E. L. STIFF ana Mrs. L C. M erriam was a Eu O. W. F ru m «hipped a car of Read Auction Su.e notice in ai f u r n it u r e d e a l e r s gene visitor last F riday. ga Monday. ■ oilier colum n. J c Bramwell aud wife were Carrie« everything in I m i l i t a i r e , F. W Robinson, from near H *r- Two doors north of the hotel. J. S. -------------- M cM ahan shipped a ca ‘ also nto'i P IP E L E — S S FU RN A CES. Lebanon visitors b a tu rd a y , Am prepared to do all kinds of loan „1 n.mbs yesterday ishurg, «a* in town F riday. shoe repairin g . Satisfaction g u a r-1 1 l'. J ' « Skirvtn ami wife left thn Dr. E. W B arnum , D entist, at Mrs. H ugh Leeper was a north morning to attend the ko-e Show. Hotel H alsey every T uesday aud b u n d passenger yesterday. anteed. Brownsville and Drifted Snow I,. B. Morse, real e sta tt m an of Friday. JEWETT the COBBLER. Hour at D H S turtevant’s. 215-217 I.\ -• > i« < t- AH any. Cram m ed full of th rills is “ The ‘ . row nsvillc was in tow n vester- Mrs M arcella K irk went to A l­ K id .” See th is famous picture A S P L E N D ID FA R M TO E X C H A N G E ba a \ Tuesday returning W ednes­ l y - Ou. H a k o ld E. J ack - tomorrow night. R. A- Leach and wife of Craw- for good p ro p e rty in P o rtlan d or any day. son 304-305 1st N a­ A D. S m ith , of the Smith Bros 1 rj- v ille were passengers to Port- c ity in O regon, w ill tak e sm all farm as Mr. and Mrs. C P Stafford were tional Bauk Buildin. Albany. O re g o n . p a rt T he farm offered for ex change Murk* t, leturned S aturday from a iud yesterday. guests of Dr- and Mrs. K. W . Bar­ L ate nerve- consist» of 1001 a c re s located r ig h t at a trip to P ortland, W ithout pain, Mr. O. W . F rum and family num in H a m b u rg S uuday. good R R tow n in th e W illam ette v al­ Exchange your wheat for flour blocking method. Mrs. Agues Sawyer of A lbany ley, som e 500 a cre s of very rich pro- o or r feed r t V nt T i n hom o u i p pson's suu Flouring attended the straw berry carnival 4-28U d u c tiv e lan d cleared, oalance very good j i ,,! .. Shedd, Oregon, arrived in H alsey yesterday and is at Lebanon S aturday. p a stu re a n d tim b e r some 2.50 a cre s m . „ ckie C ‘>ogun, the cleverest See J Jackie C/iogan. T I S k irv iu Seed M erchant enjoying a visit at the Geo. M ax­ crop, fam ily o rc h ard , creek th ru place, j 0 jngstev on the screeti, w ith C h ar­ K A R L A. B R A M W ELL. Proo. H ighest cash price paid for oats. well home. w ater in all p a stu res and a t all bldgs, lie Chaplin Friday night. Andrew Brown drove a truck to v e ry fine 2 -sto ry w h ite house, also a 38c net today. 5-12tf Ray Logan accom panied by Miss Snits Cleaned aud Pressed. v e ry good sm a lle r house, tw o barns, P ortland Suuday w ith the house­ Blanch Drake of Salem and his M esdames G. W. M ornhinw eg, m ach in e sheds a n d all necessary out hold goods of C. E. G ulliford. He LA U N D RY S E N T AW AY on MONDAY mother drove over from Corvallis j. J. Corcoran and Nellie T aylor b u ild in g s B u ild in g s are located in a was accom panied by Mrs. Brown. Monday. b e au tifu l gTove of shade trees, g iv in g attended the d istric t encam pm ent Mr. John Porter returned S un­ th e farm a very hom elike; appearance W allace S herling drove up from day evening from a short visit nt ,f the Circle in A lbany this week. F e n c ed w ith w oven w ire P riced for a P ortland S aturday evening re­ the F rank Maxwell home in T a n ­ Buy your flour at T hom pson’s s h o rt tim e only a t »55 per acre. turning S unday. He was accom­ W IE D E Y LODGE NO. 05. gent Flouring Mills, T hom pson’s Best W IL L A M E T T E V A L L E Y LAND CO panied home by his sister, Miss Regular m