HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL IX NO. 50 HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST 18, 1«21 Jots and Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly SHEEP AND GOATS 1 Club Not Specials or Ree Ductions but lower prices for many Staples at mar­ ket prices: Good grade Bulk Coffee, 4 $1.00 lbs. for Bulk Macaroni, 12 lbs. • _ “ 1.00 Libby Pork and Beans, 2 2for .25 L for .50 M. J. B. Tree Tea, 1 lb« Pie Peaches, 21 size, 1 for 1.00 White ¡Soaps, 20 for - ' - 1.00 Tomatois, soiid pack, 2!s, • 1.00 6 for Extracted Honey and Jar, - .70 3 lbs. a 1.75 Snowflake Flour « .50 A good Broom • .75 Work Shirts • 1.25 Bib Overalls - ___ All less 5 per cent for cash Announcements of coming serv­ ices in the church««, to the extent of two inches each, will be pub- ¡ itched in the Enterprise free of eharge if received not later than Monday. Announcements of entertain- monls and meetings of churches, lodge« and political parties, where no money i« to be raised, free. Money-raising enterprises should pay for their advertising. The above organizations may use our columns free for argu­ ment or propaganda by paying the compositor for setting the type. W- solicit reporta of socials, con­ v e n tio n « , etc., of churches, lodges, political parties, etc. Pleuae sena us the news. Ti>e goat club meetfag at Scio Saturday was a live-wite af fair. A sheep-fitting (fitting sheep for exhibition) demo n itra­ tion had been a success in the fore­ noon witli twenty-five ehe¥*«club members attending. Each member oif the goat club brought the afternoon meeting a kid which is being reared for e x ­ hibition. Ccunty C lub Leader Williamson submitted a courte of Rtudv for the club. Every member who exhibits a goat at the state fair w ill receive a prise The first prize will be a trig to the O. A. C. end a Summer course, expenses paid ; ' second, <10; third, <7 ; fourth, IA If you ge»a copy of this paper .vith this paragraph marked it ia an invitation to subscribe, or, if you are a subscriber,to show it to ( your neighbor. The publisher a ib ilitv to produce a good news- p tp erw iH depend upon the in- | come He cannot for very long spend more money on it than be receive« from it. It takes both ilie publisher and the public to make a good newspaper. Hand our subscription to the mail eer­ ier or the postmaster or to in mbliehers at the Enterprise otti • . . . - __ rlr * fr -------S b HOPE TO COME BACK Deported Radicals Are Fleeing From Soviet Rule. R .p e rU d te Be Greatly Disappointed at W h at They Found In the •'Promised Land." Riga. Latvia.— L ltte group« of Bus slan-Amerlcana, who were deported or volunteered to go from America to soviet Russia, are trickling back across the L atvian fro ntier from the land of the Bnlshevtkl very frequently Swiss Toggenburg H ern less M ilk these day«. All hop* to g et'b a c k to fleat. the United State«. These emigrant«, according to Am er­ whits ths production ot two quarts Is good, and ths production of three ican consular official«, who hear their quarts 1« considered excellent, provid­ stories and have to tell them there la not much chance for them to get ed the lectstton la maintained for from hack, are greatly disappointed with «even to ten months aey specialist» w hat they found In the “promised of the United State» Department of - Agriculture. There la probably no het- . land." They tell fit starvation and long ter way to treat thia m atter than to ' state that goofl (lose should produce rldea tn train« ao packed w ith people that there la scarcely room to breathe. from eiol work and Nora Pehrggon cents less per student than usual. b a » an average of 93 4. But two other high schools in the state Farm bureau member« w ill get have had three student« with such Moline implements for wholesale higii averages. price and 25 per ceut, a saving of M ILC H OOATS For a brief «pace of time thi. i about 20 per cent. morning Halsey’s main street con- (P repared by l h . U nited S ta te s D ep art­ Coounty fair 1921 catalog« can tained more gold than many a m ent o f A arteultura.r be hail by applying by m u l or placer miner found in a whole About the first question that most in person t> A. C. Schmitt ot the week Where the nuggets came people ask concerning m ilk goats la, the First National bank, Albany from uo one seem« to know, but "How much inllk w ill they produce!” there were hundreds of them and This la of course, a very Important Under the new law high shonls several persons filled pocket«, consideration, as the value of a doe will not draw t ie 1800 or $1000 while one womao filler! a handker- la estimated largely by her m ilk pro­ duction. Even If a doe te purebfed. they have heretofore received a« ¡chief. The foregoing was in the «he 1« of little value from the ntltlty the per capita cost of the first ten Oregonian us a Walla Walla di« standpoint unies« «he 1« capable of pupil« in each. patch, dated the lJth , but with giving ■ good q u in d ty of m ilk. Many Money may be scarce, ae gome “ W alla W a lla ” where we have persons In purchasing purebred or eves Halsey,’’ We made tin grade goats have been disappointed to think, But Ben Sudtell auotioned printed off a farm lust week lor <3000 that ebangs because we beljeva the find that the m ilk could be measured the owner would have been glad to »lory is no bigger lie one way than 1 la pint« and not quarte or gallons a t expected. eell for <2800. The home bad the other A doe that produces three pints a been bun ed off since it had been day la considered only ■ fa ir milker. The new Enterprise publisher- , bought for the laiter sum. have had what they regard at » ’ G W. Shew find« memories ef streak of good luck on coming to enrly day« aroused by the atory, H a ls e y , Mr. McW il iams h a d a “ A Man for the Age»,'' now run­ neat and coey habitation, within a ning in the Enterprise He lived little more rhao a block of theii in lh e c o u try where its event« ate work, just the thing for such s located, at the time of their occur* couple, which they were able tc rence, and can probably detect er­ rent and move into, and a good ror« if M r Batcbeller make« am part of < winter's wood, dry and in the chapter« that are to come (C mtinued on page 5) Lower Prices CHURCH AND LODGE Signal Flraa. Ia Terre del Fnero news Is con­ veyed find conversation sustained be- rweea the different tribes Inhabiting the Islands by means o f fires on the high peaks o f the monntalna. The na­ tives srw always on the lookout for theae fires, and know Just what they are mtaadefl to mean.