H alsey HALSEY, LINN VOL. 9, NO. 39 enterprise COUNTY, OREGON $1.50 PEU YEAH MAY 29 921 o THE «k «x Vk <3kC f c T . /S S HALSEY STATE BANK t* H A L SE Y . O R E G O N eye : s t r a in Is th e Cause ol Many HUMAN ILLS von, e y e . #*»« ' m aihle vi.nr «1 >'V i are anneying SltK I . Wi ■ in Relieve You Dr. E W. Barnum, Dentist, nt O bituary _____ Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and M ary A M c W illiams Friday. Interest paid on time certificates of deposit Optical Co. Mary A Sm ith was ^o r n Q*” ' j j Skirviu Seed M erchant ♦ 4 > j t Bancroft , • . iiiy ... . i>ii. r. t ? / l - l St. ... W - \ lh filo n , I., e t 161 W e invite .your banking business Peoria County Illinois Dec 5 184» Hi ,)eit CU(ih p riee pai(} for oat«. and died a t Halsey, Oregon May twJay 5-12tf _____ ___ _______ , ■- - - “ — --- H. KOONTZ. Pres. 1». TAYLOR. Vice-Prea 19, 1921, age 80 years 5 m onths and 14 davs. She was united in p N n P ro fits B. M. BOND. Cashier m arriage w ith Thus w McWii-, Scattered Grain 1 ays N o 1 .roti W hether the crops are good or p >01, l ah t or ’ , j.inuer .iam s Feb 22. 1871 to whom w ere Remember the ed v k e given > ' born th ree children. The oldest, ford to waste them PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS « « J »d " son died in infancy. She moved to his »on—“ Rake clean thia year, n.y bov. fur hay We added the “ P R E ” to paym ent and will loan y > i ni nev for trfn or tw tnri And when hay '• • ' • from Bushnell, 111, to Clark cannot afford to lose a single wlsp. ■are. No comm ission mortgage, no Life Inaarauce Yau can, but do not have county, Missouri, w here they boy was cautioned to rake clean as buy was low and they must also , pay on the principal annually. lived th ree years, coming to O r ­ gather in every wisp. egon in Ju n e 1883. The fam ily See J. M. and H. M. Ilawkius, Albany, Oregon. lived on the small farm two miles The » „ c r o p i. co,,png .to » « I, - I north of Halsey until th e death you’ll be needing Dependable h a j i .g equipm ent sm h as. of her husband, Aug 31, 1905. A McCormick or Deering Since th a t tim e she has lived in C apital and Surplus $34,000 Timely R em inders The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘W H ER E SAVINGS A R E S A F E I , . good place to deposit your sav in g ,. 4 percent in teresto n sayiiiga accounts th a t run three m o n th ., a ir m o n th , or a year Interest paid sem i-annually. Opportunity To Brighten U p Brightening up the home ii one of the chief pleasures of the housewife. A bright, cheerful home makes for contentment and comfort. There are marred and scratch* cd piece3 of furniture—the worn floor and stair treads—the wood­ work, which needs refimahing— : the ice chest—the kitchen cabi- i net and m any other places about the home can be brightened up with S herwin - W illiams FLO ORLAC * • • A Q r r i . h stain o f unusual wearing qualities, edaptabii ty and S Z S Y l t starns and varnishes in one o p eratro n -is durable ■ad w aterp ro of.. Vtaorlac is made in all the popular shades of oak, mahogany, etc.» I t is inexpensive to use and easy to apply. W e are making a special offer in order to introduce Floorlac w d d y to the hcLewife. C ut the coupon from this trTeur store w ith 10c and we will give you a 35c can of Floorlac and a 15c varnish brush. Bring in the coupon today. FREE FLOORLAC SAMPLE r a in « b coupon with aanúTÄ c . . . . . today. Ihnit« k* ¡ Á d d r tf V » . . ——* —— n w ************* ^^ M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey. She leaves tw o sons, Dean S> and J as A, and one grandson, Eiliot McW illiams: also one bro­ ther, John K Sm ith of Oeonee, III, who is 87 years bf age and th e last of a family of nine ch il­ Mower or Huy Rake. R EPA IR S A RE H ER E Why not look over your machines and fix them up and be ready for a large harvest? G W dren. She w as an earnest follower of C hrist all h er life. She joined the U nited P resbyterian church here soon a fte r coming to Oie- ¿on with which she rem ained du­ ring the life of th e organization at Halsey, a lte r which she united with the M ethodist church Feb 16, 1908. ' The funeral services w ere con­ ducted by her pastor, Rev C 1 Coo . assisted by a form er pas .or, Rev W W Reed of Slwdd. n tar m ent w as in the fam ily lot M O R N H IN W E G IM P L E M E N T S i O R E Experience I creases Skill. at Pine G rove c e m e te r C ard of T hanks We wish to express our a p p re ­ ciation to all our friends, who with loving thoughtfulness as­ sisted during the illness and lay­ ing aw ay of our dear m other. I es ■ deeds of kindness, ru n ­ ning back into past years we shall alw ays rem em ber w ith te n ­ der gratitude. Jas. A. McWilliams D. S. McWilliams and Family. For sab -A yearling roan Dur- ham bull. II E David, Halsey. W F C arter and wife were Al­ bany callers one day last week. Ed Zimmerman was tran sa ct i g business in Albany last Fri Not only are we skilled and p n ided with the most modem „pparalue to aid ¡«> our work, b t we have experience w h c i cornea from making many exam ination« every d .y , yen :Ue year. Have ua make a tlioroug . exam m itn n of your m e-, which may save you much eye trouble. HEBE TUESDAY. MAY 31, ALL LOCAL HOVEL. DAY AT DR! W ILL J . THOMPSON, EYE SPEI IAL1ST f day. W H McMahan drove up from Portland S aturday and returned Monday accom panied by his w ife who had been here for a week. Mrs Lil'y Kirk of A thena, re ­ turned to Halsev Monday a f te r a week end visit with her friend, Mrs Clara McCoy in Corvalbs. C E G 'tlliford a n w ife and Mr and Mrs J P W ilber came from Portland last S aturday. The two men w ent on to E ugene Monday n ! installed adoughnu* m achine me sam e day and the all left for P ortland Monoay evening? County S u p erin ten d en t Miller as an nounced th a t teac h ers’ ex am inations will be held at Albany ii the courthouse from Wednes- iav. Ju n e 8. beginning at 9 »'clock each morning. H ow ever wo o ily tw o exam inations will be z ven Saturday, Ju n e 11th, and both will he in the afternoon Applicants for sta te certificates Aiil be exam ined L IS T E N ! sw SV ' T S p rin g is here and you wid he in- terested to know the special /ft \V /ft /ft /ft 'ft W /ft offer th a t is m ade f< /ft dz /ft kl/ v ia ij a /ft ‘A* ■ sV ,ih each Suit or v c > ■ «.W ith /ft order to your Individual m eas­ $ ure we will give an ex tra /ft /ft /ft PA IR OF PANTS FREE! /ft /ft Satisfaction G uaranteed. « /ft /ft & I). H. STURTEVANT. /ft /ft FREE APRIL a