,d è A b i1 4 H A LSEY ENTERPRISE HAI.SEY. I INN COUNTY, VOL. 9, NO. 47 THE HALSEY STATE BANK H ALSEY, OREGON Capital and Surplus $31,000 In terest paid on time certificates of deposit \Ye invite your banking business II. KOONTZ, P res. D. TAYLOR, Y ice-Pres. B. M. BONI). Casliier The Firsl Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Is * .good place to deposit your saving«. 4 percent interest on savings accounts th a t run three m onths, si« n o n th s or a y tw . Interest pal, sem i-annually. Smith Bros*’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. OREGON, $1.50 PER YEAR JULY 28 1921 Linn Countv "Farm- I.inn t ounty llairj Middle West Settlers’ ers in Convention Purebred» Wanted I xeursion Postponed Id a h o wants siuue of L ia u coun- Following the recent an n o u n ce­ m ent th a t the date of the settlers - ex .................... -......... r — ----------- uisiou from the - - middle west to Oregon had been postponed from Ju ly 19th to Septem ber 20th U|>on request of large num bers of home- seekers w ho are unable to m ake fa rm | , At a recent meeting of t the Farm , . 1 tv ’« purebred dairy c a ttle , aceord- Bureau in Alhat.v at w hich fitti I • re v iv e d by the L r n .e r e w ere p re v e n t t i n MU " ing prices to be charge I by th re sh . erm en and balers were fixed, Prices to be paid for labor for 1921 * were sre also determ ined ined. T he th reshing scale is as follows: For threshing w heat, 22c sack. T hreshing oats, 10c per stick. Thresbiug barley, 18c per sack. V etch, $12 00 per hour for 0 wagon outfit; $15 00 per hour far 8 wagon outfit; $18.00 per hour for . | It C ainnub'k, fi.- I d airym an, «‘Kten^ion division ut tue U niversity <4 1 laho. I I,,. Idaho breeders aie in terest- l)|( |ii||i} bre(, u( tb li 1|r| ,e(lvl , iula.ules a ,.d the trip till a fte r harvest, the Ore gnu S tate Cham ber of Commerce the III'»’ of I ho wonderful record is m aking com plete preparations m ade by tin; county in the tubar- tut the Septem ber trip . cul sis tests has leached th at state. T he county agent stated th at C om m ercial clubs of th e state a ll' *>ue in the com ity who tins high have been urged to com plete the grade purebred and registeted d a i­ listing of available lands in each ry cattle, either H olstein or Jersey, co ii.muiiitv for the inform ation of 10 wagon outfit , b u ild notify him nt once ns steps th ■ settlers, and these listed lands The following scale of wages is - are »icing taken to secure a carload of registered purebreds to semi to will be placed in the hands of each i ba-ed on a 12 hour -lav Idaho Definite inform ation as Common labor, $2.50. member of the p a rty , according j to what they have, amt p rice w m t- Man with team and w agon,$4.00. to Secretary Q uayle In this way ed, should tie stated by the owner«, th e homeseeker will know in ad- I Sack sewer, $8.00 per day. the county ageut said. Albany T his report of the com m ittee, H taid. v anci the price and descriptiou of consisting of W alter House, F. W actual tracts of laud in each d is­ Robinson, S. W. Good, O I. M nl-| ARCHIE CORNELIUS tric t in the state. ler, E 11 Petrick. George W eirii h, j George Q uayle, general secretary W M M icL n d e, f e A . H ulbert, W ATCH MAKER of the sta te cham ber, left today on and E. A Uh «uibers, was u n a n i­ a tour of the state for the purpose A N D JE W E LE R . mously adopted. , of securing repiesentatives of va-, Tins se tle is approxi ..atelv >* rious districts wtio will assist the H M .S K /, O R K lflH reduction <4 83 per cent under that state cham ber representative in of last year. I a p e it \Vorkman»hip; Watches and the middle west in the werk of lin ­ T he price established for haling Clocks a specialty. ing UP prospective settlers. was $3 25 per ton. A long telegram from O m aha, G ive i n a t r ia l. W ages for baling based on n ten requesting additional literature on hour day is as follows. 