A1 Savag« went to Albany ye* t.rday for repair* for bis motor­ For Sal«-—A few «boati, weight cade. Ton, Conkright drove up fro " ., Brownsville and Drifted Snow horn 75 io 100 pound«. Mayberry flour at D H. Sturtevant’« hi* farm near Woodburn Tuesday * McKinney- Phone 1.9. Miss Annie Laurie Smith was u p --------- n — r- ALBANY, ORE for a few day»’ visit in r Hal««f. g r a d u a t e m c t r ) s t from Shedd the last of the week. I For every »8 worth of koo.a Beiiingh.n . Special Noon Lunch 25 to.’Oc The county is graveling the road finishing one 6x8 enlargemeu Mr«- Long, of from Thompson mill to .Browns- free. Ringo’« Drug Store, o r i v A T E o f f ic e Wa«h , who had been v i.itmg nt Light Lunches served «11 .day. PB f o r e x a m in a t io n s i viile Mr. end Mr«. Archie Cornelius the home of Mr and Mrs. E > Fresh Home-made Candy » 'd I®« Brick ice cream made to Adrian Gondbrod has been ill took a hike last Sunday for a little Hayes, left for Portland yeatardav Creams RMce» m a i o n a b u i for a few days from an attack of out door exercise and fresh air order. - F F R E N C H » S o n s Chas. Stem ke, of Holdreg Thev the e d bills east town Thev went to m im » c ap dav v ot of \ \ >» I ’ Nebr.» v o w . k . ~ . ... — pleurisy ALBANY OREG. making a very pleasant , ...... who .. nad been visiting D b . H arold B- J»Ç*- Dr E W. Barnum, Dentist, at son tna-tos t u XV w e)lg » l l . of of ju J u n n ction ctio n c Citv. C u itv ith h is . so... so n . H erm M -m HoU-1 uesd ay junction ild m >*-■....... — •- ou-, H u L e y e ve ry T --------- - and , i w w W r . . I w ................................- - an — I Friday. . J n Jn, t aav.r.l .y . in town «own lately near . l « y . *nd » "d » ad d*uK augbU iday. gever, | d d*v, n„ar H H»l*ey. “ le r, ’ Mr tioual llank Budilin.’ A 'b n v. Oregon. i. making V , coopu .rn a s from the FranU Frank Lewis, Lew,«, of F Forest o r e st Grove, G rove, 1« U M-a. Eliza Brandon is oup,¿ of b b.ro Late nerve- pp^ p °’ e 5057 I Drifting Down 1.00 I Gospel Train Sh«ridan TH E YOUTHS’ COMPANION ing house m a", was in J - in the near future. with male Trio Mrs ]• W. Rector left today for 5058 ( Laddie Buck of Mine, Tenor ,„ d . y lo t .o .i ’ « • ‘ “ 'J; a two-week*’ visit with her daugh- and the lg , I 1 00 1 Molly, O laham Jones horn M ayberry 4 MoK1“ " " ' ter, Mrs. Hurley Wallace, and, enterprise ' A Orchestra 5059 J Siren of a Southern Sea buyers- lainily of Portland. Eor Sale—Sweeper Vac Cleaner For 18.75 per year.- Arthur Hendricks returned to and Sweeper, good a . new. * Seaside Friday after a visit with nis brother in-law and sister, Mr. c lie n t where no electric power Check records wanted on this a< «nt W R IG H T & PO O LE obtainable. Mr.. B- M Bond. and Mrs. J. O. Talent. 1ICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRtSBURO LEBANON Georg. Stanard, son of A ■ Harry Bressler received a pain­ bring it with you. Phone 35 l,Uon* 15 . Stanard who wss « pioneer of the fu l injury to his eye luesday while « tw o ,a on the section, running Branches at« Brownsville section, was buried ... owe grass into the eyeball. Brownsville. Wm T Tempi«»". Mgr. the B aptist cemetery at that p ■“ e Halsey. . Phone lfe . Frank Kirk, Mgr. Mr and Mis. Nick Kennedy ac­ ALBANY, OREGON companied by Mr. Keuuerdy s Sunday. Mi«. Audrey Showalter under­ brother drove up from feheud Mon­ day evening iu then new Overland went a second operation «< ’ •* , McMinnville hospital Saturday Four. The Pacific Telephone and tele­ and is doing a . well as could »« graph Company b a. a construe ion All work done vrom ptiy «nd gang working in and near Halsey "expected. reasonably. Phone No. 269._____ Prof H. L. Hopkins who is * making improvement* on the guest at the F H- ^ rter b° me’ toll lines. Mrs. K. E. White and daughter. D R E. S. D O N N ELLY returned Monday evening from Mi.