PAG E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E A L .I U 3 I 18, I’m HALSEY ENTERPRISE Ona “government” has discard An independent—NOT neutral— new* ed prohibition after * tria l. The paper, published every Thursday, Cenlne-Trotakv despotism ba* re­ by W d . H. A A. A W H E E L E R stored 14-per-cent sriae to favor W m . H. W h e *'.E > Editor. M a*. A A. W h e e l * * Business Manager provided it pays a heavy tax. and Local New» Editor. 0 her countries are not avidly Subecribtiona, >1. SO a y t * r in advance copying a n j of the Lenina eccen­ Arrearage», 12 a year. tricities. advertising, 25c an inch; per mauent, 20c. No discount lor time or »pate • In "P aid-lor Paragraphs," S c a lin e Noadvertisiug disguised as new* T t a t is ie n t ior eale at public suction. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Tbe paving, which is the prime matter of public interest in Browns­ Admittance Here 5 Cents ville these drye, made fine prog- a Liue reea last week. From the point of starting, at the east end of Blakely Card* of Thanks avenue near the south side school We wish to express our gratitude^ building, the paving is completed to the south and of the Calapooia to the fneude and neighbors who river bridge at this writing (Tues­ showed such sympathy in our be­ day). To a novice the work seems reavement io the death of eur bus- to be well done and gives everv ap- band and father, Dr. Philo Starr. pearnace of being a substautial and .Mrs. P. T. Starr, permanent improvement. While George W. Starr, the expense at tbie time is no Mrs. Basil VVitzig, ')« doubt very heavy on property hold­ Mrs R. B Keuuyer. er* in the paving district, some I wish to thank all of those who kind of street improvement has long been needed in Brownsville so kindly helped to put the fire out and what ia now being done will that was burning in my pasture on Thursday of Iasi week. do doubt be greatly appreciated in J- S. M cMahan. future years. The completion of the entire contract is expected in a We wish to thank our many ___ _ ebort time. friends for the assistance rendered 1895 IN S U R E IN T H E O L D R E L IA B L E F armers ’ 1921 fire relief association OF BUTTEVILLE ORE. . M 9,737.64 Cash Surplus Capital on July 1. 1921, $6,033,361,00 Insurance in force. Rates : First class, 25c ; second class, 30c per $100 SCOTT & SIMONS LEBANON, OREGON Tuesday’s Albany Herald eon O nly authorized agents for L in n County. t ling a good-natured article on tbe varied experience* of the Enter­ H A .SEV, U i » Co., Ore Aug. 18, 1921 prise publisher* with fir*. The “tory sound* like Barie Btaaerd. LESSONS IN KINDNESS Weli, perhaps it is better to have such experiences in this world than The movie show, "B'a"k Beau­ tbe next. ty ,” nt (he local theater Friday night drew a full house and. »a Freddie Scbmssr, whose experi­ to a n v of those attending ware young ence when he nearly lost hia life p«'>ple, it is probable that it wilt Word comes to Brownsville of us during the fire Sunday evening, while locked in a bank vault is bi among the influence* that tend Cross & White. th* death of Stanley Green, at hie August 14th. told on page 4, ia certainly a cool home in Redlands. Cal., Friday, to m a k e this part oi the world bet. I wish to thank the people of one. When restored to conscious­ Aug. 12,.after a lingering illness. ter anr4ir+ shot and wounded or killed for sey was burning, and neatly a ecore Brownsville people have guaran­ K I. reds and brown Foghorns. ' ------------------- sport) browse the farmer's orchard of care'drove over to render any teed an income to the evening Mrs. W ill Carter Balls Heard Eight sen Miles. MILLIONS SPENT IN VIENNA The public mind f a i n from and morning train to and feed off hie clover field, and possible help The oral law o f the Jews, conslsl was relieved when the report came Albany and the Southern Pacific If y< u era ‘‘ Brewster's M illioLs ’ Money So P le n tifu l In A ustria Am eri­ •ng of many trad itio n * touching th protected bird» destroy hi* sprout­ back that the town itself was not ha* reconsidered it* dicision to dis­ Mosaic law, tells th a t the ancient He at the Rialto tomoirow night i cans Are Outbid fo r Objeta ing grain, not for the beueft o, in serious danger. Browngville continue it. brews employed large bell*, whlcl d’A rt. you’ll laugh, aod then you’!! scourge “ p >t huutara'' who would kill them h«« not ' yet forgotten the »cuurge About $6000 is in» the wages oi of w ere called M egerupnlt*. These wen laugh, and then you’ll laugh ----- to feed their families, but for that Of nre that consumed a big scope Browngville berry piekere thia year, again, and then you’ll laugh some v,Pnna- Austria.