& HAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E AU G U ST 11, 1W I e-„m the B a st.” sa id the D octot too sick to travel next day. The T ray g — "G ive am som a dinner, aud If Uiv) lora am ) cd with him aud nursed tha can't pay for It. I can. They’Te cam« lad until he was able to go on. He a ll the way from V e rm o n t* was from Niagara county. New York, “Good la n d ! Coma right In an' rest and hla name was H a rry Needles. H it mother had died when he wae yerselvea, Abe, you show the gentle­ man where to pot hla horses an’ lend fen and his father had married again He had not been happy In hla home him a hand." Abe extended his long arm toward a fte r that and hla father had given appeal to many thousands each vear. Be one of the him a pony and a hundred dollars Samson and said "How dy" as they m erry throng that go there this summer lor Health, and sent him away to seek his own shook hands. Rest, Recreation au,I Anusement, "When his big hand got hold of fortune Homesick and lonely and 111, and Just gofng west with a sublime mine, I kind o f felt his timber,” Sam­ A Story o f the Ruilden faith that the West would somehow son writes. " I says to myself, ‘T h ere’s provide for him, hb might even have a man It would he hard to tip over In o f Demoaacy perished on the way If he had not fa ll­ a rassle' " en In with friendly people. H la story “What's yer name? How long ye had touched the heart of Sarah and been travelln'? M y conscience! Ain't Samson. He was a big. green, gentle- ye wore out?" the hospitable Mrs. are now on sale lo many delghtful places. hearted country boy who had set out Rutledge was asking as she went Into N e w p o rt. Ideal for the fam ily is this charm ing filled with hope and the love of ad­ the house with Sarah and the chil­ G u p ,n , til. t r v l i* . venture. Sarah found pleasure In dren "You go and mix up w ith the old place that is free frctu conventionalities. ---- mothering the poor lad, and ao It little ones and let yer mother rest happened that he became one o f their while I git dinner,” she said to Joe CHAPTER II. C One of the greatest scenic won­ little party He was helpful and good- and Betsey, end added as she took ders of the world is this beautiful lake of indescrib­ natured and had sundry arts that Wherein I* a Brief Account of Sundry Sarah's shawl and bonnet: “You lop able blue. pleased the children. The man and down an' rest yerself while I'm flyln' Curious Characters Mat on the Road the woman liked the big, honest lad. around the fire." Located At Utica they bought provisions One day he said to Samson: “I “Come all the way from Vermont?” h im I ii tin trumpet for Joe, «rid a doll amidst a wealth ol beadtiful uatural surroundings are hope you won't mind if I go along Abe asked as he and Samson were » Itli it real porcelain fare for Betsey, these resorts just a few miles beyond the Coast Range. with you. sir.” unhitching. turned Into the great main thor “Glad to have you with us," said "Yes. sir." (B re iten b u rt H ot ougliliire of the North leading eastward Samson, "We've talked It over. If "By Jlng!” the slim giant exclaimed. to li infon und westward to a «bore Springs (M t. Jefferson cou ntry), M cCreille H ot you want to, you can come along " I reckon you feel like throw ln' off of the rnh.lend Meas. This road was Springs. Joshphiue County Caves, Shasta M ountain with us and our home shall be yours yer harness an’ fakin ' a roll In the , onre the great trail of the Iroquois Resorts aud Y o -v iu ite National Park. and I ’ll do what's right by you.” grass." by them railed the Long House, he They fared along through Indiana ‘ Kind o’ 8eems As If the Great Spirit m i se It Imd reached from the lludaon O ur new illustrated and over the wide savannas of 111! of America Wae In That W ater.” to Luke Erie, and In their day had and descriptive booklet, w ill help you decide on the nois, and on the ninety-seventh day (To be continued.) been well roofed with foliage. babies In arms— Irish, English, Ger­ of their Journey they drove through resort ot >cur choice. Let us assist you by providing Soon they i-aine In view of the a copy Ir .e on request. mane and Yankees. There were also rolling, grassy, flowering prairies and fatnnuH Erie lanal. hard hy the road W illa rd M arks of A lb a n y. A . 