Halsey Shoe Repair Shop Items F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S Two doors north of the hotel. B erries ! B erries ! S e v e r a Am prepared to do all kinds of kinds in season. Gooseberries soon Satisfaction E. Russ, 3 miles East, of Halsey shoe repairing. guaranteed. J Brownsville and Drifted Snow JEWETT the COBBLER. I flour at D H S tu rtev an t’s. 'arries everything in Furniture, also PIPELESS 1URNACES. Phone 269 Wedgewood Stoves and Ranges. THE WARDROBE 215 217 Lyon Street. Charity Grange Items. W anted—A few head of cattle to pasture. Ira A Miner. 5.12 Beryl Kizer nas been unable to Exchange vour wheat for flour attend school the last few days or feed a t Thompson’s Flouring on account of illness. Mills, Shtdd. Oregon. 4-28tf Miss Abbie Long was brought Mis« Cleon» Smith from home from high school Monday Willamette Uuivirsity spent the with a case of measles. Charlie the small son of Mr week end in Halsey. Brownsville High School croisec j and Mrs Oscar Wigle is recover­ bats with the Halsey High Schoo ing fr*om a severe attack of stom­ 1 ist Friday afternoon which result ach and bowel trouble. Dr Clark e 1 in a-fcor«’ of 8 to 9 in favt r of I of H arrisburg and Dr Howard of . Corvallis were the attending Halspy, ' Buy your flour at Thompson’s physicians. Flouring Mills, Thompson’s Best ' MrZand Mrs Ed Kizer spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Valley Wheat Flour $1.75 perl sack; Bluestem Hard W heat Flour Mrs Byrd W ag?ener. 4-28tf Mrs Schick of Brownsville is $2.00 per sack. Remember a fly killed now I visiting a t the home of Mr and will do away with thousands of Mrs C P Kizer. them in July and August. Call Mrs R P Dougherty of Browns­ on the Raw tig h man and get a ville spent the first of the week can or more of insect powder; | at the home of her daughter Mrs it is guaranteed. H S Winkle- Oscar Wigle. man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14tl| 1CUT1CTDV 1)K Hai,oid e J ack ' J L n l l O l l I l son 304.305 1st Na­ tional Baa k Builtlin, Albany, O te g o -. AND Without pain. blocking method. PRESSING nerve­ KARL A. BRAMWELL. Proo. Suits' Cleaned And Pressed. X tlX XliX Late BARBER - SHOP. l.AUNDRV SENT A W oV on MONDAY F. H. BUSS ARD Prop. I. O. O. F. WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next Satur- , iv night._______ 202 West See and Street, ALBANY, O R EG O N BARBER SHOP Electric H aircutting, M assaging and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M IL L E R Notice for Bids, M t. Washington 6.29S Feet High. Sealed bids are hereby request­ ed for Two-hundred (200) yards, more or less, of good clean grav­ el ' to be delivered upon the streets of the City of Halsey, as and w here designated by the Street Committee. AU bids shall be in the hands of the Re­ corder by five o’clock P, M. on the 23rd day of May. 1921. I he Council reserves the right to re ­ ject >ny or all bi Is. By order of the Council. E. F. Cross. Recorder of the City of Halsey. Albany. Friday, May I9tn. Many persons believe that Mount W ashington. In New H am pshire, Is the highest m ountain in the eastern part of the U nited States. Mount W ash­ ington stands 6.293 feet above sea level, according to the United States geological survey, departm ent of the interior, but malty peaks in the aouth- ern A ppalachians a re several hundred feet higher than New H am pshire s famous mountain. The highest moun­ tain in the A ppalachian system the highest point in t l - United States epst o / t h e Rockies#—Is Mount Mitchell, In North Carolina, which stands at an elevation of 6,TU feet. The highest mountain in Tennessee. Mount Ouyot, stands 6,630 feet above sen level. FARM TO KX U lrtN O E (or good property in Portland or any cH» Oregon, will take sm all farm as part The farm offered for exchange consists of 1001 acres located right at a good R R town in the W illam ette va.- l.y , some 5OO acres of very rich pro- diictive laad cleared, Balance very goo paatur« and tim ber' some 250 acres in crop, fam ily orchard, creek th ru place, water in all pastures and at all bldgs, »ety fine 2-story w hite house, also a very good sm aller house, two barns, m achine abed, and all necessary oul buildings build in g s are located in a beautiful grove of shade tree-, giving ,he (arm a very homelike; appearanc Feosed With woven wire Priced lor altd'rt tim e only at $55 per acre. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO : 403 K,t N ational Bank Building- Albany Oregon Ivory Doot Not Rust. One cold afternoon several school­ girls were standing on a corner w a.t ing for a car. A man Invited them to come into his office to wait for he ear They accepted. The conversation soon tu rn ed to the color o f a certain girl's hair. One Insisted It was red. another th at It was auburn, and an­ other th a t It w as brown. 