Mre F W. Robine waa on tha O. T. Kitchen and family drove to Eugene on buainea* Saturday. tick Hat tbe last of tha week. Mr. and Mre. Joho Salaab went J. W. Moore «nd family cele­ A. Poweil of Browneville, waa » to Albany ¡Saturday, returning brated id Albany. Tbey were Halsey visitor Tuesday. Tuesday. P. H. Fieerkeen and wife »are guests at the Jatnea Bond home. Mr Mnrril of Hilleboro, drnv» Mr. end Mr». Elton Norris of AMmor vi-iior? Saturday. up Friday and waa aoc»mpn,i»4 l'ortlaud were gueste at the home Dr. E W. Barnum . Dentist, at Hotel Halsey every 'foeiday and of Mr Norris’ uncle, T. P. Patton home by bit aon-in-la^and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mr». E. Cross, mak- Sundry end Monday. F rid ay. Our Raspberry and Loganberry ing tbe round trip in one day. R. B Mayberry and family re- Mra. Albert W’alker came down lU'ned irotn Albany Tuesday wher. fields will be open to pickers Mon­ days, Wednesdays, Saturdays and from Eugene Friday and ia visit- they enjoyed the big celebration Mr. and Mr-. O. B. Stafuaker of J®Und4^B Witman & Witman, ing at tbe home of her niece, Mr«. River Road between Lebaoou am) E R Maratera. She will also via. < o vallis were gnests at the T. P. Waterloo. it relative! in Brownsville. Patton home Sunday and Mowlay. of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee James • i u k. Mr. Mrs. F. E Frum of near Mr. and i u Mrs w W ii H is McMahan ™ and Mre. . . ;, . Wileon . ,, u ... i .. Marcóla visited Sanday at tbe H Brownsville and little granddaugb. o Portland, drove up Saturday * , . . ¡ IV Mr W llso i ter H*te) Thompson, of Albany, W’ Char.«« Chance home home Mr. Wilson evening, ev en i » m . r returning e tu r n im : i tbe c e u first re i of ui tu tbe e .» , wai acting agent here in the an- left Friday after a visit with Mra. week. sence of Mr. Boyd during the Callie Frum at her home north of L E P-nland and wife of Grass winter of 1919. town. Valiev arrived here Sunday and Miss Margaret Jane Sawyer ol Henry English was down from are visiting at the E. B. Penland Bend, Ore., came np from Port Fugene Sunday and rented from a d Dr Philo “ tarr homes • land a few days ago and will spend H. W Chance for thia school year Which would ton ratherd-\ feed 1 tbe iummer with her grandparent». he bouse now occupied by L, jr a„d Mrs. E. S. Maratera, Eoyd and family. ed a new .apply of Ply Spray which .,hile ber mother attends summei Master James Rector felt on I sell on a guarantee; no good no „chool. ■Saturday from an improvised tri. pay. Call cn the Rawleigh man I Sunds and get it. H S. W imclkmax . i ^<>bn . La Rue „ , returned , . , ,»eae and as a result spent several . evening from Salem where he at lays in bed naming a bad head- Mr. and Mrs Worth Harvey of landed , be meeting of The Slat. • che and many bruises. ... . r Grove, .......... ... < j . ¡n ^j,iocjatjon jor tbe Deaf. Approx- Cottage visited friends Mr». Nancy Jacobs of Portland, Halsev Monday on their return • eai p erson 150 s deaf attended - - ............... .......■ .......... in ia ie iy m u u imately i i » persons u u w was tbe guest last week of her from Salem where they had spent lbe convention at the Stale School, cousin, Mrs- E- M. Gray. Mr». a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Er- anii nd Mr. LaRue was among the Jacobs is one of the few remain, ue»t Wyatt. charter members ing survivors of the Wbitm.n Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams Dr. and Mr». Philo Starr re- maaaacre. and son Elliott, returned Tuesday ceived on Monday the sad news of P h ilip Merriam returned Thun- evening from Hood River where the drowning of their son Elmer day from a fifteen day encamp they spent a few days at the homes Starr, which occurred at Kirks- ment with the 5th Company, Ore- of their friends, Dr C H Jenkins, villa, Missouri, Sunday. He gon Coast Artillery, at Fort Ste­ and Edward L ag e. They greatly leaves a wife and family. Dr. vens. Company Five carried off enjoyed the trip which was made Starr, who is suffering from heart the honors in marksmenabip tb a by automobile. J . W. Rector a c t .. trouble, and too weakened to hear year having made three hits in ed as postmaster in the absence of ¡the news was taken to a Eugene three shots. Mr. Me Williams. hospital Tuesday. Hilary by d ea len Sold only The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads — RED-TOP Extra Ply — H eavy Tread 30x31 $ 2 2 .0 0 Reduction on all styles and sizes A N ew Low Price on c Known and Honest Product j THE DRY. P A R C H E D THROAT of the motor-girl craves our deli­ ciously flavored and tempting ice cream. Why not gratify her? Coud-anj thing l>e more healthful? Our ice cream is more beneficial than cheaply flavored soft drinks, to say nothing of bard driuks, which most dainty maidens entire­ ly ignore. Let the (• rones decide. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Corn, 1-2 or 1 Ton Lots, $42 per Ton w îi! (Ò COMPARE SOLID 8 Per Cent Investment With Others i Compare the facts relative to the 8 per cent Gold Notes of Mountain States Power Company with other really sound investments brought to your attention. frum I I he advantage of investing direct in successful properties that you can see is one that has already appealed to many of our citizens. Chick Feed, »3,75 per 100 White OAT Chop, half or ton lota, $85 per ton Coconut meal, »I 90 par SO pound sack Mitl Run, half or ton lots, »37 per ton. W i l l c h o p E v e ry w. Item» M z D ay. \U ,£ \ This Investment is Safe. It is backed by ample assets and earning power. The Company is a large one and is growing steadily because it supplies the light, heat and power needed by public and industry. It does a good business even in dull times. <• You’ll A lw ays Find” •ays tha Good Judge T h at you get m ore » genu ine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class o f Js tobacco. Y* * y A small chew last« so much longer than 1 • • a big chew of tho ordinary kind. A n d the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing satisfaction. / I Substantial Cash Returns are received by the investor by cashing a cupon at his bank every’six months. Ask for Full Details and Illustrated MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY If H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents Anv man who uses the Real Tobacco Chetv w ill tell you that. . P nt up in tw o stylri W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco , R I G H T C U T is a short-cut tobnee« C<¡ncany. u y C*ty Literature & Bji.aeby Engineering and Management Corporation Engineers and Managers 3