The Halsey Enterprise Shedd Items Mrs. May Robnett was an A: bany visitor Friday. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY H u v “v McC'umel and p srtv r<- um ed Sunday from their trip to D. F. D ean , D ditor T ills m ook The Hughs have reason to fed E n tered as second-class m a tte r Oc­ proud this year with four g r a d u ­ tober 3, 1912, a t th e postoffice a t Hal sey, O iegon, u n aer the A ct of March ates in the fam ily . They are 3, 1879. Laurel Pugh A lbany H F . Helen W illam ette Univer- Devoted to th e m aterial upbuilding of Satchwell, H alsey and su rrounding co u n try and -itv, and G 'a d ts H unter and H a r ­ Linn C ounty generally. Subscription old Pugh, Shedd H S . these ra te $1.50 p er y ear in advance young people ate cousins. The contract for the Corvallis, May Lose Highway Toledo, Newport road has been let The It appears from the inform ation to Mr. K ern for graveling. we can gather on the subject, that Cascade- C ontract Company will H alsey is in clanger of being left supply the gravel. off the proposed Pacific Highway. Mr and Mrs Com Malson were F ifty years ago when the railroad A lbany visitors F riday. then building through the W illam ­ Miss M argaret Dawson who has ette valley reached a point seven­ teen or eighteen miles south of A l­ been teaching school this w inter in b any, a town was established and Medford is home for th e summer. named H alsey, in honor of the president of the railroad. The T his fall she will leave for the town then started has had a steady, H aw aiian Islands where she has a though not a rapid growth until it i position teaching school, Visitor has developed in to o n e o f the best H. G. Pugh who has been in the shipping points and sm all towns C otvallis hospital for about two in the vallev. This has all been He is not done without paved highways. No weeks is h »me again. doubt the town shall continue to able to be up and about yet, but glow and prosper as in the past, they have h i’ foot in a cast and it even though it be left off the high­ is doing as well as could he expect­ way; there perhaps will be about if not fullv as much business tra n s­ ed after the rough tre a tm e n t it re- acted as there would be with the I ceiv p ) .— Visitor, highw ay; nevertheless, we feel th at Tbe j ¡n„ County Jersey C attle we are entitled to be on the high- ; wieheg exU od af) UlVltation wav and th a t without ex c e sm e , , cost. Was the survey th at went ' anyone interested in Jersey cat- through Halsey designated the tie, or the cattle business to at- liigbw sv, or was the first survey tend their picnic at the C. H . and th a t went west of H a.sey d é sig n â t-j Q Brown place on Ju n e l l t b . ed the highw ay ? If the highway I , hag b a rra ) was established through Halsey e r e » under the old law. by which the ",ith speakers who know the ins slate and county would bear the and outs of the cattle business expenses, could it he disestablished Everybody in invited to bring th eir sim ply through a little controversy | basket dinner T here w in be a between the residents of H alsey i ... . , be throw ., . the now ’ catt e judging contest am ong the and . . thus n under J , law? C ertain residents naked for i hoys and girls clubs. a change of route to be sure, but ' ----- Io our knowledge no such change M ethodist C hurch N otes was ever granted. Hence the queery. wan. Halsey ever on the S unday S c h o o l, “ M a k in g th e designated highw ay, or was it es­ tablished »vest of town wheu the W orld C h ristian. lh e eaith first survey was m ade? shall he full of the knowledge of ------- » — Jehovah, as th e w aters cover th e Amongst approxim ately 200 gen. Isa. 11:9. T hrough the bank« operating in Oregon which I Qospel the world will bocouie hsve been designated as state de- j C hristian. T his lesson gives us positories by O. F. Hoff, state Bible teachings as to lmw to make treasu rer, appears th e nam e of the the world C h ristia n . The proph- Ilalsev S tate Batik. This speak* esy of Isaiah foretells the coming well for the financial condition of ¡of th e Messiah ami of his reign, our local bank. , He is to be a righteous ruler and A very light