Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 23, 1921, Image 2

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The Halsey Enterprise
An Independent Newspaper
I). F . O kas , E ditor .
E n tered as second-class m a tte r Oc
to b er 3, 1912. a t th e postoffice at Hai
aey, O regon, under the Act o i Marc
3, 1379.
Devoted to th e m aterial upbuilding ci
H elsey and su rrounding country am
Linn C ounty g enerally
ra te *1 50 p er y ear in advance
— -------—---------- -------------- ——
A Pretty
Mrs. W m. Abraham is very IL
but showing some improvemen ,
Couev hrother« have purchase!
a brand new Ford touring car.
M' m d Mrs. J. W Sprenger and
Mr. am i Mio. Geo. II L annen welt
A lb .n v visitors last week.
The Oregon City paper mills bnv
purchased the tir timber beloiigH g
to J. B- Cm nett, and
now sbip-
p ng the wool to Oregon City.
C yius C. Arnold wept io A lb a n i
last week to visit hi« mother who
oas been quite sick, but isim p ic v -
ng at tlie present.
Mrs J. VV- Spn-nger who has Ine
, lam* fi ot foe some lime is not im
proving my but we ho le there wil
oe a change for the better scon
M-, end Mr«. H arold Count
M'«. .Jam -« Uouey, «ml W alt«
J . u ;v were guv-ts -1 the |>r. Maik«
borne in Ilaitev M onday' evening
Mrs. Burr Powers bas purchased
the cottage occupied by Chas
Troutm an and will move in in the
near future.
Mi«« K athleen McCarty is visit­
ing at the home of hhr parents in
Pullm an W ashington.
H arold Couev and wife were A l­
bany visitors Monday.
Supplies are bejng taken td the
Butte where the Cascade Contract
Co., are beginning to ta k e o u t rock
for the Corvallis-Newport road.
Mr«. Clay, Mrs. W. IL Porter
and Mr and Mrs. Nick Kennedy
visited in Halsev Tuesday evening
Mr. Poland took his grandson to
Halsey Tuesday where Dr. M arks
«et a fractured collar hone for the
young man.
“Outside the Law’ to be
Seen Here
Tod Brow ning's original drama
■ if (be under world, ‘‘Outside the
i.aw ," comes to the Rialto th eatre
ext Friday with Priscilla Dean in
tie stellar role.
Lon Chaney,
i I r Oil. man, L. A V\ a r r u .,
Q l IV F P ? C
Ralph Lewis, M elouume MacDvW - j |_ | V EZ O I O C i v tJCJ I C b \ 3
ell, W ilton Taylor, and a n w
- V eal and M utton. See Vs
H ighest prices paid for Beef, - Pork,
child a .to r, btanley G ovt liais are before you «ell.
H alsey phone 179-
Brow nsville phone 37c5l.
in mo casi.
M c K inney
H. G. Lake, teacher ill the
-weet Home school was a H a l* 'y
visitor yesterday.
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran and daugh-
te . Dorotny, anil Mrs. M arcella
K rk and son. Billie, were A lbany
r-itors yesterday.
Vacation Trips
Now's the tim e to plan a visit back east to your old home town, or an
outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or in the m ountains
A very happy wedding occurre
New Eastbound
at the h 'u u t id th e bride's parent-,
Back East
Mr. and Mr- G It W alker, on
Farm To exchange;
One-way Fares
Low Round T rip Tickets
T uesday, Ju n e 21st, a t Id a in
when their th ird d aughter. Mi-
230 acre farm located 8 1-2 miles
B ertha was m arried to Mr. O-' a'
i, ..in U jrvaliis, bO acres cultivation
Lee of Springfield, The -eremon
be in effect
are now on sale at
w ii-p erh n med in th e pieseuee n
• alanc“ place rolling tim ber and
relative« and a few f’ ie'id« of th-
.pen pasture laud, good house,
June 10 and daily, thereafter
Reduced Fare
bride and groom. The hridtt ws-
irn milk hou«e etc, gas engine
Final return lim it round trip tickets, three m onths from sale date not e x ­
p rettily die««ed in • go* oof white
md electric light svstem , farm
ceeding October 31st
Stop-overs perm itted and choice of routes.
satin em broidered iu pink
l h<
On your back east trip, see C rater Lake, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Sequoia
land all in crop. Good road fine
hridesm aid, Mie« Nora Pehr-so-;
National Park. Carriso Gorge—a grand and highly colored canyon seen from
wa» dressed in pink. Mr Lim e
neighborhood. Price $16,000 will
the car w indows—or the Apache Trail and Roosevelt Dam.
Ferguson was beet man.
I hi
exchange for farm near Haleey,
floral decoration« were pink and
Shedd, or H arrisburg. W rite us
w hite rose« against a green hack
for fu rther particulars.
Rev. Raym ond Smith
»re now on sale to
Miller and W alter. C orvallis Ore.
p c he ori“d the ceremony.
Tillamook County Beaches
Nora | i hrsson caught tb s bride's
6-2 to 6-23.
hoquet .and Louise liobnelt receiv­
A particularly attractive trip
A delightful seashore resort on
ed the ring. The wedding march
across tlie Coast Range Mountains.
Yaquina Bay and the Pacific Ocean.
was played by Mi«» Louise Robnett
These beaches include Rockaway
An ideal place for a fam ily. Large
and Miss Pearl Pehrsson sang. A
and G aribaldi Beach Resorts,
natatorium and salt w ater baths—
line wedding d inner wa« served
Neah-Kah-Nte. Manzanita and
various forms of am usem ent
ufler which th e happy couple lefi
on a honeymoon trip for Belknap
Daily train leaves Portland Un­
Daily Train Service
S pring5. Tbeir friends had jok­
ion Station 8:15 A. M.
ingly decorated their auto with old
’ Special w eek-end train leaves
"O regon O utdoors ,” our new
Portland Union Station Saturday
shoe“, placards, etc., in keeping
Sum m er booklet, graphically de­
12:45 P. M.
with th e occasion. The groom is
scribes the different resorts in
Electric train leaves Portland,
employed in a garage at Spring-
W estern Oregon, and includes ho­
4th and Stark Sts., 1:15 P. M.,
field. which city will be their new
tel and camp inform ation.
connecting with week-end train at
home. It will he remembered that
Hillsboro. No baggage handled
free on request.
th e bride just recently graduated
on electric train.
Fact that the Wearer Needs
from the llulsey High School with
Mountain and Other Resorts
M ethodist C hurch N otes
signal honors nod was a favorite
Double Vision Glasses.
Detroit (Breitenbush H ot Springs. M ount Jefferson C ountry)—Tickets now
among her classmates'. C ongratu­
Sunday School, Q uarterly review
In im proving the appearance, and
on sale.
lations go with them from a large
topic, "T h e Social Task of the conserving eyesight, K ryptoks are
McCredie H ot S prings—T ickets now on sale.
circle of friends.
C hurch.’’ " H e will dwell with
Josephine County Caves—T ickets now on sale.
a priceless possession.
them, and they shall he his people,
Crater Lake (a la k e in th e extinct crater of a volcano)—Tickets on sale July 1st.
Charity Grange Hems.
u. v 21 8
Shasta MouuUin Resprts—Tickets on sale, daily, on and after Jn n e 10th.
. . . have been discussing, the
Yosemite National P ark—Tickets on sale, daily, on and after Ju n e 10th.
T h eG r» n g “ Woodmen picnic wa» church nt ivant in the worid
For particulars as to passenger fares, routes, train schedules or sleeping car
(trough each of us as members.
pulled oft in flue shape-and a gen
reservations, inquire of any ticket agent of
W ork.wages, luxes, schools,health,
eral good tim e was had. Mr Pow­
lam ily, neighbors, poverty, compe-
a L
i B
a a
A m
N Y n O o R r C 6 .
ell, secretary of the S tate F irm ition, everything that anyone has
H arold A lbrc.
Bureau was speaker of the day. > o do or to decide in bis daily liv-
G eneral Passenger Agent,
Mrs M artha Bardwell and son
life us a C hristian. Let, us each
Scott ol W -pato, W ashington, who
one put ourselves in the way of
have b<en visiting relatives Here, C hristian duty so th a t th e church
returned home last Saturday.
may tiieasute tip to her highest |
mu Kixer
rvizei and
aim working
- - <■ efficiency,
— -
■ th a t the
,, , Lord
Mi and Mrs. Harold
i intty have hi« own wav ill all things
,Ir. and Mrs. E. A k u e r motored
reg, ^ 9i
to Albany Saturday.
Eacb member of the b. S . is re­
Otis Kiter of Springfield has minded to he ready for the woik
been down lately visiting his fa­ assigned for the close of next S u n ­
ther and m other, Mr. and M rs.T . d a y ’s service.