1 well-dressed, handsome young men up a long, hard hill to the small log Through It the grain of the F a r West For further inform ation inquire ot tic k e t agents from the colleges of New England cabin settlement of New Salem. I l l i ­ F airish of •-odaville and M. J had Just begun moving eastward In Shanks of Lebanon have been a] - going out to be missionaries "between nois, on the shore of the Sangamon a tide that was flowing from April the desert and the sown." They halted about noon In the middle pointed by Ibe governor to sttpei to lb < ember. Big barges, drawn hy of this little p rairie village, opposite vise the expenditure of 1800 ap Buffalo, on the edge of the mid mules und horses on Its shore, were land seas, had the flavor of the rank, a small clapboard house. A sign hung propriated by the legislature fm J O H N M. SCOTT, eiillln g the still Haters of thp canal new soil In It those days— and especi­ over its door which bore the rudely the im provem ent of Soda Spring _____________ ____________ General Passenger Agen t. They slopped and looked at the barges lettered words: "Rutledge's T avern,” ally that day, when it was thronged and grounds. and the long tow ropes and the tug with rough coated and rougher tongued A long, slim, stoof£ahouldered young glue animals. swearing men on a holiday, steve­ man sat In the shade of an oak tree "There Is a real a rtific ia l river, dores and boatmen off the lukcs and thut stood near a corner of the tavern, hundreds o' miles long, hand made rivers of the middle border— some ol wllh a number of children playing of the best material, w ater tight, no whom had had their training on the around him. He sat leaning against snugs or rocks or other Imperfections Ohio and Mississippi. There was rnuol the tree trunk reading a book He durability guaranteed," said Samson. of l he m otor g I ca ve s our d e j. drunkenness Mud lighting In the had risen as they came near and stood “ It luix made the name of DeW itt ciously flavored and tem pting ice crowded streets. Some of the carriers looking at them, w ith the book under ('¡lotoil known everywhere." -ourteen-Foot Texas Reptile Samson says In hla diary and handlers of American commerce his arm. cream. W h y not g ra tify her ? “I wonder what* nett I" Sarah ex flint he looked like "an untrlmmed vented their enthusiasm in song claimed. 1 Wanders About House for Could a n y th in g be more h ea lthfu l? They had the lake view and Its yearling colt about sixteen hands They met many teams and pnaaed O ur ire cream is more beneficial Four Days Before Capture. cool hreexe on their way to Silver high. He got up slow and kept rising otfior movers going west, and some | Greek. Dunkirk and Erie, Ilia n cheaply flavored soft d rin k s , and a till his hush of black tousled h air was pi ospeious farms on a road wider to eav n oth ing of hard d rin k s , fix feet four above the ground. Then New York.— Volstead or no Vol- rough way It was In those days. and smoother than any they had trav lie put on an old straw hat without tead, the snake story season Is on I which most d a in ty madieus en­ Enough has been w ritten of this eleil. They camped that night, close any bund on It. H e reminded me of D illon Shallarb, singer, starts th» tire ly ignore. long and wearisome Journey, hut the hy the river, with a Connecticut fam •nil rolling with w hat he calls a worst of It was uhcud of them— much Philemon Baker’s fish rod, he was 11) on its way to Ohio with a great hrUlltig episode a t C entral Singing the worst of It— In the swamp flats that narrer. For huinllness I ’d match Io. d of household furniture on one him against the world. H is hide was itudlo. o f Ohio and Indiana. In one of the Wagon and seven children In another. " It was 1 a. m. and pitch d ark,” says former a wagon wheel broke down, kind o' yaller aud leathery. I could So they fared along through Canon see he was still In the gristle— a little he, "when we were awakened by the and that day Sarah began to shake dnlgua nml across the Genesee to the over twenty— but his face was marked excited barking of our Mg black dog with ague and hum with fever. Sam vllag e of Rochester and on through up hy worry and weather like a man's. In an adjoining room. Mra. Shallarb son built a rude camp by the road l.i wtston and up the Niagara river I nevei saw anybody so long die»ween got up to ' investigate, and when her side, put Sarnh Into bed under Its to the falls, and camped where they Joints, Don't hardly see how " he •olce failed to quiet