j G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY ’ GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T P R IV A T E O F F I C E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S P R IC E S REASO NABLE ? G ran t T aylor made a trip to Al­ bany F riday. Brownsville and Drifted Snow 'flour at D H Sturtevant's. Supported by L O N C H A N E Y in Mrs. Way Miller cauae do i n f nm Eugene yeeterday. Da I I ako L u E. J ack - 304-305 1st Na­ tional llank Buildm, AUimv, O regou. DENÎISÎRY son 9 Late W ith o u t p i i n . .docking m ethod. fhe Most Amazing 1 hl liter Screened. Directed by T O D JEWETT the COBBLER. a m i | ip c ti' i C ity . _____________________________________ n e rv e . BARBER - SHOP. KARL A. BRAMWELL, Prim. B R O W N IN G IT’S A UNIVERSAL-JEWEL. SPLEN D ID FARM TO EXCHANGE io H alsey is receiving a heavy c o at Suite Cleaned and Pressed. LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY ’* g 1- " ' 1 Mi - 1J. B. S u d tell, of B anning I. O. O. F. C alilofuia, is m a tin g her son, lien I 1’. and fam ily, of A lbany, a visit, j Mis S arau G auiber, of M aupin. ■ Oregon, is visiting at the home of I her sister, Mrs. J. W. M iller. New July BRUNSWICK RECORDS Now on Sale M ‘»s E iz.b etb Stew art eatne up from Portland Monday evening and is visiting friends here. M'n s Hazel Howell who has been | v isitin g frie n d s in the v alley for s me lime, left to r M c M iu n y ille ( Tuesday. Mrs. A. C. Schm itt and son Ro- . WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO lan d , of A lbany, arrived in H alsey | 403 1st National Bank Building. today and are guests nt the I). S- W U .D E Y LODGE NO. (55. Regular meeting next S aturday light. BARBER SHOP Electric 2100 Cherie [M.v Dear] Fox T rot......... «... .................................. Fenton’s Orchesta 85c Ju st Keep A Thought for Me.................. ...............................Fenton’s O rchestra 2103 M oonbeam s, Fox T rot. G reen Bros. Band 85c 1 Call You S u n s h in e .............................. .................G reen Bros. N ovelty Band M c W illiam s hom e. Mrs A ra M iller left today for Oregon City where she will visit W. H- W alton went to Albany her brother, Ben Allen a few -lay- before going on to her home in 'uesday on business. .Y ak im a. Mrs. E . K. G orm ley retu rn e I Our tow nsm an, John L aR ue, ront a trip to A lbany Sunday. went to Albany Monday for a visit E . J. D unn, the Monroe p rin ter with a friend who is on the sick ras in town on F iid ay . list. ! Dr. and Mrs T I. M arks were J. S. Kiggins of Albany who has i klbany visitors T uesday. spent the p ast year at the farm of - C lair M iller went to T angent Lee H aves, cast of town returned | ¡unday to see his father-in-law , home Friday. 1?. M. Bennett. T he hoy scouts a re . pi in n in tr <"’ | { T. F. H illm an w en t to Albany ta k in g a Big Sw n n next Tuesday Tuesday to get repaint m ade lo tli, even in g . All boys of Scout ii|K' p n a g n ito on his wood saw. are in v ited Io la k e p a rt. D i.l Mrs. T. B. D avidson, of Eugene, G a rn jo b st will acco m p an y (hem . risited relatives and friends in th is James W alton who bad «pern ; lection several days retu rn in g bou t th e p ast,.m onth a t Mercv H o -p ita l. E ugene, follow ing a serio u s --pera- 1 uesday. Ben T. Sud tell, the auctioneei li -n came home, y esterd ay evening on 1 hopes to soon bv strong again. smiled in on us Tuesday as be w an his way to the Bierly plate T he m any friends of W. L □ear Roland where he cried an W right, th e und r'a k e r, will be tuction sale th a t day. pleased to learn th at lie lias.re-1 Messrs. E. C. and Ross Baker covered from bis late attack of if near B row nsville, fam e u v i erysipelas and is aboui him self T hursday w ith Mr$. M B lhonnts again. on her retu rn to her home a t A num ber <>f H d-cv people a t-, baity after a visit with them. tended the H arri-.xirg-G orvallis Mrs. G. W L au b n er went to A l­ game at C orvallis Sunday W. H- { bany W ednesday where she rep ­ Kirk p laved w ith I la r r i-b u r g . resented o u r city on th e recepti n Score four to tw o tu C o rv a llis’ com m ittee at th e Home Products favor. Halsey and Ranges. 