The Halsey Enterprise Brownsville Lad Drowns Shedd duction “ Forbidden F ru it” will All those knowiug themselves to be shown at the Rialto Friday be indebted to nie will please call night. Dou’t miss it. and make immediate settlement. J. S. McMahan shipped a car of Frank Kirk. stock from Hal»ey yesterday. Mr. Del E Henson c f Spring- Brownsville, Or., July 5.—Ea 1 ield, Oregon, aud Miss Mina L. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Hamilton, eleven year old son u trnoid of near Shedd, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham iltoi sere united iu marriage at the w— and grandson < , H irv* H an.ilto h one of the bride’s parent*, Mr. D . F . D ean , E ditor . ail of thia city, was drowned i »id Mr*. Robert Arnold, »• '*.« Entered as seecnd-elass matter Oc­ the Calapooia river Sunday aftei. } esence of a large number of rel- tober S, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal J noon at 4 o’clock; »hia body » i > lives and friends. The wedding sey, Oregon, under the Act of March not recovered until almost an hoi o k place at one o'clock in the 8, 1879. later. afternoon, followed by a ti-ne wed­ 7 qt Granite Teakettles - - $1.75 each In company with some othi I Devoted to the material upbuilding of ding dinner, after which the newly u Halsey and surrounding country and s nail boys, Earl was fishing, at s - - - 1.65 wedr left for Springfield by auto. 1 1-2 qt “ Rice Boilers Linn County generally. Subscription looe-mme spot just back of what i- Th-it many friend» wish them a rate |1 60 per year in advance “ Convex Kettles - 1.75 u known here aa The Chinamen’’ - ---------• - T • - Ii7 r = ^ . io .g and happy life logetter, and 8 qt Hopyard. Thia spot is a big hal t . help express this desire, many ‘ Lipped PreservingKettles 1.50 ( i Garage Changes Hands 1 0 qt mile from the eastern end of towi »etutifu! gifts were given them, and in some woods which ehut i “ Dish Pans - - - 1.50 u On Tuesday of this week Frank off from the road which runs t< t uong the guests was a great uncle 1 4 qt <4 Kirk disposed of his garage to Crawfordsville. For some reasci if the bride who h*a been visiting ‘ Dairy Pans - - 60 qt t the boms of Mr. Arnold, Mr. 4 Messrs Albert and A rthur Foote, the boy went out over the water t1 *hn Croft, from Minneapolis I 2 inch ‘ Wash Basins - - - 60 b te of Ohio, but who for some a log. It is tn o u ’ht that his hool weeks have been residents of Al­ got caugiit and that he was trjin , Minn. These prices are bargains considering the qual­ bany, the former holding a posi­ to get it loose but slipped and fell Mrs. Jackson Smith who hat ity of the ware, and you should take advantage of tion in the Templeton A Hocken- into the deep water. I ret arrived from Los Angeles, is them at once. s n ith Garage, fbese young men The hoys immediately ran fo ^siting at the home of her neice, w|ll taks ebargs immediately. Al- help but by the time assistant* Iattie Dannen. Vj»t Foote already being dn the could be g tten to the place when Hattie Dannen and E tta Smith flftpr. They ate experienced work- the lad fell in, his body could n pant Sunday at the Jak e Dannen mgn and we bespeak for them an he seen. Boys from town dive tome. excellent patronage in our com­ into the stieain and brought th m unity. Mr. Kirk is undecided as body out, and it was taken to tl t (Concluded fron page one.) to his future but will remain in Hamilton home hut there was m nodal each and of these, seven Haliey for the present. Our local hope of resuscitation.—Alba: j were Or*gon Jerseys. Nineteen real eatate man, J. W Moore, put Democrat. ates are represented in the J Ladies’ half-soles 50c and $1.00 per pair. through the deg). jvards made. Oregou cows with Ladies’ rubber heels 35 c per pair. Methodist Church N otes ilv 1914 registered, representing Men’s half-soles $1.00 and $1.50 per pair. ily 3 1-3 percent of the Jerseys Charity Grange Items. Sunday School. ‘‘Saul the P ha1 ¿Men's rubber heels 50 c per pair. corded within the year, won 18 l»ee.’’ Jesue Christ came into tl. Other j'obs in proportion. , A party of young people left • Id, 8 silver and 1 bronze or 31 world to save sinners; of whom Mail Orders receive Prom pt Attention. here early Sunday morning on a rrcent of all awards made. Ohio am c h ie f— 1 Tim. 115. Thia le inked second with 8 gold ami 1 j motor trip to Belknap Spring». son shows how Saul, a profound I The party was made up of the fal­ ronze, Maine, third with 7 gold educated Jew, a Pharisee, thereb ud 2 bronze; Massachusetts, 4th lowing: James Green, Meredith, a representative of the school th Second Street, Across from Postoffice. Beryl and Eldon Kizer Misses ith 5 gold and 1 silver and W ash- oelieved in the highest standa' Ethel Green, Hate! Schick, Va- A L B A N Y , OREGON gton fifth with five gold medals, of righteousness, gave consistci dura Kizer. Messrs, and Mes- this remarkable record of per-j expression of his religious ideal *,rmance places Oregon in the dames E. A. Kizer and H C. Ki- by com m itting the most cruel xer The party returned home late rat rank as premier Jersey state heartless persecution of Christiam Monday evening. All had a good f the Union and should act as a | and in thus making havoc of th time. The roada were io fine con­ * imultts to still greater effort to I church, he was entirely conscien laintain th at enviable position. dition. tious. He is an example of how s Elsie Wigle ha* been called to man may commit great wrong*, LEARN ELECTRICITY -g e t into a Corvallis to help care for her son while fully believing th at be it big business=grow ing—big pay now Charlie, who is in the ho«pital at doing right. His great energy ao< for Electricians. Auto Electricians, Ignition Experts. Battery Men. Me­ L IV E sto c k b u y e r s tb $ t place. hot zeal were misdirected. chanical D raftsm en=big future for Mr. and> C. P K 'ter cele­ At the annual Sunday School Highest prices paid for Beef, Pork, Veal and M utton. See Us Engineers of every kind—you can brated the Fourth at Crawfords­ board meeting hold last Thursday master one of these lines—earn more before you sell. Halsey phone 179. Brownsville phone 37c51. eveniug the following officers wen ville. money-igain success = write today for free catalog —hundreds of grad X motor party headed by B. M. chosen for the ensuing year: D. S. ustes holding good jo b s-o v e r 2.000 McWilliams, supt , F. G. Hadley Miller, spent the Fourth on the B A N K c h a r t e r n o 49. men trained annually—a great school McKenzie river near the fish hatch- asst, supt., Callie Fruro, secy- for ambitious m en =w rite today. Report of the condition of the HAl.SEY STATE BANK, at Halsey, in the treas . Grace Rolinsou, asst, srey Heaid's E ngineering S ch ool state of Oregon, at the elose of business June 30th, 1921. etv. 1101 Sutter Street San ErancisaO treas., Geraldine Cook, organist, Oscar Wigle has been suffering RESOUkCES the last few days with a few crack­ Mrs. A. Wesley, asst, organist, 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in item 31, if any $121,510.86 Agnes Bressler, librarian, Elliot ed rib*. 2. Overdrafts secured and nnsecured______________________________ 45.83 McWilliams, asst, librarian. Homt 3. U. S government securities owned, including those shown in items Mr and Mrs. C. D. Huff spent Dept Supts., Mrs. Hadley anf 3.500.00 31 and 36, if a n y ___________ ________________ __________________ the Fourth of July at the home of 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign government, Mra. Brandon, Cradle Roll Supts.. Mrs Huff’s father in Salem. state, municipal, corporation, etc,, includiug those shown in Mrs. Sturtevant and Mrs. Wesle 5,768 41 items 31 and 36, if any_______________ _____________________ Besides there were elected a ful 150.00 1 5. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc__________________ Released on Bail corps of teachers and assiatan's 5,966 15 6. Banking house, $3,200.00: furniture and fixtures, $2,766,15_________ So i.e interesting statistics weie 9. (b) Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies des­ R. W. Cooley and Irvin W right, given in the report of the seert- ignated and approved reserve agents of this b a n k ..* ._________ 80,019 01 10. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other two Corvallis boys held in connec- tarv fnr the work the past year. cash item s________________________________________________ . 10 00 tioo- with the attempted Halsey Kryptoks Cleverly Conceal the 12. Cash on hand in vault___________________________ ____________ The Epw orth'League will go t 7,627.55 b in k robbery, were released from the Hetzel grove this Wednesda Fact that the Wearer Needs Total cash and due from banks, items, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, $87,656.56 (not to beextended) the county jail yesterday after evening for their regular busines* Total...................................................................................... i .............$224,597.81 Jouble Vision Glasses. they had each given 81,500 bond. meeting. Ice cream and a goo* In improving the appearance, and liabilities W right furnished a cash bond, and picuic time will be served. ■onserving eyesight. Kryptoks are 17. Capital stock paid i n . . .............................................................................. . 