t HALSEY ENTERPRISE V OL. 9. NO. 45 HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON, JULY Building and Painting Paving Operations Activities Around Us To Begin THE HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $34,000 In terest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business C. II. KOONTZ. Pres. D. TAYLOR, Yice-Pres. B. M. BONI). Cashier The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon •W H E R E SA V IN G S A R E S A FE ' I , a good place to deposit your sav in g '. 4 perceut interest on savings aceonnts th a t run three m onths, si» t lontbs or a j ear. Interest paid sem i-annually. Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. A 1 a meeting of th e sta te h gh- Much improvement is to be 1.1 mar at Peoria was entered Mon­ noted in the city of Halsey anti wav commission to tie held in P o rt­ day n ig h t nnd between four nnd vicinity in the way of building and land on the 28th of Ju ly bids for I Hinting recently. D S McWill-j the im provem ent of approxim ately five hhndred dollars w orth of g ods stolen. I he m arauder» iam shas had hie residence painted. I seventy miles of road will tie con­ ‘ gained an entrance by rem oving a W. L Norton and J. A. McWiJi-1 sidered. Among these projects we .p in e from the back door and iams have the contract to paint note the paving of 7.5 miles of the ' reaching through and unlocking the residence and barn belonging Pacific H ighw ay between Shedd lit. They then removed a pannel T his confirm s ttie to W H. McMahan, and are now and H alsey. from the next door. The safe was covering the house with a coat of report th a t the grade between these i >t disturbed but some cash was white. B. M. Bond and Mrs. M. two towns is in the best condition i »ken from the cash register and C Bond have let the contract for of any on the highw ay south of into tires, woolen sh irts, neckties, the painting of their homes, work A lbauy and will be in condition A lias, em broideries and) shoes to begin soon, and the B M Bond for paving soon after the graders were taken. An autom obile was farm house and barn are also to ure through with th e ir w oik, as it beard going tow ard Portland about be painted. The unpa”inted front is the first section of the new' grade _• a. m but no clup has yet been of the opera house has also been for which bids for paving h iv e found. Sheriff K endall looked This will be good brightened^up with a coat of white. been asked. over the situation I nesday .m l is L E. W alton will commence Boon news to the people of this vicinity, m aking an effort to locate the to remodel his residence, planning as it will be a sta rt in the paving robbers. to make a modern home o it of it, of the H ighw ay between Halsey ano A lbany, and with the p ro je c t­ while E B. Peuland is improving the front of bis house by the erec­ ed rocking of m uch morn of the ARCHIE CORNELIUS tion of a uew porch This speaks road will make w inter traveling well for the community and is a much better th a n it has been in W ATCH MAKER beginning of the “ Clean up, paint the past, and prom ises with the A N D JE W E LE R , up’’ movement which we hope will coming of another year nnd the be furthered by other of our gord C msetiuent s e ltliig of the new 1 IA L S R V . O R I tC I W H ighw ay citizens. In other words, make grades a com pleted 1 xpert W ork'iianship; W atchei an»l through Linn county Halsey shine. Clocks a special ty. Muddy Bridge Completed The new briilg- acroes Muddy on the Peoria road is again open for travel. Thia is a good and substantial structure and will be a gr at improvement over the old one which had served for a term of about fifty years. The new bridge is wider and a much more substantial piece of work. Mr. Butler, the contractor, has progressed with the work in a very satisfactory manner and the residents in that vicinity are verv much pleased with the improv»- ment. V» Oregon Short Cuts ■ - — • (From The Oregon Farm er) But often makes tb s only impression others get of him When former comrades meet, there is a lot of personal satisfaction if yonr clothes inspire the question Vour D a y lor?. Your answer, if you wear the best quality-value possible to se- * * ( cure anywhere, is of course T A IL O R IN G -T O IN DIVIDUAL M EASURE the right p rice M. V. KOONTZ CO. W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical I K o d a k s , F il m » S u p p lic a i Kodak Finishing Tinting. and £ and E Y E S T R A IN Is th e Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS y o u r eyes give you trouble your glasses are annoying t US. We can Relieve You J " ' ¡5 Bancroft Optical Co. w |13 1st St. W A lbany. P h o n e 461 Halsey Drug Store. )<. H ARVEST IS H E R E It is reported that tha latest im­ portation of leraeys from the I s ­ land of Jersey by H irry Wn’t of So are Repairs, Binding Twine and Bale Ties Scappoose is on the way to Amer ready for your service. ica. It is reported th a t there an One Set of 45 animals, two of which are hulls. Mowing Machines. Rakes and Binders. The construction of a 280-fooi Work H arness 2nd hand—price right. Get a Knife dam and a sufficient number ot G rinder and save time. \Ve have Pum ps on hand feeding poods to more than double pitcher and force pumps. Come early while the the capacity of the commercial line is full and you an get what you want. salmon hatchery on the north Ump­ G W M O F . - h i N W E G IM P L E M E N T S T O R E qua will start at once, according to a Rosebuig report. More than 20 bens at the Ore­ gon experiment station made in­ dividual records of more than 80t eggs in four years, which was th record of a Kentucky hen said t< be the world’s champion. Records of the station showed th at one if these famous Oregon A griculture College hens laid 950 eggs in th. four-year period. More egg-lay ing records are heldlty hene in th, Oregon etation than in any othei station in the world, so far as cat be determined. Of the twenty-two fruit districts in the Oregon Growers’ Coopera- live aaeociation the Salem digy’ict leads in prunes, with 3800 acres, according to a report prepared b> th» organisation. The Amity dis­ trict leads in walnuts, with 296 seres. Medford !• fir« ln »PP’e ¡»Bulk Cocoa 20c 11». 21b 35c, 51b 75c, lOlhSl.lO. acreage, with a total of 2053 acres. »B efit Grade Peanut Butter 12 l-2c lb, 5 lb GOc, T Medford also leads in the produc­ £ 101b $1.10. tion of pears, having 3710 acres. The Dalles district signed up 345 acres of cberrios, while Amity had 281 acres. Salem ie the principal berry district in the associa.ion, with 667 acre». $ A Full Line of I)r. Hess’ Dip and $ zjJ Disinfectant, and Fly (haser which J' t>is appropriate at this season. j Straw and Cloth Hats | SFor warm weather. Also SHOES$ jf o r the whole Family. w ¡»Something Special | V. t f l r i c e &■ C o . There ie a personal style for you in both fashion and fabric A d au g h te r was born to Mr. and See our line of beautiful lieatls, pins, etc. tlrs Jesse Pugh of near H alsey, Give us a trial. uly 11th. [SUMMER IS ON CLOTHES MAY NOT MAKE THE MAN (S