eeting next S aturday R. L. W inniford and wife ac­ 403 1st N a tio n a l Bank B uilding. com panied by A drian Goodbtoad Valley W heat Flour » 1 .7 5 per tack ; D orothy. night. A lbany O regon returned Sunday from a trip to Bluesteni H ard W heat F lour 2 00 The m any friends of Roland per sack. 4-28tf Roseburg. Marks will be pleased to know th at Mrs. Austin Bond of A lbany is J. D. D ieckman, of Twin Buttes, he is home from the hospital and visiting at the homes of her dau g h ­ ters, Mesdames E lbert Isom and was a H alsey business visitor on th a t his ankle shows signs of im ­ Electric H a irc u ttin g . Massaging F riday. W hile here he bad bis and Shampooing. Chester Bickels. provem ent. team shod by our village black­ Mrs. B M. Bond left Tuesday C leaning und Pressing. Mr. Scott and two assistants for M cM innville where she will sm ith, John Salash. E. C . M IL L E R from the S tate H ospital were in visit friends. She will atten d the Mrs. John Porter, Mrs. Robnett Rose Show while away. town T uesday. They returned Richard Craig who has for sev­ and Miss Louise and Trum an, ac­ with E arl W hite who has been in eral years resided with his sister, com panied by K eith Grews and Office 1st door so u th of school house M 'S .'A . M T aylor near Peoria, Miss Imogene Crews, spent S u n ­ th is locality for several m onths and H alsey, Oregon. whose mind had become disar passed aw ay early this morning. day at the Johnnie Crews home Dealer in Real Estate. Miss H asel Howell of Rosalia, ranged. H a n d les Town a n d C o u n try P ro p e rty . W ash., is visiting a t the home of above Eugene G iv e him a call a n d sec if he can fix Mr and Mrs. H -rm an M itzner. Miss Howell formerly lived near P U B L IC A U C T I O N you up. I will offer for sale on JU N E 2 1 st, . t i p. m ., at the M. 8. B IE R IA H alsey. w . II. K irk played ball with place. 2 1-2 miles north of Roland, the following property .----- --------- T H E Y O U T H S ’ CO M PA N IO N . .* ------1 ------ •« T eam of black m ires 3 years ohl, th e H arrisburg team a t Alpine M 1 LC HCO W S T U BE RCU L A R T E ST B D and th e well bro k e to w ork a n d ride; one S unday. Eleven innings wen- sm irle d riv e r, w e ig h t 1250 pound». le s t 3.1 played, score 2 to 3 in favor ol Blackey, 4yrs o ld enterprise Tune I v rso ld , fresh fan. 30, 38 lb« 3.4 F o u r head of hog», w e ig h t 110 pounds. G o u ld y 5 5.................... S .Tc,.. ept 10. — 2 ■ 5 ’;-5.4 T h irty chicken». Alpine. F or 18.76 per year. •• 15. 1 5 .3 3 2 . 4 4 l wo u i n w a lk in g plow s; 1 12m w alking “ Misses Hazel and Isabelle G ul- Flossie 4 “ " O c t 8, ah “ 3.1 , ! 10ft blacksm ith-m ade harrow , liford left S aturday for th e ir new- U rindlea 27 ’’ 4 2 | P ' 10, t , ev er | la a row. 1 7H Jo h n lleerd .w r w R I G H T & POOLF. home in P o rtlan d . They will be Brownyb Allg 2, 32 3 4 , harrow I lb-disc K entucky d rill, 1 1-in Spotty 3 ¡g a n g plow; 2 double shovel c u ltiv a to rs; L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O K S greatly missed by th e ir many S tar July b, 2 I 1 5 shovel garden c u ltiv a to r. 1 3/4 8, H A R R IS B U R G LEBA N O N Pel 2 friends in H alsey. M an,It w agon; 1 7ft M et o rm .c k bin d er. 4 D arky 2 . (let • - ,, P hone 35 15 Mr and Mrs. Andrew Brown B tilly, 8 “ “ it M cC orm ick m " J n n e S p a s t 40 5.2 1 b bit MCVoriuiv«. n . ow o - er, - . , 1 - 10,1 B ranches at .m i l k rak e, t C lipper fa n n in g n u ll No. 1 O T H E R STOCK ANII IM P L E M E N T S have moved to the house reeenllv B row nsville. W m T T em p leto n , M gr. 1 GOOlb Econom y K ing separator. d r iv in g colt. .