Frank Bond and family were Fly spray, Ringo'« Drug Store passengers to Albany Wednesday. Arlie Kendall Arne iLenaan of oi Shedd, oueuu, made g l a s s e s f it t e d Brow nsville and D rifte d Snow hi* »isler, Mrs. Josie Smith, a visit _ S. L. _ Overton ______ of Twin Butte BY flour at D H. Sturtevant’«. on Sunday. had business at Albany on Fatui- GRADUATE Dr E. W. Btrnum , Dentist, nt Mrs Warren Perry of Salm i *i»T- O P T O M E T R IS T Hotel Halsey every Tuesday am! was a visitor at the John T. Me-, Frank Gray is falling in line A LB A N Y . ORE. Friday. Neal home Saturday. with those improving the appear^ PRIVATE o f f ic e Special Noon Lunch 25 to jOc Mra C. H. Koontz and sons, For # , g worth o{ kodak ante of their homes aith a eoat o F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S 1 L gl t Lunches served all day. Frank and Herman left Tuesday fifli, bi ,,ne 6xg enlargem ent1 P»'n‘. P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E for a soj .urn at .Newport. free Ringo's Drug Store. W. L. Smith left Monday for Kr>ah Home-made Candy a id Ice f M. FRENCH A SONS A »"ii was born to Mr and Mr». I . Salem where h» will be engage i» Brick ice cieam inada to E l S -iryin o f Tangent, July 22nd h B McKinney and family re- ,or >onie t j nie jn th-»erection of a ALBANY OREO. ' order. , at the T. J. Bkirvin borne in thi- turned Monday from an enjoyable . * rP#;dence lit th at city. ___ _ - - - --- - — 1» 1 n lit l.iM S .u lt P r»a>*P f itU I k U U ii H I t l l H I A AAA A Icity. ; outing . spent near the bead of the Dr. Marks, G. W. I.aubner. C. Bobh returned to her liom» 1 'l'oo' ‘< P Stafford and Roland Marks a t­ iJENTISTSY in P-rihiml Sunday a fte ra in o n ili’. Mr and Mr». Fred Taylor re- tended the game Iwlween t ottag • ) lioiial Haute BiuUlin, A hinr,. G/egou, visit w ith In r daughter, Mrs. C. S turned Io their home in Corvallis Grove and Hairiaburg at Harris- | today after a short visit at the J. iburg Sunday Two doors north of tbe hotel. F u'ler. W tlio u t pain. Lute neiv«’- Mr. and Mr». Crandall ami eon C. Standifh home. Ferris Hathaway of Eugene an >!u Come to D ip iee cream »neial Shedd. ? ' Saturday, July ROth. at 8:30 p. in Miss Ruth W illiam s of Portland, given by the Lake Creek Cooking Club at the Lake Creek Church. earns U0 Monday for a visa at the B I Carev arriv°d from Idah" H L Straley borne. where be bad been visiting a Mr. an d Mr». Clyde Kelly of daughter Ttv s lav, and 1« now a! Turner were week-end guests at tbe heme of bis sin. W A ( are the born< of Mr. and Mrs. An- “ The Sagebrusher.’’ a photoplay d-»w Brown. of the famon» Emerson Hon. h novel, alan a dandv good ¡comeCy Fridav night at the Rialto Ton t miss this treat. S. H Baker and wife of Rrownr ville, were in town Tue-day an their wav home tfter a trio through Coo« county. They great­ ly enjoyed the outing Mr» B. M Bond went to A' b»nv Tne=d»v returning that eve- - Clothing Of Quality at the ing with M r Bond, Mrs We can fit you with a Truss W ILDEY LODGE NO. «5. Regular meeting next Saturday n ig h t. BARBER SHO P Electric W. J. Ribelin Dealer I Estate. COM PANION and the EN TER PR ISE For 18.75 per year. W R W H T & POO LE Woodworth Drug Co. FARMS for RENT J. W. MOORE, at 75c THE AfcWY, Real H I E YOU THS’ Our Truss-Fitting Department is modern in every respect, equipped with Trusses to fit every kind of rupture. PRICES car at tbe Dod$e Jattory, in Handles Town and Country Property. Give linn a call and see if he can fix you up. Having had 25 y e a rs of e x p erien ce in F ittin g rived Sunday for a visit « 'I 1' 0 V. From and family Mr». Bre - T ru sses an d ru p tu re ap p lian ces t o th o u sa n d s l«r and Mr. Fruni are c 'U»ins and o f satisfied c u sto m e rs we knew ttia t we can this ie their first visit in twenty- ■ fit any kind o f a R u p tu re and g u a ra n te e sa tis­ seven years. Mrs G. Mitzner returned Sat faction. urday trom Monmouth where she; 9 had »pent weeks with her