Glenn From ba. been » « * » « .- North” tomorrow night, Dorotbf „rioua time With a tooth and Dalton’« latest and best picture. 1 • f’hnreb missing th-ha) tng T he Haltey Enterprise Sordev School. -S.O I» f^rticeaat theChnetian (hureb . Mra „ F .. M. Maxwell of Tangent , W. J. RiLelin is on the tick liet A b N.w.pwpcî Sunday. July 24th. a* «••>»«•* in HaUey Saturday and came thi, week _ Jean. «• ¿be Christ Tbo. .rt near hawog having an ................ accident t when, .he Sundae School at 1" » m linear -- Dr. 1 I Mirks and family, Mn. v,nee of the Lord’. Supper •»' i |h(,ve her c»r • off tk . Mnk “J a » » £ Battetl and M’** Alberta bj * After Sou'*« m arvel«« eo«w f- « . . « ........ ...... .... - hlindwl hy lb* Koon's ni tored to Cascadia Suu- 1 highway, one »■» . p. moo U p r e a c h C b l * bon Hu of Î Salem t i ll ll O . T l . ,.« r Wil tiig h lly diro* day where they spent the day. God in the rynagoguee of D.ui*»- Ertered a. seeoed-eUea>■“ **•* S* Subject, The to i It took a great.doal of eour- ing at 1 p. w tobvr », tell, | t & . pair Job Try aey, Or»r>». tmoey the Act of Mare a«~ to aland op before Cbri.ti.W Perils of Material«.... ” Scripture ». lBTfr _____ ,faoB be bad med to j*reecute be­ leaaou, 1st lobo 2. ,5 ' 1'- , tong aerTiee at 8 p- » followed | Deeded to tbematenal upfcaidin» of fore the scat« f.H «ro“1 bte e?M. Halsey and .arrou^n« country « « The record state that ’ be J«** ; hr sermon. L ibb County geoeraU; Eobaei-ptior. • look eoooael ______ , to kill w ■ M Jk. -m- -»• — • "*■ him but the rate «1 «> P*r >e,r “ *dv*”ü disciple* let bin- dc«u by the w a ll, Rialto Friday night». W e will give you prompt and courteous service GARAGE Thieve« Visit | in a basket at night. Saul tben | ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. H „ t „ , Batta«. • - at lowest possible charge^ ot Tires, In h a LSEY GARAGE. x iO T tC E « hereby » t'en to at! who.» Full line The outfit of the highway work- of him and believed not that be may concern that the underwent ! Open every evening till 9 «•a a diaci disciple. Barnabua then ;l " p o .a u d Foote Bros., Props pie. Barnabua then ire on the highway near the 0 V. X g h t him to the .post»« .Ud be Zi, l „ D e c e ^ _ C A ” M g —— - — ; . T t h i E l t l u of Susan Z.gler D e c e a ^ Neal farm «outh of ’o w n ’ »* v’*"' brougni mm .« ....- of Linn County, > . u i . in i.. the ih f n a m e of the * by the County __ r ~ , Court . , of Linn County, — ------ , V miscreant« on Tuefd.v n-ght, , pakc boldly name Of tb went| / ____ .« oil d eaaleken , lewH; but the Jew. i n » f much and gssta k ae en well' ae wed , „ru L«rd Jeeus, Fol>ow me ’T p erro » . b»v«>« claim. i* epnatderable damage »King dote BW,ut l0 .¡.y him. M tau are hereby required to prerent the will , make you fi»hera of ,o the tanka. One barrel of gaao- , nd I j wiu at llalaev, Ovegvm. duly verified a. by ,n e -m . emptied _ and the oonnec- men. — Jesue. . gaeoline __ tank on . om ’ o I - the tank on* on on- U e , ere much delighted ast la« required w ith in «« months from th f the engioea were damaged in an gnDdav morning «Hb ’ e ' - ^IM ted th is the 4th day M June, 1921 dart to remove the tank and ee-j j a Pilgrim,” sung bv M™ W G. CARTER 3ra the g.a it contained, and in u L Hopkins in her rich ««ntr«J. Administrator of the estate of Susan ura lub B-w -- ---- trder to lighten lb « tank ao n to voice Prof. H-pkin» has ac­ Zieler Deceased ould be handled much of thia ga* cepted a position as • mem’-er of WEATHERFORD * WYATT. Attya . . . drained, considerable of if be the faculty at Pacific LmversUy mg allowed to on the ground. •t Fore-t Grove. The following were guerte at the The f.ucerof a tank of engine oil waa alao opened And the oil allow -, Sunday morning service Mr. and ed to roe out ba the ground, pre- Mrs Frank Ground and Mr. and aumably after taking all ’he oil Mrs Perry W ell, of Beuna Vista, Teakettles - - $ 1 .7 5 each th e, wanted. Whether tbie is »be who ate relatives o ^ V . L. Welle 7 qt G ranite action of a gang of profeenona Also Mr. S. S. Hayea from Port- Rice Boilers - - j u thieve, that may be working to land, an uncle of Mrs J. C. Stan- I 1-2 qt the Qewhborbood or of »ome one dish. C onvex Kettles - 1.75 _______ _ pasting tbroogh ia conjecture, but 8 qt Shedd Kryptoks Cleverly Conceal the i l Lipped PreservingKettles 1.50 in either case it ia to be hoped the il thieve, may he apprehended and Max Elder has l*en confined to Fact that the Wearer Needs Dish Pans - - - 1 -50 the proper treatment doled out to hi. bed for some time with tonsil- Double Vision Glasses. il