The Halsey Enterprise Charity Grange Items. Canning Compound Powder Rin­ go’s Drug Store. An Independant Newspaper Hotel Halsey Meals, 50c Rooms, 75c Rates by week or month C. P. Kizer made a business trip The second accident occurred I to Portland Sunday. w ith in the week near A lfo rd s ta -j PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Mrs. R. P. Dougherty of Browns­ tion from fast d riv in g when a car v ille spent several days visiting in ran into and broke the leg of a | this v ic in ity la»t week. Courteous treatiueut to all patron» cow. The anim al had to be ki I'e t Give us a trial D. F. D ean , E ditob . A p o u ltry demonstration for Entered ee eeeond-eleee matter Oc­ C h a m / com m unity w ill he held 1 tober 9, 191|, at the poetoMiee at Hal­ at tbs boms of August Sperling on ter, Oregon, under the Act of March Aug. 5th, commencing at 9 a. m J I, 1179. F. M. K izer who fe ll some lim e ago and h u rt his bip is not yet able Devoted to the material upbuilding of to get around w ithout help. K od ak s, F ilm s a n d Halsey and surrounding country and S u p p lie s M r and Mrs. W. R Pence l^ ft Linn County generally. Subscription Sunday evening fo r a week’s vaca-1 rate 91.(0 per year in advance. E X P E R I E N C E D M E C H A N IC S tion at Cascadia. Oscar W igle and wife spent th e ! Poultry Demonstration at W il­ day Saturday iu ¡Springfield. For every 93 worth of Kodak finishing liam ’s Farm Some of the boys w orking at the rock crusher k ille d a rattlesnake one 6x8 enlargem ent free. Before buying your Tires and Tubes elsewhere in» Schedule for the p o u ltry c u llin g last week, this being the th ird one Halsey Drug Store. dem onstration which w ill begin in kille d since the work started. vestigate our full line and reasonable prices. L in n county on August 4 has been HALSEY GARAGE, C ounty T h is tle Commissioner I Open every evening t i l l 9 announced by the county agent Foote Bros., Props Dawson has been w orking in th is except Sundays. who is sending out the dates and neighborhood the past few davs, instructions fo r the work to a il the Canada Ih i-tle p o u ltry project leaders, com m unity inform ing Igiowers th a t it is tim e to harvest chairm en and co-operators. the th istle crop. L e t’ s a il do our Owners of flocks are asked to keep a careful record of eggs from duty and keep this weed under Oregon , Higher Imtilulion of the entire flock for seven days control. U. G. REYNOLDS, Proprietor HALSEY 'GARAGE Kodak Finishing and W ho will give you prompt and courteous Tinting. service at lowest possible charge. MAYBERRY & TECHNOLOGY M c K inney p rio r to the c u llin g dem onstration. A t c u llin g tim e the c u ll* should Christian Church Notes be kept away from the select fowls Eight Schooli; Severn, Departmeals and a record Of eggs made for the FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 Sunday School at 10 o’clock, seven succeeding days, the in s tru c ­ For informilio. w rit. Io III* Rrm tlikr tions read. I b is record should beginning with prayer aud scrip­ Oregon Agricultural College H ighest prices paid for Beef, Pork, Veal and M u tto n . Fee Us then be sent to the county agent. ture quotations from the book of CORVALLIS Matthew. Communion service The hens should he kept in a coop before you sell, Halsey phone 179. B ro w n sville phone 37c51. by the cooperators on the day of and sermon at 11 a. in. C hristian Endeavor prayer meeting at 7 p. the dem onstration. On the schedule for the c u llin g m. Song - i^ ic e aud eermon at the ( 8 p m . demonstrations. inclu ding Doing our best is a to nic, a names of the demonstrators, pro­ ject leader and com m unity ch a ir­ great health stim ulator. man appears fo r Aug. 4th, 9 a. m. Methodist Church Notes — Lake Creek a t the Clarence W il­ liam s place. H. E Coshy, dem­ Sunday School, " S a u l’s Teach­ onstrator; O G C oldiron, project leader; and C R. Evans, commu­ ing at A n tio c h .” A whole year thev assembled n ity chairm an. This is an excellent o p p o rtu n ity themaelve9 w ith tho church and Acts 11.26 I W hat „ the seliillg price for the p a u ltrv raisers of this com­ ta u g n tm u c h people m u n ity to obtain