20,000.00 M W Small of Elk City and Our pastor's subject for nex i priceless possession. 18. Surplus fund_________________________________________________ 14,000.00 Gen« Tortora, farmers living near Sunday morning will be “ Dynami* 19. (a) Undivided profits_________________________________ $6,427.82 Corvallis, wept bond for Cooley. Song,’’ and in the evening, th« (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid______ 4,665.32 1,762.50 Cooley will be employed and over- D emand D eposits other than banks, subject to reserve: second sermon on “ Doe* it Mattel teen by Tortora, who says he came 24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits due county or cities What a Man Believe»?” to the prisoner s aid because of and other public fu n d s...................................................... . . . . . . . . . 40,190,89 Erma Green of Creawell, whon 25. Individual deposits subject to check____________________________ 87,253.14 Cooley’t wife and children.—At- 1 A L B A N Y OBC6 ’many of our git la and bova remem ­ 26. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding............................................. 394.17 hany Democrat. ber, arrived last Saturday and it Harold Albro. 27. Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand_____ 103.85 Total demand deposits, other than hank deposits, subject to re­ visiting Amy Porter. Manufacturing Opteian. serve, items 24, 25. 26, 27 and 28____ $127,942.83 (Not to be extended) Word lias been received by a Joke »006 Years Old. T ime and S aving * D eposits , subject to reserve and payable on ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Planned by the in d en t Egyptlees girl friend that Helen Cook has demand and subject to notice: ev»r Vitin years «go. a Joke Just rame departed for her borne in the east 29. Time certificates of deposet outstanding________ _____ _____ __ _ 60,892 48 to fm ttlen. writes P ro f Flinders N Total of tune and savings deposits payable on demand and Petrie, the noted archeologist "While via Denver * ’ a 01 may concern that the undersigned An Independent Newspaper LISTEN! Cross & White SHOE REPAIRING C. A. STIMSON, Shoe Doctor. MAYBERRY & M c K inney . 'eadt Optometrist. we were trying to find » way Into a «weep e pyramid," he saya. “we dis­ covered on a rock face a door which was to heantlfully and exactly titled that It was difficult to see-the Joints We immediately pet to work on this thinking that we had found at last an entrance to the inner chamber After a eonslderahle amount of work we removed the door and found— solid rock 1 It was a carefully er- ranye.1 blind to balk anyone who wanted to And the entrance Into the royal fomha. and had been made about $.000 B C. by someone with a aense ci humor.' $100 Reward, $100 T h e readers o f th is paper w ill he pleased to lea rn th a t th e re is a t least one dreaded disease th a t s tones has been able to cu rs in a ll Its stages, and th a t 1« ca tarrh . C a ta rrh being g re a tly Influenced by c o n s titu tio n a l conditions requires c o n s titu tio n a l tre a tm e n t H a lt s C a ta rrh C urs la ta k e n In te rn a lly and acts th ru th e Blood on th e Mucous Surfaosa o f th e System th ereby d e­ s tro y in g th e fo u n d atio n o f th e disease g iv in g th e p a tie n t s tre n g th by b u ild in g up th s c o n s titu tio n an d assisting n a ­ tu re In doing Its w o rk T h s p ro p rie ­ tors have so much fa ith In th s c u ra tiv e powers of H a ll's C a ta rrh C urs th a t they offer One H un dred D o lla rs fo r any case th a t It fa ils to curs. Send fo r Hat e f te stim o n ials Address' F 4 C H gN TT A C O , Tsleds, •el« »7 au OrufStst» t U subject to notice, items 29 and 30 ___ 60,892.48 (Not to be extended! ias been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of SuSan Zigler. Deceased Total......................................................................................................... $221,597.81 by the County Cpurt of I.inn County, STATE OF OREGON ) Oregon v as All persons having claims against Said County of Linn J estate are hereby required to present the I, B. M. Bond. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear th*t same Io the undersigned at his residence the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. at Dalsev. Oregon, duly verified as by , CORRECT—Attest: B M Bond, Cashier. law required within six months from this C. H. Koontz date. D. Taylor Dated this the 4th day of Jane, 1921. B. M. Bond W. G. CARTER. Directors. Administrator of the estate of Susan Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1921. Zigler. Deceased. D. S. McWilliams, Notary Public, W EATHERPvRD A WYATT, Atty« My commission expires 8.24-24,