vote w ggcaet in the great peace is to fill the earth , special elect'on T uesday, there Second, h v a prophesy of ti e res- seeming to he sm all interest taken ui reeled C h rist regarding the pro­ in any of th e measures The bonus ceB8 by whicb tbe race H ,o be bill w as passed by a vote of about 1. ... . , .. I brought to accept salvation, the two ami one-half to one a n d th e * * emergency elans* veto passed bv a i power of the H uly Spirit is to good m argin. Legislative regtila- ! come upon the disciples and the» tion and the m arriage bill were de- | are to witness to all peoples of the cisivelv defeated while the women saving power of the Lord. ju or bill is still in doubt. A t the last Sun lav m orning ser One of the vital questions of the I viie Jasper Ne»vton wa« haptic d day th a t has y et to be answered and received iuto full m em bership by law m akers is w hat can become i of the churen. of the m other and her young baby. . . . . . . , , . The E pw orth League will hold upon their discharge from the ma- .. , , , . . . , L, th e ir regular m onthly meeting tern ity hoepital To eend Charlie this Tuesday evening a ttb e home C haplin to the rescue is no answer. of Grace Robinson. but it is the cause of the greatest Our annual Sunday School pic. am ount o, comedy th at was ever nic will be held next Tuesday, cram m ed in to a feature length pic­ Ju n e 14th, at Hetzel’s grove 2 tu re. T h at is the b eg in n irg of the mile« west of town. Everybody plot of “ fb e K id ,” F irst N ation­ is most cordially invited to bring al's six reels of jov, which will be your lunch basket and join wiih the attractio n nt th e Rialto Thea­ u s'in one big fam ily dinner This tre, F rid ay night m eans You anti Y’ou. Come to The V\ F- M. 8. held its annu- church at 10 a. ui. sh arp with •1 th an k Offering last F riday after- your auto and help provide tran s, n »tin at the church. lh e meeting portatinn for the children and was »••ell attended and much in ter- (hose who do not h a v e a w a y to go est in th e work »»as shown. lh e There will be a baseball gam e and S tan d ard Bearers, King« H eralds -ports for all. Come god help and L ittle L ig h t Bearers were pre«- uiake this a big d.iy in the wood«, ____ , _________ . ent. Mrs. Ada Cum uittigs of Al- b any was a guest of the Societv Remember a fly killed now will anti gave a verv interesting utii- do jw,iv with th o u san d s of them in sionar» talk. I lie S tan d ard Bear­ July and August. Gall on the ers addeii en th u siasm to the a f te r ­ Rawleigh man and get a can or noon by songs and yell*. The of­ more of ineeet powder; it is guar­ fering of the ladies am ounted to anteed. H. 8. \ m k lrn isn , the about eighteen dollar*. Delicious i Rawleigh m an. 4-14 hom e-m ade ice cteaui and cake An Independent Newspaper weia served. bu been be for the Enterprise, Charity Grange Item». O ran S tra tto n of Brownsville was a Hal»ev visitor th is week. Christian Church Notes The topic for the serm on Son- iv evening e v e n m g is “'D eadm en Tell No Q uite a num ber of people from day tins neighborhood attended S tate i T a le s ’’ Special m um c . A picture of the Bible School J G ra n g e at Eugene la -t week. will be tak en S unday. Let all th> j I be rock crusher started up last members of the school be present. A C hristian E ndeavor busine-’ Munday with a full crew, two of meeting and social will be tie!d t ie c o u n ty ’s big tru ck s being re- next T uesday evening at the home <1 nred to haul the crushed rock of Lawrence Wells. Come. a yay. The B row nsville-H ulsey Cliri-- Forty or fifty college student« tian S. S picnic will he held on w ere m this vicinity last S atu rd ay S .tU .d a v , June 18 in A rm strong s Come , . , ' g ro v e SportB a n d g am es. Kryptuks Cleverly Conceal the J''d8,n g sheep. 