Hay rope at Mornhinweg's. W. H. K irk was a north-bouna business in passenger Tuesday. Halsey Items G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY g raduate O P T O M E T R IS T T- F. Sm ith town Saturday had E. B. Peularid and H C- Davis I drove to Albany Friday. ------------------ ---------- - P R IV A T E O F F I C E B row nsville and D rifte d Snow F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S flour at D. H. S tu rte v a n t’». P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E I See Forbidden F ru it,, tomor- F M . F R E N C H at S O N S ,; It is a ALBANY OREG. J 1 row night at the Rialto. hie P aram ount Picture. M rs. F.. J. Forsythe and daugh- ter Irene, of W oodburn, visited i last week with Mrs. Callie Frum K. B. M cKinney and family enjoyed the A lbany celebration. Mrs. Agnee Sawyer cause up from Albany yesterday and ia visit- mg at th* Geo. Maxwell home Mrs. Mary Robnelt of Browns-1 »¿¡Je was a H alsey visitor yester- Mt*» Blanch Forster was home E. J . Clinguian was in town from from Eugene for th e F o u rth v a c a ­ Peoria yesterday. For S a te .—Two sows and ten tion. pigs. S. T. H illm au. Mr*. Rogers and daughter re­ turned irorn from a a trip to Eugene turned Tuesday, Mr». Veeta W alker of Lyle. W ashington, arrived lu esd ay to A L B A N Y , O RE. visit her uncle, A lbert \\ agger «r. corami Special Noon Lunch 25 to30c j ay . | Mr and Mrs. W. A. Ringo, the Light L unches »erved all day. j A nnie L aurie Sm ith returned ■ new drugstore people, have moved Fresh Hom e-m ade Candy and Ice from gi,edd, where she had been into the L. R W ileon property, Creams. Brick'ice cream made to for several weeks, S atu rd ay . Mr. and Mrs O. W. L aubner, order. Mrs. Ida Cummings of Albany Mrg G oodall of E ugene ia visit- Dr and Mrs. T I. M arks and Mr. Two doors north of the hotel. rep rred to do all kinds of ' “ g" eSt ,he hoa>e o{ her neiee’ ! '«f? *» the home of °* ber cousin, COU8‘n- and Mrs. Jam es D rinkard weie nrMTIQTDV nR n * “ 0*-® E J*CK- UL™ I Io I lax son .5O4-.U15 1st N l- - • M»s. E lm er Munson. Frank (Irav in this ritv . am ong tht* H alsay people who cel- F rank G ray, city. Satisfaction guar shoe rep airin g tionat Bank Budilin. AHnny. Qregou. M ayberry A M cKinney, stock y T al,d Mrs. T. I. M arks and ebrated in A lbany. anteed. buyers, shipped a c a r of stock from eol)i R oland, and Mrs. G. W Laub- H w aild Glenn c h a n c e . J. W. W ithout p iin . L ate uerve- JEWETT the COBBLER. th e local yards yesterday. ner were A lbany visitors y esterd ay . MjUer and P. J. Forster drove to blocking rtiethod. A lton and Vernon Sawyer cam e The fro n t of the M. V. Koontz Lebanon F riday in the Chance C. J. Shedd, the m erchant, was up from P o itlan d Monday evening Co. glore ¡g receiving a new coat of m achine, where they picked about in our city from Shedd S atu rd ay . f >r a visit with their grandm other. pajnt. Jam es M oW illiams is do- forty gallons of straw berries Miss l.illian Sneed was home Mrs. Geo. Maxwell. KARL A. BRAMWELL Crop. ing the work- L eonard Greenlaw and fam ily ol from P o rtla u d a few days this M r». Geo. Alford and cousin, Mvgl L ottie Reed of Tacom a, ar- Tacoma, left yesterday after a Suits Cleaned and Pressed. week. 'i from rivej in H alsey last T hursday and H|,o rt visit with Mrs. G fre » la w ’« Miss McClellan, came down Mr. M cK ercher. the Ciawfords- H arrisburg Saturday and visited ¡„ enjoying a visit with her sister, aunt, Mrs Koontx. and H ie * . II. LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY yille m ill m an. was iu our city at the E E Gormley home M'S. M. V. Koontx. Koontz fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. S itu r d a y .. Raymond Southern arrived in Mr. and Mrs. H snry Z im m er, j \,V. D rinkard. I Mr. C. G. H am er of D ayville, Halsey T uesday eveuing f o r a visit m an accom panied by th eir guest. M rs. Ida Maxwell of Albanv re­ W 1LD EY LODGE NO. 65. who is a guest a t the C. Sit'kela with bis mother, Mrs Southern, Mrs. Amelia Zim m erm an were A l­ turned home yesterday after a visit Regular meeting next S aturday home was in town Saturday and and sister, Mrs. Geo. Hayes. bany visitors Friday. of several day* with her son-in-la w bight. met Miss E d ith M cKay, his neice, Miss R uth Nash of T routdale, Lyle Standish left S aturday for and ......... daughter. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jess who is h erefro m L atnar, Mo. whom we reported serious!y jur-l a jew wn and returo- Office 1st door south of school house daughter, Mrs. Fred T aylor s m orning f r of her dau g h ter, Mrs. M unson Dealer in Real Estate. I having been found by H erm an P ortland, where they go to see Handles Town and Country Property. Rev. Cook and fam ily accom ­ H ector. The purse contained $92 ! Everett S tandish, who is reported Give him a call and see if he can fix panied by Miss M erle S traley re­ ! n it so well. you up. turned T uesday from P hilom ath NOTICE Mrs. W est of Brownsville, where they had spent the F o u rth . kt -• . r s n ! turned from a visit in Eugene. Fri- K arl K oppe and fam ily and bro-1 I have recently disposed