World’s Record Events At Pendleton Pound-Up Pendleton. Ore., July 25tb.— New world'» record» in the event» which make the Pendleton Round- Up famous the world over are ex­ pected at the 1921 ahow which will b , staged here September 22, 21 and 24 Fast relay string», wild young steers and bucking "hronks” whose hasty temper and uncertain dispo­ sition will give the yowboye a chance to show their skill in the bucking contests, are promised for the great out-door dram a. The steer hulldogging gives indication of being a nio»t spectacular event, for Ray McCsrroll and Frank Mc- Carroll, two brothers, are vieing for tbs championship. Frank McCarroll recently broke all rec­ ords when he hulldogged in 7 3-5 seconds, but his brother, Rav, suc­ ceeded a few days ago in clipping two-fifths of a second off this time. One of the feo*tires of the show is the speed with which events are given. The big panorama of events begins each day exactly at 1:30 p. no., and continues without pause during the afternoon. Never is the slogan “ Something Doing Every Minute” better exemplified than at the Round-Up. Among 1921 Round-Up visitors this year will he W. B. Brown, nationally known illustrator, of Boston, M assachusetts. He ex­ pects to find many subjects for drawings at the show. Another visitor will be Dr. George Black, prom inent physician of White Plains, New York, Miss Trula Miller of Browns. Nate Windom, of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Warmoth ville, came over to take a South- was in Halsey oh Saturday, were down from Eugene and speDt ern Pacific train for Portland on I Bert S. Clark and riatigh- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. I.aubner Sunday with G rant Taylor. ter, Georgina, went to Albany Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Whealdon Friday. motored to Albany Friday. of Eugene, were gHeats at the J. S. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLaugb- Thursday. Chss Kizer was down from the ,n of White Fish, M ontana, pas -j j E Springer and J. E. Fox of Me Mahan home several days last Harrisburg way on Saturday. week. -id through town S 'tu rd ay on their Portland, pasaed th ro ig h town Jack Dean cf Baiidt n, Oregon, way to Medford, wh»re the\ go to Satordav en route to Crawfords- Mrs. Andersun and grandson arrived in Halsey Sunday and will and great grandeon of Salem were brother, A. Rav­ vide Mr. Fox goes to see hie aee the latter's visit a few weeks at the borne of father who lives in th at eection guests at the J. C. Bramwell home moud. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. recently. D. F Dean. Miss Irene Alden of Bonner Mrs. Chas Whitlatch and little Springs, Kansas, arrived in town son, Ronald, of Eugene, visited Saturday for a visit with her un­ the form er’s father. G rant Taylor, cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ Is a m atter of im portance to Y< u. Where a few days the latter part of last vey Clingman. you will spend it is a m atter of interest to Us. week, returning home Saturday. Mrs. Hugh Brandon was operat­ Mis. D. 8. McWilliams and son, ed upon for appendicitis last F ri­ Eliot, went to Albany Sunday day at the Good Samaritan Hos­ evening and returned Monday pital in Portland and according to evening with Mr. McWilliams who a recent report received by Mis. are now in effect to the following delightful places drove down that day. They great­ Brandon in this city is recovering for Rest, Recreation and Amusement. ly enjoyed a few sessions of the rapidly. Albany Chautauqua. An automobile ran into J. W. Newport. Oil the Pacific Ocean and Yaquina Bay is this charming old place where thousands return year after Mr. and Mrs. H arry Commons Wells wagon on the road south of motored to town Monday bringing town Friday completely demolish year to spend their vacations. in Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Commons, ing a wheel. Mr Wells has the Crater Lake. A world wonder in the Cascade Range. of Scotts Mills, the form er’s p ar­ parties number but he traveled on More than a mile above the s«a is thia beautiful azure blue ent», who had made them a visit south and as yet no adjustment lake, set in the crater of a huge mountain. at this time, Io catch a S. P. train has been made. Miss Mary