Halsey Items by dealers S old only give tire m ileage at the lo w est cost in history 30 x 31 NON-SKID R E D TOP CORD $ 1 5 .0 0 $ 2 2 ,0 0 $ 2 7 .5 0 • / Reduction on all styles and sizes A N e w L ow Price on a Known and Honest Product Dr. E W Barnum, Dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. . P D- Gilbert of A lbany, was in ou. city Friday and Saturday in the interest of road bonds. B. M. Bond and wife, Mrs. M C. Bond and LaVelle Palm er vis­ ited friends in Shedd Friday even­ ing. A rthur Foote and family and Albert Foote, the new garage peo­ ple, have moved into the rooms in the postoffice building. Dr. L. A. Bowman aod family of Dallas, visited a ttire D. Taylor home Saturday on th e'r return f tun a southern Oregon trip Mrs. Dick Miller a n j two chit- dren returned to Albany the last of the week after a visit at the E B McKinney home in Halsey. An eight-pound son Was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Alexander of ■?w--et Home, at tbs home of Mrs. Alex tnder’a parents, Mr and Mrs. L A McKern, in this city, the 9th. B M Bond is making some im ­ provements on his place occupied by W. A Brock. A fine new barn 38x48 feet and a fruit cellar are und r construction. Miltou Young i- doing the work. Misses Ida and Amanda Mitz- nei accompanied hy Miss Oral K aldrstt, came over from Mon­ mouth and spent the week end at the Herman M ittner and E. E . i Gourley homes. E. Russ brought to our notice tl e latter part of t ’ e week a limb! of very fine red cherries of the! Mont Merency variety. These ch e r-[ n s were large and a tine sample of the wonderful crop in this section. THE D R Y . P A R C H E D THROAT , of the motor-girl craves our deli­ ciously flavored and tem pting ice crennt. Why not gratify her? Cou'd ant thing be more healthful ? Our ice cream ib more beneficial than cheaply flavored soft drinks, to say nothing of hard drinks, which n o st dainty maidens entire­ ly ignore. Let the la rones decide. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. A nine-pound son was bom to Mr. and Mrs W alter Frum of Crawfordsville July Wth. Mrs. S. E Frum of Brownsville visited the latter part of the week a» the home of her son, O W. F- i-oa. Mr. and Mrs. CH»« Taylor, Mrs. \'ash and Mrs. Fred Taylor <1 Co value visited friends in Halsey t n ulay. - _____ _____ Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Laubner spent Sunday with frl*nda in Al­ bany. Mr. and Mrs. L C. Merriam drove to Albany Saturday evening where Mrs. Merrism tuck the tram for the Rogue River section She goes to complete her work of su­ perintending the thinning of ap. pies. Mrs. Merriam reports the finest prospecte for a bumper ap. pie orop ever had in th at section. Your Summer Outing Is a matter of importance to Yt u. Where vou will spend it is a matter of interest to Us. Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares are now in effect to the following delightful places for Reef, Recreation and Amusement. Newport. On the Pacific Ocean and Y aquina Bay ie this charm ing old place where thousands return year after y ea r to spend their vacations. Crater Lake. A world wonder in the Cascade Range. More than a mile above the sea is thia beautiful azure blue lak -, set in the crater of a httgij mountain. Tillamook County Beaches. Beyond the Coaat Ruige mountains are these new and unspoiled places where the ocean and the forest meet. Other Resorts. Detroit (Breitenbush Hot Spring», Mt. Jeff*non Country,) M eC relieH it Springs, Josephine Coun­ ty Caves, Shasta M ountain Resort», Yosemite National Park. “ Oregon Outdoors” is the title of our sum m er book­ let which describes the different resorts in western Ore­ gon and includes hotel and tim p information. Copy free on request. For further information inquire of ticket agents. Southern Pacific Lines, JO HN M SCOTT. General Passenger Agent <0 T h e E a s ie s t W a y T o G a in a F o r tu n e Speculation and chance-taking are necessary to progress. So are thrift and sound investing. Corn, 1-2 or 1 Ton Lots, $42 per T oni The really wise individual never risks everything on a sin­ Chick Feed, 13,75 per 100 White OA F Chop, half l>r ton lots, $35 per ton Coconut nnal, $1.90 per 80 pound Mill Run, half or ton lots, $37 per ton. I O. sack Will chop Every Day. W. FRUM Y ou m a y be S u re » says the Good Judge • That you are getting full v aJue for your money when you use this class of tobacco. The good, rich, real to­ bacco taste last9 so long, you don’t need a fresn chetv nearly as often—nor do you need so big a chetv as you did with the ordi­ nary kind. Any man who has used the Real Tobacco Chetv will tell you that. Atf «/> in two styles W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CU T is a short-cut tobacco W C V « f i * » C fl? £ . 3 P * P d n T j > 1 0 gle hazard. H e may use some of his funds for new pro­ motions and uncertain ventures, but a substantial portion of his money he invests for safety, and sure, regular, depend­ able returns. To the man with small capital, or no accumulations, the road to financial independence lies in systematic saving and wise investment in conservative, seasoned securities. k.v tt A w d , . Ne v» York G t y The regular, persistent saving* and sound investing of small sums is. alter all. not only the most certain, but the easiest way to gain an income-paj ing fortune. .Just how this method works out is described in our booklet, “THRIFT WITH A SMILE,” which will be sent free upon request. Investigate the facts relative to our 8 pere Gold Notes MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents Ryi.v»by Engineering and Management Corporation Engineer» and Manifer» ■i