VA a G6 H A L S E Y E N T U R I'M J S K ib again walking without tha aid of crutch»». Uncle Jesse Ribeliu ha» lost bi» gold-headed cane. The Albany cannery ia paving 4 cents tor blaekberrie« and w ill take all that are offered. Hazel McCollum ha» ened A. B. Miller for »14» 10 which ahe claim» a» wagei for doing housework. Mr». June McKern «1 Halsey has asked for the arrest o, her husband, Claude, for non-support AU G U ST 11, 1W1 to receive any news Item y»u may car« to give ue. We need your help in order to gat ont a snappy, up-to-date paper full of Halaay d lings as well as other news. The way to get on the map and stay there ia to have plenty of locale of he home town. Help us get out a six-page paper fall of new« of in­ terest. Mr» Jesse Pugh was taken seri- ously ill yesterday but was improv­ ing at laet account. M r. and Mrs H. W Chaneeand grandson, H arry, left today for It is expected that 1000 Lmn Sodaville. They expect to be county returned soldiers will la k e awav for some time and will also advantage of the »late bonus law visit Waterloo and Cascadia. Mr and Mr». W F. Whit», Mr. Mrs. John Halaab «pent Thurs­ and Mrs. Eldon Cross and Mr». day in Albany. J. E. True motored to Waterloo Mr» J Rogers left for Albany Sunday. Wednesday, returning Thursday. Mrs. Stanley Henry and two Gao W. Simon of Lebanon was children and Mre. Lloyd Simona and son of Shedd did shopping at a business caller in Halsey on Thursday. Alba >y Monday. Fire in the J. S McMahan pas­ Erank Lvncbba« brought suit to restrain Thomas and Orbiaon Le­ ture east of town was discovered w 'll from fencing up the road to by L. E Walton Thursday morn­ ing Mr. Walton was working on his borne near H-irnaburg. top of bis house when he saw tbs 8. T Hillman last Tuesday re­ fire and immediately spread the ceived a fine registered horned alarm, which was responded to by Dorset ram fr-un the farm of W. H men in automobile», win toon had Cleveland at Gresham to bead hl» the fir» under control Small flock. damage was done to the pasture and the fence line lietween »lie Mr». I. W. Wtarr of Brownsville The cnne through Halsey Monday McMahan and Hayes farms morning, after spending the week tire started presumably from a en l wi h her eon, Chester Starr, lighted match thrown dqwu by a smoker. and wife of Eugene F. H Porter, with fifteeu of Mr and Mrs. L K. Coiner of hit red polled cattle, left H a l­ Conaer Station were guest» Watur- sey via Southern Pacific today f‘»r dty and Sunday of M r. and Mr». Vancouver, B C , where he will H. Zimmerman, Mrs. Conaer is a exhibit at the fair. From theig niece of Mrs Zimmerman. hi» trip will be extended to a num­ 11 W. Storer. who Knished the ber of other fair«, including those turbing at Brownsville last week, at Chehalis and Bpokane, the atat" passed through Halsey Monday fair at Salem and the county fail m irning on his way to Eugene at Albany. Later he will go t< Earl King brought him over. the international stock show ai Maple leaves are falling early Portland and finally to Victoria. because of the drouth and the B. C. Mr. Porter has some of the giiosebone weather prophets declare finest cattle in the state and fo. that thia presagss a hard winter. years has bean one of tha moat prominent and successful exhibit, Tuerefore the winter will lie mild or» in the west, takiug practically Mrs. J. Corcoran returned Tues­ all of the premiums on the class of day moming from Portland, where cattle shown He will be accom­ lib“ visited her daughter, Mrs panied on the teip by A I S a v a g e Msroella Kirk, who is taking train­ of this city, who has had a number ing at the Good Samaritan hos­ of years’ experience in this line o f p ita l work, having assisted Mr Portei H C Davis, pion»er of this lo­ on numeron* other occasions cality, with D. S McWilliams, M sud Mrs L. Lloyd, form ant Halsey postmaster, spent the week yea's resident« of thia C’tV. left end ut Cascadia, returning Monday yesterdny for tb«ir new bom» at morning Both gentlemen report Detroit, where Mr Boy 1 has 'he an excellent time agency of the Southern Pacific Mr. and Mrs Ira Lively of Mar­ company. Mr. Boyd has see shalltown, Iowa, came in o il M o n ­ many years' service with tha com­ day'» train and will spend several pany, the greater number of them wacks with Mrs. Lively's brother, in the H>l»ey «latino, and he will C 'a u d e D. Hoff, »nd family, who be greatly missed by hi« m in t I ve (ix mile* out in the country. Irienda here In leaving Halaey Monday morning R. R Austin M ' B ird ia «eek'og a place where ■ ml 1«mily of O>»gou City and H. the work will be lighter M Hale and wife aud child of M r and Mrs R J, W inniford, A 'I e ia arrived here en route to accompanied