McClellan of San for home. They also had with Tillamook County Beaches. Bevond the Coast them their little son, Master Ward Francisco, who bad been here visit­ Range mountains are these new and unspoiled places where Commons, four years old, who ing her graudparente, Mr. and Mrs the ocean and the forest meet. is suffering from a lame hip, the Frank Gray, and other relatives cause for which they are not sure. and friends for several weeks, left Other Resorts. Detroit (Breitenbush Hot Springs, Mt. The trouble was first noticed a for her home on Friday. She was lefferson Country,) MeCredieH-it Springs, Josephine Coun­ week ago but as yet no misplaced accompanied to Albany by Mr. ty Caves, Shasta Mountain Resorts, Yosemite National bone has been discovered. The and Mrs. E. E. Gormley. Park. child and a small girl were play­ Masters Robert and Summers “ Oregon Outdoors” is the title of our sum m er book­ ing together and the boy fell, and Dougherty who have been with let which describes the different resorts in western Ore­ the girl fell over him and it is their grandmother, Mrs. Dough­ gon and includes hotel and camp information. Copy free thought possible that the injury erty ot Halsey, while their mother, on request. was inflicted at that time. It case Mrs Summers Dougherty of Port­ it does not get well at once an land, was in a hospital at that For further information inquiiWBf ticket agents. Xray examination wjl] be made. city, left for their Portland home Sunday, iheir mother haying suf­ J O H N M. SCOTT. ficiently recovered to be at home. General Passenger Agent Halsey News Notes Your Summer Outing Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares Southern Pacific Lines, AS COLD AS THE FROZEN NORTH is our ice cream. It is delight­ fully cooling and refrrsh'ng after a hard shopping tour. f t p in and enjoy a plate. We have all flavors—chocolate, vanilla, straw- fa n y , lemon, tu tli frutli, etc It makes an ideal refreshment and is nourishing and wholesome. GENUINE INVESTING INVESTMENT does not consist of plunging—or taking CLARKS CONFECTIONERY. chances. I Corn, 1-2 or 1 Ton Lots, $42 per Ton jjj '¡¡L Chick Feed, 13.75 per 100 3K W hits OAT Chop, half or ton lot-, $35 per ton Coconut meal, f l 90 per 80 pound sack Mill Run, half or ton lots, 137 per ton. y K •&> Will chop Everv Oav. \i/ O. W . F R U M i “Perhaps You Don’t Know” a ay» the Good Judge 1 : i i H o w long a little of th e R e a l T o b a c c o Chew w ill last N o r how much gen Mine chewing satisfac­ tion the full, rich real tobacco taste w ill give. A sk any man who uses the Reaf Tobacco Chew, H e w ill tell you that this class of tobacco w ill give m ore satisfac­ tion—and at less cost— than the ordinary’ kind. P it a/» rw two styles 9 tu 1 C a m p a n , . U 0 ~ a steady and sure return. It means letting your capital work so that no penny of it is lost to you, your family or your heirs. The investor does not gamble. H e provides for the fu­ ture and for financial independence in his old age. He does something which everyone approves and which brings him the blessings of bis wife and children. A really sound investm ent is one that pays an income to the owner of the security at regularly stated periods each year. Certain kinds of business enterprises are able to do this much better than others. Some lines of business make unusu- ally large profits vn tim es of prosperity and nothing in other pe­ riods. A tew classes of industry, because o f the nature jf their work, are on an entirely different basis; for example the electric light and power companies. Electric light and power companies do not earn exorbitant profits at any tim e, but soundly managed, they maintain a rea­ sonable earnings jiower at all times. While their earnings grow in the years of general prosperity, they do not slump perilously during hard times- GOLD NOTES 81 < SAFE, SUBSTANTIAL, SECURE MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY H. M. BYLLESBY 4 COMPANY Fiscal Agents Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation Engineers and Managers Vt -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R I G H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco • ’’ It means handling your money safely so that it yields N e w , Y o r k C 't»