ilie, but ia improving at the pret­ In improvir g the appearance, and il th«m- ____ Dairy Pans - - li ent writing. •„nserving eyesight, Kryptoke are A Clow Game 12 ?nch “ W ash Basins - - - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H M Brew « priceless po»eeeeion. The game between Harrisburg „ of Aumaville vi.ited at the These prices are bargains considering the qual­ aad Goabeti la»l Sundev at Har- Dickson home Sunday. ity of the ware, and you should take advantage o Winnie H-nderson haa bem on rtehurg «ae a fa.t and furiou. one them at once. 4 t ¡them __ a o l for the first time this year the the tick Hat but is now oo ti e Quebec team went down to defeat. mend. The Earl gbearer and W. S Beore 4 to 5 Eleven inning» were played before it was decided. Al- Henee families »pent Sunday • ’ forl K o tb i one run. Bill Kirk two. the W Y. Shearer home. Eatl Bogg« one enu Peteraon one, Mr» Lavina Elberton wboee making t * ’«d*1 °* fiTe , N*Xl funeral wae held from the borne of Bunday Hernsborg playa Goshen H. B Shiker, was born in_ M'rcer •I Goshen. County, Mi»»ouri. June 1-, 1842 She died at the home of her daugh­ Industrial New« ter, Mr. Sniker, July 17. follow­ bhe The west i* uhme dependent on ing a »troke of paralysis Laves her husband, Robert Ether- Inatrial d»vfck>pm»nt than any Raves ner u«»«»— , a lustriti d-vrtopment N„ MAYBERRY & M c K inney t 4 Cross & W hite ,rt ot lb« ta -------- ile d State». H «* I «, V I __-ia ««at , nowhere kl«e to the world, cap- al ahd labor moat work hand iu aojl t f back payroll« »od indue- ton. aged 81, three d“u8b,er#- “ * aisters and one one brother. -be She « three »__ mictm TA and brother, tlao leave« eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The family came to Oregon, June 18, ry 1W20, from Hickmeo, Neb. Funei. Portland, four ete«m»re for the al service« were conducted .by tl e )rient will Joed lumber here tbie Rev. W. W. Reed, of the Shedd nvnth. United Presbyterian church of Lane county out» «11 roed em which abe waa a member Inter­ phoyee fifty cent« a ary ment waa made in the Pugh ceme- j -State highway building on tn tert. tfciite conutii« ' Oregon will receive »25,000, Reeser Hurt in Accident ^«ihtnglon »21,000 of federal 8. Reeaer wa» quite badly in­ fund« f°r ’he protection of their jured while worxing t o the hay freeete from fire« during the fiscal field at h i. farm »outh of town ywar beginning July t. V Albany, citv eouoctl orders ten Tuesday. He was pitching oot . . . oavi - e |the wagoo, and when the coupling block« of pe'ing Cottage Grove, paving job« here , pole broke and the team atarteu to « _______ r run, un he undertook to etop »top them, ow well under wav resulting in hit being knocked F.ugene. caenery here putting down and considerably bruieed p record cherry pack tbie eeaeon O ie wheel of «be wagon passed Portland, June ie banner month over hie back. Mr. Reeeer. while n wheat »hipm»nt» to foreign noi seriously ’njured, will be coo-| ountrie» with a total of 3.41«.'i3 6ned to the hous« for »ev»rsl days. lUihelv cleared from thia port ELECTRICITY get tete e big buiineet 'grow ing big pay now for Electricl««*. Auto Electricians. Ignition Expert«. Battery Men Me- rhanieal Draftrmen^big future for Engineer» of every can master one of the»e Hue» eiru mora money =gain eueceae = write today for free catalog hundreds of grad- u»te» holding good jobs -over 2.000 me« trained annually—a great »cbool fer embitioua men «.write today. Meeld • Eegmeertn« School ||«t Sutter Street S »oF fan cied learn S100 Reward, •!<# & ^ Y ^ ? K itS f» S s S uSu»^;« tr.atm.nt t B b B ^ ~ s r t £ « e K fr . in * •!? • I » w«rR v r e«:l ay *" D» — Jr— % e Complete Uectric tight and Power Plant f.o.b. Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Pocatello, Butte TIKE all other Delco-Light -L j plants, this model N o. 620 at $360 has the famous valve- in-head, four-cycle, air-cooled motor. It is self-cranking. There is only one place to oil. It runs on kerosene, is economical and easy to operate. Years of Delco-Light engineering development, together with the e x p e rie n c e gained from o v er 135.000 users have combined to produce the value that is repre­ sented in all Delco-Light Product«. There are twenty-five styles »nd sites of Delco-Light plants, to meet every need of farms, stores, country homes and all those places where individual lighting plants are a necessity. . Write for catalog or come in anti let us tell you what Delco-Light can do for you. Delco-Light betters living condi­ tions and pays for itself. Hoflich’s Electric Shop, Albany, Or. 0