—The astounding used on different occasions by tb« m ultitude o f temple officer* and cause« of tbe "aportsnieu” who chase and of the town a couple of years ago. ! Brownsville has had as * p . more, and if you have been nitre- I™ ? ? ’ °f M‘’ rty monev frequently such a noise In the streeti it will melt a w a. I l k « A “ M r'" W" * by the recently wound and kill for the pleasure and is quick to ratpond in sympa- proaches the worst roads in the a m g lu a m grouch a ! concluded sale of the rare furnishings of Jerusalem th a t It was hard to catcl i P T h" ° •? n* ' * hbor '» c o u n ty-an d the least help from SU , f n n d of . n i o d ’ l l d ™ U h hh i " ? “ ° f KIPS,'h'',ra P«1«"'”- of »he resl- they take in doing those things. the words of a speaker. T h e ir p ur .hretened with a like misfortune, the county. Now, as a revolt of s u n , a n d y c u II go h o m e fe e lin g dances of the Archduke Ludw ig vic- Another lesson related to tbe pose wns three-fold : T o call th< The Brownsvi 1- vicinity is plan­ some pretty heavy "kickin g ” by at peace w ith a ll tb e w o rld a n d tor It netted many m illion crowns priests for service, to summon th« menace that the tobacco user is to n in g to secure some of ihe antici- ------------ its chamber of VUBUUIVrW commerce BIIU and 0 otb- - va 1.11 • t i e b i l a n c e o f m a n k i n d , ’ ’ as o n e «nd the newspnperg say the purchasers Levltes to come and sing, and to .. property. Tobacco is as popular nated emigration irom tbe eastern er* ,n J PrettV heavy buying of o f our p r e s id e n t* o n c e said th is were v irtu a lly all newly rich Viennese, apprise person* generally that the un a i l l r u l western state* this .k f a 1*011(1 a 11H H p crushed r iu k o r i S ^ n L I In n — W * fall. ro#<* K bond», rock great as the hunt, but there is reason in a a l J i n central -lean m 'ght be brought to the gati country w as. Many professional collectors and ------------------------------ | buyers from France. G reat B ritain The chamber of commerce will see ‘I uan,i'y ’< » being applied to the named M ean er. endeavoring to induce the user of lir n a a .w s*s* - _ . — ,,nd ,,ie States came here for that the town is properly promoted. ro* tl iTnm Brownsville to Sweet I O the weed to use caution not to ' Home in one direction and to co um make his pleasure too coetly to i compete with native bidders, who ran other people. prices up Into millions as nonchalant­ A t Bad a t th * Showsr. ly as If bidding In hundreds. Dollars, W hile visiting a friend who lived Picture* like "Black Beauty” U H ..........- Man Visits City for First Time pounds and francs, they said, were quite a distance from my home, a teach leiaona in kindness and bu S p e c ia l S a le HIGH GRADE Aluminum Ware Each article guaranteed for 20 years. One day only, SATURDAY, ACG. 27. ijy Sale starts at 10 a. m‘ shapp. Your choice only $ 1 .5 9 Albany Furniture Exchange IS HERMIT 33 YEARS ,he *al* but de<’,ared »bey and Sees First Woman. uiaue conduct. The Johns Hopkins hospital an bounces that hereafter uo surgeon » ’ II charge more than 81000 for •n operation performed there Country editors needing such aerv iocs m iy be compelled to go else­ where to get adequate cutting-up done. Sw ift Change Comes and He Imme­ diately Sheds Hie W hiskers and Buy* Store Clothes. Omaha. T racy Gluts, older than Brigham Young when he look his third wife, has Just le t.h is eyes first see a woman. H e also has had his first remembered view of a railroad train, a street car, a dally newspaper and a fiction magazine. .. , A youth of .72 eloped with and Upon seeing a woman for the first "me. G illie visited a barber-shop and married a blushing miss of 62 in ia«l his long h air cut and his face Michigan the other day. Perhaps «hared the most interestintg point of th* G illis Is th irty three years old. He was horn In Chicago. H is mother was story is the further fact that a * it an acticss and his fath er a disciple of the bridegroom is president of of Moodj and Saakey. But for a third the United Ft ate*. of a century fath er and son. their Rthle open to the chapter which tell* of John the Baptist dwelling In the By gracious permission of Lsn- wilderness, har a-llved alone on a west­ ine American Minister Crane Aug. 19. J G. Rotb, F ty Station ern Nebraska ranch 40 miles from ernesed Russia to Riga on hi* way 83, Cha* Engel, near Marion rrllrn a d , with no stranger stopping boms from China The expanse w ithin Its fence posts. 