W- O. McNeil and little son of Mr. and Mra. J. B .C oglleof Al­ near Peoria made our office a bany, visited with Mr. attd Mrs. T h e H a ls e y E n te rp ris e pleasant call while in town today E. B Penland last week, atten d ­ The care of growing chicks, es- An Independent Newspaper The ho ; e of W A. Carey w>> and they will read ¡the Enterprise lecislly during warm weather, is ing the Pioneer Picnic with them lie scene of a family gatheri. the coming year PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY nost im portant, say specialists of on Friday. Sunday in honor of their guests M he United States Department of aud Mrs. C. B Stone, of Salem, th- Agriculture. Every boy or girl D. F. D ean , E ditor . I liter tbe mother of Mrs Carey nember of a poultiy club should Entered as second-class matter Oc Mrs Freeland and daughter Elam ive the best attention if success is tober 3, 1912. at the postoffice at Hal of Oregon City, and Mr. E u g ei • o be had. The baby chicks may gey, Oregon, under the Act of March Freeland of Cottage Grove. be smart little fellows from strong 3. 1379. $ 1 . 7 5 each q t G r a n it e T e a k e ttle s - ■ Dinner was served to nineteen vigorous parent stock, and they persons. Those present were. Mi Devoted to the material upbuilding oi may have been brooded carefully 1 .6 5 “ 1 -2 q t “ R ic e B o ile d H alsey and surrounding country and and Mrs. C. B. Stone, Mr«. Inez for the first two or three weeks, Linn County generally. Subscription Freeland, Mr. sand Mrs. W. A ..it uiitew they receive proper care g „ j. 1 .7 5 “ “ C o n v e x K e ttle s rate $1.50 per year in advance. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. C E. Gillet «nd management during their later __________ ~ ------------------ “ L ip p e d P r e s e r v in g K e ttle s 1 .5 0 aud son Alfred. Mr. and Mrs E E »rowi ng period they will not d ev el-, | q t Carey, Mr and Mrs. Marion Caret ATTEMPTED BANK >pe properly, and many of th em , 1 i . “ D is h P a n s - - - 1 .5 0 and son Eugene. Misses Elaio vill be lost through disease or sick-j • ’ ROBBERY AT HAISEY Freeland, Mildred and Mary Caret “ D a ir y P ans - - 60 nets. The chief essentials to p rop-, and Messrs Eugene Freeland an ) qt er growth are good coops or houses, 1 2 in c h “ W a s h B a s in s - - - 60 Clifford and Gilbert Carey. (Concluded from page one) cleanliness, proper feed and water, These prices are bargains considering the qual­ shade and free range. about 40 feet away the firing began Methodist Church Notes Mr. Walton aiming directly at Every coop and poultry house ity of the tvare, and you should take advantage of th -ir liaeki with the result that Sunday 8chool, “ The Early Life ised for growing chicks should be them at once. Henry Schults was instantly kill- ot Saul.” “ Today if we will h«*«’ kept clean at all times. Sickness e l. Taylor and Clark fired sev­ hisvoice. Harden not yourhearts.’ or disease starts usually in unclean eral shots with pistols, paitly to Heb. 3:7-8 This lesson introduces quarters, and in such places lice mark or disable the car, while Mr. the great character we are to study and mites are always more plenli- Walton fited the second barrel al for the rest of the year. This in- f tl. Coops and bouses should be the back of the machine, tearing troduction includes items of infor­ e’eaned and sprayed once a week, Away a portion of the hack of the mation regarding his nativity, race, and clean shavings, chaff, or sand rear seat. This deflected and childhood home life, citizenship put on the floor. Examine tbe scattered the shot wounding the and education. Paul was so great chicks and houses often for lice other», W'H. S'dwltz, brother of that everything we cau learn about an I mites, and if found they Ladies’ half-soles 50 c and $1.00 per pair. the former, and Wro. Wright, all him is of interest. Ladies’ rubber heels 35 c per pair. am uld be got rid of at once by residents of Corvallis, After the The Intermediate League in following the directions in depart­ Men’s half-soles $1.00 and $1.50 per pa'ir. shooting B. M. Bontktook an auto three cars drove out to Hetzel’e i n '^ circular 10, Lice, M‘tes, and Men’s rubber heels 50 c per pair. with Lee Walton, D. Taylor, Bert grove Monday evening and had a Cleanliness, which may be had, Other jobs in proportion. S. and Doing Clark aud followed nice picnic lunch with ice cream . free, upon application to the Di­ Mail Orders receive Prompt Attention. in the direction taken by tbe fugi­ They played games with a cheerful vision of Publication», United tives as far as Shedd, and finding campfire near by. Twentyene in all St ites Departmen of Agriculture. th at they bad turned west at that were present. A variety of feeds with fresh, place, Mr. Walton called Sheriff Two of Brother Hadley’s nieces, clear water is necessary if chicks Second Street, Across from Postoffice. Kendall who notified Sheriff War- Gladys and Velma Hadley, ar­ are to grow properly. Perhaps field of Benton county. Sheriff rived from Coldwater, K an., last A L B A N Y , O R EG O N the three most necessary for rapid Warfield met them on the bridge week to make their futute home growth are grain feed, green feed at that place and attempted an ar- with their uncle and aunt. W e and dry mash, which should be rest but the car sped by him and welcome these girls into o»r midst he tired two ehots striking the and know th at our young people provided regularly, a grain m ix­ ture should be fed night