I T h e Halsey Enterprise I.ake Creek An Independent Newspaper T h e re g u la r m e e tin g o f the Farm Bureau « a s held Friday evening PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Prof. Fits of the O. A C was pre» ent and gaye a splendid talk oi D. F. D ean , E ditor dairying. T he rodent contest which has Entered as second-class matter Oc­ Friday tober 3, 1912, at the postoffice at H al­ been in progress ended sey, Oregon, under the Act of March evening. Aside from the bounty 3, 1879. given for ea> h rodent prizes of $3. , .. - " ■ ■' '■ ■ - - G eorg" Devoted to the materiel upbuilding of <2, slid »1 in-ie offered. * Ilelsey and surrounding country and Bowers w ui fii-' prize. Auothei Linn County generally Subscription contest is to s ta r t at once. rate $1.60 per year in advance. Mrs. Ira Bardwell and son Scott of W apato, W ash., attended the Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennedy 230 acre farm located 8 1-2 miles Kizer reunion and C harity Grange picnic. ere gue.ta at the Dr. M aiks from C orvallis, 80 acres cultivation Shedd Farm To exchange; home in Halsey Saturday evening, Raymond Shedd attended the ‘ at.quet given in honor of the O A C. seniors last week. ¡balance place rolling timber and open pasture land, good house, b irn milk house etc, gas engine aud electric light system, farm M r. Clay and fam ily, Mr M it- laud all in crop. Good road fine zel and fam ily, Chas. Duvis and neighborhood. Price $16,000 will , wife, Mrs •Y 1; o" , ^ nd^ HU^ ? L r exchan6 ° ,or f*rm near A lva, und sister, Mrs C lettiinens, Shedd, or H arrisburg W rite us . ; acco m p an ied , , by , lo , ti it m e rr D avis nll(j family of Brownsville, spent for fu rth er particulars. Miller and W alter, C orvallis Ore Sunday at W aterloo. 6-2 to 6-23. Jack C o rn e tt and w ife were L e b - L a k e Creek is veiv proud o f h >n- Kryptoks Cleverly Conceal the A t a luncheon of the A 'b 'io i o rs won at the judging c une-l at an on v is ilo re S u n d a y , Fact that the Wearer Needs Brown’s ru e n ’a S aturday in com­ business men Tuesday, I J Builcr, J. v C. . B Double Vision Glasses. Treat for Arbuckle Fans who for seventeen years has served petition wi n Jersey Calf Club ss County Commissioner, a n n o u n ­ teams from over the stute second In improving the appearance, and Com edtat/’s Admirers soon to see ced hie resignation to take effect coneerving eyesight, Kryptoks are next Ja n u a ry 1st. Mr Butler place was given to .he Lake Creek him in "T h e Round U p .’’ Tbe a priceless possession. gives as his reason (or announcing team. public will enjoy a rare tre a t when his resiguaiioii sp far ahead, that Rev. H. 8. Shaitgh of M ilton George M e.ford’s production of he wishes the people of his countv College preached here Sunday “ The Round U p” starrin g Roscoe to have ample time and opportuney morning. Arbuckle is presented at the Rialto to choose a suitable and efficient Mr. George Ledgerwood is re- T heatre next Friday. man in hi« place. At the same meeting Mr. Butler discussed the coveting from his recent illness. A L B A N Y OA C A . finances of the county quite Uncle Johnnie R ichard of Irish Harold Albro. thoroughly and told how duiiog M anufacturing optcian. all of his adm in istration the C oun­ Bend attended church here last ty C ourt has liad to borrow con­ Sunduye He is 92 years old. siderable sums of money. The Jennie Nicewood celebrated her extensive road building of the last 10th birthday T h u re la y by e n te r­ few years and the purchase of road ta in in g a nutnber of her little m achinery has necessitated larger loans than heretofore, and tie cites friends at her home. Those pres­ the fact th a t the county has over e n t were: Velma W ahl, Edith T w o Big $100,000 worth of road m achinery, Sm