HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY. L IN N CO UNTY, OREGON. AUGUST 11, F»21 VOL. IX CO-OPERATE FARMERS ____ Jots and Tittles Peoria Pointe PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS and their members need no such July 31 those atteodmg Sunday , u ¡advice, but outiadera may profit by Cento school end church went across the A d m it t a n c e H »re it, if they are financially able to river and bad a picnic dinner. a LlUC Better Prices Expected for act on it The Farm Bureau is endeavor­ Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally Wheat and Woo! Vivian Clark ..hom e from Mon- Brownsville and Drifted Snow mouth, where she has been attend ing to provide lunde where needed flour at D H. Sturtevenfe. and in Halsey Particularly The Oregon Wool and Mohair to enable members to hold their ing school. Just received, leather, lacing. Myrle Githeus one day lest week, (•rowers’ Co-operative association crops un til prices become stable. W Sunday was the hottest day— 93 hgft as a vacation guest of the Geo. W Mornhinweg. Other parts of the country are while working at the thrasher, has become the largest wool mar­ M’’ Wahl family. being ns thoroughly organised on degrees. Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at stepped back back on tbe wagon keting a»»ociation >•> l ^e west a 0« -oper alive basis as the north­ L. C. Merriam and family mo- and stepped off, striking his arm Hotel Halsey every Tuesday aod The Linn county fair will be at Over 1700growers are ineiiihere and west. In Canada is a wool pool tored to Albany Saturday. on tbe bell and receiving eotue in Friday. Albany, October 4 to 7. it will handle 3,000,(XX) pounds of which last year sold over five and juries, but he is able to work again. Mr. and Mrs. J S. McMahan For Sale— Full blooded Rhode Only one tuberculous cow was this year’s crop W ithout solic­ a quarter million pounds of graded Those attending lb- Bell tele­ wars Brownsville visitors Tuesday. Island pullets; also a croaa between found at Harmony in 176 rested itation more giowers are daily wool d ract to the mills. phone picnic on Kiger island Sun­ R. I. reds and brown Leghorn«. The Albany Democrat, which J. S. McMahan shipped a car of ligning up. There are 4129 boye and 3875 day from here were Mr. and Mrs Mr«. W ill Carter. Indications are that this wool has absorbed tbs county Farm Bu­ hogs and sheep from H*l»«y Wed­ Gibbe and two children and Cle­ girls of school age in Linn county, •• Black Beauty," one o, the m oat »ool will be sold direct to wools i reau News, said last Sunday: nesday. one LaM ar. They report a goo 1 popular animal atones ever w ritten , E S. Kruse of Sherwood is the nills at about double the price O. W. Frutn had buainn*. call­ to Several nice G rant Reynolds, after being on- lime lim e a and u u lots iu u i o eat. «>■»-. .................... - , . . -11 ik - country — all first member in the valley to have ing bira to Harrisourg Monday. jffered by traveling buyers. wor)d_ by (h< huroaBe dsr the weather for about * week, prises were given to the winner« o f , w ™ Arrangements are b -pig made to wheat handled by the Farm Bu­ An enemy burned ten cords of returned to work Tuesday. raoe*- „ . u l has been p ictured and has achieved put on tbe market in Oregon a line rsa n Grain Growers' association Little Dorothy Corcoran of H al- t larity cn ,h, w(M a a« 1« Wilbur Hoyt's wood the other day, Dr. E W. Barnum and family cloths and clothing m id e en­ Mr. Kruse turning a carload ol sey is visitin g at the home ot “ * r book ot p^pphtet. It will be presented and Mr. and Mrs Sbialer spent 1920grain over to tbe aalss agency Mike M iller is employed in the tirely of virgin Oregon wool, wiih- uncle, Mark Curti» >t ,he Ria|to tomorrow evening, end sut the intervention of any mid­ on J u ly 28 and immediately re­ Pstersou blacksmith ehop at Junc­ Suuday on the McKiuxie. W. L. Frady and family visited no (riend of dumb animal» who can go dlemen between the grower and ceiving his advance M r and Mrs. A rthur Foots, the tion City. with M r Frady’e parents, Mr. an I lhould Ui, to it. Take the children. tbs woolen m ill or between the Mrs J. W . Drinkard and I er new Halsey Garage people, mo­ Mrs. J R. Frady. Sunday. too and ,et llie ieMOn In kindnees sink mill and the retailer. This would Missionary Meeting goeet, Mrs H K. Smith, wer* Al­ tored to Albauy Tuesday. The dust is getting bad in our into their impressionable minds, is some instances eliminate h »If of Miss H«xel McCallum of Craw- The Wotneu’e Foreign Mission bany cajlere Friday. town, causiog every one to keep Auction sale «eaaon will soon be the present cost of the goods —that N P. Slate of tangent has pat- fordsville and Truman McCrea of doors closed, which is hard to do ,r(# 4l)Cj u advisable for the man Is. it would put one-fourth of the roeirty held a most enjoyable Corvadi8 were merited Mouday. these hot days. who is thinking of