HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. 9, NO. 14 HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, JULY A NEAR TRAGEDY ------ T H E ------- HALSEY STATE BANK H A LSE Y , O R E G O N » Capital and Surplus $34,000 In terest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR. Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND. Cashier T h e F irs t Savings B ank of A lb a n y .O re go n ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ la a good place to deposit your saving». 4 percent interest on savings account* that run three niunths. si« r lontha or a year. Interest paid aemi-annually. Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always Or. Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. from the shock. ...... ------- Oregon Jerseys Win High Hon­ ors in B utterfat Awards But often makes the only impression others get of him When former comrades meet, there is a lot of personal .aH.fwt.on if your clothes inspire the question t Your answer, if you wear the best quality-value possible to se cure anywhere, is of course (S