215-21? Lv. ii S tre e t, A lb a n y . Shoe Repair Shop Albany, Oregon F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S C arries everything in F u rn itu re , alao P IP E L E S S FU RN A CES. PRISCILLA DEAN Wedgewood Stoves J! i .1 S. McMahan is enjoy F M . F r e n c h & S o n s > ¡ng a n outing at New port ALBANY OREG. < Mr - A rm strong was in from tli _R \V * A /W S ’VVW .V?art The farm offered lor exchange o u n sti of 1001 acres located n g lit at a [ood R R town in the W illam ette \nl- e j , some 500 acres of very rich pro- Juctive land cleared, oalance very good pasture and tim ber' some 250 acres in ;rop, fam ily orchard, creek th ru place, a-ater in all pastures and at all bldgs, ,ery fine 2-story w hite house, also a very good sm aller house, two barns, machine sheds and all necessary out auildings B uildings are located in a jeautiful grove of shade trees, giving the farm a very homelike^ appearance Fenced w ith woven wire Priced for a ihort tim e only at $55 per acre. E. L. STIFF and SON RIALTO FRIDAY See O utside the Lfaw,” a t the Rialto tomorrow night. Item s I 20D9 Drowsy Head Strand Male Trio 85c S au n terin g A long \\ ith Susan.M ale Qn tet 2105 I W onder W here My Sw eet Sweet E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin Office 1st door south of school house , Ualsey, Oregon. Dealer Real THE Y O U T H S ’ Estate. ....... C ollegiate C hoir $100 D ixie. ... C riterion Male Q u a rte t lilt 31 W altz jii C S h arp [p ia n o ]...... ........... ........................... Leopold Godowsky Love Is Mine.............. Mario Chamice C O M PA N IO N and th e E N T E R P R IS E For IB .75 per year. Son of God G es F o rth to W ar .................... Criterion Male Quartet 5055 America (My Country T is of Thee) |0032> in D andles 1'own and Country Property. Give him a call and see if he can fix you up. Daddy.s G one..BennieKrukersOrchestra 85c Satanic Blues . B ennie Krugers Orchestra 5053 Still, Still W ith T hee C riterion .Male Q tet $1.00 H a irc u ttin g . M assaging and Sham pooing. C leaning and Pressing. W R IG H T & PO O LE LICENSED 1-UNERAr. DIRECTORS HARRISBURG LEBANON Phone 35 Phone 15 Brandies at Brownsville, Wm T Tem pleton, Mgr. Halsey, Plione 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr. 13022 The Swan (Le C ygnel ( ’ello Solo W illiam W illeko S i,25 B ■recuse from Jocelyn(C ello)" 35001 Ah! Mo,m o f My D elight . . T heo K arl $1.75 When My S hip C om es Sailing Hom e ...................Theo Karl The Record with the new Spiral Stop. W hen oi d erin g by m ail check th is list and m ail to us. WOODWORTH DRUG CO. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. . A ll work done prom ptly and reatonaldy. i’lioue No. 269. D R . E. S. D O N N E L L Y Surgical diseases of Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat G L A S S E S F IT T E D 501 F irst National Bank Bldg, Albany. • Artistic Piano Tuning SHOE REPAIRING ARTHUR COLE, Albany. Ore, Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. Albany. Oregon. Mr. end Mrs. G. A. Robinson, banquet which was given nt the F ir s t Presb y terian C h u rch th at of C oquille, G ios ,m in ty . passed j $5. Town or Country $5 