ith, Violet G ibson, Helen W d and is as well equipped as any county in the state for road build­ liams, Cecil M ayberry, Margeret ing, as evidence th a t the county is Moore, L ucile H erndon, Nora L IV E STO C K B U Y E R S not in a bad way financially. Coldiron, G ladys M cKern, Jessie H ighest prices paid for Beef, Pork, Veal and M utton. See Us H ockensuiitb, Blanche Nelson, According to th e ieport of the Georgina C lark and Clifford Bass. before you sell. Halsey phone 179. Brownsville phobe 37c51. delegation of Halsey people who met w ith the State Road Commis­ Christian Church N otes sion and the County Court on M onday, there seems little doubt the The annual picnic of the C hris­ Headquarters for now th a t the Pacific Highw ay will go through H alsey; but there is tian Bible School will he held S a t­ some doubt its to the course it will urday the 18th, at A rm strong's best Groceries at the follow between Halspy and H arris­ grove one and one-half miles west best price. burg T here are some who advo­ cate following the rail road south of H alsey. Adtos ■will be leaving from H ulsey according to former the church at about 10 o'clock and M ontana hard wheat flour,best surveys and others who believe those who have not th eir own con­ flour in tow n, sack - $2 65 th a t the best route would be west veyance will be cared for in th a t Olympic Flour, sack - 2 45 from the southern p art of the city way. Everyone is invited to join V alley F lour, sack - 1 75 to the old stale road which is now traveled as the Pacific Highway. us in th is big day of wholesome Corn Meal, small sack . 35 W hatever direction should he fol­ pleasure. T here wiil he games, Cream Roll O ats, 17 lbs - 1 00 lowed from Halsey to H arrisburg races, contests etc., and plenty to Broken Rice, clean, 25 lbe 1 00 it appears to be q u ite definitely eat. The members of the church Fancy Jap Rice 20 lbs . 1 00 settled th a t the road will piss and school will bring basket Fancy H ead Rice 17 lbe - 1 00 through Halsey. lunches. Siam Rice 100 lb sack - 3 00 Last Sunday afternoon a beauti­ Good Coffee 6 pounds Baby Scoring Contest - 1 00 ful baptism al service was held in • _______ Best Caracol Coffee 8 lbs 1 00 One of the chief attractions at the creek when live young people G unpow der Tea 3 lbs - 1 00 the Made in Oregon Products Show were buried with C hrist in bap­ Best bulk Coeoa 7 lbs - 1 00 to be held in A lbany, the week of tism. On the Sunday before M's» Tree Tea, half pound - 25 June 20th to 25th, will he a baby Bessie DvkM ia was baptized. The Tree Tea 1 pound . - 50 scoring contest. This contest «ill wotk of the c h u t, It is advancing Bulk Pepper, 4 pounds - 1 00 Now » the time to plan a visit back east to your old home town, or an be conducted by Dr. M ary M ar­ week by week and interest in tha Fancy Cookies, pound - 25 outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or in the mountains shall at th e Red Cross Rooms in services is on the increase. Small W hite Beans 25 lbs 1 00 S unday, the 26th, will he C hil­ Back East the Com m unity House in A lbany, New Eastbound Plenty of Fruit Jars of on T uesday and W ednesday after­ dren's Day when a special program Low Round Trip Tickets One-way Fares by the little folks will be rendered. all kinds and sizes. Jar noons. Ju n e 21st and Ju n e 22nd. THROUGH THROUGH Junior C. E. at 5 p. in. The Dr. M arshall will he assisted by Tops, Rubbers and any­ California • California a corp« of competent physicians, Ju n io rs are beginning a new plan thing you need for can­ are now on aale at will be In effect of work called, " I he S trin g of anti each child regiat«red will be ning. (’an all the fruit P e a rls,’’ which is very interesting Reduced Fare thoroughly ex am in -J and the score June 10 and