HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, VOL. 9. NO. 42 Additional eastern roads have agreed to join with the western Has Begun roads in reducing rates on export Eastern Linn and im port traffic, according to G. Notices were published today by W . Luse. freight traffic m anager J. K. W eatherford and F rank the Linn county court cautioning Ex­ M ulur, of A lbany, attended the L inn county land ow ners to sta rt for the Southern Pacific Co. port and im port tariffs applying ;ose C arnival a t P o rtlan d last their a n n u a t cam paign against the between Pacific coast ports and week and O regouian gave out the C anada thistle which it is said has eastern territory are being reissued follow ing interview : ceme bacit this year with reinforce­ and new publication will authorixe “ Once wore th ere are signs of m ents. the application of the same rates activity in the S antiam w ining ’No leniency will be shown to now in effect to a’nd from Chicago diatrict. E ast L in n county is get­ any person allow ing th is weed to to apply on traffic to and from ting q u ite fussed up over the pros­ see 1 on his or her land,*’ the court points on the following railroads: pect of a revival of its m ining in ­ said today. The laws are very Toledo, St. Louis and W estern R. d u stry . Once upon a tim e the rigid regarding this m atter and the IL; Chicago, Terre H aute and m ines of the S antiam were widely county court is going to be .sirid t Southeastern Ry .J D etroit A lo - exploited and produced consider­ in enforcing i t . ’’ ledo Shore Line R .-R ; Ann Arbor able w ealth, but tim es changed Severe penalties are imposed Kail road. and the cam ps languished. Now, upon violators of this law. however, accorning to F ra n k J. T he C anada thistle is said to be The state of Oregon in 1920 cut Miller, of A lbany, former member a glowing menace throughout Linn of the public service com m iesiou, county, and county ageuts and 3,310 m illion feet of lum ber, an in ­ atte n tio n is being directed to the county courts all over the sta te are crease of 96 per gent since 1915. d istric t of Santiam and also the waging an icessant w arfare against Of .th is total 2,609 m illion feet E lkhorn d istric t in M arion county. w hat is termed the greateet eDemy were cu t west of th e Cascades and 707 m illion east of the Cascades. T he sta te bureau of mines and ge­ of agriculture. Oregon and W ashington produce ology has promised to m ake an in* T hus far the only effective m eth­ vesligatiou and report for the A l­ od of com batting the menace yet 254 % of the total lum ber cut in bany Cham ber of Commerce on discovered is to prevent the thistle the U nited States. the m ineral resources of the dis­ from m aking seed.— Albany Daily trict. A num ber of S eattle and Democrat. .Montana people are prospecting W e H ave W indbreaks are in m any ways u with a view to developing, and every thing these people are eaid to be stro n g ­ farm asset. They tend to prevent O ptical ly backed w ith finances so th u t if the soil from, drying out quickly e y e s t r a in the prospects w arrant they can and they protect grain and orchards Is the C ause of Many from in jury by the w ind. A belt get down to business. J HUMAN ILLS of trees near the farm buildings pro­ A If your eye» give you trouble “ Ever since the Oregon Agri­ tects tiiem from extrem e cold and ? your glasses are annoying cu ltu ral College has been a state from sum m er's heat. Trees make ? SEE US. We can Relieve Yon in stitution J. K. W eatherford bag the farm a p leasan ter place in } Bancroft Optical Co. been a m em ber of the boaid of d i­ which to live. The w indbreek may a jl.l 1st St. W. Albany. Phone U l » rectors. He is now president of he also a source of wood supply for the board. Mr. W eatherford, fuel or for «ule. whose residence i» a t A lbany, O r., was in the city yesterday. The past year of the ag ric u ltu ra l col­ lege bus been the most successful; Revival of Mining Industry in THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, O REG O N Capital and Surplus $34,000 Interest paid on time certilicates of deposit \Ye invite your banking- business IL KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres B. M. BOND. Cashier T he First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘W H E R E S A V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ I . . good Place to ¿ep o s.t your sav.ng». 4 percent ¡ntere.1 on sav in g , .c c o u n u that run th .e e m o n th .. mouthy or a year. Interest pa, sem i-annually. smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On land. Also Other Meats in Season. $1.50 PER YEAR OREGON, Annual Fight Against Thistles Why not buy that in its h isto ry A ___ One Hundred Railroad Crossing Signs Purchased More than 100 railw ay crossing signs h iv e I een purchased by the county court a« required by law for erection a t crossings in Linn coun­ ty The signs consist of large m et­ al discs upon which in blach and w hite the letters “ R. R- ’ are in­ scribed. Linn county is sai 1 to have more th a n 200 crossings, und two Bigns ate required for each crossing. 1 he railw ay com panies also are requir­ ed to erect signs to w arn approach­ ing vehicles of danger. I he coun­ ty will procure more signs as thtjy are needed — Albany D em ocrat. CLOTHES MAY NOT MAKE THE MAN B u t often makes the o n ly impression others get of him W hen form er comrades meet, there is a lot of personaf sattsfsct.on ,f your clothes inspire the question J lA o 5 \^ou/* J a if lo i'- Your answer, if you wear the best quality-value possible to se- cure anywhere, is of course K • d- Co. TA ILO R IN G -TO INDIVIDUAL MEAPI RE There is a personal style for you in both fashion and fabric-«! the right price M. V. KOONTZ €0. FLYSPRAY a»o SPRAYER now? W e have them. Also an assortment of Fishing I ackle, Graniteware, Screen Cloth, Screen Doors and Garden Hose. George C E lder, of the Bureau f M arkets, D epartm ent of Agri- i ul ure, W ashington, D- C ., was! in the city thia week and gave it at* his opinion th a t th e price o f | Alsyke clover seed will be around! the 10 cent mark th is ta ll. He bases his judgem ent on thu fact there were 4.000,000 pounds of seed carried over last year and thia year’s crop will be about 5,000- 000 pounds. A nother factor is the shipm ent of large q u a n titie s of the seed to this country from C anada and Italy before the new tariff law taKes effect. The M urphy Seed Store today »hipped 1,000 pounds of Alsyke to ' Philadelphia on a special ord er.— A bany Dem on at. We are informed th a t a large portion of the travel on the Pacific highway if now d eto u rin g by way of the river road while the w ofkof gi ailing and surfacing are in prog­ ress between here and Shedd. Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D 11 Sturtevant’». Gross & White IS ON (> A Full Line of Dr. Hess’ Dip and $ Disinfectant, and Fly Chaser which; Axis appropriate at this season. ' i'h ♦ Straw and Cloth Hats For warm weather. Also SHOES |f o r the whole Family. ♦ Something Special ¡ft Bulk Cocoa 20 c lb, 21b 35c, 51b 75c, 101b$1.40. J >bB<‘»t Grade Peanut Butter 12 l-2c lb, 5 lb 60c, ® W 101b $1.10. ft 1 D. H. STURTEVANT. I $