« Blanche, motored over from Renter to purchase the following equip­ Surglcat' diseaat» of G l.d .to n e where he delivered an ment: O ne team of mares, wt. JU W , Eye, Ear, No»e and -Throat address at the Chautaqua. Ethel White ou her return wagon, harness, binder, mower, rake, • L A .S « S ,F IT T K O L ittle Jean S turtevant very pain Portland. Miss Pearl H'.Asxe of Albany SOI First National Bank Bldg, Albany. fully injured the Index finger of sulkey plow, walking plow, harrow. several days lasl ' ' ee, v her right hand Tuesday while at visited the home of her aunt, Mrs. U play. She will probably lose the Chance, and her uncle, Harry rli«r and corrugated roller. Artistic Piano 1 urung A » in T e r m s ¡ " " S ’« ! . " " ' ' Davis She returned home yes- nail it being very badly torn. Halsey Items coikmo DENTISTRY >hoe Repair Shop m Brunswick Records BARBER - SHOP. On Sale Today 1. O. 0 . F. BARBER SHOP W. J. Ribelin Woodworth Drug Co. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. FARM for RENT Farm of 52 acres, Good Buildings, Good Land. ' Mr*. E 'd on Cross returned Mon ’'‘rWhich would vonrather do feed day from Hillsboro where she had * n vimting for a ,ortnight. I t d ^ ^ e w s u p p í of'F»y Spray which as accompanied by h er » iuto. B ruc. Davidson of California abo is visiting bis parents Mr. and jirs. Wm. Davidson. "I Browns- villa, accompanied by his mother drove to Halsey Wednesday and visited at the W. L. Wells home J0ar8rent’ ’t J . W . M 0 0 R E . , ARTHUR COLE. Albany. Ore. Leave order» with Woodworth Drtrg Co. Real Estate Dealer. guarantee; no goo no no D#v C alfon the Rawleigh man r » d g e ti t . H 8. WlSRLBMAt. Wm. H. McClain of Eugene soecial agent of the b. P. Co.- was ■ n town Tuesday broking after the • nti-rests of the company in regart i" the ua?n striking the Be,me t Wilhelm auto two weekB ago n Albany. Oregon. $5. Town or Country . . . - R IA L T O FR ID A Y ‘ DOROTHY DALTON Mrs. Carothers of Shedd accom­ panied by her daughter Mrir $5 __ Chiropractor dr . R- H. HARRIS X RAY C u sick B a n k B u i i d i n o . A l . aicv north F«»t of town. IN Windom & Son of Brownsville C .C - B R Y A N T 92 o< who are working on the • ATTORNEY AT LAW Bond horn« have completed the re­ M ..I « w - r » ’ 8M' " t “ P X . ¡. 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bld’g, finishing of the floors and wood Dr. Marks on Tuesday. >7 p a r a m o u n t < P tc tu ^ h i9 U»t trip to see the doctor - Albany, Oregon. ------ work and are now painting id tbs ® w ex ns tasv vi»p be 1« tw o1 which was severely 1,l,ur ‘ _ . —Hl km GOLD: And a rush of Soldiers of fortune to a n srior. The house ' by being caught in the re .r wheel ones of gray trimmed with white ,f a motorcycle on which he w Amor A. Tussing Wm. Clark and family of gold A ndffie Quoen of the Totem City Dance riding with H erbert McDonald o" ’edro, California, arrived in Hal- June 24th, having entirely healed. Hal7 OUk V l i - 8AnddgaveSno’thing.e tin the "’baffled lawyer and NOTARY igy by anto on Monday evening O. W. From I«} week pnrcb.s- B aoaM V lU Jt, ORBttüF Took Alt ah k m arrv the worst and are enjoying a visit with Mrs. a «a M ra ark’« mother »nd sist«T, Mr.. | ed fr steers, which he maddened m iners . „tarts a story that futhern and Mrs. Geo. H . y - J n ^ W r g a i . Packing^. I campl And that only starts - “The Idol of the North, “ “" w. H Robert»oo went to En- through t h e n were driven f a ir ly " X . « j . « Mist Donna who had b««o at that ,or R estock, ha pl.ee a we«k where Mra. Robert- p„ |ing wlthoOt fro L b .a b ~" b w ° . U . |oi b.r jawboo. and twtb. c#lU# 8°lDS y sb