the agitated ani­ cover and started for the nearest vil­ could see the great water flood and onld fell when his feet got cold.” mal, she crossed the room to turn on lage on Golonel's hack. hear its muffled thunder. When near He wore a hickory shirt without a the light. “I shall never forget that day spen' log 'he latter they overtook a family collar or coat or Jacket, One suspen­ "Im agine her horror when upon In a lonely part of the woods," tip of pom Ir l.li emigrants, of the name der held up Ids coarse, llnsey trousers, looking about the room she saw a 14 good woman wrote to her brother. “It nf khiuui|uii. who shared their camp the legs of which fitted closely and foot snake colled around the curtain I ’ i i . y hi endeared the children to me more than fdte at the falls. The Flanagans came only to a blue yarn zone above any day 1 can remember. They were on their way to Michigan and his heavy cowhide shoes. Samson brought w ater from the creek, a great had come from the old country three writes that he “fetched a sneeze and o p e n eveiy evening t i l t y j quuntlty, und told me stories and years before aud settled In Broome wiped his big noffe with a red hand­ cheered me 111 every way they could ex c e p l S un d av s. county. New York. They, too. were kerchief" as he stood surveying them My fulth In God's protection was per­ on I heir way to a land of better prom in silence, while Dr. John Allen, who fect and In spile of my misery the Ui Among them was a rugged had sal on the door step reading a children were a great comfort In f 'csl.'ed. red headed lad. well along paper— r. kindly faced man of middle the middle of the afternoon Samson Io Ills teens, of the name of Dennis age with a short white beard under returned with a doctor and some tools who wore a tall heaver hat, tilted bis chin greeted them cheerfully. and a stick of seasoned tim ber How saucily on one side of his head, and “ Where do yon hall fro m F ’ the a ragged blue coal with brass buttons I good he looked when he came and Doctor ask'd. knelt by my bed and kissed m e ! T hl* as be walked beside the oxen, whip •'Vermont.' said Samson. in I ad. with trousers tucked In the i Is a hard Journey, hut a woman can "A ll the way In that wagon?” bear anythh g with such a man The Ions nf his big cowhide boots. There “ Yes. sir." * doctor said 1 would he all right In was also a handsome young man In ' “1 guess you're made o' the rigid 'hree days, and I was. lids party of the name of John Me stuff -Wld the D o cto r., “ W here ye "Lafe that afternoon It began tc Nell, who wore a ruffled shirt and bound ?" talti. Samson was singing as . he m i allow tall coat, now much soiled by “Don't know exactly Going to take worked on Ills wheel. A traveler the lourney. He listened to Samson's a claim somewhere." came along on horseback and saw nccount or the Sangamon country and "There's no better country than our plight. lie h i * ; a young mission »aid that he thought he would go right here. This Is the Canaan of then« ary going west. Samson began tc America W e i ced people like you |oke with him. b.iruh gave the Irish fam ily a gooo Cnhltch your team and have some ‘" Y o u ’re a happy man for one It supply of cookies and Jerked venison N il dinner and w e ll talk things over a fter before sh e hade (hem good by. | so much trouble.' said the stranger you're rested I'm the doctor here and When our travelers left, next morn "Then I heard Sarnsnn s ay: Well I ride all over this part o' the country " ' 1 • ••> C,| for a I , , , |oofc at sir. I'm In a fix where happiness 1» I reckon I know It pretty well." the great falls. absolutely necessary I t ’s like greas A woman In a neat calico drear "t'hlldicn." said Ramson, “1 want on the wagon wheels— we couldn*- came out of the door— a strong-built you to la g * , good look at that. I t ’s ao on without It When we need an.' and rather wall flavored woman with the moot wonderful thing In the world thing we make It If we can My wife Monde hair and dark eyes. mol maybe you’ll never see it again." la sick und the wagon is broke and It's ' Mrs Rulledye. these are travelers F inally G .» Him by tne Neck. • | he Indians usM to think that the raining and nlyht Is near in a lone tgieiit Spirit was In this river." said some couutry. und It ain't a real good pole under which she had Just passed Sarah time for me lo be down In the mouth Keeping guard below was the faith fu