THE BEST DISH • for ' hildre» , 4 y 4 4 v 4 4 4 4 v 4 • K« a» W ill »•« grown p e.ip l ■ i ii iin z 'lu t h o t d a y # o f lb mini n»r tim r, is i henpii g plat or pur«, rich ce c re m . T h ” re i i ” t h in g h ' coolu g and nourishing o th» B istrm aa this. Ih e ic c • in •■« c sell is in Mile fio m t i e ’ In s t m i l k iit i 1 c -1101, a n d is fresh e>er «lay. '*'ry it arid be cool. | C LARK’S CON FECTIONERY. ♦ 4 4 + «4 4 t 4 4 4 I Buy Now! $ Develop Your Home State by Patronizing Your Railroads The .levelopment of Oregon and its Railroad T.anaportation service is a m atter of .raportance to you. A vital factor in the developm ent of Western Oregon is the Soulhern Pacific Company. Did You Know Southern Pacific payrolls in Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific purchases in Oregon (or 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific taxes paid in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to Southern Pacific total distribution in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to the fu rther developm ent of Oregon. • 1 w. F W eek-end ticket« are lim ited to Monday fol­ lowing sale date. Season tickets perm it stop­ overs and return lim its vary w ith closing date in one direction Pinal lim it three m onths Irom sale date, not to exceed October 31st. Liberal slop-overs and your choice ol routes. , ‘ OREGON OUTDOORS" A new illustrated booklet graphically describing the d if­ ferent resorts, and including hotel aod camp information. Copy F R E E on request. For particulars as to passenger fares, routes, train schedules or sleeping car accommodations inquire Of any Ticket Agent of S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC LIN E S JOHN M. SCOTT , and HOME SEEKERS CONFERENCE Shedd says the Good Judge H ow long a little of th e R e a l T o b a c c o C h ew will last. N o r how m uch gen uine chew ing satisfac­ tion the full, rich real tobacco taste will give. A sk any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew’. H e will tell you that this class of tobacco v ill give m ore satisfac­ tion—and at less cost— than the ordinary kind. « Put u(> in two styles VS -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R I G H T C U T is a sh o rt-cu t tobacco A Week of College Life at O. A. C. Smith Bros.’ Market » Fresh and Cured M eats Always On Hand. Also O ther M eats in Season. Abraham, Miss Dorothy Abraham Miss Lurline Arnold, Miss Ja n et Arnold and Miss Grace Troutman. Mr and Mrs William Miller from Scio, attended the dance given here lately. A new addition to Shedd, con­ sisting of a strip three blocks long and half a block wide, has been recorded with the county records. It is situated west of the alley way between Second and Thiid street. Thet ract is to be known as the Brasiield addition, and is owned by L H Brasfield. :• KODAK FINISHIN8 i; ' ¡Also E nlargem ents Velox pader is^ > ■ f used for print. « I ¡¡At the Halsey Drug Store ; < > the meeting, m aking a. strong plea for the support of the Farm Bureau. Chas Carlson of Shedd, county leader of rodent control, spoke on the v due of rodent con­ trol. He cited as an example the record of the Ash Swale Hunt club. One day last week F N Wil­ As a result of the meeting at liamson, club leader, held classes Lake Creek eighteen men signed in stock judging at Shedd fo rth e up for tuberculosis testing of Shedd Jersey Calf Club and for cattle and 193 head of cattle will the Shorthorn Club. The two thus be covered by the agree­ clubs are preparing to compete in ment. the stock judging contests at the O ther projects were introduc­ Jeisey picnic which has been ed at the gathering including the scheduled for June 11th a t the certification of seed, Tom Jack- farm of J Brown & Son. son, of the Lake Creek district has taken a step towards bring­ The Farm Meet at Lake Creek. ing this about and has 35 acres planted with certified seed. He Steps were taken a t th e farm ' also expects to have his wheat meeting lately held a t Lake certified. Many others of the Creek towards the eradication of community are planning on hav­ tuberculosis through testin g ot ing their wheat seed certified. cattle. Anether m eeting of the C R Evans was chairman of Lake Creek community h ran c i the meeting aud 0 G Coldiron of the Linn county Farm Bu­ «as secretary. reau was arranged for May 28 at 8 o’clock at the Lake Creek Catarrh Cannot Be Cured school house, at which tim e an w ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a . th e y ca n n o t reach th e se a t o f th e dlseaae. C atarrh Is a local d la .a .e , g r e a tly In­ organization will be perfected. fluenced b y co n stitu tio n a l co n d itio n s, In order