having a eale to prsssni retail price, in addition to meeting l»st Friday afternoon at ented a self-loading and eelf-dunop- Frank Tin 1=> and family of the thrashing machine of P. H g..c(, re hi* auctioneer and date hie what he now gets, in the grower’s the home of Mrs. Sidney J Smith, iug road ecraper. pooket f i d leave another one- with twenty-five ladies in attend­ There ere 401 more school chil­ Brownsville visitea at the G. W. Freerk«en A Co , near Peoria, net Hale at once. Last year there were Inteiesting papers were dren and 83 more teachers in this Mornhinweg home Saturday even­ fire ,0 the stubble and came near froin two to five sales every u a y jin fourth in the pocket of the final ance. read by M r”. B. M. M iller, Mrs county than la«t year. C iu in i a btd tire A call went' L in „ county from Sept. 1 «0 U#l. purchaser. ing All indications are that there The farmers are reprasented in Conk, Mrs, Gardner and Mrs The Trollinier saw m ill and “ out tor help and a crowd "* soon 28 P. J. Ashton and family of Mon­ congreaa ag never before, and are Wesley, which were followed by • and got it under control will be as many sales this year as quantity of lumber el Shelburn gatbeu-d----- os were 8unday guest« of Mr». Smith last, and it is going to take a real able to block the progress of the lively discussion of tbe question Ashton’s mother, Mrs. W . W. Bass. were burned Saturday uight. Loa» The fire was on the Alva shocks salesman to g«t »»»• mo,’#y “ V* machine of the produce exchange, why the missionary society should place. It burned several •3000. year. Keu T. Sudlell. tbe well- Following the lesson A week ago Sunday David, the despite their alleged quarter-m ill- be attended James Bond of Albany was in of grain. known auctionaer of Albany, Ora., ion-dojlar lobby fun.I. President a delightful musical program ws- 14-year-old son of Richard Waites and wife of Lebansn, was drowned Halsey Thursday and made lb» cried 4B sales last fall without a Harding shows a disposition to played on the Brunswick. Charity Grange Items Enterprise office a short but pleas­ The hoeteee was assisted in serv while bathing in the river. break, except Sundays, and,quite a throw his influence on the aid« of H . L. Kiser and wife of Albany few who wanted date« with him e producers 8o f <»o able is the i ,g b v her' mother, M>e Sneed ant call. Rev. Kenneth C. Hendrick«, itlook in Washington that tele- The following «ere guests of honor Miss Beulah M iller is acting and M ’ F H H. » Porter and Mrs were disappointed on aocouot ol once a pastor at t-ebanon, goes to Nancy Taylor of Halsey visited at not dating their sales earlia». Next aphic advi.e h'S bien seut over! Mr*. Harvey C lin g in g . Miss mail carrier on route 2 during the Japan this month as a missionary, beconntry: "H o ld your cotton.” Alden, Mrs Adda Ringo, Mr« accompanied by his family. absence of W- H. Robertson on the F M. Kixer home Sunday week his regular fall sale adver­ Mrs tisement will appear in this paper, evening. Hold your wheat,’’ ‘ ‘ Hold your Crawford, Mrs F H Porter, his vacatiou. mid Tbe bomeseelters train is ached- M r. and Mrs. J. P. Pence and watch for it and keep potted on the Schrnll, tho Misses Hadley lool,” etc Mrs. Geo. Alford of H*-risburg uled to be at Salem Sept. 29 and Mrs. Francis Kixer left Monday good sales of the season. I t ia significant th a t Portland Rev. Mr. Oook. was the guest of her parent«, M r io ekip eutirely over this part of »r a fe v weak«’ vacation at Cas­ lispatches last Monday announced tie valley to Eugene the next day. and M'S. E. K. Gormley, for eev hat "wheat jumped up to »1 12,’’ cadia. An automatic tamper u»ed i> eral days hie week. Insect W ith «prlnQ-Boar« Note. The crushing and spreading of Mayberry A McKinney, local bus early in the season. filling silo« has proved successful- Among the curious Insects of the County Commissioner Pierce ex­ rock 00 the bonded road No. 24 There cooperative associations at the O' ego i Agricultural colle-« a ock buvers, shipped hogs fn in Malay peninsula studied by a member pects the Pacigc highway to be Harrisburg Tue.day and from H ai- has been co npleted. of ihv Loudon Zoological society Is graded from Halsey to Harrisburg Not much grain has been thrashed one called the lantern fly. which ts re­ .,y Wednesday. by the 1st of October. io this neigh >0 hood ve*. Mr. markable fo r It« sudden leaps, made The placing of the crushed-rock Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Harvey of diokel- has been running b'» '“ ■* w ithout the aid nt Its wings. I t » * ■ ast for tbe Shadd-Halaey »*▼» only a fte r the observer had carried e Or ien Broth nent will probably begin by th» G ante Pa»« visited at the J C chine » few days epeclmen to London and carefully ex- ers and Kizer intend starting their- S andish h"tn W ’dnesdav on then lime this paper zie off the press aiuftied It that he discovered tk e t | The start will be made at tb> return ttotne from a trip to Baker. about Aug 11. curious projection on the fro n t eg It» A number of young people from head, a kind of nose w ith a »fcaae lorihern eod. Buster, only son of George E here went to the C ilapooia Sunday In It, wa» the leaping organ. Whea Benjamin Rozel'eof Albanv wa. Russ and wife of Lebanoo, died bent back under the abdomen and sud­ 40 rod in the abdomea by a bull Friday night from tbe wound in ­ to have a good old swim. denly released It sent the Insect fly- George H Waggener of Eugene flicted when he accidentally shot Friday. His 13-year-old son drovi log. an 1 a pirty from Springfield were he bull off with a pitchfork. Fiv. ntmaelf. He was 15 years old. via ting in this vicinity Sunday .