John Clenamens had business which called him to Albany Fri- motored to A lbany F riday. day. _____ ___ W. J. R belin was a Brownsville at* well *« grown 1 Mr» T . I. Marks was an Al- T J~ S k irvin. the clover ware­ Mr. and Mr*. G. T. Kitchen Halsey Items T H E BEST DISH for chi Id m , people (luring Hie h o t day» ot th e sum m er time, is a heaping p ate nl pure, rich ic» cream There is n o th in g so cooling and nourishing to the system as this. Tbe ice cream we sell is made from th e heat milk and cream , and is fresh e v e ry d a > . T r y it a n d he cool. 2> CLARK’S CONFECTIONER¥. Buy Now: Buy at home and keep the money going. We have reduced prices on granite ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the year aright and buy now. | bain visitor F rid a y . visitor the last of the week. house m an, moved his residence W. P. W ahl left last T hursday E W. W anuotb of Eugene from west Hals«* to the C. E. greeted fri'-rds in Halsey Sunday for M isso u ri where he goes to look '.ulliford place S a tu rd a y ._ 1 hi« )• and M onday. after business interests. i convenient location for ivl r. Prof. H enry E nglish left la rt .kirvin being just across the street Philip M erriam , of A lbany Col­ iege, spool the week end with his Thursday for C orvallis and on mm his place of business. F rid a y , Mr. P atterson, principe parents in this citv. I of our school the past year, let , Mr. a n ti Mrs Geo. R ibelin and Mrs, H "gh Cumming? of Al­ tie daughter left S ttu rd a y for for Eugene. These gentlem e bany visited Mrs. Nancy Palmer utchel, O regon, where th e y will will be greatly missed by tin and other friends in H alsey F ri­ m ake their future home. Mr. m any friends they made in Halsey day Ribelin a n d fam ily sp en t th e past during th e ir sojourn here. w inter in Brow nsville where he A. Di‘-cue, Swift ik Co’» repre­ Mr. F rancis rra n c ts M. m . A rant, r a m , o of i Eu- cu- ( *• Wtis cQ iü lo v ed id oiic o f tiie b i . )cr sentative of P o rtlan d , visited our gene, p a sto r of , i the />« C hristian , " as empiuycu Io-si m anager, Mr. Byerlev, last church of Brow nsville, preached shops. week the evening serm on at the H alsey Mrs. Fred Taylor was over from C oryallis F rid ay , spending the day at tbe home of her father, Mr. I C. Standish. H ow ’s This? church S unday. He was accom­ We offer One Hundred D ollars R ew ard panied by Mrs. A rant who sang tor any case of Catarrh th a t cannot ba by H a ll’» Catarrh Medicine. two solos which were greatly e n ­ cured Hall e Catarrh Medicine has been taken joyed by the large congregation in by catarrh sufferers for the past thlrty- flve*vears. and has becom e known a s the attendance. • m ost reliable remedy for Catarrh. H all’a - zx. , i * i i Catarrh Medicine act« thru the Blood on F . 0 . Salmon and fam ily ac- the Mucoua surface«, expelling the Pol- com paum d by Miss Lena Bass, son from the Blood and healing the dis- • * eased portions. drove to Monroe S aturday for a A fter you have taken H a ll’» Catarrh Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Brandon motored up from P ortland S a tu r­ day and enjoyed a brief visit with the form er's m other, Mrs. E l’za . ; , T, . . . , to n f a m ily . B randon. They returned Sunday. v . is . it . n . u l l th e P a u l i A sh L ,» . Mr. Ashton r e c e n t l y h a d The m l« - Mrs in two styles W B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco A LARGE AMOUNT FARM ERS' W EEK and HOMESEEKERSCONFERENCE Of additional business is now awaiting the construction o f additions a n ti extehsions. I he dem ands ter service increase steadily in a much fa-ster ratio than the increase in population. * A Week of College Life at O. A. C. CO-OPERA l i VE CONVENTIONS E X C U R S IO N S . * L E T 'S GO. Corvallis, Oregon. June 13-18. BIG bUaSCRIPl iow OM ER 1 IB 8itWX)3ttyJtSt1, 1 ï j Q ftNTLET';y.< , , B3 t i r i These Services are vital to Public Welfare I he market for them is as stable and enduring as our cities, towns and agricultural districts. \u investment in our 8 per cent Gold Notes is the kind o f an invest­ ment you don t have to worry about. ll» Sw, V» S’ A Sale 8per c Investment in an Ever-growing Business MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents M A G A Z IN E S a n d O U R N E W S P A P E R Ä $ 2 -2 5 Bylleeby E ngineering »nd M anagem ent C orporation Engineer* and Manager* Order Now Tèi > »_ f * ( . MŸ-ONAU Cl’ / b >. ■■>00 J " iq a s h ; ) » r_T