—Brooklyn Big Frum Warehouse, Filled With Products of Numer­ ous Farms, Burns to the Ground to the south and crossed the rail, road track and singed the front of the school grounds before it wae all put out. The grass had been- slightly dampened by the few drops of rain that fell Saturday morning. The McCully building aud Cross & W hite’« hardware «tore aud C lark’s confectionery, west of First street, were saved by cona'.ant stream» of water on tha fronts, much of which went up in steam from the heated wood. About ail the glass in the two former was broken out and some was cracked in the confectionery by the heat. Crose & W eite’s stock was hasti­ ly carried out, and theae was some breakage, but they considee them* selves fortunate. The upper fioor of the McCully building contained the public li­ brary, a lodge room and quarters occupier! by several teuarita. Had the fire once got a foothqld on that side of the street the Enter, prise office would have been among those doomed. The Mountain States Power Company had a force of men and materials on the ground Monday morning early and the repairing he warehouse. of lines and poles went on. New A number of railroad cars web ones replaced those damaged by •tithe warehouse siding, volun- fire. eera got arl but one of tuem awui Mayor Keasel and Editor Mor­ efore they burned, though aom> gan were among the first to arrive vere bi llin g when moved. Thi from Harrisburg. timed Car was empty. Fire apparatus from Browns­ The ala rm was phoned to near- ville, Harrisburg and Lebanon was iy towns b our efficient op rat- on (he ground early, but could not ra M r. ano Mra. C. P. Stafford, be used, aa the couplings did not nd soon every road leading to fit. Halsey w«» alive with Are appa- W. H Kirk sue John Hayes stu«, iititoa aud other convey- g av e the first alarm . inces. There were mote p opl on ( Crossed wire« which bad fallen the atriets than had ga'. hmed Here and a pool of watea formed a cir­ in a long time, f ever. No explanation of the cause o 1 cuit which shocked W ill K irk out he fire is heard except apnntai e of bis wits for a few minutes, throw­ a co ubustion, sa the building ing him to the grouud, but be es­ ii ot been closed for mine than caped with nothing more serious a ty-four hour«. The central than a burned wriat. trivewav gave conditions lor draft The Hslsey water works came hat quickly carried the blaze the ouLnf the fray with honors. The whole length of the building water in the tank actnally in ­ The w irehom>e was 160x76 feet, creased during the heaviesf drain. with a capacity of 1200, to 1300 A feed chopper, mower, electric ons of hoy. It contained about motor, wHfo and other apparatus 1100 tone when burned. The were destroyed. building waa jnaured in the Phenix Hay Wl> ich bad heed too damp f >r $4000. Some grain end sack» when baled ia thought to have ami apparatus went with tiie buy. | The roof of the warehouse wa» heated and caused the fire. of corrugated iron and held '.be By Tuesday the burning pile had fi-e in until it fell, and there w e ie iiecom* pretty well nettled down, on p ie c e * of burning «hioglea l<> l>Ut it is fa r from cold eveu now. lioat away in the air and «prtad lie ffre. As to Floating. L o n d o n -T h e reputation which Americsns have of blunt sprsklng even In the face of royalty 1« likely to he enhsneed by s rem ark that passed he tween K ln r George «nd M r Klumph of Cleveland O . on the occasion of the Rotsrlsn»' reception st Buckingham pelece the other day. King George affably said te Mr. Klumph that he too, would tike to be­ com e « R n ts rta n “1 don't see whet te to atop you," « id Mr Klumph. ----- — — . . Suuday evening the Halsey church hells were ringing at 8 o'clock, calling in the worshipers, when the feaiful cry of *’ Fire ! ” rang out. The (mils changed and rang.the fire alarm and eooo the streets were filled with humanity pouring toward an illumination which soon filled the heaven«, for the largest warehouse in town, that of O. W Frum, filled to the roof with haled hav and grain, was otl fire from end to end and fiamea were burstiug through the roof. Till« warehouse was in the bean of the city, on the opposite side of he «beet from the leading «torer, -o the danger wsi great that tin whftle town would qe wiped off the map. Fortunately ibe breeze was toward« the northeast and uwat ir m the bt sin—s buildings Il waa on y through liuo-d su- >eihuman effort» of volunteer fir> ightera and a plentiful supply ol »a.or furnished by the City I-igh» nd Lower company, under tin •ompetent management of Bert S Clark, that the fire w it confined to NOTH When a man first learns to swim, Lam ing gras- w»« quenched by lie finds that tt'a Just about as easy willing workers, but it h n m eif as to float alone as In la te r life to float f«i as the fei.e e of the lt«m' "f yard a loan.— Hue I lodger. THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 jiaitl on time certificates of deposit We invite your banking business InterM .it C. IL KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Vice-Pffcs. B. M. BONI), ( ’ashier « The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘W H E R E S A V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ 1« a good place t sccounta that run deposit jronr saviny». ■» percent interest on saving« three months, si« i lontlis or a year. Interest paid sem i-annually. Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. I I