'a n d bring your ' lunch ' ’ basket. * Fact that the W earer Needs Dou t forget the G range W ood-j '■■■» Double Vision Glasses. m a n p ic n ic in P e n c e ’s g ro v e n e x t Saturday Ju n e the 11th. Farm To exchange; 230 acre farm located 3 1-2 mile6 fro m Corvallis, 80 acres cultivation balance place rolling tim ber and open pasture la n d , good house, h im m ilk house etc, gas engine and electric lig h t svBtem, farm laud all in crop. Good road tine neighborhood. Price $16,000 will exchange for farm near H alsey, Shedd, or H arrisburg. W rite us for fu rth er particulars. Miller and W alter, Corvallis Ore 6-2 to 6-23. j G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY . * graduate O P T O M E T R IS T In im proving the appearance, and conserving eyesight, K ryptoke are a priceless possession. (Ttleack P R IV A T E O F F I C E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S ( D p t o m e t r is t . P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E 1 F M. F R E N C H & S O N S ALBANY ALBANY OREO. H arold A lbro. M anufacturing Optcian. OREG. MAYBERRY & M c K inney Notice of School Meeting O TICE is hereby given to the legal voters of School d istrict No. 41, of Linn County. State of Oregon, that a School M eeting of said D istrict will be H ig h est prices paid for Beef, Pork, Veal and M utton. See Us held at the school house, on the 20th before you sell. H alsey phone 179. Brownsville phone 37c51, lay of June. 1921, at t»vo o’clock in the afternoon, to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax The total am ount of money needed by the d istrict during the fiscal vear begin­ ning on June 20th. 1921, and ending on j lnne .30, 1922. is estim ated in the follow­ ing budget and includes the am ounts to he received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET — ESTIMATED E X P E N D I­ TURES. 1. Teachers' salaries $6,.300.00 2. F u rn itu re 50 00 3. Apparatus and supplies, sucli Phone 133 as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc. l.fOO.OO THK HAVING» THAT ACCRUE TO YOU THROUGH OUlt ENORMOUS 50.00 4. Library books 5. Flags io. oo BUYING POWER ARB AMPLY ILLUSTRATED IN THESE PRICES ON 6. Repairs of schoolhouse, out­ 25.00 buildings o r fences ---------OF K N O W N Q U A L IT Y ------— 7. Im proving grounds 25.00 none SIL K S AND SATINS | fancv w h it e V oile 8. Playground equipm ent ---------- 29c, 39c, 49c, 79c, 89c no ne Corticella. Goetz, F.toile and other high 10 inch 9. Transportation of pupils g radeS abns. H arding blue, Jade Greeli i LINING SILKS noue 10, Tuition of pupils Apricot, K ings blue. N ile Green. Pink ¡(.¡oral d e s ig n s ...................................$1.39 675.00 11. Jan ito r's »vages ami lig h t blue At a price that saves WASH SATIN 100.00 12. Jan ito r's supplies you money, a yard $2 49 fle sh . pink ami w hite___________$1.69 400 00 13. Fuel CANTON CREPE , UsoNA FOUNDATION SILK 15.00 “ Spring s Newest S ilk .” 40-inch Hone» 14. L ight Many Colors, 28-inch______________25c Dew, New Gray, Black.* Our price a ». in c h ......... ................................ ............... 49c 22.50 15. Water y a rd __________________ ________ $3.49 16. C lerk's salary to 00 L IN G E R IE SEM I-SILK Why pa» more? Flesh or W hite 5 00 17. Postage and stationery RADIANT CHARMEUSE The dainty underw ear m aterial. 40in.49c 18. For the paym ent of bonded Superior quality. 39-ioch, dark brown, LAWNS, VOILES, ETC. debt and m 'erest thereon, dark navy and black, a yard. .$2.89 A »erv complete stock at this tim e en­ TAFFETA AND MBSSAL1NE Isued underSections 126. 152 ables you to select ju st what you want A very L-irge assortment. Broivn. u.a\ y , at a price that saves you very much. to l.o.i, and 434 ot the school pink, -white, peach, plum , light blue M ER C ERIZED VOILES Laws of Oregon, 1918 none $1.69 Plain voiles, grey, navy, yellow, black 49c 1°. O utstanding w arrants 3,000.00 Laige Table of DUCHESS SATIN 24. Total estim ated am ount of Splendid quality in b l a c k __ . . . $1.9» Light and dark figured Voiles— Very attractive in this assortm ent___69c money to be expended for all OHANGEABLE TAFFETA Mercerized Voiles purposes during the vear 11,657 50 Beautiful shades ........ ....... ...............