Shoe Repair Shop Halsey F U R N IT U R E 1 Brownsville and D rifted Snov Two doors north of the h o tel.1 Am prepared to do all kinds of flour at D H S turtevant’s. Exchange vour wheat for floui shoe repairing. Satisfaction or feed a t Thompson’s Flouring guaranteed. 1 Mills, Shedd. Oregon. 4-28tf JEWETT the COBBLER. Remember a fly killed nov A SPLENDID FARM TO EXCHANGE will do away with thousands o i them in July and August. Ca M 'good property in Portland or any »ity in Oregon, will take small farm as on the Rawleigh man and get part The farm offered for exchange can or more of insect powdei ton lists of 1001 acres located right at a it is guaranteed. H S Winkle good R R town in the Willamette val­ man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14t ley some 500 acres of very rich pro- Have Dr. Thompson examin« due tire land cleared, balance very good your eyes and fit your glasses at pasture and timber' some 250 acres in home which will save you an ex crop, family orchard, creek thru place, water in all pastures and at all bldgs, pensive visit to t h e city. Hit very fine 2-story white house, also a work is absolutely guaranteed anc very good smaller house, two barns, and he looks after any small de machine sheds and all necessary out tails, which may arise later, with buildings. Buildings are located in a beautiful grove of shade trees, giving out extra expense o r troubk the farm a very homelike^ appearance to you. Consult him about youi Fenced w ith woven wire Priced for a eyes, next visit—Tuesday. Maj short time only at $55 per acre. 31. Local hotel all day. 5,19,26 WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO J W Drinkard drove to Albanj 403 1st National Bank Building. Sunday. Albany Oregon Mrs H Clingman was an Albany caller Wednesday. D Taylor transacted business in Albany Wednesday. Mrs Ziegler has been on the sick list this week. Mrs J F Salash spent the week end with friends in Albany. C L Falk was in Albany all last week on business. He re­ turned Saturday. J E True has installed hot and cold water in his house here ir. ialsey. Mrs Ida Tobin from Portland transacted business in Halsej this week. Mrs W E G arrett of Grass Val ey, is visiting with her brothei and sister. John and Mary Li lue. Mrs Edna Algire and family r Y from Portland, have been m a­ T I (■ ' , ting an extended visit with the Sidney Smith family. W H Kirk played with the Harrisburg base ball team against Alpine Sunday. The game was won by H arrisburg. The pupils of the 7th and 8th grades had a picnic Wednesday out at the swinging bridge. A good time is reported. Mrs Maude Montgomery of Medford, visited last week with her cousins John and Mary La Young Men’s Suits 1 .. X .. L i l t . Item s M l.** DEALERS Carries everything i*i Furniture, also PIPELESS FURNACES. Phone 269 THE WARDROBE Wedgewood Stoves and Ranges. 215217 Lyon Street, ah o ld DEwTISIRY 11 ’ >4.305 Albany. E. J a c k - 1st Na­ tional Bank Buildin. Albany, O regon. AND Without pain. blocking method. PRESSING XHX VS- Late nerve­ BARBER - SHOP. KARL A. BRAMWELL. Frou. Suits <|'X Cleaned And Pressed. LAI NDRV SENT AWAVon MONDAY F. H. BUSS ARD Prop. 202 West Second Street, ALBANY, OREGON I. O. O. F. WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next S a tu r­ day night. ____________ _ BARBER SHOP RIALTO THEATRE Friday, May 27th. BasiNiing’sPowerful story of the unseen world. EARTHBOUND A remarkable lifting of the VeE that stands between this world and the next. Men and Women every- where stirred by the intense personal feeling, have been asking, Does the personality change with death? H om long do the old interests go on? Something new in motion picture photography. Don’t miss it. Electric H aircutting. M assaging and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin Office ls l door south of school house Halsey, Oregon. Dealer in Real Estate. H andles Town and Country Property. Give him a call and see if lie can fix you up. T H E YOUTHS' COMPANION and the ENTERPRISE For 18.75 per year. W R IG H T & PO O LE licensed funeral dirbctoks HARRISBURG LEBANON Planned and pri Phone 35 »’hone 15 Branches at ced especially for Brownsville, Wiu T Tem pleton. Mgr. Halsey, Phone 166, F ran k K irk, Mgr. Graduation. For the past two F. M. GRAY, weçks these spe­ Drayman. AU work done promptly and cial suits have reasonably. Phone No. ¿69. been pouring in ~AGOOD COMEDY D R E. S. D O N N ELLY Rue. until today we are Don’t forget the High School Surgical diseases of A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat ready to meet the play Saturday night, “ The Colo­ nel’s Maid.’’ It will be the last 501 First National Bank Bldg, Albany. young men who school play of the season, at least Mrs Samuel E Young, Mr and At the City Ctuncil meet ng the Halsey school. Mrs J A McCullough. Mrs Wayne last Monday night L Newton. are ready to grad­ from A M Templeton of Browns Dawson, from Albany, Mr and who lives on the Harvey Cling A r t i s t i c P ia n o T u n i n g uate and offer the ville, passed through Halsey one Mrs Alex Power, Mrs M a ttie 1 man place, was awarded the ARTHUR COLE, Albany,Ore, last week en route home Curry and Albert Wilson from contract of hauling 200 cubit Leave order» with Woodworth Drug Co. greatest exhibi­ day from an extended visit in South Lebanon, Mrs W J Dunlap, and yards of gravel to be delivered Albany. Oregon. California. Mr and Mrs RM Miller of Shedd, on the streets ot Halsey. tions of styles, pat­ ern Elder $5. Town or Country $5 C H Phillips preached were here F riday to attend the N ext Monday is Decoration terns and values a t the Christian church Sunday funeral of Grandma McWilliams. day. There are no public ex< r- and evening. Mr and cises scheduled for that day ex­ Chiropractor The largest representation of a that ever a gradu­ morning Mrs J B W aggener were immers­ cept a base ball came between cathedral interior ever construct­ ed a fter the evening service. DR. R. H. HARRIS Junction City Hi and Halsey Hi ate gazed at. W J Ribelin has ju st had anew ed on a motion picture stage is at 3 o’clock at Halsey. X-RAY well drilled. Mr Slaight from th at used in the Goldwyn pic­ At $25, $35, and Tangent did the work. He only ture. “ E arthbound.” from the Good Prospects for the Halsey- JuaicK H B . . A Irish Rend Market Road. by Basil King, which comes $40.00 we show a had to go a trifle over 33 feet to story to the Rialto theatre Friday. of water. The m arket road between Hal­ rH E HALSEY ENTERPRISE strength of fabrics get We abundance A rt Director Gibbons worked for are sorry th at a typo weeks perfecting the scene.) sey and Irish Bend ferry is al­ and the and workmanship graphical error occurred in last The crucifix used in the scene is most assured, according to re- OREGON FARMER week's issue in which Miss Nina .r te e n iv c v , Ports taken to Albany by County that is wonderful Rum p’s name was misspelled. thirteen jneen feet i t - high. | Q Heyman> wh0 visited one year for $1.65. Gertrude Porter, who is study- A g J - * recently jn the We are sorry It happened but to behold. t of the Linn County Farm will try and not let it happen ¡ng voice with Rose Cour9e"-1 j t C LA SS ES r it T E D ank lbany Reed of Portland, will be pre- C .c . B R Y AN T again. sented in public recital June 1st “ Urea . t ,me ATTORNEY AT LA W A number of the young peo­ in the ball r o » m o D h .M u ln o d ple of the C E went out to Mrs mah Hote1. She will sing) ( ornmunity raise $1000 to match ¡01 New First N a t’l Bank Bldg, Savage’s place Monday evening am ong« other num ber, Albany. Oregon. « ’’ f X . X t «ie’ d by .he Ila.- and ate their supper, built bon­ R js (h(. fires and played games until a W agnerian a n a H »,l-H .llo( Glo^ r , from T“ " J “U^ reb®h' c “ (.. $ 2 ,« » h a . practically been sob- Amor A. Tussing__ late hour. A very enjoyable LAWYER AND NOTARY time is reported. Eat Chicken Pie at Lake Creek B rownsville . O regon on Friday evening. June 3. be­ ,.:r ginning at *30. Dinner will be for S ^ n g ^ tie b ia h ^ n d Practical Shoe served by the Lake Creek Farm Repairing t o i t h e Cierc Clob a i the ferry o„ the W ilia,net,e river te Bureau. ’ At 8 o’clock a short X Fine lire«» Shoe, a Spc ialty program will be given. Plates Benson Hotel and for the Mon- Halsey. The county is also co 501 Lyon Stre «. Albany. Oregon, 30 cents each. Everybody in­ day Musical Club of Newberg, „operating in the movement. vited. T , . . ... „ — — A. Petersen a y U N Y , OREGON, u i i d in o