E. L. STIFF and SON Shoe Repair Shop Halsey f u r n it u r e d e a l e r s seat yesterday. Mr and Mrs. T. P. P atton and Carries everything in k itrn itu re , F H Porter returned Friday from d aughter, Mrs. 0 Two doors north of the hotel. B S taln ak er, ,,|»o P IP E L E S S FI UN ACES Gen Lauhner and wife were A a short stay in P o r tla n d .' Am prepared to do all kinds of bany callers Friday. motored U Cuivall.B yesterday. yy e ( JgeWOU(i StOVC S »boe repairing- Satisfaction g u ar­ Mrs Fred la y lor of Corvallis, vis­ R. L. Bilveu attended memorial Mrs. J. W. D rinkard, Mrs. I . „ „ J P .»ntro< ited one day last week at the J C anteed. dav exercises at Scio. E. W alton and Mrs. C. P. Stafford «111(1 K aFlgC b. Standish home. JEWETT the COBBLER. Buy Oregon P ro d u cts and kee) were A lbany visitors last F riday. 216-217 Lvon S tre e t, A lb a n y . F. H- Porter and H L . Kizer (lie factories hum m ing. Mr. and Mrs. James B»nd r»- conducted special business in -Al- A SPLEN D ID FARM TO EXCHANGE Da. H arold E . .1 A l k ­ Brownsville and Drifted Snow tu rn e d to Albany today after a b my yesterday. DENTISTRY ion .504 —505 1st Na­ for good property in Portland or any flour at D H Sturtevant's. visit with the Jav W- Moore Mr T ibbetts recently moved from city in Oregon, will take amall farm as tional Bank Budilin, A'bany. O regon. •Andrew Brown 1 ms accented tl < t ie Reynolds bouse to the Mis family. pi r t The farm offered for exchange Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond C. Sm ith consist* of tool acres located right at a igencv for th e Swift Cream Co. i W ithout pain. Late nerve- May Miller house. are visiting in A lbany a few days. blocking method. good R R town *n the W illam e.te val- j W L. W right is confioed to his ley some 500 acres of very rich pro­ Word ccmes to us th a t G. J home by-an a ttack o f erysipelas. T- J- Jackson and C- R E vans ductive land cleared, oalance very good autu»*- -------- attended the Farm B ureau m eet­ pasture and tim ber' some 250 acres m Hike is m arried to a school teacher —H artisb u rg B ulletin. crop, family orchard, creek thru place, from Albuny. Mr and Mrs O B S talnaker of ing at A lbany T hursday. KARL A. BRAMWELL. Proa. water in all pastures and at all bldgs, Head the notice of the school Jo h n LaRue m otored to Salem orvallis were visiting in Halsey very ffne 2-story w hite house, also a election on another page, and be yesterday w ith F- H- P orter, en­ Suits Cleaned and Pressed. the fore p art of the week. very good sm aller house, two barns, joying th e day w ith friends in machine sheds and all necessary out sure to attend. G G Stevenson returned from LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on M ttm tY buildings. B uildings are located in a Jess Cross and wife of Eugene Eugene T hursday and he and his the capitol city. beautiful grove of shade trees, giving siient D ecoration day w ith Eldoi The H alsey High School bate wife drove on to Portlam l. the farm a very homelike; appearance Cross and fam ily. ball team will play tlife T angent Straw berries F or " Bale— 12 00 Fenced w ith woven wire Priced for a Mrs. H irrison W allace and lit­ High School team tom orrow on short tim e only a t $55 per acre. per c ra te of 21 boxes. B ring W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. Admission W ILLAM ETTE VALLEY LAND CO tle daughters are guests nt the your containers. M aude R entiin- the home diam ond. Ri-gular m eeting next S aturday 25 cents. H