Miss Melba Neal, of this piaoe, Good mower gad rake for tale. accompanied by her cousin, Miss Inquire qu.re of o. T. L. A. A Hover, qJ Brugh Miss Gladdis Clevenger vieited After a sojourn of about three a u j b lh(# in Albany Saturday. „ „ „ a , . b . „ w . b s » , . b i . i t s . t . W“ “ ;;«A ltao y on F rid, y H. Bolton, of ner town, had urday for Moscow, Idaho. • bus'ness in A lbany Saturday. w , M oo,., ol B ,o .o .v iH .’ Which .o o H vo» r..b o ,d o . hod " , . . . . b , . . . . Soodoo io m eet.th o fly 0 , tho C.M I.i J » « '« « » - M r1. Lloyd Beyerly made Al- ' bany a bus'ne?s visit on S atu rd ay . '¿ . “ ,0.1.... l o M ~ , » : . o d . . . . Î 1 Clevenger, the Shoe Man, can ^¡’ v X ouvbg W ashington, who I sell on a guarantee; no good no Ol V »IH.UO.O., B I___ eioh man Call on the Raw Rawleigh man mend your shoe troubles right. # a vJgit before re. pay. and get it. H 8. W irklemas . 136 W. F .re t S t., A lbany. 6-16 (urnjng Halsey Items Mr. Rebham of Brownsville Mobs Shouting for Clothe«. drove over Sunday to meet Ijjs Mrs iaBte Clough Rambo, of Balter. daughters, Mrs. Windom and Oregon, returned N ear East Relief Miss. Rebham, from Seattle, worker, tells a graphic st8ry of the distribution of a shipment of old Washington. clothes received at Batoum In Trans caucasia. She says "I did up bundle-, of clothing, each containing a dress, a skirt, a jac ket or W e o ffe r One H u n d re d D o lla rs R e w a rd coat, intending them for distribution tor any ts e e o f C a ta r rh th a t ra n n o t be among the women 1 took Kappidies cured by H a ll's C a ta rrh M edicine (a native a s 3 itta n ', a-d went In the H a l / a C a ta rrh M edicine has been talsen by c a ta r r h sufferers fo r th e past th irty * fo rd truck with g reat bags of these five '‘ears, and has become kn o w n as the Mr. and Mrs. W- A Cummings Mrj W ayne S tann, rd bundles. We drove into the yard at Corvallis, U r., June 18.— Word m ost relia b le rem edy fo r C a ta rrh . H a ll s Petoeva Barracks We took out sev­ are home auain after their ^ 0' L f Brcwngville, motored to Halsey C a ta r rh M edicin e acta th ru th e Blood on has been received by Mrs. Daisy eral bags anil went u r - '- 'r a . Kappidies th e M ucous surfaces, e x p e llin g the P o l­ weeks’ outing at the Breitenbush , gun(1#y brlnging Mrs. Hodson, Luton stating th at she is one of son fro m th e Bloo-J and h e a lin g th e dis* [ stood by the ¿-R s while 1 earfied the portion® bundles to co rn ets where I suw they springs. | Mlg g cannard’e m other, who took the heirs to the estate of bergrand- A fte r ro n h a v e ta k e n H a ll's C a ta r rh M edicine for a short tim e you w ill see a ! were p’raetically w ithout cfothing. The Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Winpiford a g p tra jn jor her home in Mc­ fater in New York, valued at 4.- gTeat Im p r o v e r - n t In yoor general I first thing ! knew, a woman snatched h e a lth S ta rt ta k in g f l a i l ; C a t a r r h M e d i­ a bundle out of nsy hand; then came left the last of the week with a Minnville. 000,000. Mrs. Luton does not cine a t once end net rid o f c a ta rrh Sena te r t t - ’ lm nriiiil» fr a t another and another. 1 called Kap* party of Mrs. W inniford's rela­ F J C H K N B V & C O., Toledo, C h ia J. E. Davis was over from know the num ber of heirs l o the pldlcs to come a a ay. as they were Sold bv a ll D ru g g ists . JCc. turning Into a mob He and another tives for the coast. There were Brownsville Saturday,having come estate. assistan t grabbed the bags and we four machines in the party and to bring little Miss M argarite Ir­ NOTICE went down another stairs, the mob they will visit Rockaway, T illa­ The Southern Pacofic Co’s Sun- win, of Albany, this- let on her a ’ 'ollowlng. We Jumped into the car and In accordance with action of the had to hold ba-k the moh with sticks. mook and Seaside, returning via way home after a visit with her set Limited, running between Stn Francisco aud New Orleans, was City Council of June 18th, 1921. W here the sticks came from 1 never Portland. aunt, Mrs. Davis, tell held up last week by a woodpecker all property owners are hereby can ‘ The Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hoseney and crowd grabbed, '•hey scream ed, Mis« Erica Moore, of Albany, —a red-headed one. The Limited notified to cut the grass and briers they fought. family, of Brush Prairie, W ash­ ‘ They would have pulled me out of in g to n , are here visiting at the arrived here on Thursday of last was clicking off the miles toward along their property or Mine will week and has been greatly enjoy­ El Pa«o wheo a block signal ahead be done bv the City and the cost the car. but the chauffeur bucked into the street and we tore away. A fter­ home of Mr. and M r< A. F. Naal ing a visit with her brother-in-law assessed to the property. dropped red forcing the engineer w ards we returned and gave the who live just south of town, Mr. Bv order of the Council. clothes to the head man to distribute 1 Hosgney is a brather of Mrs. Neal and sister, Rev. and Mrs. Raymond to etop and giving the flagman an E. F. Cross. to his m ost needy cases, but they Recorder ol the City ot Halsey breke the window to his room and and the two families are surelc Smith, of this piece. opoartunity to stretch his legs un- W. C. Bickels brought Mrs. Bick­ til the next clear block showed ADVItNISTRATORS NOTICE ’ i Scabbed the bundles. Still after all enjoying the visit. A D M IM SI RAHJK -■>.'