the necessary A fter the m artyrdom of ¡Stephen x. .. . P T 0 K S ? No matter, becaoe know ledge to im prove th e ir fl css the gospel was preached in tunny ( aud make the chicken business a places. C h ris tia n ity had to break | i s the wearing of K R Y P T O R S paying one. Come, bring your the shell of Jewish ex Jusiveneis that counts. Ask to see K R Y P basket dinner, and fu rth e r this for i t is the universal religion. ; T 0 K S ) then buv K R Y P T O K S ami Jeeus meets the needs of a ll man- w l], f , ¡d movement by your attendance. kind, loves every soul and cao i - r save the chief of sinuers. The Halsey Couple Wed gladdest people are those who see These prices are bargains considering the qual­ ” To be A verv p re tty wedding occurred most of the grace of God ity of the ware, should take advantage of on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in relation not w ith God alone but them at once. a t the home of M r and Mrs. J. W w ith one’s fellows, and to serve M 'lle r, when th e ir daughter, Miss God in serving them , that ¡9 to be * a i a à A L B A N Y O B C a. D orothy, was married to Harold a C h ris tia n .” The interm ediate and senior Harold Albro. Stevenson, son of M r. and M rs J A. Stevensoo, Dr. Lee, Dean of leaguers met in jo in t session last Manufacturing optcian. Albany College, pronouncing the Sunday evening to entertain about ceremony X solo, "S in g of a 25 of the H arrisb urg league who H e a rt,” Tunison, was sung hy came down bv autos. The leader Miss Helen Lee, a classmate of the was Homer M ornhinw eg and the bride, and ths Mendelssohn W ed­ subject, “ The Value o f Good L it ­ A liv - ding M arch was played by Miss erature in E d uca tio n.” discussion was carried on by mem­ Donna Robertson. P in k swectpess were the chief bers from a ll three organizations decoration and formed a pretty in which some good th in g * were setting. A d a in ty gown of w hite well said. Please take notice th a t net w ith a w hite cottage bouquet we have speakers in our in te r ne- diate league who can ta lk as well was worn by the bride. These vouog people are native as grown ups. Our young people re s id e n tio f H tlse v, graduates from had prepared a special the Halaey High School, and the program anrLwe feel sure th a t the bride a member of the class of '20, H arrisburg friends went home feel­ U. of O., w hile the groom is a ing th a t our young people ate not graduate of O. A C. They w ill latisfled unless religious things are make th e ir home in Brow nsville well done. Bro, Cook is p la n n in g a social where Mr. Stevenson hss entered in to the drug business sod wher® fu nctio n for all our >oung people the tv©st wishes of a host o f friends next F rid a y evening at M cK er- cher’ s m ill. I t is to be a chicken accompany them. Those present ware; Messrs fry in w hich the young men are t» and Mesdsmes J. W . M ille r, I A. bring the chickens and the young Stevemon, John M a rg in , Ralph ladies the rest o, the good tilin g s f.o.b. Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Pocatello, B u tte M ille r, W H Robertson. Mrs. An enjoyable tim e is anticipated. — . ----- H a rrie t M ille r, Miss Beulah M ’ lle r, Mrs, L C. Merriam and sou, Mr». E d ith Ro'm ett, M ist Ethel Qrsimbv On’ -of-tow n gneste were G uy, returned Monday from Hood River. Messrs and Ms-dames A. F. Ran­ 620 at $360 has the famous valve- I he most th r illin g setting ever d a ll, Scio; D 0 . Stevenson, A l ­ in-head, four-cycle, air-cooled bany; W . H Lee, A lbany, Mi»* arranged fo r a fist tight in picture» Dstey Ruekner, Scio; Mi*» Helen is th a t in Benj. B H am pton's motpr. It is self-cranking. There ‘ ‘ The Ssgebrusher,” the p ic tu ri- Lee, A lbany. is only one place to oil. It runt on ta tlo n of Emerson Hough's novel. kerosene, is economical and easy The combatants ar«f Roy Stewart Threshing i t uoder way in sev­ to operate. • and E dw in W a llock, the v illa in , eral com m unities in the valley who battle on the roof of a shanty Years of Delco-Light engineering T his is a little earlier than usual, development, together with the and a vary good yield is the rule. which is being hurled down a Amos Rim