Fine show tom orrow night. vwvr . u . . Jackie Coogan. Halsey Items O VA5SCS F IT T E D Good m ilk Duao. P R IV A T E o f f ic e aun Miss E d ith M cKay who haa been F ly spray, P.ingo’a l»rug Store. visiting at the C. Sickels home M ayberry A M cK inn ey slopped left Tuesday for her home in La­ * car load of hogs from H arrisburg mar, Missouri. j ues(j av A #on w## , o y r ant| Mrs. A rchie Owen of near H arrisburg J u ly 12th. C. H Koouts.w ent to P ortland yesterday to attend a m eetin g o, the graiu and waiehouse men. Chas. I’ . Poole of Lebanon was Eugene yesterday. I. W. Moore and fa m ily and in H->lsev Monday. Brownsville and Drifted Snow M r and Mrs. James Bond are en- Mr and M,1 , , e ° . Pycer of j ying an outing at Newport. Po Hand are vi.-iting at the h one flour at I ' H. Sturtevant’s f o r e x a m in a t io n s P R IC K S kntn Kodaks, Fihos and photo sup- rug Store. Mrs. Wm. H. Wheeler of Mrs. J. W. D rinkard was an Al* hany vieiior Friday. Brownsville, was a passenger to o r ^ ® o p to m e tr is t F a for gale, gee Mrs. See REASONABLE F R E N C H & SONS ALBANY OREO. M. comcwm o a m Y ALBA N Y , ftR F OR - Sam Ray and wife and daughter of M 's I'vcei’s parents, Mr and Special Noon LtWfh ¿5 to.>GC Mrs. I), Taylor who has been 1 L ght Land es served all day. very i ll for several days is iuipiov- and eranddaughter of Polk countv, Mrs John Brei-sk-r. Mrs. I ¡Ilia n Earlier of 1 p-r, H|, Home-made Candy and Ice Mrs. Ilit Anderson came down visited Tuesday at the W- F. W h ite I is visiting her Sister. Mrs. J. . ims B rick ice cteam made to from Eug*ne Saturday and is vis­ home. I Ci earns. Pitm an. for a few days. Mies Doris D rin kard of Browns­ itin g at the W. F. W hite home. Mrs. Leona C hilders of Monroe, ; order. Two doore north of the hotel, ville, went to Newport Monday to and daughter, M'ss W inona W »d- J. M Kitchen who spent the D r H arold E. J ac «- prepared to do a ll kinds of m onth of June w ith his son . G . T. h ■ w ith her sister, Mrs. J. S. M c­ del of D unsm uir, C alifornia, «vie DENTISTRY son .UH—105 1st Na— ihoe repairing. Satisfaction guar K itchen and fa m ily , left for Port­ Mahan, who has beeu at the coast guests at the home of Mis. d wil1 loeate at Forest Grove. J. S. Keck and fam ily of Junc­ tion C ity were in Halsey Monday. _ u l/ yY rk V IZ IV Clothing , . [otice o u r prices ’ - T h ey h a i visited at th e Aub Pow ­ ell home in Brownsville and were on th eir w ty to Albany. Our Raspberry and Loganberry fields w ill he open top'ckers Mon­ days, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. W ilm an & W itm a n, I R ’ ver Road between Lebanon ami on Wrtteri,)0. «< s I Zork clothing: M en f i/OIK. ClUUIIUfc. I Pl • riu o r- Iue D en im D iD w v ei t -14 Mrs. Canner who is out from the blocking method. BARBER - SHOP. KARL A. BRAMWELL. Pro». PHONOGRAPHS ÄND',->Ri Suits Cleaned and Pressed. This Model With I \UNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY I. (). 0 . F. Ten Records and Equipment night. C $158.50 W H .D E Y LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting n tx t Saturday " barber shop Electric $18.50 cash $10 month | H a irc u ttin g , Massaging and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing. E. C . M IL L E R This popular Brunswick | model can be had in Waxed) W. J. Ribelin <)ffice 1st door south of school lious« Halsey, Oregon. oak Fumed oak or Mahogany S ee the N e w ________________ _ Dealer E lectric in Real Estate. Handle» fown »nil Country Property. (sive hiiu a call anil see if h< can fia f y Ou u p. ______ P eriod M odel B runsw ick, youths * C O M P A N IO N The S t r a t f o r d and the enterprise east for an extended vis it w ith he. L a u g h te r of Yoncalla, returned to Beautiful in Design and Finish. For $3.75 per year. the latter place Saturday after ()U r. weeks’ visit w ith Mrs, M . E. 1 Bassett of Halsey. See this w h en in A lb a n y . W R IG H T & PO O LE Us m ade of heav y D en- A number o f Halsey people at- tended the game nt Harrisburg Sunday when the A via tion n, full cu t of Euge'te won w ith a score of 8 to 10. W . H. K ir k played w ith H a r­ risburg. W hich would vo« mther do. feed the fly or the cattle? Just receiv­ ed a new supply of Fly Spray which [ sell on a guarantee; no good no pay C all on the Rawletgh man and get it. H 8. W in k l e m a n . iTork Shirts, Blue Cham-| I Miss Gertrude Porter returned S D le n d id Monday from Portland and w ill ' mend the summer al home. Miss rey, full cut, P Porter is ju s t hack from Tacoma ilues where she filled engagements w ith rhe Ladies’ Add C lub Octette of which she is a member. The I. 0 O F lodge installed the follow ing officers at th e ir reg- ila r meeting on Saturday n ig ht; G rand, O. W. K rum ; Vice en’s mixed work sox G Noble rand, B. M. Bond; Recording Secretary, F. H . P orter; Treasur­ er. G W. M ornhinweg. The people of Halsey are now J Having the privilege of seeing new * « w hows. The picture tom orrow h t, With Jackie Coogan, the [en’s m ule skin light ,fig wonderful ch ild actor, was the fea- iire at one of the hig Portland eight, sum m er shoes .how houses less than a month vgo. L et’ s show our appreciation by our attendance. Mr. and Mrs. H a rry Park and Miss C arrie Park were over from "'his is a chance for you Brownsville M onday. M r a .P*5k had just received the news of the ,o dress cool at a very serious illness of her sister, Mrs. (, g. Zimm erm an of Paradis«, imall expense. Send us Kansas, and made arrangements fo r reservations to leave for that t mail order. I t will be uluce Wednesday. Miss Mona Bond returned Mon jiven prom pt attention lay from Chicago where she bad .pent the past eleven months at -he Chicago N otm al School ot physical T ra in in g and ir o n which |,e graduated. She came T‘ B Yellow Stone spending five days in the nark. She was met at Albany by her mother. M rs. M. C -^B ond U M. Bond and wife and Miss LaVelle Palmer. Her many he Store with a Square friends are gild to- see her home eal for JCvery Customer again H.15 a pair 75c each W O O D W O R T H ALBAN Y, DRUG OREGON HAIN CLOTHING^ LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRISBURG LEBANON Phone 35 Phon« 1$ (, Brandies at ! Brownsville, Wm T Templeton, Mgr. | Halsey, Phone 166, Prank Kirk, Mgr. FARM for RENT F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Farm of 52 acres, Good Buildings, Good Land. R e n te r to p u rch ase th e following eq u ip ­ m ent: O n e team of mares, w t. 5UUU, w agon, harness, binder, m ow er, rake, sulkey plow , w alking plow , harrow . disc and co rru g ated roller. Price, iiiclmHug one All in good condition. year’s rent, $S(Ml. Terms .1 desired. J. W . M OORE, 2 pair 25c $2.50 C O ., A ll work done p ro m p tly and reasonably. Phone No. 269, * a* A* DR E. S. D O N N E L L Y Surgical diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat G L A S S E S r iT T E O 1 501 First National Bank Bldg, ^lbany. Hritl E state Dealer. A rtistic P ia n o T u n in g ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Os», I Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. Albany. Oregon. $5. Town or Country $5 R IA L T O IRVING F R ID A Y LESSER PRESENTS Jackie Coogan -IN - “Peck’s Bad Boy” Famous Child Actor and Co-Star with Chas. Chaplin in “THE K ID ’ Chiropractor DR. R. H . H A R K I» X-RAY CVflCK B an « B u il d in g . Ataawv C. C . B R Y A N T attorney a t la w 201 New F irs t N a l’l Bank A lbany, Oregon. B ld ’g, Amor A. Tussing L A W Y E R AND NOTARY BWJWN»VtU,K, O bbgon A GOOD SCENIC A. Peterson X X “” Dorothy Dalton in “The Idol of the Fin« Dresa Shoes a Specialty ' 501 LJO.I »tf«.‘| AffMny, 9te|0)|, North” next week.