HALSEY ENTERPRISE $1.50 PER YEAR H A LSEY , V OL. 9, NO. 42 Wayne Stewart Hurt TH E - AïTtHPIED BANK Wayne St Tana, ta iy ars ROBBERY AT HALSEY old Ma ot tar Portland, waa aariouely h irt Mr«. Clark Smith and three chil­ left last Thursday for a prolonged visit in 'aat Friday n o nin^ between Hal HALS&Y, O R E G O N One Dead, Three Captured, Two aey and Shedd while riding with a I Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. N. E, Chandler, of friend, Herbert McDonald. The of Whom arf MiM Vivian B n , I » » F o .ri., . . . . lad and a sister, Wound d day looking for a place for their came up from Portland earlier iw daughter, Miaa Agues, to atay I n te r e s t paid oil tim e eofti Rentes ot deposit the week, the former to spend his Excitement held sway in the us- vacalioti with hie grand parents. while attending tlu H dsey high \Ye invite y o u r banking business u lly quiet little towu of Halsey, Mr. and Mr«. Jame« Carothers and school. Mrs Venita W right, of Eugene, H. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Yice-Pres final nt ar m idnight Sunday till the latter for a visit of a couple of who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. well up in the day Monday. weeks. Ned Calloway, of Brownsville, B. M. BONI). Cashier Near the hour of midnight S un­ On F riday morning while he was during the Pioneer picnic, was day as Delos Clark w»s retiring, taking a spin with Mr. McDonald hiought over Saturday by her tie happened to look out from his the lads right leg became entangled bedroom window at the Clark home with the rear wheel of the motor friends to get a S. P. train on her return home. which stands directly accro.s the and before the driver could The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon S. P. tracks in front of the Halsey cycle, Mrs. C alan th a Crabb and little stop the limb had been handled daught**r arrived from P ortland State Bank, and noticed .sveral S pretty roughly, being badly bruised parties acting in It suspicious m an­ and wrenched as well as receivingan hut Thursday for a vis it w ith Mrs. ner and soon concluded th at an uglv cut two or three inches long Crabb’« mother, Mr«. l)»ugherty. attem pt was being made to rob the The hones, however eeera to be in Oilbert McCully, of Kalispell, Is a ftoodpH ee to d ep o .it >or.r s a v in g . 4 percent m tereet on saviugi hank. He at once called Mr. place and it is hoped the injury Montana, passed through Halsey account, th at run three m o n th ., six . iu # th . or a year. Interest paid (' lark who in turn called Dee W al­ will not prove to he a perm anent Friday with bis father, A. T. Mc­ »eini-annualty. ton, a near neighbor, who is a one. Dr. T. I- Marks of Halsey is Cully. who he was taking to the deputy sheriff. Delos and Mrs. the attending physician and is high­ Mercy hospital at Eugene. Mr. Clark continued to watch the oper- ly pleased with the progress of the M Cully hUd been very ill at the ii'ions at the batik door. As soon injury thus far. home of his son, Claude, in Aums­ a- Mr. W alton got up, central tel­ ville hut had suili iently recovered W hile ephone office was called and put E. B Penland and H C. Davis to he able to be removed. busy giving the alarm to all homes motored t* Eugene Saturday iu still in a critical condition hopes are entertained for his recovery. in the near vicinity where firearms Mr. Pe'nlaud'a car. were kept. While this was going Dr. E. W. Barnum. Dentist, at m i the parties became alarmed, Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and ' probably by the barking of some Friday. dogs, concluded to drop the job A good alaed barn belonging to and got into the car which was Nelson Cruaie, near Brownsville, across the street near the postoffice l a t h e C ause of Many and drove away, going uorth on and oontaiuiug a few vehicles and HUMAN ILLS Front street and in about a half or farm im p le m e n t, Waa destroyed If y o u r eyes g ive you trouble or three-quarter, of an hour they by fire at an early hour Friday y«Bf g I *•» >nded to telephone call« and met in at the hank and examined the work which had lieen done by the z4^è-.. e. , , ..... would-bo robb-ru, which clearly sli .wed their intentions, the m ould­ . . .. • .! ? / y " i ings having been removed from ííí the sides and bottom of the large So are Repairs, Binding Twine and Bale Ties glass panel in the door, and all was ready for this to be taken out, giv ready for your service. ing an opening 80 by 60 inches for One Sot of 'entering the building, and while Mowing Machines, Rakes and Binders. it was supposed by these parties W ork Harness 2nd h an d -p rice right. Get a Kittle that the robbers were gone, sev- Grinder and save time. W e have Pumps o n h a n d , , r i l , including those who took pitcher and force pumps. Come early while the part in the shooting were B. M B ‘iid, cashier, and C. H. Koontx, line is full and you can get v. hat ytm Gt. W M O R N H IN W E G . IM P L E M E N i STOIYE prisideni, of the bank, stayed, keeping out of sight and awaited result«, while ye editor was order­ ed back to the telephone office to spread the news to the nearby towns, with directions to have all CLOTHES MAY NOT MAKE THE MAN roadways watclied for the fugitives While this was going on the au­ to returned, going by the bank B u t o fte n makes the o n ly im preseign o th e r, get of h in t very slowly and quietly, and m ak­ W hen former com rade, meet, there i . a lot of personal satisfaction If your ing another short drive around, clothe, inspire the question and approached the bank the third time, and as the machine was just coming to a stop, the three armed ■ men eprang forward dem anding a halt and that they get out of the Your answer, if von wear the beat quality-value pos.ible to se- machine. Mr. W alton, with a double barreled shot gun was in cure anywhere, is of course the lead and stepped directly in front of the car. At first the par­ ties attem pting the arre»t thought there was going to he no effort to evade them, but Mr. Walton being blinded by the strong lights of the ear stepped around to the side of the T A IL O R IN G —TO IN D IV ID U A L M E A S f HE M Bulk Cocoa 20 c lb, 21b35c, 51b i5c. ln ,’’**.‘*n‘ machine and as he did so keeping Best Grade Peanut Butter 12 l-2c lb, 5 lb 60c, the occupants covered, the driver Therein a personal style for you in both fashion and fa b ric -a t threw in the clutch and the car 101b $1.10. the right price. fairly jumped and was under sbeed in u twinkling, and all th a t was left for Mr. Walton and hi« party if to do was to fire or stand and watch them drive away. Not choosing the latter, when the machine w«i HALSEY STATE BANK d re n ot near B ro.vtw ille C apital and Surplus $34,000 ‘W H ER E SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured M eats Always On Hand. Also O ther M eats in Season. r L- H ARVEST IS H E R E SIMM El! A Full Line of Dr. H ess’ Dip and D isinfectant, and Fly C haser which | JlAos tJaylor? is ap p ro p riate a t this season. Straw and Cloth Hats . 6 / X Xte? tf- Co. . F or w arm w eather. Also SHOES ! ¡for the whole Family. o Something Special D. H. STURTEVANT. M. V. KOONTZ CO. ?