> I ivr. , I have the „ consolation „ „ . n l a i i n n th t h a at t the II the man man is Miss A lberta Rowley, who spent els to town Saturday to get a trian against the horizon. No train was said to have had when someqne stole Investigation disclosed CE is hereby given to all whom ! h ,g aib le_ it ^ouid doubtless do good.” last summer at the home of her for Albany where she went to see in sight. 1 ’ it u: ;ay concern th at the undersigned grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J . A her brother, Lester Bond, who had the fact th at a red-headed wood­ has been duly» appointed A dm inistrator NM(. Eagt T housands Need Clothes, Stevenson, in Halsey, was recent­ undergone an opqjation on the pecker, one of tho busy kind that of the Estate of Susan Zigler. Deceased ! y;umberless men, women and little previous Thursday for appendicitis, builds its nest in the tops of the by the County Court of Linn County, cbü(jren in the N ear E ast are all bur. ly awarded first place in declama- Oregon. . destitu te of clothing and. thousands I tory contest in her home town, and who, by the way, is getting telegraph poles in the mosqune All persons having claims against said j have no covering w hatever save the Fort Stockton, Texas, and third along very well. country, had become interested in estate are hereby required to present the thinnest rags. ' placff in th* district. Our office is in receipt of the semiphore No. 3967 and had peck­ «aine to the undersigned at hi* residence - ’ ... , ed away the led wire to the track , . i i ast vear Amer.i a sent 7oO Ton® ot .it Halsey, IHHev, Oregon, Oregon. 4 duly u lf verified . d and at vermeil as a . by oy ; — » >’ T ‘ * ^ p i y H e x . h .u . .te M r, and Mrs. C. F. Stafford semi-mouthly bulletin of the Ore­ relay poet just east of the signal. law required w ithin six m onths from th i the clo(blng worn o u t ■ went to Eugene the IU liUgOUO two last icacv of a the •••» e gon » - ’ Agricultural - ---- College, - n » Training - ------ P date. week where they visited at the for the Vocations, which is tru ly a As the block signals autom atically Dated th is the 4th day of June. 1921. homes of Mr. Stafford’s co u sin s,! tine piece of work from the print- order “ stops ’ when anything hap­ W G. CARTER. Dr E VV. Barnum, Dentist, at Dr Spence, E. D. Hanson and er’s point of view. The whole pens to the mechanism, the feather­ Adm inistrator of the estate of Susin lintel Halsey every Tuesday a n d Tom Seavey. W hile in Eugene work would be an inspiration to ed red head successfully prevented Zigler. Deceased. the progress of a transcontinental W E A T H E R FO R D * WYATT, Attvs F rid a y . Mr. Stafford underwent a minor ■ any young person seeking educa- How’s This? N"r' operation at Mercy hospital. | tiona! advantages i train —and escaped punishm ent. TH E BEST DISH for children, as Well ns grown people during ihe but days of the summer time, is a beapiug piate of pure, rich ice cream. There i8 nothing so tooling and nourishing to the system as this, The ice cream we sell is made from the best milk and cream, and is fresh every day. Try it and be cool. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. < % ¡J Corn, 1-2 or 1 Ton Lots, $42per Ton z ea !> . M z Chick Feed, $3;75 per 100 m sfc jit ¿»A « YOU ARE WELCOME to the already large family of profit- sharing investors in the Mountain States Power Company, each of whom cashes a substantial cash cupon every six months. f£a M? \\ ¡11 chop Everv Dav. S O . W . to X X While OA T Chop,-half or ton lots, $85 ner ton Coconut meal, SI 90 per 80 pound sack Mill Ruu, half or ton Hte, $37 per ton. YOU ARE WELCOME! 1 R V M ; w > “ NO W -A -D A Y S ” says the Good Judge A m an car; get a heap m ore satisfaction lro m asm allch ew of this class of tobacco, than he e v er could get from a big chew of the old k in d . » l i e finds it costs less, too. T he good tobacco taste lasts so m uch longer he doesn’t need to ha» e a fresh chew nearly ea often. A n y m an " h o uses the Real T obacco C hew will tell you that. Pat up in two styles W -R C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R I G H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco TriE OLD IDEA of the ownership of the securities of a successful corporation was that of exclusiveness, and from the security hold­ ers' point of view, the fewer the better, as there would then be larg­ er proportionate earnings to divide. THE CUSTOMER-OWNERSHIP IDEA is the exact oposite of exclu­ siveness. It aims at the widest possible distribution of securities ownership among the largest possible number of citizens. In this way the earnings (reasonable earnings being essential to any industry or individual) are shared with our customers. YOU CAN PARTICIPATE IN OUR EARNINGS by investing in our 8 per cent Gold Notes, and jrou can do so by investing as little as $5 a month. ASK FOR OUR BOOKLET. “ THIFT WITH A SMILE” MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents Bylleiby Engineering and Management Corporation Engin» are and Managers