daily, thereafter entered on cards prepared by the a« well as instructive. O ther ser­ you need as it is very _ lim it round trip tickets, three months from sale date not ex vices of the day nt the usual tim e cheap and plentiful. eweding October Jlst. Stop-overs permitted and choice of routes. American Medical A ssociation. On your back east trip, see Crater Lake. Lake Tahoe. Yosemite. Sequoia All children from six tnentha to ■National Park, Carriso Gorge—a grand and highly colored canyon seen from fiye years are eligible to enter thi- ahe car windows—or the Apache Trail and Roosevelt Dam. contes’, and mother» ure urged to bring babies who have been previ­ ously scored for re-exam ination are now on sale to Inform ation concerning this con­ Tillamook County Beaches Newport test may be obtained by writing to A particularly attractive trip th e Red Cross, Albany, Orcgi n I’hune 263 R A delightful seashore resort on across the Coast Range Mountains t 3rd and Lyon Each person so writing will be giv­ These beaches include Rockaway Yaquina Bry and the Paci fic Ocean. and Garibaldi Beach Resorts An ideal place fora family. Large en a n u m b er, and the babies will natatorium and salt water baths-» Neah-Kah-Nte, Manzanita and be exam ined in the order in which Bayocean. various forms of amusement they are registered. A prize «ill O lym pic H ou r Daily train leaves Portland Un­ $ 2 .4 0 ion Station 8:15 A M. be aw arded to the baby registering Daily Train Service th e highest score in th is contest. Flavo (made in Shedd) - Special week-end train leaves Gp tom elrist. EASTBURN BROS. Grocery Stores f i 1 MAYBERRY & M c K inney Why not buy that FLY SPRAY SPRAYER now? W e have them. Also an assortment of Fishing Tackle, Graniteware, Screen Cloth, Screen Doors and Garden Hose. Cross & White Vacation Trips f » STENBERGS! ALBANY Home Products day of next weak. Country C lub or Oregon (made in Scio) 9 cans - Season • Excursion Tickets W eek The W srie n Gray sale of Regi - ¡N ebergalls Bacon, fancy 8 to I 0 feted Jersey» st M arion, Oregon, P i c n i c s ................................... recently advertised in our coluut« was a decided success. Thirty anim als were sold for an average of $222.50. Three cows btougbf $500 and over with a top of $540 The offering wae absorbed bi eighteen hover«, three bead going to Rritish C dunibia, one to W ash­ ington and th e balance re g a in in g iu th e W illam ette V alley. 500 people atten d ed tbe sale. Get readv for tbe Pioneer Picnir on W ednesday, T hursday a u J Fit Week End and M ilk - - 2 .0 5 45 22 Portland Union Station Saturday 12.45 P. M. Electric train leaves Portland. 4th and Stark Sts., 1:15 P. M , connecting with week-end train at Hillsboro. No baggage handled on electric tram. Mountain and Other Resorts | Qg 'lo u can always do better if you bring your cream and eggs to us. A sk us about o ur' proposition on cream. Y o u ’ll be happy too if you trade here. M ake our Store your head­ quarters when in town. STENBERG BROS. "O rkgon O utdoors ," our new Summer booklet, graphically de­ scribes the different resorts in Western Oregon, and includes ho­ tel and camp information. Copj free on request. ™ tTont ^"er*'’*nbn*h H° ‘ SpT,ot*- Moon‘ Jefferson Country)—Tickets now McCredte Hot Springs—Tickets now on sale. Josephine County Caves—Tickets now on sale. e ? 1*/ L.‘.ke “ Uk* 1B th* extlBct crUer of • volcano)—Tickets on sale July 1st. Shasta Mountain Resorts— Tickets on sale, daily, on and after Jnne 10th. \o sem ite National Park—Tickets oa sale, daily, on and after June 10th For particalars as to passenger fares, routes train schedules or sleeping car reservations, inquire of any ticket agent of S O IT H E 1N . P A C IF IC F IN E S JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent.