Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 16, 1921, Image 4

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    Two new Studebakera came to
.Mr. aud Mr« T- P. Fallon ruo-
io the pa«t week, D. Tavlor
t-.red to Albany Friday. They
purchased a Special Six
w«ra accompauied by Mr* Jama»
Hadley a Light £
Dnnkard and Mrs. C. P. Stafford.
R. S. Henderaon and wife of
Mr a. L. C. M-rriam left Friday
for Rogu« River where aha will) Raymond, Wash,, accompanied
apaod eavaral waeka euparintand- by Mr. and Mrs. Myera of Drain,
ing the tbinniog of the applea io a were guests at the C. P. Stafford
home Saturday.
ouc-hundrad aora orchard.
fo r-c h ild re n ,’ aa Well »p grown
people ilum i« the hot days of the
sum m er lime, >u a heaping p at-
of pure, rich ice cream. Jh e ie n
nothing e > cooling and nuuiishing
to Ibe svstem as this. The ice
cream we sell is made from the
best m ilk and cream , and is fresh
every day. T ry it and be cool.
t j r r c o n o s
P H O N O G R A P H '
Bring you the Recorded music of the world with
overwhelming advantages.
Model with
Records and Equipment to Play
All Records
$13.50 Cash and $10
each month.
W- A- Carey and wife were Al­
bany viaitore Friday.
Mr. and Mr». W J. Ribalin and
W L. Smith returned from a
trip to Albany M ouday.
Mrs. Elisa Brandon, also Mr. and
Mr. and Mia. Karl Bramwell
Mrs. G. T. Kitchen and ton, La­
velle, were among the people who
were A lbany visitors Friday.
attended the Charity Grange picnic
H S. Winkleman and family
were Harrisburg visitors Sunday.
Belknap Springe, June 8th. To
Master James Rector haa been
friends near H«ls«y:
Mr. and
on the sick list for the past week
Mrs. Ariie Cummings and Mr. and
but is greatly improved.
Miss « la rissa W alton was among
Mfg E d n , A iIgyr, , nd Mra. Frank Ackerman arrived all
I well and happy and now have
the teaebere w ho tooa the e x a m i-1 familv who
' have been guests at ■ the
their tents all staked on the banks
nation in A lbany last week.
S m ith home for the past month
the ever-flowing waters of the
The little 's o n of R. B- M ille r drove to Albany Sunday where
McKenxie and will have an outing
w i. quite sick on Saturday, but at Mrg Allgyre took the train for
in natnree own way and bathe in
I la-t » reports
r^ii.irlu area
rloru hl V im
1 FYI - _ .....
was r^nai
Mill City where »be and her hue-
God’s own medical bath.
band will make their future home.
A. F. Robnett of Eugene was a
Word has been received from
H o w ’s This?
week tud visitor at the D. I. Isom Portland to the effect that Mre.
W a offer Ona H undred D ollar« R ew ard
home south of town. Mr. Robnett Hugh Brandon who wae recently to r any case o f C a ta rrh th a t cannot ba
■mad by H a ll'a C ata rrh Medicine.
was for many years a resident of taken ill while visiting Mre. Elisa
M » ir « C ata rrh Medicine haa bean t a k e n
by ca tarrh «offerers fo r the past th lrty -
Brandon in thia city ia consider­ ■ » T M - . and haa become known aa the
t reliable remedy for C a ta rrh H a ll’«
N. C. Smith of Aurora was trans­ ably improved, but that she will n(M
C ata rrh Medicine acta th ru the Blood on
acting business in this vicinity last go to the hospital soon for an ex­ the Mucous aurfacaa. expeUIng the Pol­
son from the Blood and healing the 41a-
week and was accompanied borne amination to learn whether or not •aaad portion«.
A fte r you have taken H a if a C ata rrh
by Mrs. C. E. Smith and son Ken­ an operation it neceseary for her Medicine
fo r a short tim e you w ill aaa a
Im provement In your general
neth. They returned home the complete recovery.
