A r n r ’ T 4, iw i The Great Outdoors Livestock, D a iry P rodu cts, B e rrie s , F r u it, “ The F a rm e r Feedeth A l l. ” G ra in s. LACK o r PACKAGE UNIFORMITY means money loss for buyer or p *» ' i ted «« th e hast« for all pack- andard- If a m anufacturer • IF rtahea Io in lr o d u v e a crate Into a pro duci -tlon normally ualng the bar­ rel tualiad o f u s in g th e lu is h e l w a it, the teudi io v 1« in offer a barrel crate >r I b a r r e l crate. At the praa- *nt tltiM ftie m ites and hoges are t * ll.g 'iNfeiifact «I In «Ite» baaed on »lard h»"w ' 0 0 5 the U hl Ri quarte! wlth Ite u: tlv leioue. the Cn »il Stale» crnnbarry barrai |8d 45 fi4 quarto) wlth l f «uliUivtsIonA thè wrlght bu*bel, thè hriq«»! bu«hcl and th» voltiui» bitehrl l l i t . » dlffurvnt « teeil.rd - « ,'d hccHU* of cbmpct- Ing partii«, Senee of Crete*, Tti» rastll' tnny li» «»cu hy a g len e» et th» fi'ltowioq tabi»; rw ,.. , f Cratse W bic» Osnae« M. R...V )((«(tpgut.hwt FVom fleto (MS.r Cr»tra i» i.J