daughters. Mi«»pa Ida an^ Amanda who are attending summer school, See our T R U S S M A N when in Albany and i» again at th" home ot her daughter, Mr». Ernest Gourlev. Mr. and Mr« G illett and son Wilson, of Cottage Grove arrived Saturday and are guests at the of tbeir son and brother, ( Men’s heavy 220 home E G illett, southeast of town A L B A N Y . OREGON a few days Wilson Gillett weight blue Dinim Bib After ill continue his journey to Cana da w here he will have employ Overalls, Full Cut, ex ment during the harvest season Mi«. Pearl Scott of Portland, tra heavy stitched who for some time has been v isit­ ing at the home of her parents, Mr and Mr». G. L S h n d e r of Monmouth, passed through Halsev B usiness O p p o rtu n ities in H alsey : Tuesday on her wav to Alpine to Several real bargain« in farm bjjys. Also town properly visit the H arry I.eeper f»mi1v. Agent for Fidelity-Pheuur Fire Insurance company o f New York She was accompanied by Mr. H ar­ Renew your policy with a home agent and get results. old of Portland The Sbryders. at one time residents of this city, Full cut Blue Work will be remembered by many now living here. well- Office a t H alsey , O re. Mr and Mrs. G. F. Schroll, for­ Real E state and In su ra n c e Shirt, a roomy, mer resident, of thia city, but who the paat few years have been made work shirt, priced for iving in Forest Grove, arrived in R IA L T O F R ID A Y Halsey Tueadav evening and will again make their home with us. They will occupy t heir home in >r which the P. J. Forster family has resided for some time while Mr. Forster expects to move to the: res­ idence be recently purchased on First Street The many friends W ork Sox, Cotton of Mr. and Mrs. Schroll gladly welcome them back to our city. The Photoplay of the Novel by Mixed, Mr« J. P Ashton and children of Monroe, were in Halaiy yeater- lav in their newly recovered Dodg­ e r which was stolen from their farm home the latter part of May. No sto ry ev er m ade for th e screen has The car was apparently taken by p ictu red a S u b lim er F a ith —a S w eeter an orgmized gang of auto thieve», gold by them to a garage in lo rt- Love. 1 and for $700 and at the time of A G r e a t A u t h o r ’» P r o d u c t i o n recovery was in the hands oI an innocent third party who paid »900 A nd a Good Comedy for it. The motor number had been changed but identification C om ing n ex t week. Z an e Gray’s was mad- by means of secret num ­ ber! placed on other parts of the 2 Pairs 25c llaircu ttin g . Massnguig and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pre»»ing. Office Isl door sou th of school house llalsey, Oregon. Mr» Cha«. Bressler and (laugh ter. , Miss W es’ea, of Portland, ar j $1.15 a pair '• E. C . M IL L E R M • Bond and Mis? Mona, who d r e e ¿own to hear the band concert. Which would von rather do. feed the fly or the cattle? Jtl»t receiv­ ed a new »apply of Fly Spray which sell An a guarantee; no good no pay Call on the Rawleigh man and get it. H 8. W inklxman I. 0. O. F. IF YOU ARE RUPTURED LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRISBURG LEBANON l'hone ¿5 P hon. 15 Branches at Brownsville, Wm X Templeton, Mgr. Halsey, Phone lb6, Frank Kirk, Mgf. F. M.GRAY Drayman. All work done promptly and reasonably, Phone No. 2b9, DR. E . S. D O N N E L L Y Surgical diseases of Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat C L A S S E S F IT T E D 501 First National Bank Bldg, Albany. Artistic Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLE. Albany. Ore, Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. Albany. Oregon. $5. Town or Country $5 Chiropractor DR. R. U . H A R R IS X-RAY C usick B ask building , A l »4 w < C c. BRYANT SAGEBRUSHER 201 New F ir .t N at’l Bank Bld'g, Albany, Oregon. EMERSON HOUGH Amor A. Tussing U. P. Trail ATTORNEY AT LAW LAW YER AND NOTARY B kownsvillk , O kkoon A. Peterson Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty JVl Lyon Street, Albany, Orejo»,