LJiCn « T i LC U ig.«»««- From London comm a story of Puron Hayashi. which. If not inn». <1*. Sense to be true. And if it 1» lniMi hr Is a diplomat to his Huger tips. At dinner recently he sat next to a lady who talked to him fo r an hour. When the coffee hove In sight, said the lady, “You must think I hid very fond of the sound of my own voice" Bald the b aro n : “I knew you liked music."1—Japan Advertiser. Harmonizin’ Harmony Come in tod a y and hear Ain’t W e Got Fun and Down on the Farm Brunswick Record No. 2114— Sic As Sung by the Harmonizers* Male Quartet August beforv |he wert()|tlK t||0 F t'ctn began to choose from an,on. WPI h,r fr,er ,,fi ,h 0 M *h o should ride with him. It was considered a great hon jr to b? thus chosen. Horses were carefully groomed and be-tasseled for the ocras nn, the long, luxuriant mus­ taches wort, in those days were waxed I f y o u are in n e e d o f and twisted, and particular attention wits ptild to every detail of the rider s c o m fo rta b le W o r k appear oce tin the given date the a Si oom and his riders met at some se- H ik cd spot a mile or two from the H at d o n ’ t m iss th is l i h.es home, and at a signal from the gre ,11, dashed away at top sp.ed, hats , V in 0„ and voices shouting. Around ch a nce. tile hrl I S house a cordon o f outriders " as ph >s,| l0 „ „ rn of , he appr0Ri. h P rices are Im uch the groom and his party. As a cloud of dtis, announced the'r nearness the outridei» went out to meet them, lo w e r o v e r o u r e n tire whirling about and returning with them On the porch of the bride’s home her party strained their eyes to store earch the first glimpse of the riders. The sounding of th« herald’s horn f * set all hearts to fluttering In a whirl of dust the groom appeared, snatching up his bride and riding on ahead a W e h a v e a s p le n d id short distance w ith her In front of him on the saddle, then wheeling back | and dismounting for the ceremony, for lin e o f which the m inister stood waiting. '1 lien come the wedding breakfast. HATS $1.95 Yeung Men’s N O T IC E SUITS Hop P ick ers Wanted at J. W . S E A V E Y ’S One m ile south of C orvallis ott or aboui S E P T E M B E R , COMPANY Albany Oregon $32.50 $3500 Several real bargains in tarn, buy«. Also town property Agent for Hi T elit)-P h enix Fir« Insurance coinpanj o f New York Renew your policy w ith a home agent anil get results. J W. MOORE, ALBANY, OREGON Office at Halsev. Ore. T h e S to re w ith S q u are R oom s, 7 5 c E very C ustom er. G ive us a tria l JEWETT the COBBLER. ««sisKasssssaees M c K inney 1 -2 q t “ R ic e Brownsville phone 37c51. qt C o n v e x K e ttle s “ 10 q t - - - • B o ile rs $ 1 . 7 5 ea ch 1 .6 5 “ 1 .7 5 “ “ L ip p e d P re s e rv in g K e ttle s 1 .5 0 I4 q t “ D is h P a n s qt “ D a ir y 2 in c h Pans “ W a s h B a sin s - - - - ■y JACK • • Bee I • L IS T E N ! T e a k e ttle s THE BURGLAR LAW TO N. _____________7»5«SSS«i3»Sia» Highest prices paid for Beef, Pork, \ eal and Mutton, H»l»«y phone 170. of the hotel - - 1 .5 0 - 60 - “ 60 These prices are bargains considering the quaJ- f.v of the ware, and you should take advantage o€ nem at once. Cross & White BA R BE R - SH O P. I. 0 . 0 . F. B A R B E R SH O P E. C . M IL L E R W. Dealer J. R ib e lin in Real Estate. n il. Brownsville, Win T Tem pleton, M gr Halsey, Phone 166, F rank K irk , M gr F. M. G R A Y , W a tta r a S a w ip a p t r V n l» n . I P»i.»l Mcl.augbnin, ouuain of Mre. "pitch" w ith which he made the Ark Impervious to the "flood of water«," Ringo, who will «pend vacation have now been thoroughly e rs m 'iird m ill them. M r. Ringo says the L A U Y K R A ND N O TA R Y « Ith s view to tlie lr ro»nmerc|«l possl ro«dg are tine to Eugene but it took hllltle» The petroleum deposit« of about four hour« from there to Cot- B rownsvi I. i . k , O rkoon the land of Shinsr, between the Tlgrl« C h irop ractor ‘ Am prepared to do all kinds of »hoe repairing. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. L IV E S T O C K B U Y E R S r.,1" - $5. Town or Country $5 S h o e R ep air S h op Two door« north MAYBERRY & q t G r a n it e for R a te s b y w e e k o r m o n th U. G. REYNOLDS, Proprietor before you sell, D ea l a M e a ls , 5 0 c Courteous treatm ent to aH patrons jentistry :: D raym an . Business Opportunities in Halsey : Hotel Halsey O xford please— Just that way.” The man wheeled around abruptly, his hands caught her. " I f you make ¡1 sound.” he threaten­ ed. • to FARMS lor RENT Real Estate and Insurance B u ck s, W R IG H T & PO O LE Good camp grounds— plenty of good f t 1 r a n d sawed wood—one table lor c e l l camp— hasketc furnished to pickers E R H E . W ill pay the prevailing price Grocery store on place and meat d eliv­ ered every day. W ill meet trains and move pickers in and om F R E E ! F R E E I 130 acres on high trellis and clean yards W r i t . W. L BUTLER. I ’. O Box 277, Corvallis, Ore. Phone 7F2 i Shropshire Wool Felt * »T” '? ? wef,'1ln« nistom was once F IR S T T IM E O N S A L E WOODWORTH DRUG quite alone In the big echoing house of memories, when m—«t surprisingly R E G IS T E R E D Jots a n d T i t t le s Robert Knot' lew, the son, '•1:111»' bn, k. ft was at evening and Peggy In her white