of my T H E Y O U T H S ’ C O M PA N IO N a d v a n d is spending a few days in wjfe o( E ugene, were | garage and businese in H alsey to and the Halsey with Mrs. H ugh Leeper tg g unday of Mrs. M. E . Bas Foote Bros., late of O hio, and E N T E R P R IS E who lias been on the sick list for I set», M'9. M # Koppa’s KoDl)9,9 grandm arft,idm other. other wish to thank tlie people of this For 18.75 per year. some time. vicinity for th eir patronage in the A Wesley and fam ily accom- L. Boyd is preparing to take his panied by D. H S tu rte v a n t and past and bespeak for my successors W R I G H T & P O O L E vacation and will leave with Mrs. ■ - ■_ rr . P r.w , .c . farm v spent the F o u rth at Craw- a co n tin u atio n of the eant«. Call LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS Boyd as soon as another agent is raIU ” v , HARRISBURG . ■ LEBANON J . r> j expect .f I o torasvm r d s v ille c. They a fine cel- and get acquainted with the new sent.. Mr. and . . Mrs Boyd x r report r Phone 35 Phone 15 ebration and th a t H alsey was well firm. Branches at to locate a t D etroit, Oregon, after F ra n k K irk. repiesented. Brownsville, Wm T Templeton, Mgr. their vacation, where the work w ill Halsey, Phone 166, Frank Kirk, MgY. be lighter. R I A L T O F R ID A Y M rs. Russ K neeland left last S a t­ urday for P ortland where she vis­ ited her a u n t, M rs. Ira Russ, of th a t citv, who is ill at present A ll work done prom ptly and p r o d u c t io n She returned Tuesday and was met reasonably. Phone No. 269. W ork Shirts. Blue Cham- by her brother, E. Russ, who lives Shoe Repair Shop BARBER - SHOP. I. O. 0 . F. BARBER SHOP Work- W. J. Ribelin Clothing INiOllCe OUT prices W ork clothing: Men’s Blue Denim Bib Over­ alls made of heavy Den­ im, full cut $1.15 a pair F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Cecil B. DeMille’s . brey, full cut, values splendid I « 75c each Men’s mixed work sox 2 pair 25c Men’s mule skin light weight sum m er shoes $2.50 This is a chance for you to dress cool- at a very small expense. Send us a mail order. It will he given prom pt attention. gSmCLOTHiNoœ] . , <( F o rb id d e n F ru it - w » » — » - Miss Teresa F a rrie r of B row ns­ iArson - - ville and Charles Robert F u ller of g y Jeanie M acpherson param o Halsey were m arried W ednesday afternoon by Judge W- R. B'lyeu W ith a t his offices at the Courthouse in A lbany. The groom is a son of T heodjre Roberts C S. Fuller who recently purchas­ Agnes Ayres ed the S herling place. E. T. Evans who has an eighteen Kathlyn W illiams acre straw berry patch near Leb- i Clarence Burton anon, was in town S a tu rd a y . H« teHs us th a t his berries are very Julian Faye fine tiiis year, and th a t large n u m ­ Forest Stanley bers of visitors have -een his place. On Sunday, he inform s us, th a t! Theodore KoslofT more th a n one huudred cars w ere' G O O D at bis place, and m any states were represented, one party being from N^w Jersey. The C harity H om e-m aking I Club and the C harity T h rift C an ­ ning Cm b m et at the home of their leaders, Mrs. A. H. Q uim by and E thel Quimby on July 1st. The hom e-m aking club chose as tbeir m o tto .- “ A place for everything and everything in its place.” The canning club choee as th eir m otto, “ W aste not, w ant n o t.” I p to July 1st, the club m em bers had ( canned a to ta l of 166 q u a rts of berries and cherries a t a coat of >17.59- The value of the canned pro d u ct is estim ated at 183 S5. i Members of the club« are. M»tFI The Store with a Square, Eobin»«n Ruth Long. Edith Long, Deal lor Every Customer Irene Qaimb; ana Rmb Quia uj. * unt D R . E. S. D O N N E L L Y Presented by Jesse L. Lasky Surgical diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat P ic tu r e « C A S S E S P IT T E D The m an had fallen in love with a woman he did not know. Never 501 First National Bank Bldg, Albany. dream ing this ra d ia n t creature the drudging, u n h ap p y wife of a was­ tre l. F or her C :nderella’s ,h eart had ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Ore, leaped to taste of joy and luxury Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. ju st for one n ig h t. A nd when Albany. Oregon. love answered love— T he rest >» • dram a th a t goes to $5. Town or Country $5 the very bottom of m arriage. Glow ing with the color, lichnees and fashion th a t only D eM dle can p a in t on the screen. DR. R. H . H A R R IS C O M E D Y Artistic Piano Tuning Chiropractor ! FARM for RENT Farm of 52 acres, Good Buildings, Good Land. Renter to purchase the following equip­ ment: One team of mares, wt. 3000, wagon, harness, binder, mower, rake, sulkey plow, walking plow, harrow, disc and corrugated roller. All in good condition. year’s rent, S800. Price, including one Terms if desired. J. w . MOORE, Real Estate Dealer. X-RAY C usick B ank B uii - dino . A lxawv C c. BRYANT ATTORNEY A T UAW 2U1 New F irs t N a t’l Bank A lbauy, Oregon. B ld’g, Amor A. Tussing L A W Y E R AND NOTARY B rownxvili . k , O k soon A. Peterson Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty » 1 k / W #»«•«. Alb*nZ y r q p n ,