(itches were needed to close Ro- Mr. and Mrs W ill Porter o, Peter M lnult, Colonial Oovemer. E li Hall bae been delivering it-H’k wound. The bull was butch Shedd departed Friday for an ex­ wood to the Rowland echoo house. Peter M lnu lt « a * appointed ertd next day. nar and director general M New tended trip through Yellow atom I t has been report« 1 tha* John Netherlands In 1025 by the Dutch Week Miss L illian Sneed of Portland park and other points of interest. was called to her home in thisoity I bev ere making the trip by traiu. Cffastine hse sol I his farm to M r India company. T he follow ing year he purchased M anhattan («lend frwm Sunday bn account of the injuries Eogga Section men burning gra*a on vtiicb her father suffered from his I) 8 Borsman started hie clo­ the Indians for »24 In m .rc h a n d la a fall. She returned io her work on 1 be railroad right of way n e i’ ver Hilller » '«ays ag > and will tie later built Tort Ameterdam. » he v s . recalled, but Sunday but expects to come again Priceboro last Friday.unknowttiglj .ake a run in the Halsey neigh­ • KW1 „m ed to America and built T o rt the last of the week for her vs left a live spark which the win- borhood as soon s« he can g“’ C hrhtlana. near the present atte fanned into a blai<*. and neigh- etion.'' ‘ . round to if- tVHsplngton. Del., under the auspice« of imnng farmer« were just The /a ll run of thrssbingi* joe, . . . . « ..d is h West Ind ie oompeny. to quench a fire in tbs grain before Uiout completed, some Of the ma it got beyond control. •bins« /laving already complete,! Mr. and Mrs R. L W inniford heir quota of the work, and the utting of the spring crop, is in and Adrian Gondbrod drove t» „ogress Harvest will sqon be Newberg to the home of M 1». W to- n-tory for the year 1921 and from niford’s sister, Mr«. A M. Ken­ 11, reports the yield is fair, »1 nedy. where they were joined by bough it is thought the recent the Cha». Bishop family of Port­ HALSEY. OREGON verm days have caused the grain land. and all spent Sunday at y, ripen prematurely end ebor, T ra n g le Lake. ned the yield to lome extent Mr« J C S'gudisb entertain« • M illard Shelton ot the Scio shea, her gundsv-achool else, at a d> - Interest paid on time certificates of deposit , tub end Noryal Gott of the Laba Jightful lawn party at bar home non p g dub tied for fiirst piece in Monday evening. Betides eleven We invite your banking business -lie fi^ld judgi' g tonteet and tour members. Veruou Sawyer and ahicb was etagad by the coantt Jack D*»n were gueete Mrs. H. KOONTZ. Pres: d ta Vice-Pres. c uh leader for th., 1 veafeck clubs Standish was assisted in entertain (th e county. The i wo boy* scored ing by Rev Mr Cook, Mrs. C o ’k c . B. M. BOND. Cashier >35 points out of a possible 700, and Miss Geraldine Cook. making an average of 76,8 Third M E. Stone, Ernest Stewart. place went to Arnold Zyseet of 8 cic, Lee H ‘ ye« * nd Manuel h"«»». »•' 73 4, while Joe Rohweiu was fourth ol Biewnsv.lle. came here lw-l u th an average of 72 1. I wen Tue»day to meet the Southern Fa ,y-two and girls took y-two boys end look part it- 11. »o- j b f. r# be field judging and about 40 1 *^ ^ \ or th , h , . hbn.g outfit be- ----- - - b 8 - , , d . th . trip — Farm P-ur.en pair» pairs vxi for the. -,>na tut for» they could complete their job News at the Stewart piece Mr Stone Chari«« Streley and family, who ia an active member of the Brown-- igft here about a year ago and have villa grange and w u a welcona- 4 pe reçut io terceto» aevi»te reaided tn Orlando, Fla , for the caller at the Enterprise office. It a ,art of the time since then, greater pe R. H Corneliue. new Southern returned to Haleey l*»t Sunday Pacific agent at thia M u ii-e a n u a lly . ’o’aX • ltd »aert that tbe Willamette charge of the work on Tueaday of valley look« good to them. They tbia week end on the 18lb of tblc »I made the return trip by auto, vis­ month will move hie family into 0 1 aing Waehington, D C.. Penneyl- the F H P x te r home which they 't T vanie, vani«, Weat Virginia, Ohio. Iowa. have rented U n til that time they Minneaota and other etatea on th» have a tent pitched in the D. H. return trip. They expect to make Htnrtevaut yard, having known the