T he pastor delivered a very
M Kiter.
strong sermon last Sunday m orn­
L a st S aturday was grange day ing
AU should have heard it
ut ss only three or four peroons Hi« subjest for next Sunday niorn-
vere there, ■
the meeting was not 'm g , "D ynam ic D isciples,” and in
the evening, "D o esn ’t M atter W hat
■ailed to order.
a Man Believes "
S ister Cook’s brother, Frank
A n n a W atson and two
rouugest d au g h teis, of K ings Val- O 'N eil and fam ily of P b ilcm atb ,
m ade an over Sunday visit here
ev woo have been visiting in th u ^
neinity for the paat few days, re-
Christian Òhurch Notes
urn ed home last Sundav.
Mrs. 1, B. David«on of E u g e n e 1 C hildren’« Day exercises. Songs
mid recitations by the children.
las been visiting at tb s home of
A »ermon to children by the pas­
jer brother A lbeit Waggeuer.
In stallation of new officers in the
Mi*« Joy Pieice of A lbany is
riyiting relative* in this neighbor- B'bje rh'hool.
R egular service»: Bible School
| at 10:00, Junior C. K at 5:00.
T b s recent rain put a stop to all -entor C. E at 7:00, P leaching at
oad wmk around here for a few 8.00.
o ’ > n « o m ic a l, C o n s e rv a tiv
e lim in a te w a ste , V c r e d v.« it
co l-
W u
i l l r
* E
J V c V
» v e « « m
« - w e e th o d s
a w a lo s se s ,
ay*, but every one is glad it came
vv A H iwcii of Brownsville, le c tio n e x p e n s e s , b o o k -k e e p in g e x p e n s e s , a n d tu r n t h e s e s a v in g s b a c k to YOU
ust the same
came over S atu rd ay to meet hi« son. jjl to w e r r e ta il p ric e s .
Couniiissioner Pierce of A 'banv V ictor, who i* with the S. P. bridge,
Week End and
Season Excursion Tickets
Q ptom errisi.
Only the highest grade materials are used in these men’s suits. T he
highest grade workmanship goes into their making; every detail is ab­
solutely right.
A Good Suit of Clothes costs you less here because:
W e buy in làrge quantities for 312 stores.
W e buy for Cash and Sell at Small Profits.
W e buy direct from the manufacturers, thus
eliminating middlemens profits
its up last week end looking after .n , « .'1 .1 g o a r S p i n«.: II
H • Was accom panied bv another
oad m atter«, and visiting friend«
so i Georg i f a - n wh,> in- the
G. D l.td e r, veter nary inspect- distinction of being th - sm allest
r has been m th is com m unity the man of whom we know anything
¡»tw en­
iast few days testing cattle for 1. ib o u tm this sec'ion.
ty t eat» of age an d weighs hut 86
A few (live been found which pounds w hile his height is about
»acted ttie test.
56 inches.
F ran k Isont borrowed a new
Preventive measures are best
fangled corn cultivator from one of
la m s' insect enemie«.
is crop«, avoid introducing iu- hi« neighbor« the other day, and
<t* and disease, practice frequent when asked bow be liked it, be
lltiv a tio u . and employ fertilixer said it waaO. K. hut the do-funny
i stim u late p lant grow th. A vig- (hat works the ikterbob th a t holds
ou«ly growing garden may pro- th* jollv-w hacker in line with th*
ice a crop m «pits of injurious
»act», hut tu fighting insect« be w hstchauiaycalht keep* cutting i R
tbe corn,
YOUllff M d l’S M od els
Conservative Models
D o u b le m id s in g le b r e a s te d in C h ev -
iota. C assiuiers. W o rs te d s , S e rg e s,
H airline S trip es and m ixtures, all
the very best s n a p p y s ty le s —o u r
every day prices:
81 8.75 822 50 824.75 827 50
M o d els t h a t a p p e a l to m e n w ith
c o n c e r v a tiv e ta s t e s in c lo th in g —tw o
a n d t h r e e b u tto n sa c k m o d e ls o t a ll
w ool m a te r ia ls - « o u r e v e r y d a y p r ic e s
816.50 119.75 922.50 824.75 $27.50 882.50
S q u a r e d e a lin g , d e p e n d a b le m e r c h a n d is e ,
c o u r te o u s s e rv ic e ,
lo w e st p ric e s ,
J. C P e n n e y C o. In c.
»^1 /