LINN COL NT Y, OREGON, JULY VOL. THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business d T t a YI.OR, Vice-Pros KOONTZ, P re s' B. M. BONI). Cashiei The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon •W HERE SAVINGS A R E S A F E ’ to d e p osit y o u r s a v in g .. . n l.e e J - 4 percent in te re s to n a .............. . ....... ... Lind Near Halsey' To Be Brained • l.t/” * 21 Portland is Leading in M anufacturing - — Tornado Hits t ar A d im in u tiv e to rn a d o w hich i n- v elo p el C H B ish o p ’s c a r w hile - — .1 aMaOk. Eend to R«d“ “ Do you know ,” began A E. he was driving from w Work will commenc* on July 25, Holcombe, ’ th a t P o rtla n d covers ,,.„nd last F riday. lifted the ma- on a drainage project north anj, 70 square miles; th a t it is tne , bine from the ground for an n- e v l of Halsey, whereby several greatest lum ber m anufacturing L , a n t, th en tore off the auto top. .housand acres of land th a t has city m the world; th a t Oregon has ,u. ked it high in the »’r a n d then heretofore been practically value- 400,000,000.000 feet of big lim b er, ¡dropped it. The to,, fell hack on lesj will he isclsiroed County th a t P ortland ships more hops th an M r. Bishop’s face, cutting a gash Agent H ‘’vnian m et with those in ­ any other city in the world; I hat which it r.q u i.e d 14 stitches to terested in this project last week Portland rivals New York in wheat close Mr Bishop is a brother of and reports th a t by the deepening shipm ents; th a t 1870 vessels e n ­ Mrs R L. W in n ifo rd and at one and widening of the slough ru n ­ tered and cleared from th is port in tim e owned llm !>»•<» ^ow ° w“ ed ning through th a t section of the 1920 a n J their aggregate tonnage hi E. N. P etn ck . country, and the removing of de­ was 2.772,88« tons; th a t in connec­ bris th a t is now preventing the tion with these ehipa there was Five thousand Chinese p h e a sa n t passage’of water, which will be paid out in P o rtlan d more th a n Clocks have hatched a t the undertaken by the term ers living fl2.000.tXX); th a t last year 144 state game farm near Eugene thia and having land adjacent to the shipping board vessels sailed from epi ing, according to Gene Sim pson, -lough, th a t this land will again P o rtland with carg o ; th a t these „upenntendenl of .he state hateh- A large num ber of t e be valuable for agricultural p u r­ vessels carried 80.504 Ions of geu- uries. b i t is will he liberated next fal . pose». For the purpose of expedi e ra K a rg .., 307,022 tons of wheat ting the work it has been divided and Hour and 217.658 ions of lum ­ - O r e g o n F a r m e r . ____________ _ into three projects, and the upper, ber and tics? How do I know affecting some 1800 acres will be these things? W ell, 1 had to undertaken by W W. Poland, gather the inform ation to put in W illiam McCormick, W H. W al­ tbe tourist guide w hich the G reet­ ton and H. C. F arm er w ith per­ ers publish » « d istrib u te ,” e x ­ W A T C H M A K ER A N D JE W E L E R , haps the assistance of other in te r­ plained M r. Holcombe, who is one ested parties, including J R- of the m ost confirmed m em bers of halskv , obkoon W iight, O tis Taylor and James th a t hotel a sso c ia tio n .-O re g o n ia n . Bond. j - xpert Workmanship; Watches and The middle projest includes 4fi0 Eugene, three sm all bridges im ­ Clocks a specialty. acres and the lower project 320 m ediately south of P leasan t H ill Give us a trial. acres, which will be taken care of to he rebuilt im m ediately. by farm ers living adjacent to these projects. The work will require W e H ave V A C M IO H m i l s 1 u i a few days tim e of men and every thing teams w ith the possible use of O ptical dvnam ite on the m iJdle section 5 E Y E S T R A IN and much good will come from the ARCHIE CORNELIUS se m i-a n n u a lly- imith Bros/ Market Fresh and Cured M eats Always On and. Also O ther M eats in Season. work with the outlay of hut a sm all am ount of money. Halsey News Notes Il L W in n ’ford and wife were Albany visitors Saturday- p II Porter shipped * h ne red ’polled calf to E. B. Pickens at I L »ke View, Idaho, Monday. The home of Leon Lester near 1 Brownsville burned Saturday even­ ing. N othing was saved. There K od ak s, F ilm s S u p p lie r Kodak Finishing and Tinting. CLOTHES MAY NOT MAKE THc MAN •on, a ure anywhere, is of course So are Repairs, Binding Twine and Bale Ties ready for your service. Mowing Machines, Rakes anti Binders. u * nce <©> o iline R ev..W . L. S utherland of Med­ ford, M innesota, who had been in attendance at the C ongregational ¡Council at Los Augeles recently. I arrived in H .'e e y S n n d .y for a (SUMMEK IS O F ( | A Full Line of I)r. H ess’ Dip and « D isin fectan t, and Fly Chaser which l i s appropriate a t this season. 1 Dicksy remained and wnll make her tl- . p J . n . 1 . . p i . ' « >»” > • bMk t " bi,>n ■” * the right price. r B Mayberry and family re­ turned Sunday evening from a few days' outing spent neatr the L . d of the Luc.mute river about forty milee from Independence. T iey also ▼»> *d the tOwD’ V alm t« ,o « ‘ r the head of th« S.letx ..v e r. finding the big mil and dam meet interesting They re­ port a fine tim e and fine fishing. They were sccom p.n.ed by Mr. Mayberry’s brother and wife, Mr ,ud Mrs. Cady of Albany. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Straw and Cloth Hats For w arm w eather. Also SHOES for the whole Fam ily. grandparents a longer visit. T A I L O R I N G - T O I S D lV I D V A L M I A ’ I R E . „ j IS H E R E >. and Mrs. C. O. Dryden and daughter Dickey, and son-in-law and daughter, Mr and M rs. Fred W. Peckovsr. of Oregon C ity, mo­ tored up Saturday evening for a v .s.t at tb s D. F- Dean home, re­ turning Sunday ev en in g ^ M '. )l Ao's Vour n Bancroft Optical Co. ,1.1 1st St. W. Albany- Phone j 61*. ’otter and fami'y. ithes inspire the question £/ V Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your eyes give you trouble A lpine Sunday. •n rk H arness 2nd h an d -p rice right. Get a Kniie 1’unips on hand A. H Quimby who had the m is­ Work n arn css x, Com e e a r ^ while th e fortune to be struck on the leg by p U c t V a n d Z V p u m p s - a cable when th e trolly gave way while he was p u ttin g in hav re- " g ‘^ / ‘ m L r n h X ^ 1 . m p l e m e n t s t o r e ^ ____ c ntly is still suffering from a badly bruised leg and unable to be about, j visit with his niecs, M rs. F . B a l often » „ n . .b e o n . , i m p " » . » » W Halsey Drug Store. I was some insurance. F rancis Leeper who bad spent a week at the home of his grand- ! parents, Mr. e n d ' M rs. F ran k j keeper, returned to his home in /I and ^S om ething Special t Bulk Cocoa 20 c lb, 2 lb 35 c, Mb T5c S l U t Grade Peanut Butter 12 1-2c lb, 51b bOc, 2 10 lb $110. t V D. H. STURTEVANT.