prayers fo r the ••rid. etc. T lie Greek church fo rm ally • paruted from the Itotuao church Io 94. Revelation« e f Bciewee. Among other Interesting fa rfa that J Gerogr Doyle performed the « have been determ ined by the tlreb-ea investigating scientists Is th ia : T h a t » operation, said to be the first o f J > 'he skin on the palm of the hand J Its kind. nnrmsllv tw enty times ss thick as the A* « « w e e e e « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « ^ skin on the syelld. T h e [Milins o f lb« J the heart was contracted. i Janies M Downer and Dr. { Dr * *orkui< inau sr» «veu thicker.