Kaalth S tart ta king H a if a C ata rrh Medl-
elne at once and gat rid of catarrh . Send
first of the week
W. E. Bishop and family of for
*CO.. Toledo. Ohlot
Mrs Percy R. K elly, Miss Leila Walla Walla, Waeh., who are
Sold by a ll Druggists. 76c.
M itchell and .Mrs. G. T. Hocken- touring Oregon and expect to ex­
sinith of A lbany were in th is city tend their trip to California, and
Saturday in the interests of the L. A. Biehop and family of Al­
KJO TlCE is hereby given to all whom
Home Products Week to be held bany, who have juet returned from 1 Tit may concern that the underngned
in A lbany J u n e 20 to 25.
an extended tour of California, haa been duly appointed Administrator
A. Tussing and wife of Browns­ met at Halsey the last of the week ol the E«tate ol Susan Zigler. Deceased,
ville were in Halsey Monday en- and are gueete at the home of their by the County Court of Linn Chnnty,
loute to Albany. Tuesday they eieter, lire. R. L. Winnlford, Oregon.
All pereone having claim« againet said
continued their trip to Wolf Creek Saturday with Mr. and Mra- Win- estate are hereby required to present the
where they will visit at the home oiford and Adriao Guodbrod they tame to the undersigned at hia residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Schedtler.
drove about fifty milea weet of at Halsey, Oregon, dulv verified as by
on the fliualaw river. law required within six month» from thi»
L, V. Chance accompanied by
the entire party will date. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley mo.
Dated this the 4th day of June, 1921.
beech and will be
t<r-d to Albany Friday,
Administrator of the estate of Susan
were accompanied home by Mrs joined on the way byC. A. Bisbop
Zigler. Deceased.
who had been visiting her and family of Portland, former
mo her in th a t city for several day residents of this vicinity.
Halsey Items
The naw barn being erected on
the R K Bierly ferm eouth east
of town le nearing completion and
work will commence on their new
residence within a week.
R. B. Mayberry and familr
drove to Albany Sunday where
they visited Mrs. M»yb«rry a
mother who recently underwent an
\ operation in the Albany hospital.
S. J Smith and family aecom-
This includes our usual guar­
antee and one year free serv­
When in Albany come in and hear the new Bruns
wick Reccrds. They are wonderfully clear.
Woodworth Drug Co.,
Corn, 1-2 or I Ton Lots. $42per Ton«
Chick Feed, 13,75 per 100
White OAT Chop, half or ton lot«. $85 per ton
Coconut meal. JE.90 p«r 80 pound sack
Mill Run, half or ton lots, 137 per ton.
Will chop Every Dav.
O. W. FRUM f
The people in the cities, towns and districts served by the Mountain
States Power Company have demonstrated their thriftiness by invest­
ing a large total in our 8 per cent Gold Notes.. A considerable part of
this sound investment has been made on the convenient partial
payment plan.
Have You Seen Our Booklet,
“ There’s More Real Satisfaction”
•ay» the G ood Judge
In a little of the Real To»
bacco Chew, than you ever
got out of the ordinary kind.
The good rich taste lasts so
long you don’t need a fresh
chew nearly as often—that's
why it costa you leas to chew
thia class of tobacco.
It may give you a new idea of acquiring financial independence. Thou»
sands have found it interesting and heiptul. You may have a copy,
free upon request.
SAVING IS ONLY ONE STEP towards the protection of your fu­
ture. Idle money, like idle men, does no good for any one. Your sav­
ings must be invested where they will grow mid be safe.
Our partial payment plan is free of red tape, is simple and conven­
ient. Your investments earn interest frocm the start. Why not get
the facts?
¡ '
A S A F E Bperc IN V E S T M E N T F O R H O M E P E O P L E
Any man who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Fiscal Agents I
Bylleeby Engineering and Management Corporation
A t f w/i in two styles
w -n cut is a long fine-cut tobacco
’*«r -
RIGHT CU T ia a short-cut tobacco
” 0* Broadway. New York C‘ty
Engineer» and