by Mi«»»« Gertrude B w laville, having received a Porter. Alberta+Coonti and Cleona u .grain slating that Mrs K A Smith, and Mr. A 'lf j* ’1 Ooodbrrd H ile had passed away suddenly motored to, Albany nteadav ev m- last Sunday, ing, wl\af* they attended the S a x - A meting to demonstrate the fit­ o p b o n e Ikind cowcert ,. ting ol sheep for exhibition will be B. I. C»r»V of A ' ;any cam» in held by the Scio S ieep c:ub at 0 - Wednesday morning io. e short ville G llk e y ’ a place at 10 3,1 S it- v'«it with hi» »on here, after which urday and at 2 30 the Linn County be will go to Salem Goat club will meet at the farm of 8 F. Z,eset and be addressed by M r a. I, A. Pray on Wed need a. several men accredited authori­ went to Albany on a shopping ties on goat breeding tour, returning that evening. M i«s Geraldine Cook, accompa­ nied by Mias Janette B rh on an amplifier that visitors to the store may hear the concerts. The building of the amplifier is remarkable bjcaiise the boy has never seen one He is country born and raised and has.never been as far as Portland * He had no advice a» to how to make the wireless and bi« F*w tools and materials are all horn made. Batteries were taken from an automobile. The po’e is aet up on a corner of his father’« store with the wires running to a tower, tbe corner of a barn and another building ’’ Mr». G. W 5 tarr of Great Fall«. Mont , with her little daughter, 'eft Halaey for Eugene Wednesday Mrs B lair i« the daughter-in-lew >f the recently deceased Dr. Philo «tari, who is well known in this county. Mr». J. T. Woody of Browoaville went through here last Tuesday, inking her little aon with ber to see Dr. Gullion of Eugene about tonsila and adeoids, which were re m o v e d , end they returned to Brownsville next day. W W . Bailey, fire insurance agent of Biowuavill •, «pent W ed. nesday here transacting business Shots from Shedd. Mr. and M r*. Tom H ill are joying an outing at Belknap Mr». John Lefker, an elderl- lady, and for many yeurs a re - dent of Shedd, passed away Thur-- day morning. She ha.I been in ill health for some time following t paralytic stroke She leaves husband. Mr». A. B. Dunlap, sister of Mr». Lefker, and Mai- garet Dunlap, her niece, left Brownsville for Shedd Thursday ■n oming. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Robinaou left Saturday lor W aldport, when they will enjoy an outing. Mi*a Gladya Hunter was guest of honor at a very dehgbtf ti shower party o • Thursday aftm noon given by Mia* Gladys Pug and Mi»» Genevieve Hamilton »i tbe l^nne of Mies Pugh. Mr and Mra. L. O. Coat», tin telephon* people, will leave Sun day with iheir son, A l t ’«, for Mr». W W Krakiue of Port vacation. They will motor I land arrived here Wednesday ant’ Newport, where they expect to will «pend aeveral day» with M ’ » -petid a fortnight B. M M ’H e r.' From here Mr» Shedd hat a 100 per-cent cook Er»kme will go to C'>t’ age Grove m g club wltich lias just closed i' where »he will attend tb» Metho- veer's work. diet camp meeting. r Mr». Savila May Ellison ol A 1 Dr G, G Fanning, a recently hany, sister of Mr«. T B. Spreng located phyai.taii of Brownsville, sr of Shedd, died Saturday, age came here Wednesday on hi» way 71. ,o Fugene to take hi» fam ily to ( From the Visitor) Brownsville. » H G. Pugh and family are on » M ia» G e r t r u d e P o rte r w«» ll.'St a Vacation at Cascadia. Mi»» Estall Satchwall will teach in tbe high achool at Walker Corn, 1-2 or I Ton Lots, $42 per Ton Mr». J«ne». who taught achool at 8 edd last year, is sneing toi di vo 0*. M i»» Lucille Sinker is confine •n her bed with a sprained knee ■he result of a fall. A large field of g ra in b e lo n g in g •«• R. C. Dnncen was deattoyed h fire caused bv sparks from a thra« ■ it g engine Cbtck Feed. »8.7-5 per ICO White O A T Chop, half or ten h 'tr $R^i ert»n Cocoanut meal, I l 90 par 8“ p o u n d *a c k • M ill Run, half or ton lota, »37 per Ion. Cheaelate Industry Big. Chocolate and cocoa ve»» nrst made ta tht» conntry In 1TW5 in Dorchester. Marne now par» of Bo«t«n The man ufa d o ra of the chocolate has been merlnued there ever »ince and today It raprasenra one of tha largest Indue- LIVING AS IN STONE AGE Native« e f laelated South Sea !«•• Found by Miaelenary Number Only »00. London, England.