and morn­ rear of tbe machine. will endeavor to make them feel ing, giving as large a quantity as Early Tuesday morning the Cor­ very much at home. the chicks will eat clean, and no vallis police foilu d the shot-m ark­ Mrs. F. H- Porter and daughter, more. A good grain m ixture for ed car and learned it had been Amy, returned home from Port­ growing chicks consists of 8 parts taken from a Corvallis street the land the last of the week and will cracked corn, 2 part« wheat and night of the trsgedy. Wright and be here for the summer. Gertrude 2 parts hulled cats. When avail­ L I V E S T O C K B U Y E R S Schultz were located at the will return later. * able. kafir or rolled or hulled bar­ Highest prices paid for Beef, Pork, Veal and M utton, See U« W right home where the body of ley may be substituted for hulled before you sell. Halsey phone 179. Brownsville phone 37c51, Christian Chureh Notes Henry Schultz had been rolled un­ oats. In localities where hulled der tbe porch. A physician had Regular church setvice as usual >ats, kafir or rolled barley can not been summoned to dre-s their next Sunday. Endeavor at 7 00 p. be obtained, or is too expensive, a wounds which led to their arrest, m. Mrs. Minnie W agner, leader. mixture of cracked corn and wheat and they are now in the Linn Rev. Lester Jones will preach at only may be fed u n til the chicks county ji J? are old enough to eat whole oats, both services. Cooley, the fourth member of Prayer meetingThurgday evening when two p arts oats may be added Now'» the time to plan a visit back east to your old home town, or an the gang, was captured later be­ to the corn and wheat mixture. outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or in the mountains tween Divide and Blodget and is M rs. True leading. C hildren’sday exercises were well Back East New Eastbound also in j til. attended and very much enjoyed. Low Round Trip Tickets One-way Fares In an interview at the jail the An offering of ten dollars was THROUGH THROUGH prig iners placed the blam e foi taken to be sent to Goldie Wells in their conJuct upon moonshine. California California Africa are now on sale at will be In effect Tbe new officers of the S S. were Important Business Change installed and will take up their Reduced Fare June 10 and daily, thereafter work Sunday. Final return lim it round trip tickets, three months from sale date not e x ­ A cordial invitation is extended Yesterday an im portant busi­ ceeding October 31st. Stop-overs permitted and choice of routes? On your, back east trip, see Crater Lake, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Sequoia ness transfer was made in our city to the public to worship with us Park. Carriso Gorge—a grand and highly colored canyon seen from Remember the Turner Convention when W. A. Ringo, who recently Kryptoks Cleverly Conceal the National the car windows—or the Apache Trail and Roosevelt Dam. disposed of tbe Bingo Drug Store July 2th to 10th. Lets go. J Fact that the Wearer Needs in Brownsville to Stanley and AU are requested to come to Double Vision Glasses. Harold Stevenson, took over the Sunday School armed with the are now on sale to In improving the appearance, and Walton Drug Store. Mr. Walton Sword of the Spirit, the Bible, Tillamook County Beaches conserving eyesight, Kryptoks are Newport has for eighteen t ears been con which is living and active and A particularly attractive tnp tinuously m this business and has sharper than any two-edged sword, a priceless possession. A delightful seashore resort on acroaa the Coait Range Mountains for some time been contemplating and piercing even to the dividing Yaquma Biy and the Pacific Ocean. These beaches include Rockaway An ideal place fora family. Large a change He will remain in H«l of Soul and Spirit of both joint and and Garibaldi Beach Resorts. natatorium and salt water baths— N’eah-Kah N’ta, Manxanita and sey for the present, having no other marrow, and quick to discern the various forms of amusement Bayocean. plans a* yet in view. Mr. Ribgo thoughts and iotents of the heart. Q p t& m ttris t. Daily train leave» Portland Un­ Bible resding. flag salute and w ill move to H tlaey a n d immedi Daily Train Service A L B A N Y OACO. ion Station 8:15 A. M. pledge, special number, invocation, ately take charge. Harold Albro, Special week-end train leaves "O regon O utdoors ," our new lesson period, report, birthday of­ Portland Union Station Saturday ■— ------- Manufacturing optcian, 12:45 P M. Summer booklet, graphically de­ fering. America, benediction. Pinto Pony in Picture A Pleasant Party T Care of Chicks in Hot Weather LISTEN! Cross & White SHOE REPAIRING C. A. STIMSON, Shoe Doctor. MAYBERRY & M c K in n ey Vacation Trips Week End and ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Jam es W. Drinkard had busi- William S. H art's famous Pinto pouv has a big role in “ lb s Test­ neas in Albany yesterday. ing Rlock” which comss to the H ow ’s This? Rialto theatre next Friday. Pint offer On» Hundrad Dollar» Rew ard stamps a bandit to death and dis­ tor tv» any case of C ata rrh th a t cannot be plays extraordinary intelligence at •ur»d by H a ll » C ata rrh Medicine H all a C atarrh M adl.lna haa been taken well as love for “ S ierra'' Bill, hi» « rn . master. Mr. Hart wrote the story nr»c«t reliable remedy for C a ta rrh H a ll’s r h M .d lcln a acts th ru the BloodIon which was picturiied bv Lambert C the a u r Mucous surface*, expelling the Pot- Ttllver. E