39. Ed Storla. on*, half mile north of Brownsville George W illis, the fath er, died re­ 0» the trip was 100,000.000 paper 90, A M Clement, near Sweat Home, Stock, etc., and cently, two year* short of the fou r­ 140- ruble* and , , im #|, i|ock acre Farm score and ten which he believed that plies The u tter were valuable had been promised to him. Tracy, the 91, A. MoCrae, near Jefferson son. hurled the body on Ihe ranch and the former were not S-pt 1. John Hunter, mile and a half west of Brownsville, went on w ith his farm work. Today sale he came to Omaha on his pioneer Jour­ On the heels of pages of protest ney with a load of cattle " N. M Shrode, near W alterville, Lane county to the effect that the federal re­ According to the young men s tale, Manual Snug, mile and a half west of Brownsville, Jersey serve funds are not being with­ the outer G illis trafficked, w ith his Cpw* neighboring farm ers only on their held fro ii wheatgrowers for the property and never on his own. for 9. T Af Hofer, mile and a half north west of Halsey u” of speculators in wheat cornea fear his son's ears should pick up ____ G-orgr Lusby, three mile* east of Ha mailing i hia statement io a telegram Imm j hints o f civilization. The fath er fled to the West with h l* son to save him Washington ol laat Toeeday. " L o ­ L' i •! «1« i - fronl the d* n<'|ng. singing actresses cal hanks took the view that wheat t F A I I 1 I In Chicago's old H a y m a rk et theater •uould he actually sold before “ A devil lurks on every d ty street com er fathet taught me." T racy O llll* money could be advanced ” said today "H e told me the sad story of my mother and warned me to avoid George Johnson, 16 years old, By arrangement with Joseph M Schenck) in all sinful men” w«s shot, probably fatally, Mon­ W ith the money from the sale .of his day night while breaking into a ’ cattle G illis changed h l* home made garments for a suit of store clothe* »« >rc at Drain. Brumfield, th* H e also bought a safety razor, a tube Roseburg murderer, ha* beau of tooth paste and two silk neckties br u jiit hack from Canada in I L v A He I* wlUIng to »dralt that one glimpse R,,* t wonder how j o e d speed a n iillio e ’ W all, Brewster of the city has demoralized him In shackle*. The shadow" burglar . >e«w ««• bt*. And had to aqeaeder it. every c e n t in a year I h l* plan* fo r the future, which In­ •t Portland h«s been killed, and " 2 '’ B"» ” b«" svsrything he toiwhe.i:-in*,le m o n e v -v o u II honl clude continued residence an his tbs boy* who tria l to yob tbe H»l- •S’ eFTp secluded farm , he mention* a w ife apd w ith glee *t the etunts he d M tv grow poo r! a course In agriculture ••y batik haven’t got through with W e w ill pay 3c a pound, delivered at the Creamery, in crate lots only. out of the running. Several rare Gobe­ shower threatened, and I rem arked: lin« hrou'-ht fro m 1,000,000 to 1,500.000 " I guess I'll go before I get w et.,v crowns each. \Thlle passing a few more remarks I The Vienna Derby Just run was an­ walked backward toward the door, hut other illustration of the money pleni- not not clng where I was going. I tude. About 30000 persons attended, -«w»«» e t floor. landed .n In a a tun tnb or of w w ater ater on on m the and the reclpts of tbe betting machines * T he shower couldn't have _ gotten me alone was 4,500.000 crowns. 1 ------------------- — ■ any w e tte r!— Chicago .Toumsl. 4a University of Oregon L. W, Byerley. C O N T A IN S : The C o H- s . of Ütarsdaap. The Graduate SJtool > Science and the A rts Tbe School of JoumaHsir The School o f Architecture The School of taw. and Allied A rte The School of Medisiha. The School of Buaineaa The School of Music Administration The School of Phytic*) The School o f Education. Education. The Extension Diviaiop The School o f Soeiejegy BEN T. SUDTELL’S Auction Dates ROSCOE ARBUCKLE Brewster’s • " • c o » - « .,« , . „ on Fifteen cants is i* batter better with * . on Fifteen cents with a clear conscience and I reed, mi than rnm j Millions not Fall Term Opens Septem ber 26 “L’i,* '’“’ •'■rl'n« m»rl» öl tC ’s S i n * ! haa kecsir» T H f REGISTRAR UNIVERSITY O f OKEOON Ev*»» O r. IS ON' a A Full Line of Dr. Hess’ Dip and J Disinfectant, and Fly Chaser which | is appropriate at this season. * Straw and Cloth Hats | f or " a-m weather. Also SHOES A lor the whole Family. ^Something Special * ¡ ’"1* 0 " ™ 20«: lb. 2 lb 3.-.P, 5 |b 75c, |f| |, , „ 4 0 * io Ib i u o . M " Ut B" " * r 12 b 2 « ">• 5 lb HOC,’ ’ T '" by George Barr McCutcheon and the play by Winchcll Smith. r- s-iz-4 «■» » , • lC lc L y I * Levs and M arriage. An eminent French doctor declare* ’b *’ >■ • a dtsesee niaesee of «X the emotion*. em describe b* lB“ » • should < n marriage a t a long and pleaaas .— seat coo- , vaiaacaoca.—Loodoo valaaiMOc*.— Loodoo Opinion. Opinion. D. H. STURTEVANT. I J