through Tuesday by th e S o u th e rn evening. Pacific on th e ir wnv to W ashing­ Mr. and Mrs H erm an Tschanz ton for a visit. Thev sent their j ¡idies' half-soles 50c and $1.00 per pair. of Silverton, who had been visitii g a u to through by freight to P o rt­ the paren ts of the la tte r, Mr. and land from w here they will nmkei ,;tdies ru b b er heels 35 c per pair, th e trip bv m achine. I hev will be DR. IL H . H A R R IS Mm. S. E Cole, of near Erotvns- back this wav about A ugust fir»1. M eu s I ni 1 l-si >h “s Si.00 ami Sl.eD per pair. ville, retu rn ed home S u n d a y . Men > ru b b er heels 50 c per pair. Dr. W dl J. T h o m p o n will 1 ave They were b ro u g h t over by Mr O ther jo b s in pro p o rtio n . th is week for 5 dt 1. k- C ity, I tab. : u < uck B ank B u ii . oino . A lbany and Mrs. Cole to c a tc h a S. P to atte n d the W- stern Cmigre-s -if Mail O rders i‘( reive Prom pt A tten tio n . tra in . Mr. T schanz' is principa O ptom etry. This emigres» is an ] annual gathering of the leading of the Silverton high school. C. c . B R Y A N T F H Porter drove to P ortland optom etrist of the we-t for the ATTORNEY AT LAW M onday to bring Mrs. Porter and purpose of studying all the newer Second S treet. A cro ss from Postollice met hod. connected with the optic­ 201 New F ir» t N a t'l Bank Bld'g, Arnie who have been in th city for a num ber of ni inths to al profession. 1- c tu te .. di m l l l s t l - A lbany, Oregon. give Miss G ertrude the ndv inl ige nous amt clinics taking up th ' ------ ------------------------------------------- m ajor portion of the tim e. Dale o , th e best musical in struction» to Amor A. Tussing be had in the state Miss G er­ of bi- next visit will he announced trude will fill a num ber of musical in these colum us later. M A W Y ER AND NOTARY engagem ents before retu rn in g . Mr. and M’s. C D. Linn and B rownsville , O rioox The school election was held on d au g h ter, Mrs. Clarence Forties M onday at the school house as a d ­ and I'ttlo son Cecil Jam es, arrived vertised with D. T aylor acting ”s in H alsey Tuesday evening from Practical Shoe chairm an in the absence of I H Long Beach, O k . and are visiting R epairing • Porter. Beit S. C lark was elected at tb s home of Mrs Lirin s broth­ Fine D re .t Shoes a Specialty er, C. p. Staff ird. They came by director to serve three years ami B. M. Bond was re-elected clerk auto and are visiting eu route 50t Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, A tax of $4,000 was voted to be After the Pioneer Picnic they wi Mowing M achines, B akes and B inders, One Set ol ----- ” used for school purposes It » » - proceed northw ard, visiting Port­ er, land, Hood River. South Bend W ork II true--' 2nd h a n d —price right. G et a Knife T H E F t R N IT U K E hospital voted to in stall a new heatii e p la n t. The m eeting «D " voted t" W’a .h .. E e te rii Oregon, W ashing \Ve have B um ps oil hand: Renovate» and makes feather T in y will v e il ( i pi l l d e l 1 a m I s i l t e tim e. favor consol idation with any o u t­ toil and Idaho Guy C. Stafford a t R a ls to n .\\ asb ., a n , j f o re » ‘ pum ps. ( ’o llie early while th e maltre»»e» made like new. lying d istricts th a t care to come 's pla< »- " line is full am i you can get w hat you want. " X Z o « ‘R‘ in. Mr. P o rter is the retirin g d i­ who is »arming Mr. L in n Halsey... rector while Mr. I'avlor is the expecting to return via Q. W M ORNHINW EO IM PLEM ENT STORE iW-180 Ftrrj 8», Albany, Ur«. Chiropractor X-RAY C. A. STIMSON, Shoe Doctor. H A RV EST IS H E R E So are Repairs, Binding Twine and Bale Ties ready for your service. Utw ch aiiu iau of the board, -h i ybe fall, Peterson