l Kind o aeems to me they were — 1» It. now? We haven't broke any dog. right. Samson uinarked thoughtfully. bones or bad an earthquake or been "Fortunately, our apartm ent house Kind o seem s as if ,|>e great spirit ««slped by Indians, so there's some has all the cffovenlence. of the Hippo <>f America was in that w ater It room for happiness ’ drome W e thought Instantly of the Look here, stranger— 1 like you,' moves on In the wav It wills and n o expert snake charmer. Kadlana. whr M id the man. I f there« a n jth 'n g 1 thing I ail atop It. Everything In Ita lives In the next flat. can do to help ye. I'll slop a w h ile .'" current ®oe« along with it.” "Certainly, I w ill get the snake.' lie spent Hie night with them and "And only the strong <«h stand said Kadlana. calrolv. when Awakened helped mend the felly and set (be the tourney,'’ said Sarih. And then ensued one of the eeriest tire. The«* word no doubt inspired fights It haa ever been my fortune to The fever and ague passed frem hy an ache In Iter hones A hard «eat witness At this unearthly hour In a and the eH«vele«ii Jolting of the w agon nne to another and all were sick New York apartm ent house Kadlana through long hoi dusty" days had before the Journey ended, although battled w ith th e sn ike. ‘ the ie ln * In hand wearied them Even their hearts were Ramson kept "H e Mt her four time» on the hand through h l, misery. The* e were many getting sore as they thought of the and shoulder, but finally she got Mm bleak* to menu, hut Samson's Inge- e n d le s, reaches of the roads ahead by the neck and the worst was over ....... ” >'ITe.| a «ark with , trRW Bnd nviliy was always equal to the task. "Then she told us the snake's his Dne day near nightfall, they were pul I under her and the children on tory. For five days he had been wan the s. nt At a wool of complaint he overtak.n by a tall, handsome Yankee derlog shout the apartm ent house • a« wont to «ay: lad riding a pony. His pony atop|ved having glided away from hla fellows I know It s aw ful tiresom e, but we hes ‘ 1» lb-- wagon and looked toward and from Kadlana. who. Intending to ' i> tve p a tie n c e W e 're goln* ta the travelers as If appealing for help, add some new specimens to her list of get used to it and ha a wonderful toward the horl- •ets. hsd ordered several samples sent l«M o f fun. Th ttm eH pas. q u irk — i **,n • n‘1 '«uttering Sarah saw at 'o her. you see •• T h e he would sing and ° nc* ,h ** hl* '« i« '1 w* * wandering lo the delirium o f fever. She got out "Apparently he had hlr.den In the I . lavement and finally reached out rlott, Mt nf ,|rollery They «pent the of the wagon and took Ma hand The 'partraent In some way unknown." night Of in ly third at a tavern la moment she did ao he began crying Boifalo, then a hnay. crude and rapid like a child The snake w-«« « Texas bull. It ate "Thia hoy la sick," she said to Sam 'vwaclously when returned to Its box, « '" « '•enter for the shipping east MM, who came and helped him o ff and west Mr Shallarb said his horse They camped for the night i "Adventure? Why leave New T o rt There w c i . em igrant. on thalr I and put the hoy to bod and gave him 1 nr I t r queries he. W .R , why? »ay to th * Far W est In tha - C .m a A ll «ba W ay Freen V s r m . n t r l medicine and tender rare. H e was yrowd i^vin. w om an and ch ild ren gnd ' A h . A eked, The Delights of the A Man for the A ges Seashore and Mountains Round Trip . Summer Excursion Tickets By Irving Bachelier rater Ij’lkc. Tillamook County Beaches. «ini O ther Resorts. ,tetro„ “ Oregon Outdoors,” SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES The Dry, Parched Throat NEW YORK OFFERS PRIZE SNAKE STORY CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. HALSEY GARAGE E X P E R IE N C E D W ho m e c h a n ic s will give you prompt and courteous service at lowest possible charge. B elm e ing \ < i' iii'GSrtiitl Pubes elsew h ere in- vestiRHte o u r lull line and rea so n a b le p rices, H A I SEY GARAGE, F o o te Bros., P ro p s Give the Enterprise all the local nesws von get and it will reciprocate. is C o rd s Fabrics Low Cost Mileage I’or the Big Car Every Fisk T ire is a guar­ antee that you will get mileage at a low cost. I or satisfaction, safety and economy you buy a sure thing ’ when you buy Fisk Tires. 1 >u are safe when you buj a know n and repu­ table product at a low price Sold only by Dealers • «¡r «