* E. L. STIFF and SON get anybody out to the election. Knowing Mr. Clay, we know that F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S - be will make e good director. Mr. Carrier everything in F urniture, Mr. and Mrs Joe Kirk left Tues­ Some time last week a three Clay and Mr. Porter both living in day after a visit with Frank Kirk also PIPELEoS FURNACES. ami O. W. Frum and family. GRADUATE year old colt lielonging to E. W. town, gives a majority of the board O P T O M E T R IS T Harold Stevenson came down Shedd became tangled in the wire to the town proper and they will be from Portland Monday and went fence and d'ed *e a result of the easy of access. Everbody ought P R IV A T E O F F I C E to Brownsville where he has taken F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S accident. to be interested in the school, for c lm rg i of the Ringo Drug S'ore. 216-217 L v - ii S treet, A lb a n y . The gr a Mrs. Reid epeut the last week in the school’s good. P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E G. D. Bishop, government bo­ trouble is th at the intrest most vine tubercular inspector, has been Albany visiting with her mother. F. m . F r e n c h & S ons l)R , , a * o l d r - J* ck - in this section several days, but ALBANY OREG. Mrs. Chas. Arnold was in Al­ people take is in the fact that the u n r t W i l T I I P I ) T I D H Y i M JIH-JIS 1st Na­ tinds cattle very frem from that school increases tbeir taxes, and bany last week a part of the time ' trouble th at s the only thing they can see. tional Bank Buildin, Albany, Oregon. taking treatment. She is at home „ ■ rtl L. Boyd, local S. P . agent, found And they let that fact blind them W ithout pain. Late uerve- strav nullet oil the floor of his again and is reported much improv­ to the other things they owe to the blocking method. ’ office Monday morning after the ed. school, and the editor knows that Two doors north of the hotel, shooting and appreciate* the fait Don’t forget that there is going the tax burden is becoming a real , . , ii i - ] , th a t it was put there in his absence, Am prepared to do all kind- ol K to he a Shedd Community Fair this oue for most people. shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar | .. M'» O. B. Stalnaker and friends, Fall. Club member« want to be KARL A. BRAMWELL. Prop. The Boy Scouts plan to n.ove Mrs Veda Lauch and Mrs. Roy anteed. Parker of Corvallis, spent yester­ getting their entries iu shape. A nd their building to a more centrul Suits Cleaned and Pressed. JEWETT the COBBLER. day at the T. P. Patfon home in I the ladies want to be practicing for I location and tix up the building Hals, y They came over in Mrs. there is going to be a contest in i and make it iuto a Scout hall and LAUNDRY SENT AWAV'hn MONDAY L audi’s ma hiue. bread making. A SPLENDID FARM TO EXCHANGE community reading room and Mr and Mrs. B. M. Bond, ac­ W. W. Newman, who has been library. The thing th at tl ey are tor good property in Portland or any co m |)al,ieJ by Mrs. M- C. Bond city in Oregon, will take small farm as ;|n(j LaVelle Palmer motored hauling whit* fir wood from the up against is * lot. And up until part The farm offered for exchange (Q £> >rvallia a „ J Albany Tuesday, Cornett ranch to town to .h ip to the new Brasfield Addition wa- W ILDEY LODGE NO. 05. consists of 1001 acres located right at a w hile in Corvallis they enjoyed a the paper mill in Salem, fell last opened up, there wae none to be Regular meeting next Saturday good R R town in the Willamette val- with A T- Grugett. had. And now there ere lots night. week and broke two ribs. lev some 500 acres of very rich pro- i „ availablethe next thing ie to get duc'tiv. land cleared, nalance very good ; Mr. and Mrs S ta n ley S teven son Last Monday night the annual the money to get one. pasture and timber' some 250 acres in m otored dow n rom E u g en e S u n - It ie the school election took place, H G. plan of the Scouts to get a com j bniiir.nir their parents, M». crop fa only Orchard, creek thru place, J , a 1 Pugh was the retiring member. m ittee of tbs men o, Shedd to water i r . l pastures and at all bldgs, , -" d M r.. J . A. Steveneou. Mr 7«ry fine 2-, lory w h iteh ou se. al. o a j Stevenson after a long illness u This place left vacant by Mr. Pugh back them in (hie and to see if Electric Haircutting, Massugiug very good sm all.r house, two barns, » b le to he at home again, and Shampooing. was filled by Mr. J. C Clay- Thi* they cannot raise the money for It is worth while as « machine sheds and all necessary out j Mr. and M rs^R L Winniford la the first time in a number this lot. Cleaning and Pressing. reading room and library is some­ buildings. Buildings are located in a and Mr Adi ian Goodhrod recently of years that there was enough thing that Shedd hat ueeded for E. C . M IL L E R beautiful grove of shade trees, giving ! relumed from a visit to the fruit intrest shown in school affairs to some tme. the farm a very honielikt£ appearance farm near IsaleUl bringing with Penced with woven wire Priced for a them a load of luscious cherries. They report the cherry crop short time only at $55 per acre. Office 1st door south of school house WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO bumper one. Halsey, Oregon. Creswell, Or , June 26—Miss 405 1st National Bank Building. Dealer in Real Estate. Albany, Oregon j Ruth Green anil Ralph J. Baldwin Handles Town and Country Property. of Stockton Cal., were married nt Give him a call and tec if be can fix the home of the bride’s parents, Halsey Items you up. the Rev. tnd Mrs J. S. Green of IN me local Methodist church. The Mr. Nebegall, the Albany pack­ T H E Y OU THS’ COMPANION inghouse m an, wae in town yester­ bride is a 1919 graduate of the University of Oregon and has been day. and the principal of the high school a, Karl Bramwell and family, Mrs. Sand Like Or. The bridegroom EN TER PR ISE Jno. Porter and C- H Koontz mo­ is a young business man of fttock- For 18.75 per yetr. tored to Albany Tuesday. tou. The couple will make their Rev. Cook and family accom­ home at Stockton, panied by Miss. Alberta Koontz W R IG H T & PO O LE Forty cans of trout fry were re­ motored to Salem Wednesday. ceived here this morning by the A romance of life on the redwood slopes, in the LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS Don.t forget Bill H art and h e Santiam fish and game association HARRISBURG LEBANON famous Pinto pony in “ The Test­ to be liberated. Seething with thrills Fhone 35 I’hone 15 Twenty cans of days of bandits and gold. ing Block’’ at the Rialto Friday. the fish were placed iu the W illam ­ and the struggle of strong men. Branches st Tender with Keneth V analta arrived here ette river and the other 20 cans Brownsville, Wm T Templeton, Mgr, from Vancouver, W ash., yesterday were taken to Brownsville to be love and home and children. Iislsey, Fhone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr. and will remain for the present. liberated in Millers lake, several The Greatest Heart Picture Hart Ever Made. The bridge across Muddy be miles south of Brownsville in the A P aram ount P ic t u r e tween G ardner’s and C arter’s is mountain . The association ex­ ous of commission, undergoing re­ pects other shipments during the season to Ie placed in the streams pairs. and lakes of this part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Standish will All work done prom ptly and leave tomorrow for Portland where —Albany Democrat. reasonably. Phone No. 269, they will visit their son, Everett, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Fuller mo­ and the D. H. Nash family. tored to town Monday, bringing j DR . E. S. D O N N E L L Y Mr. and Mrs J. A. Rigg«, of with them Mrs C. A. Robb, of Powell Buttes, who had been visit­ S-atlle, W ashington, a sister of Surgical disease» of ing with the latter’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Fuller who had been making Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and MrB. Bob W hite, of Browns­ them a visit for a week or two j C L A S S E S F IT T E D ville were brought over Monday by They were also accompanied by 501 First National Bank Bldg, Albany. them as they started on their re­ Mrs. Sarah K. Robb, of Wichita, turn home. Kansas, mother of the othCT ladies Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Sheldon, of and who had corne down from Se­ Artistic Piano Tuning Brownsville, drove over Saturday to bring their daughter, Mrs. Mil­ attle with the younger Mrs. Robb, ARTHUR COLIt, Albany, Ore, dred McClains, of Eugene, who having been with her several weeks. | Leave order» with Woodworth Drug Co. You W ill W ant For Your had been visiting them during the The elderly lady will uow visit with Albany. Oregon. Pioneer Picnic, to get a train on the Fullers till a little later when Town or Country 15 her return home. the heat of the W ichita summer Dr. Philow T. Starr who had been subsides a little. residing iu M ontana for some time Ruth Nash, daughter of D. H- and whose health