0 egon lor distribution am ong R oustuhnut. $3.50. prospective seltleis, stated th a t W e H ave 2.50. F orker, a large num ber of hotneseekers are t EVERY THING 3 50. Derick hoy, preparing to come to Oregon in O ptical 4.00. Feeder, Septem ber alter harvest is over. 4 00. Wire hoy, E Y E S T R A IN 8 00. Hoedown, Is the C ause of Many Oregon Grain Grow­ 2 00. I I f MAN ILLS W eighers, If yo u r eyes give yon trouble The com m ittee on hailing prices ers Would Organize your glasses are annoying was S. G. T ulia, A. II. M uller, SUB VS. We can Relieve You Messrs. B arnes and H ow ard o f Dan Zell, W. A. Cm ey, Amos Bancroft Optical Co. (to 1st Si. w U bany. I’licne 461 4 the Oregon Cooperative G rain Ramsay. T he report was u n a n i­ Growers Association were in H al- mously adopted. 4.U -ey last T hursday in the in terest of th a t organisation and held a m . e t i i i g a t the opeia house; hut, ¡owing to the tael th a t there hail fieen no announcem ent of th i m eeting previous to th at evening, the attendance wiy» very light Mr. H oward told us th a t they So are Repairs, Binding Twine and Bale 1 ies had beeu very successful in secur m g members in Lane county and ready for your service. interest all over th e N orthw est is One Set of very great, there being som ething Mewing Machine*, Rakes ami Binders. Get a knito like fourteen thousand m em bers. Work Harness 2nd hand—price right. Mr. H ow ard expects to spend sev­ Grinder and sa w time. W e hate Pumps on hand eral days among the farm ers in pitcher ami force pump-». Come early while the thia vicinity in au etyfeavor to in- H ARVEST IS H E R E CLOTHES MAY NOT MAKE THE MAN But often makes the only impression others get of him , there is a lot of personal satisfaction if your W hen form er comrades meet, there is a lot o l clothes inspire the question J fA a s Your answer, if vo« Vour J a y lor? the best quality-value possible to ee­ rcat them in the movement, and no doubt he will be successful in securing manv members as the be- Lef is becoming firmly established among the producers that coopera­ tion in marketing their wares is the only chance for them to secure their share of the selling price. T hat there has beeu too many non-producers, middlemen, etc , living off the profits made on farm produce is a foregone conclusion, and any movement th at will bring the producer and consumer nearer together should meet with the ap­ proval of both these classes and will eventually prove successful. line is full and you can get what yott want. G W M O R N H IN W E G (S U IM E R IM P L E M E N T S T O R E iT t f T ♦ A Full Line of Dr. Hess’ Dip and Disinfectant, and Fly Chaser which mis appropriate at this season. I | Straw and Cloth Hats cure anywhere, is of course . <£/ K 2^« tf-' (2>. T A IE O R IN G -T O INDIVIDUAL MEASURE There ie a personal style for you in both fashion and fa b ric -a t the right price. M. V. KOONTZ CO. The removal of the Fred Burk­ hart warehouse to make room for the right of way of the Pacific highway at Alfoad station ia one of the problems encountered by the county court in securing right of way th at will parralel the S. P. track from Halsey to Harrisburg. Mrs. Elixa Brandon went to Shedd last Friday to see her lriend, Mrs. Wat. Morgan at Saddle Butte, who has not been well lor lorn« time. SFor warm weather. Also SHOES’ j for the whole Family. ♦Something Special i ♦ Bulk Cocoa 20c lb, 21b 35c, 511» 75c, |0|b$l 40. ♦ ♦ Best tirade Peanut Butter 12 l-2c lb, 51b 60c, T f t 101b <1.10. ♦ 1 D. H. STURTEVANT. V ........................ g Rialto Friday nights, er