frock received him In the fire­ yearlings, and I registered 2 year-old (Continued from page 1) light. And he wa» at once ao pleasing Mrs. G. M. Maxwell visited A I- for tale and good looking and altogether d if­ bany Friday. ferent fm m what «he"had heen led to D R J. W . COOK Brownsville, Oregon. expect, that her aversion vanished Miss Mona Bond returnad from and as the evening wore on. frie n d li­ Seaitlo Sunday morning. ness took It» place. Robert Knowles was apparently regretful of his youth­ H- W . Chauce waa a business ful rashness and neglect to his father, culler in Albany Monday. and the excuses he gave soundeil true tional Bank Biuldin, Albany, Oregon Byron Taylor joined the force of enough. Peggy generously gave him highway worker« south of town on the benefit of the doubt, and when she Without pain. L,ate nerve- Monday. assured the son that no w ill could be docking method. found, he announced his Intention of Janie« Drinkard returned from taking up his abode In the house until Newport last Saturday night and the matter should be settled. Old Mrs e,>'»rta a tine time. Weston, the housekeeper, called In to give Information, told M r Knowles Only four-tenths of one per cent that she had witnessed a w ill made not K A R L A. B R A M W E L L . Proo. i of the cattle in this county were long before his father's death found to be tuberculous. Peggy perplexed and confused as to Suite Cleaned and Pressed. her own position ln the house which A motor stage is running from had heen her home, yielded to her L A U N D R Y S E N T A W A Y on M O N D A Y Albany to Brownsville, thence to foster-brother’s pleadings. for so I .»bon an and back to Albany d U ly —------------------------ Robert Knowles named himself— and Linn county had more p u p il/ at stayed on, that her possible claim might be proved. And when there the U. of O. summer etihool than seemed no longer hope of that possi­ any other county except M ultno- bility Robert Knowles asked the girl W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 0.5. I (Tiah to m arry him. Peggy » a s not sur R g u la r meeting next Saturday I A |e r»e y cow belonging to M ike prised when, w ith white tense face, Kelly near the Green bridge drop­ the man asked Ills question, she had night. ped a > alf ou July 4 and one on seen love hovering qpar. For Peggy j July 20. In her own wisdom had learned the meaning of love, though Paul Helmer’s M r and Mm, A. V- Holgate of manner of love waa different In aomp Electr io Haircutting, Massaging Lebanon drove to Haleey Sunday Intangible way from Robert Knowles' and visited at the home of M ri. and Shampooing And at e had told Robert Knowles no to Holgate’« parent«, M r and Mrs. bis question. M arriage was the son Cleaning and Pressing L, A. McKern. dltlon u|>on which Robert Knowles o f­ fered to Peggy her home and she re­ G. T . Kitchen and fam ily drove fused. Suddenly the girl sat up In over iuto Benton county Bunday, bed. an unmistakable though muffled where they joined some of Mre. sound In the lower hall started her K itchen’« relatives for a d ay ’s out­ heart hammering painfully. ing on the river. Office 1st door south of school house When the girl could bear the un­ Halsey, Oregon. certainty no longer, she sprung from Jim Ward of Waterloo, serving her bed and slipped Into dressing gown a two-year sentence fur his nnd slippers. The lower rooms were Handles Town and Country Property. part in earning the death of M a r­ dark. The burglar was on the floor shal Story at bweet Home, bus es­ below nt F ather Knowles’ library safe, G ive him a call and see if he can fix caped from the stale prison gt Sa­ lust as she had expected him to he you up. lem. She sank down behind the desk to watch the burglar. Peggy silently The Linn county Pomona grange considered: there «eemed no sane baa petitions in circulation for the L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S chance of seeking aid Then, with a , recall of County Judge Biiyeu and H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON 'title soft rush. Peggy was at the Commissioners Pierce and Butler. h iirglar’a side. “Oh," she whispered Phone 35 Phone 15 The condition o f the couuty tinan­ eagerly, “w ill you do thnt again Branches at u u. H X -R A Y C C. B R Y A N T Amor A. Tussing and the Euphrates which fnrnhbed the “slime" that the descenditnts of Noah "had for m ortar" In building the tow er of Rshel, hsve heen measured «« .e ll a« C«n be until ttw bit • ■« tb' oil d rille r Is sent down to prove wbeth er ihe geologist is right. And the sources of bitumen which arrheolorl«A hsve found was used as cement In constructing the ancient pnlaces of Bnhylon snd Nlnevnh have umloubted 1 ly been located. Vegetable Beef-Stcake. The vegetable beef steak grow« on the <»ak tree. It Is furigli«. which 1« dark red above and fie»h-colored below. When It Is cut through ,he alternate dark and light atreaka ex actly resemble the Joint from whlrh If gets Ita name. It la a wholesome a r­ ticle of food. Im rln g a wet season thia fungus grows about seven feet from the ground. If may he brelled. stewed, fried, or, tf preferred. treated like beetroot and added to the salad bowl. t- ge Grove, a« many detour« were iirce«a