has been serious­ ly impaired since a severe attack of Nash of Troutdale, was injured flu arrived here Monday ac­ seriously Monday afternoon when DR. R. H. HARRIS Max Rosen companied by Mrs S tarr as well as thrown from her pony in a colli­ 80002 Humoresque (Dovork) Violin his brother, Dr, Fletcher S tair, of sion with an automobile driven bv Max Rosen 30003 Ave M aria—Violin Solo— 17-year-old Reginald W right of Eugene. Gardena, Cal. A possible brain Cbatnlee i CuiiCK B ank B uildiwo . A liawt 10026 Thank God For a Garden Mr. and Mrs. C P r Stafford re­ concussion was feared by Dr. H- V. turned Tuesday from Eugene where Adix of Gresham, who examined 10002 A Perfect Day—Male Trio With Orcbeetra. Mr. Stafford bad been for twelve the injured girl. Externally she C .C . B R Y A N T Chamlee davs following an operation, from was cut amt bruised badlv. La­ 10018 Your Eyes Have Told Me So atto rney a t la w which he is rapidly recovering. ter news has been received by Mrs Max Rosen 10032 Mazurka In A M inor—Violin Solo— They were brought home by Mrs. Mary Haves, grandm other of Miss Theo Karle I 201 New F irst N at’l Bank Bld’g. John Haines and son, Lenore, Nash, stating th at eh« had parti- j When My S hip Come* Sailing Home Albany, Oregon. 35001 Cousins of Mr. Stafford. I Ab! Moon of My Delight all recovered consciousness but Yesterday was a record-breaking was still in a very serious oondi (C arm en—Selection —Concert Bend 25002 ( Rigolette Q uartet day in the Halsey stock market tion. Amor A. Tussing when 1800 head of lambs were LAW YER AND NOTARY Theo Karl* shipped from the loeal yards. ( My W ild Irish Rose Charity Grange Items. Theo Karie Hugh Cummings, district buyer ( T hat Tumble Down Shack in Athlone B rowhsvillm , O kioof for the Nsbegall Packing Co., a s­ The Charity Busy Bee Sewing Theo K arie ( The Lord is Mv Light sisted by our local buyers secured ~ „ ¡Club Club had hud their regular meeting ( Christ io Flanders the lambs for E If,’ & DUo°"of San Wednesday, June 29, at the home ffy & Co. of San ° { ch|b ,egder Mrg gvrd resentative for Taffy Breeakin Minuet in “ O ” Violin Francisco. Pm« Dre»s Shoe* a Specialty 18005 Wsggner. The club’» motto is, Souvenir P ortique—Violin “ If at first you don’t succeed, try, I Dr. R. M W altx, of Browns­ 501 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, H ear these Records when in Albany ville, motored over Monday bring­ try again.” The tpembers cut out ing Mr. and Mre. M. C Starr, Mrs. and started making their needle- T H E FU R N ITU R E HOSPITAL Lizzi* Smith, aister of Mrs. Starr, cases. The next meeting will be and their cousin, Mrs, Crawford, on July 13 at the Grange ball. Renovate« and makes feather all of Portland who had attended Members th at were present were: mattreasea made like new. Ruttu Long, E dith Long, Mabell tha picnic. They were pioneers of A lb a n y , O r e g o n . Bring them in or phone 261-R, Linn county, Mr, Starr having Robinson, E d n a Robinson, Irene J been a teacher in this section 49 Quimby, Ruth Quimby and Ethel J 1 128-180 Ferry St, Albany, Ore. Wiggle. year* ago. • < Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H Sturtevant’s. Shedd (From The Visitor.) W edgewood Stoves and Ranges. Shoe rvepilir fenop » BARBER - SHOP. I. 0 . 0 . F BARBER SHOP RIALTO FRIDAY W. J. Ribelin Vtón. S. HART > “T h e T E S T I N G | BLOCK.” | F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Brunswick Records! Record Library Chiropractor X-RAY A. Peterson ¡X“ NO 48 NT IS COMII Let for Asph: hroagh Halsey I has the contract ;s of the Pacific liij ill include t l ? elret to Shedd. Pru ; is to he an asphi e hid for concrete g h er. face is now being II le’s streets end er bridge in that ravel. I ravelers and Brownsville ulapooia. is planning to ha stioii when the pa is finished speed the program, as is I on the new roi he a correspond» sey to rejoice uj i of the first pavi probably will not PARAGRAPI Here 5 Cei Liue and Drifted Sn< S turtevant’s. tarnura, dentist, very Tuesday T ra il.” a migi c e of love, high hum an einotii lialto th eatrt F ii B. Hamptoi ition of Zane Gre' leaned by the Corporation, large cast of wf iterpret the rol t McKim, Kath »erite De La Mol ng. in Church at 10. ng forward t< ice every moil pper will be ;es of Eugene hi both morn in g nt 7 , led S u b je c t, i, M att. 6: 7-1 uesday, 2. th at every n appoint a •eporler tu rn is possible to will he glad ANK 000 deposit IMS , Vice-Pr .Oregoi iAFE’ «•ton savin Interest par WOODWORTH DRUG CO. rk< ... ays in Seas