Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 30, 1921, Image 4

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give tire mileage
at the lowest cost
in history
Reduction in all styles and sizes
A N ew Low Price on a
Known anti Honest Product
for children, as w ell as grown
people during the hot days of the
sum m er time, is a heaping plate
of pure, rich ice cream. There is
nothing so cooling and nourishing
to tin* system as this. The ice
cream we sell is m ade from the
In st milk uud cream , ar.d is fresh
every day. T ry it and he coni.
a » » » » » » » » » » &»»»»»»>»»&&
¡^Corn, 1-2 or 1 Io n Lots, $42 per Ton
( hick Feed, #3.73 per ICO
OAT C h o p , h.i I or ton lots, $85 per ton
Coconut m eal, $1 '.KJ per 80 pound sack
Mill Run, half nr ton lots, 137 per toil.
W h ite
Will fliup Every Day
O . W . F R IIM
“ N O W - A -D A Y S ”
says the G ood Judge /
A man can get a heap m ore
satisfaction from asm all chew
of this class of tobacco, than
he e v er could get from a big
chew of the old kind.
H e finds it costs less, too. T he
good tobacco taste lasts so
m uch longer he doesn't need
to have a fresh chew nearly
as often.
A ny man w ho uses the Real
T obacco Chew will tell you
W -B C U T is a long finc-cut tobacco
R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco
Today anyone who wants to reach large numbers of people must
advertise—must use the newspapers and the mails, and
must do so persistently.
means owner­
ship by the
many. W e should like to have every person we serve be­
come an investor in the Company.
Customer Ownership
An Electric Light and Power or Gas Company, serving growing com­
munities, must continually add to its plant capacities and dis­
tributing systems in order to meet growing demands for service.
It requires now capital as long as it grows. That is why wo have a
splendid 8 per cent investment for you.
Like many other business institutions we have found that through ad­
vertising we can obtain better results at less expense than other­
wise. Advertising helps us to make members of new security
owners of the company, as well as to economically finance im-
povements and extensions.
Fiscal Agents
Byllesby Engineering and M anagem ent C orporation
Engineers and
M anagers
P u t nf> its tw o styles
^ n ra o -y u te n 'C c tujanv. uqiyw ffkt
grain Growers association, the
m anager
of th e Oregon M int
G row ers’ association; a represent,
ative of the Oregnu Cooperative
H ay'G row ers’ assoeiation; Paul V.
M aris, director of college extension
service; E. E. F av ille. chairm an
of tbe ag ricu ltu ral com m ittee of
the P o rtlaud
cham ber of com ­
merce; a rep-esentative of t i e
S tate B a n k e r,’association, and a
o ile r
cooperative association now in ex-
istence or any th a t may subsequent­
ly be organised.
A S afe 8 p e r c e n t
Oregon Cooperative council
O regon
A erioultural College,
f ’l.-veng-r, the Shoe M u ', can c . v a llie , June 2 8 .- P r e lim in a r y
I h i m l y o u r >h>e troubles rig h ’ . organisation of w hat will be known
)., > W F rst S t., A lbany. 6-16
a i the Oregon Cooperative council
I ' G. G ilbert and I B u tlem f Al­
was affected at the close of the
ii nv . 'ere in H ib e y M o n d a y in th e
conference on cooperative uiarket-
i| . . ir e x t <d the t a lc o f e e ita in
ro s '
ng in connection with Farm ers
I b • ml«.
I he organization was to be
M rs . M a r c e lla K i r k le f t M o u d s i
onpleted in room 402 C orbett
I fur Portland. She « ill enter tl>
•iliidiig. P o rtlan d . Monday after-
tr u n i'g s ibool f<>r liursts ut tl
mon. It is predicted th a t the
I .Samaiitan hospital.
organizaton m il do m uch tow ard
M s A lb e r t O v e rto n and daughter
f a th e r in g
m arket
b’-y, of B ‘•»nsvdle, w bnhad been
Tne tem porary ch airm an is Dr-
i i Albany «ere m et here by Carl
P o rtlan d , fane 2 5 — For the first
H ector M cPherson, director of the
W iri' ii on Friday who drove them
e in H istory of th e forest service
bureau of organization and m ar­
prohibiting sm oking m a
kets at College, and tbe tfinpnr
forest has been issued.
Mrs. H arry Stew art of near H a l­ ary secretary, U.
U pson,
se y, » as operated upon for appen- iiiin ag er of the Pacific Cooperative Secretary
W allace sent such an
order, and it arrived in P o rtland
diciti.s at Albany last Friday. She Poultry Producer.
u isg ' lti g along nicely when last
Tbe council expects to co o rd in ­ today to the effect th a t d u ring the
lie bead from her.
ate the cooperative work in Oregon fire period sm oking would ba pro­
Mrs John Mminn, of P ortland, and m ap out a geueral program hibited iu the O lym pic forest iu
a r r iv e d h e re F r id a y to attend the which can be carried out by all the region of the blowdowu of last
fu n e ra l o f h e r s is te r, M rs . E rn e s t enterprises interested in cooper­ w inter, except in im proved camp
Stew art, w h o passed away at her ation. It will assist uew associa­ grounds, l ’he order is to previ nt
home toward
Brownsville last tions in m aking the right kind of he setting afire of debris in the
a sta rt. Many of them in the section of th e forest to the we.-t-
Which would vou rather do. feed past have beeu form ed iu a hurry ward of a line ru n n in g from the
th e tly or the cattle?
Just receiv­ w ithout sufficient funds and w ith vast end of E ren ceu t Lake to the
eud of Lake Q u in d u lt.
ed a new stipplv of Ply Spray which incom petent m anagem ent
I sell on a g uarantee; no good no
Aside from tin^p men the coun­
I t is reported th a t 'I h e C iscade
Call oil the liaw leigli man cil will consist of the following
C o nstruction Co’s rock crushing
a n d get it.
George A. M ansfield, president of
plant at S a d d le Butte will reeume
Joseph H unter, well known in the S late F arm Bureau federation; operations in the near future.
thl-rectiw n, left Friday for Asliland ( C. E. Spence, m aster of the Oregon
Miss E dna N auk, of N orth Da­
*, here he goes for an extended visit Slate G range; A. R Shum w ay, ko ta who has been visiting with
« u h a relulive, I be old gentlem an president of the F a rm e rs’ union
tb e Newton fam ily, left Saturday
S - y e a rs o f age, was feeling very R obert P aulus, m anager of the
for N ew port. Aft.er a few d a y s’
G row ers’
well when he left and seemed fullv Oregon
outing a t the occean she will return
capable of making tlie trip w ithout association; J. D. Mickle, represen­
to Mr. Newton’s and conclude her
difficulty. Mr. H u n ter lias been a tativ e of the Oregon D airym en’s
resident of B nton and Linn coun- League; R. A. W ard m anager of visit w ith them .
Mrs. Thom as Fox, of Hals^Y,
ti.-s about 49 years and has m any Oregon Wool and M ohair Growers
S atu rd ay for Newberg w iere
fro nds who wish him a pleasant Cooperative association; Vic. H.
goes for a visit w ith friends.
v is it and e a rly return.
S m ith, m anager of the Oregon
by dealers
S o ld only