alaey has a dandy 403 1st National Bank Building. M ornhinweg hom e. ger. ________ _ _ Albany Oregon team this year, having lost but night. Don’t forget th e chicken-pit Mr and Mrs C P Stafford, Mrs dinner on election day and he.j D F Dean and T J Skirvin drove one game th u s far. Be sure-and your public library. to Mohawk V alley and Eugene see this game. Exchange your w heat for flout Sunday. Electric lla irc u ttin g . Massaging Class Day or feed nt T hom pson’s Flouring and Shampooing. E at chicken pie dinner in the Mills, Shedd, Oregon. 4-‘2 8ft McCully building on C leaning and Piessing. Tuesday- A large and appreciative a u ­ Mr and Mrs. Geo M axwell drove June 7 ,'a n d help th e Halsey Pub dience greeted the m em bers of tin E. C . M IL L E R to Albany Friday and wete accom­ lie L ibrary- senior class at th eir Class Day panied home by Mrs Id a Maxwell Howard Reeves came up from program which was given a t the Cummings. Portland and spent Decoration day M- E. church J a s t evening. The Office 1st door south of school house Raym ond Logan cam e down here. He was accom panied borne ch urch was tilled to overflowing llalsey, Oregon. from A thena in his yellow bug by bis two sons. and each num ber of th e progran Dealer in Deal Estate. last week and is greetin g ohl Handles Town and Country Property. Mr and Mrs Joseph D anley came was well received. Much th o u g h t­ friends in this v icinity. up from P ortland Sunday for a vis­ ful p rep aration was evident it Hive him * cad »•"* “ e ,f l,e cin Mr. ami Mrs H. C m stead from it with Mrs D anley’» mother, Mrs each paper and the m usical mini vou up. Foi P o rtlan d , visited S unday ami Houston- They returned M on­ oers were equally enjoyed. Y O U T H S’ C O M PA N IO N I'H E lowing appears the program : Monday with Mrs. V m stead and day. and the Piano duetto, N ora Pehrseon Mr and M rs. John Owen and Eldon Crops am! fam ily. E N T E R P R IS E Dr and Mrs T I M arks accom­ children and Miss Ruby M erritt, and Donna Robertson. For 18.75 per year. A ddress of welcome, Nora 1’ehrs- panied by th eir son R o la n d drove of 11 rrisburg, were guests at the A rchie OWfen home west of H alw v to P ortland W ednesday of Iasi son. Class song, “ T ill We Meet W R I G H T & P O O L E week, retu rn ing S a tu rd a y evening rec n tly . IlC EX SK D FUNERAL DIRECTORS W A Cum m ings and Wife are A g ain ,’’ with class words. Buy your Hour at T hom pson’ HARRISBURG LEBANON Paper, ‘ Class S p irit,” Donna Flouring Mills, T hom pson’s Best contem plating going to Cascadia Phone 35 Phone 15 in the near future and Rev. Sm ith Robertson Valiev W heat Elmir -1' 1 .75 per - a< k Branches at Paper, •’H istory of O regon,’ Blueslem H ard W heat F lo u r 2 '>>' a .d wife will take ca re of the farm Brownsville, Win T Tem pleton, Mgr. ',„ d stock while they are aw ay. . 4-231 f Lawrence W ells. Halsey, Phone 166. Frank K irk, Mgr. per Hack. Paper, “ Senior Class H istory, Miss L enora Pow ell, countv M rs. Brown and Mr*. Cr< s j ac- W illiam Corcoran. treasu rer, announced last, week com panied by fheir pupils a n d » Senior poem, Lawrence Wells. th a t w arrants num bered from r el older p--.pl- « 7 .tl1.) S, 166 inclusive, i draw n » n " on P a p e r , “ H alsey E n terp rise of to M cK ercber s da n last 1 ,•!»»> 7 «.tit) to 8,166 t e general fund, will be redeem ed, , 9 4 1 .. E rcel Sneed .an d Lawrence All work done prom ptly and where they spent the day pi' inck- .. _. _ 1..