to cu re it you m u st A C Heyman. county agent, and ta k e an In tern al rem edy H e ll« C a­ tarrh Cure la ta k e n In tern a lly and who addressed the gathering on ec te thru the blond on th e m ucous su r ­ of th e sy stem H a ll a C atarrh the subject of tuberculosis erad­ C face« ur- w s s prescr ibed by one of th e b eet p h y sicia n s In th ia co u n try veara It ication, announced th at the Is c m poi»d c f som e of t h j for b est to n ic» meeting was one of the liveliest know n, com b ined w ith som e of th e b est blood purifiers. The p erfect cora- rr - - - --------- and most interesting held so far. b l m ’lon o f th e In rredi C atarrh Cure Is whi rhat p rid u eea su c h W W Poland/ president of the W onderful r e su lts In ca ta rrh a l eondl tlon« P”nd for testim o n ia ls, free county organization, farm er-ora­ / • CMENKT A C O , Prep«., Toledo. Ol Mr and Mrs R C Farwell and 1rs Elder visited at the E M CO-OPERA 1’IVE CON VENDONS ’ugh home on Lyon street in Al- E X C U R S IO N S . L E T ’S GO. any and attended the Odd Fel- iws’ convention. Corvallis. Oregon, June 13-18. Ernest Abraham transacted msiness in Albany last Fridav. PUBLIC SALE OF • Mrs T J Dannen spent last week 40 R EttiSTL RED JE R S E Y CA TTLE 4( n Albany attending the Rebekah At the farm 2 miles - ’Ulb o f M arion, Oregon, on issembly, Mrs T B Sprenger was in Al- anj at the bedside of her son- The off im g cousin« of « i x iw ii (16) cows in m ilk , four (4 n- law John Ridder. last week, bred h»ib*r«, thirteen (13) heifer calves and several b u ll calve». ! d r Ridder had been quite ill. high da«« lot of profitable dairv ••»tlfe of popular blood lines. ? 0 M Thompson shipped a car of e p ie o i'i’l iip p i'it'io i'v t " p nvhaee acme registered atock nt a modemt« ay last week. p i li e Fir Rebekah lodge gave an en- F K E E LU N C H at noon S i'e starts nt 12:H0 P. M ertainm ent one evening last A ir in g ” h> «It n I th is -ale. Illu stra te d catalog now ready f i t veek. Games were played and re­ m ailin g V rite to the ai e manager t »day for a copv of it, freshments were served. C h a s . M . r.>1.1 > lg ” . S a le M a n a g e r, Saleui, Otegon. Mrs W J Dunlap has organized W arren G rav, Owner, Route 2, J: Merton. Oregon, i music class consisting of th> AuUivueera— Gee m u ilf aud a ud tell. following pupiia, Miss Berujct tor of Linn county„ addressed WEDNESDAY, JUNE! 8, 1921. General Passenger Agent a Charity Grange Items. FARM ERS’ W EEK “Perhaps You Don’t Know” through CALIFORNIA o f resorts. e w $ Î i I £ will be on sale • May 28th to September 30th Grange m et at night last Sat­ urday night for the first time in many years if not the first time in its history. * George and Roy Kizer of As­ toria in company with their fa­ ther and mother, Mr and Mrs Otis Kizer of Springfield, visited with relatives io this neighbor­ hood last Saturday. The date for the Grange- Woodman picnic in Pence’s grove has been set fcr the elev­ enth of June. Miss Ethel Wigle has gone to Springfield to live with her grandmother until school is out. It was decided at the last Siange meeting to hold a com- nunity fair at the Grange hall fonie time next fall. Mrs Ollie Long of Yakima. Vashington, who has been visit- ng here for some time past, left or her home last Monday. A rock crusher from Rock Till is being moved to this vicin­ ity to crush rock for the bonded oad betw een Rowland and Dia- nond Hill. x.- -x- — Eastern Cities June le t to August lo th will be on sale T x.- to to Seashore and Mountain Resorts ¿S' *■ ■ST’«? “ Back East Summer Tourist Tickets Week-end and Season Summer Vacation Tickets ft W JjjCorn, L2 or 1 Ton Lots. $38 per T o n i A JK zb . Chick Feed, $3.75 per 100 « zb W h ite Oat Chop, h a lf o r ton lot'’, $35. per ton 1 *•* Coconut meal, $1.90 per 80 lbs sack zb * P» Mill Run, half or ton lots, $37. per ton « • « O. for Summer Vacationists and Tourists Cross & White * 'A . Zb • Reduced Fare Tickets • W ill chop Every Day. «6,713,681 79 Southern Pacific is the latgest payer of taxes in Western and Southern Oregon. Soulhern Pacific U xes average 7 per cent of all taxes paid in every county through which it operates. To continue these payrolls, purchases, taxes, and provide better facilities, and convenient, safe, rapid and We have reduced prices on g ran ite ware, alum inum ware etc. S tart the year arig h t and buy now. Zb • frequent service is the aim of th at Compaany. Why not travel on Southern Pacific trains and do your part to enable th a t Company to keep pace w ith Buy a t home and keep the money going. 'A $11.083,754,93 4,519.888.00 1.110,018 86 . A ll D r u ta le ts . 7Se. H all s F am ily M ile for constipation,