* - - - vacated hv T. J- Kklrv.n in west O ne 2-year-oId P hone 166, F ra n k K irk, Mgr All sums of $20.00 and under are payable in cash, mid over th a t H alsey. H alsey. Mrs Brow n Will teach in am ount, 6 mo. ¿ ill he given on bankable notes beanng interest at 8 per the Halsey school again next year. " ' Ul K M B o n d , H . R. B ik iu . y . Mr and Mrs. G. W . M ornhin- C ol B NT “stniTEt0?** C o l . b l . »1- dtb . i . l , ,»i„rk Owner. weg m otored to Newt,erg Sutidav. A uctioneer. v te ia . They were accompanied by their All work done prom ptly and daug h ter, M rs. H nrrisou W allace, reasonably. Phone No. 269. and two granddaughter«, who bad f I Shoe Repair Shop Wedgewood Stoves and Ranges. DENTISTRY BARBER - SHOP. I. 0 . (). F. BARBER SHOP FOR SUMMER WEAR w . J. Ribelin Bib Overalls, Men’s Blue Denim, Full Cut, Splendid Val- ues $1.15 MEN’S Blue work shirts, full cut 75c. Cotton work 2 pair F. M. GRAY, Drayman. been visiting at their home. Ted M itzner, accom panied by his m other. Mrs G . M itzner, and sisters. Misses Id a and A m anda, drove from Paisley, O re., last week and are visiting a tth e h o n .e s of Mrs. M itzner’« daughter. Mrs. E. E. G ourley, and sou, H erm an SOX, 25c. H en ’s »hoes Summer RIALTO FRIDAY, D R . E. S. D O N N E L L Y CHARLES S urgical diseases of E ye, E ar, Nose and T h ro a t CHAPLIN o l a s s e s f it t e d » IN K “T H E K ID ” M itzner. Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor and son. Lawrence, anil Miss Dorothy S herling partook of the chicken pie dinner eetved by the Lake lean F riday even- Creek F arm Bureau F riday even- in a . after which tbev attended th 501 F ir s t N ational Bank Bldg. Artistic Piano Tuning A R T H U R H O LE. A lbany. Ore. Leave o rd e rs w ith W oodw orth D rug Co. A lbany. O regon. You’re going to yell when you see Charlie $5. Town or Country $5 Cnaplin wander through the trials of mother- Chiropractor gr iduation exer You’re going to laugh and laugh as you burg H. b. M '-s V elina Drink- hood- D R. R. H. H A R R IS ard . niece of Mrs. Taylor, w as a follow the humorous pair through the comedy, X RAY graduate. on which the world-famous comedian worked a B ank B uikdimg . A lbany The thicken pie dinner served C usick Friday evening by the Lake Creek k - year. Edna Purviance is in it, too; and the Farm Bureau was a decided sue c. c . BRYANT cesa. A bout 150 persons attended " Kid is Jackie Coogan, the funniest youngster atto rney a t l a w and enjoyed the ckicken pi« and M ^ . H um prey’s dem onstration of Oregon products. Much credit is due Mrs. M O. F aulk, social lead- er, and her com m itties. N et pro­ ever seen on the screen. ceeds U0 C F. C urts, at present residing at Monroe, called a t the E n te r - ( prise office on Friday while in town looking for a place of resi­ dence for the coming reboot year. H« seemed v e r / well pleased with UaDey and we hope he may find all the advantages required to cause him to make this place his choice. Mr. C urts owns a farm in southeast N ebraska which he offering for sal« w ith a view to moving to Oregon for perm an en t 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank Bid g, 6 Reels of Joy Positively the biggest production ever brought to Halsey. This picture has shown at advanced prices all over the Country, but we will show at reg- ,n ular prices. ” Come and see the biggest picture ever ALU ANY* OREGON. A lbany. residenc«. A lbany, Oregon. Amor A. lusning fM A W Y E R AND NOTARY B bownsvillb . O kkoon A. Peterson Practical Shoe Repairing Fine Dress Shoe« a Specialty 501 L ynn S tre et A lh a n y ^ O r e g o S ^ T H E F U R N IT U R E R enovates and H O S P IT A L m akes feather m attresses m ade like new. Bring them in or phone 281-K, 128-UiO Ferry St, Albany, G re^^ made.