$1.98 Plain coljr»—pink, light blue, copen, SILK JERSEY yellow, apricot, green, grey, laven­ ESTIM ATED RECEIPTS. Popular spring silk. Honey Dew, Burnt der. b la c k .._________ ___________ 49c From county «chool fund during Orange. Tan and W h i t e ...... $1.69 H igh grade mercerized voiles and satin the coming school year (Use COLORED PONGEE stripe voile9, many patterns, at per amount of county s.hool fund Fast colors, very attractive Navy, new y ard ------ --------------------- 98c and $l.l9 rose, cream, honey dew ami China bluv; CALICO received last year as basis y a r d . . . . __________ i _________________ $1.49 ■est American C a lic o ... . . . . . . . . . . . ..9c in m aking this estim ate) 1,685.00 PER C ALES ORGANDIES I’r un state school fund during Popular figured O rgandie__________98c 28-inch....................................... . . . . . . . 1 2 c the com ing school »ear (Use 36-inch............ ....................................17XC Im ported E nglish Organdie, pink, blue, G IN G H A M am ount of state school fund rose, y a rd __ ________________ 69c, 79c tm oskeag apron checks..................12’r,c JAP 8II.K received last year as a basis in Red Seal, Toile Uu.Nord. A. I;. C .__2.3c m aking this estim ate) 353.50 Large num ber of c o lo r s ....................69c Fine 32 inch Z e p h y rs ...___________ 27c “ crepe mohair ” Cash now in the hands of the High grade dress Ginghams, 32 inch, 19c and U nshrinkable“ Many d is 'n c t clerk n o n e ' “ , Washable "T — ~ "7 ....... — 7” , — '-T ’.i 1 IM P E R IA L CHA M BR AV plaids of attractive colors. 32tnche»$l 49 Jo-inch Linen finish, popular color«, 33c Ca h noiv in the hands of the JAP CREPE FROLIC CLOTH county treasurer belonging to Rote, peach, copen. popular Spring 12-incli. The children's wash fabric.29c the district 1,000 00 C re p e .................................. ...... 29c. .ex com pir f c h a ll ie Estimated amount to be received Lim ona c r e p e ------------------------------- (Jc „ lnvh. figured patterns. _______ ..17c SILK POPLIN SILK O LIN E from all other sources during Splendid quality. Navy and new grey.Q8c -ri I Itoli tie ____________________ ...17e the coming school year (Do N LIV E STOCK BUYERS I HAVE SEVERAL • C L IE N T S Wanting to Rent Farms. J. W. MOORE, Real Estate, Spring and Summer Dress Goods and Materials GEORGETTE CREPE M USLIN A N D CAMBHIC not include the money to be re­ 39-inch. black, flesh, honey dew. tom a- Snow W hite, 3 6 -iu c h .__________. . . l i e ceived form tlie tax which it to. porcelain blue t a u p e ........ $1.49* H ipe — ________ __________ 13c is proposed to vote) t ,522.25 C REPE D E C H IN E I L onsdale....................................... ........... I5c 39 inch L ight blue, navy, canari-, dark “ rkley No. 60 Cambric_________ ...2 3 c I otal estim ated receipts, net in­ brown, flesh and bisque .$1.39 W H ITE GOODS cluding the money to be re ­ India Linon ............................... 25c. 33c SILK PO PLIN S e l» ed from the tax which it M ......................................vie. 39c. 49c A ttractive, splendid q u a lity ..............98c is proposed to vote 4.560.75 - ■ ..................... i3c. 39c, 49c. 69c L IN G E R IE C REPE Lingerie Nainscok ................39c. 49c. 69c RECAPITULATION fkontv blue designs in pink. blue lav .»l.-neri/ed Poplin________________ 73c ender. per y a rd ................. ?9c, 33c 39c ' tai estim ated expeusts for A lute Poplin_________. . . . . . . _.»9C. 49c ___I IM PO RTED SW ISS O R G A N D ll. ' "* ' ear 11.687 50 44-iach. w hite..................98c, $1.29. $1 49 \3 lute R a u n e ........................................98c . lute P iq u e................................. ..39c, 49c Total estim ated receipts not in- I fig u r ed flaxons eluding tax to he voted 4.5o0 75 , D ainty little figures------- -------- 29c 3 c- »'lute Long Cloth _______ 25c 39c, 49c C oL KKD POPLIN balanc.», am ount to be raised by DOTTED SWISS Pink. bine, yellow a m i lavender 4'*c Min» colors . . . ................................. 25c d istrict lax $7,126 75 FANCY W H ITE SK IR T IN G Poplin Repp. ». -inch, all wanted colors ............................................................ J9C Dated this 31st day of May, 1921. 36-inch____________ _____ _____ __ 98c W E BUY FOR LESS WE SELL FOR LESS—W E SAVE YOU MONEY Atie«t: F H P o r t e r . C hairm an beard of Directors. 1 312 STORKS 111 ttn • u > id 1 ^ J n s t i t u t i o n B M. R ond . J. C. PENNEY CO. Cfitnct (lark. ALBANY, *- • A OREGON