— People who etlll live In the manner of the »tone age are found on Kennel Island In the Solo- mon group. Melanesia, according to Dr. Northcote Deck, a missionary who says there are only about 500 Inhabitants, and becauee of their Isolation even th eir dialect there has never been studied. The natives had implement« and weapon» of stone and wood only when D r Deck first visited the Island. They showed great eagerness to barter homemade article« for anything made of Iron. “They seem to feel keenly the monotony of their Isolation, and showed a settled melancholy, both In their faces and tbe cadence of th eir voices,” says Dr. Deck The teeth of flying foxes which swarm In caves on tbe island seem to he the only form o f currency known there. F q R SA L E 20 registered Shropshire Rams Yearling». These are exceptionally big. fine, th rifty fellow« A lio 20 head of registered B R E E D IN G EW ES Priced to sell. W A LTE R STAEEDRD. Meadowview. Ore. Addrers Junction C ity route 2. For Files. For the woman who Rtvea - In the country and Is unable to get fly pspar when her supply run» out. this hint , will he useful. M ix h alf teaspoonfnl of black pepper, one teasponnful hrown sugar, one teaspoonful of m ilk place on plate, and the flies w ill soon dis- ' FOR »AuE Two Horses 1 Gray Mare, 8 years old, w ith a Colt 1 black 4-year-old D riv in g or Saddle Mare. M R S . J. ROGERS, Route 2, Halsey VACATION HINTS' a p p e a r .____________ K od ak s» F i l m s S u p p lie s an< Our Own Wlro'esa. A wave of thought take» a mlnme-j to travel a m ile of nerve. A touch on the face Is registered | Kodak Finishing and Tinting. the brain and responded to In the »eventh of a second. It takes a sixth of a second for the brain to respond to the sense of sight, For every $3 w orth of Kodak finialung one 6x8 enlargement free. H alsey D rug Store. Take your repair work to H ALSEY GARAGE w here j o u will receive first-class se rv ice at re a ­ so n ab le rates« In o rd e r to -reduce o u r stock o f Tires and Tubes we a re m aking special p rices on all sizes and m akes. Good line o f acco ries and F ord p a rts on hand at all tim es, p m m p t a tte n tio n given to tro u b le calls- HALSEY 6ARAGE Foote Bros. , Kenneth Damon and Miaa Viv­ King ot Brownsville w an mar­ ried Thursday. ia n . A nine-pound boy earn» to the kome of R. S. W altz, the sign writer, at Browneville. July 29 R H. Roberteon A Son pmked from tbeir berry ranch thia season 22,000 pounds ot Loganberriea, 2000 pound» of raspberries and thus far about 1600 pound« of Lew- ton blackberriae. There will be two or three more picking» of the latter. In about two weak» their evergreen» will be ready and there promisee to be e fine crop of these. M r Robertson eetiwatea bi» berriee thia »eaeon at about two-tbirde of full crop. Another year, when the vine» are in full bearing, a nor­ mal crop would ba several thou- and pounds greater than the fig­ ures here given, which, with good markets,'* would uisau a handsome profit from the ranch Attorney Tuating and Oran Stratton were business visitors to Redmona, eastern Oregon, Friday. W T. Templeton, who has beau uonfiued to hie bed several days from heart trougle, is slowly -ini. roving at this writiug (Tueeday.^ he latter part of the weelfc Mrs. Templeton suffered an attack of »mothering resembling ptomain poisoning from eating cauuad aal. mon. She is now about recovarad- Mrs. Edna Turner, wboae aarj- ->u» illness was noted last week, is tuproving »lowly and is now oou- ddered on the road to recovery, vhich ber many friends are glad to know. The »uhool board announces a i ulj corps of tsaebars “ aignad up’’ tor the anauing yeaj with Prof. Kay nond Baker as priucipal M r. Baker baa a fine reputation as an -ducator and Brownsville is to be congratulated on seeuriug his serv- cas. ; . : . John Ruaa and family aud Prof. Albert Weber and fam ily of Brownsville, and Jo« Weber «nd fam ily, from tbe Halaey road, were Cascadia campers last weak. Councilman Ferrell and fam ily vere Cascadia visitors Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hale, a long-time resident of Brownsville aud vicin­ i t y . die / h two ttyUs W-B CUT ia a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco •uaerMItlae Caneamlng Caul. The neal 1» « rhln membrane fonnfl -n e o m p o n s » the head of acme »blt- Irea when bc.n, and It la cnnaldeivd i food omen for the children «iem- elve«. Thia aa iw ie tftlen j>rt>bebly be> «me widespread about the rime o f the a p e ro r Aetoninoa Plus W hen ha ' m horn ae had a band of membrane ■ round his fotehead In rbe » h sp e Tf s llsdem. and he attrlfcared all t la g»»«l ’ >i tnue ie> this e»nl, and (b is »tarred He sale of than a few M lle re ta r ry •1» (hem who then happened te to »red from ah'pwreck d'verred th e aw A Kick sa Vlaiter Cntar*. ’ ' That a aswae of butn.w is toe wtr» f a th e r q u en ch ed by th e hnm dreiw » o rk la a g n r e m in a u t n fle a ia a d e ix e d by a p lacard w h ich a p p e a r s the door of a departmant nt (Me vice m'.ntrry ta London. It rea d er F' eryeaa closes e v door— e s c e s f >0V ’ 4 18 » I • >,}•