«, of loaf beginning mi T hursday last Wppk week . reasonably. Phone No. ’269. ing. Dr. and Mrs. T L M arks and Vocal solo, Helen A rm strong, i i io ♦ .vn Dr a n o iu r» . ». Howard Reeves and his tw o , , n.and went to- A lbany yes- Paper, “ E ducation Pays, ’ bovs and M r. and M-s. Rector a n d ; 31JII so n ............. R o la n ....... u f-.tte r d r . E. S. D O N N E L L Y terday m orning where th e latter Lawrence T aylor. Jam es drove up to M cK ercber’» underw ent an operation for abscess Surgical disease* of Class prophecy, H elen A rm ­ Falls and around .by the sw inging on his ankle. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Roland has been C L A S S E S F IT T E D ♦ bridge M onday and had all o u tl1 >g suffering for some time from an strong. Class will, Lewis S kirvjn. 501 F irst National Bank Bldg, Albany. i, -ured tinkle and it is hoped th a t d inner. Class farew ell, B ertha W alker. Rem em ber a fly k ilb d how will this operation will effect a com 4 Claes song A rtistic P ia n o T u n in g doaw nv with th o u san d s of the n in plete and spe'-dv r ■ •-»-rv. July an d August. Call on the ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Ore, Rawleigh m an and get ft can "t Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Co- more of insect pow der; It is g u a r­ Albany. Oregon. anteed. H. 8. V inkletnsn. th . $5. Town or Country $5 4-14 Rawleigh man. Mrs. Belcnrv Logan w ent to C orvallis F rid a y where she will rem ain indofm itelvw ith her daugh­ DR. R. II HARRIS te r. Mrs. Jam es N ew m an. Mr. Newman recen tly underw ent an operation for a p p e n d ie i1 is and is Is filled w ith T h rills, ; csick B a s k BUH.DIKO. A i . bawv getting along very nicely, BARBER - SHOP. I. 0. 0. F BARBER SHOP BOYS! w . J. Ribelin Here’s a F. M. GRAY, Drayman. With purchases in Our Boy’s Depart- ment. The AMERICAN BOY is read by RI ALTO, FRIDAY, JUNE 3D “DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES” 500,000 Other boys, and is the biggest, bright­ i Mr F H- P o rte r motored to ! P ortlan d Wedne-, la y to be present | est, Bulliest maga- '» » J — — -- , | j(, J , , , t |. II ..f ,1 his 1.1 daiig.»- ino ior fnr Rovs in all ter. R m ^ ' ^ , r 1 1 ,ine Dina **•011 he world. It’s all d()Y—written jusi ii p nf(„, . 1 for D1 you. jvu. Start your re subscription now. en M r and Mrs. Andr- tertain ed about th ir ty of the people T uesday ...v id at a( ASK US ABOUT | young surprise p a rty in honor of M-s- «, g g iN CLOT h T w I ALBANY, OREGON. o Hazel end Isabella G ulliford who ( .w ill eoon leave our city to p -u ! th e ir p aaents in P ortland, law n was Illum inated and the young people m ade m erry w ub gam e- and songs. Del.c.oua k * c re .ro and cake^were aerved. tJubscribe for the Enterprise. S uspense, M ystery Chiropractor X-RAY and c . C. B R Y A N T attorney a t la w A ctio n . T h e Fam ous Film w ith 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank Bld'g, A lbany, Oregon. the big S h ip Explosion. Amor A. Tussing _ im a w y k r and NOTARY A B ig T o m T e rriss S p e ­ B..OWN8VILLK, cial P ro d u c tio n . D O N ’T M IS S A. Peterson X X sh0‘ IT . ! G ood C om edy. C om ing Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty .501 Lyon Sln-H. Albany. Oregon._ _------------- KT W N ext W eek L THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Renovates and J _ IS L C h a rles C h a p lin in ‘THE KID." OltBOO» mak< » a now new. . feath mattress«» made like Bring them in or phone 261-B. 128-130 Ferry St, Albany, Or«.