4t the height of the discussion two children entered the office. As soon as they understood the n atu re of the argum ent, one of the youngsters ex- 1id'sum n w r w . J. Ribelin Mai, ]n ess With Q o is Office 1st door south of school house H alsey. Oregon. Dealer Cila Ce ) Vi Is o n Shoes, Suits, Hats, Underwear Hose Neckwear gfAD^CLOTOiNOCo — COMPANION and the .J a c k C Jo lt ant) C onrad A /y c / with a crashing conflict of love and m arriage For 18.75 per year. A R IG H T & PO O LE IC E N S E D FUNERAL D IR E C T O R S HARRISBURG LEBANON Phone 35 »’»«” •« 15 Branches at trownsville, Wm T T em pleton, Mgr. Islsey, Phone H A Erank K irk, Mgr. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. AU work done promptly and easonably. Phone N°- 269’ C. S. D O N N ELLY Surgical diseases of E>c, Ear, Nose and T hroat G L A S S E S T IT T E D )1 F irst National Bank Bldg, Albany. A r tis tic P ia n o T u n in g ARTHUR COLE. Albany. Ore, .eave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. Albany. Oregon. J5. Town or Country State.” re o n and bath. They give us the rate of being the leading Men’s Store in the c ity - a n d it has been our expert ence at home and abroad th at ti.e register knows the ropee. - e n te r p r is e DR Need A New Spring Out-fit tl e chances are they would ask the h o t e l c l e r k which store was w hich—and then they’d drop in and look us over. T h at’s how we ■tand with these K nights of the Estate. • THE Y OU THS’ Great California Industry. Nearly a million acres are planted to the fru it trees that supply the can nerles of California, according to Elton R. Shaw In an article in the Old c o l­ ony Magazine, the organ of the Old Colony club. S tatistics tell us that of the 100,000.000 acres of land in the e of California, about 900.000 are dAmted to fru it trees : so I. Is easily conceivable th at the fruit-canning ln- ¿ ” trv is no small p art of the genera, industrial activities of the Golden If any oj the Odd Fellows Stopping off at Albany Real □u up. ■Oh shucks! H er hair ain t red. Ivory don't ru st."-In « llan ap o lls News. ALBANY, OREGON. in Handles Town and Country Property. •,ive him « call and see il he can fix .. . jo k e 5 COO Years Old. Plnnned by the ancient Egyptians over .*000 years ago. a Joke Just came ?n fruition, w riter I’r-f. Elim ers Petrie, the noied n.chcologlst. "While we were trying to lind a way n to s queen's pyram id." he says we d « covered on a rock face a door wh eh was so beautifully and exactly fltte th at It was difficult to see the Join s. We Immediately s< to work on this thinking th at we had found nt ast 'an entrance to the inner chamber- After a considerable amount o f work we removed the door "nd fonnd— solid rook! It w as a carefully a r ­ ranged blind to balk anyone who w aited to find the entrance Into the royal tombs, add had been made about 3 00(1 P. C. by someone with a sense of humor." ____ Prophet’s Gourd. DR. R- H. HARRIS X-RAY 2UMCK T H E SAME BOY ARSHAG BAGDASARIAN m onths later dressed In clothei as he arrived a t the N ear E ast Relief six from America Orphana«© Orpnanae© the T h is boy '» one th 0 " ,aJ1 ° h ^ » « “ lZ ie ^ n S u g h "to hide out anf by T u rk s near the Persian border. starvation and exposure whet escape to Develon, bu t was ne*r,y d.e l , ,« t0 Erivan It « » • though picked up by a larg er hoy. < ¿ 0 c « H e d W m ^ m l l « H tU . Arshag. but E dith P nseleBH to attem pt to Bav*“ th undertook the tank, nursed him for ©t> S Dd r ^ V ^ V T n th e little « . . o r su it « n t by « m e A m er.can 1« and the result Is shown In th e w o n « P t „d d . >n(, mah , Think of Arshag and bte t o r e (hp pa(. lf,r roal|t dlrec, | 5 bundle of clothing and toys tor he JreHef b £ t ran pparp )n ordcr , for the Near F ^ .t « m e ttm e e»rly In Ju n e neno ycu ,„ P , n th- HraTpUtn“ ,‘ w » tiaM fo rm ed Into healthy and happy children like the lad ,f X - M BANK BtJIl-DIFO. ALBAKV HALSEY ENTERPRISE and the OREGON FARMER one year for $1.65. c C. B R Y A N T attorney at la w 201 New First N at’l Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. ReHef Bundle Station. Portland, Oregon. « X h as m u d , as two and th ree hum s H d o i ¿ ta in ; ~ Chiropractor • ^ V v i a l i n T o V w a ^ ^ t h . n g 1. night and perished In a night Th nlant was formerly a native of Asia but Is Im w a a ia ra llz e d in Amenca AL nnd th e south of E.urope. H -iilPfl to the cucumber, hut In some tin. fru it a tta in s enormous S S s p ^ U ^ h « ’ "»« been found to $5 A Rslny Day. A rainy dsy In Sw itzerland pots a sudden stop to many diversions. The roachm an may drive to th e tavern, and then back to the sta b le ; bnt no fa rth e r The sunburnt guide may alt a t th e . . door, and welcome; and the boatm an w histle . . . a t his own sweet w ill- h u t no foot stirs abroad for all th a t; no trav eler moves if he known a» castor ®°' W __ __ ______ _________ ____ 7 s? T im e to slay. The rainy d a y g iv e - him time for reflection. He has leU ure now to tnke cogntzam e of his Un, presslons. and m ake up his account with ihe mountains. He rem embers too. that he has frien d , si home:. and w rites up the* Journal neglected for n week or more and letters longer; or finishes the rough, petK.I sketch begun yesterday In the opea air On the whole, he 1« not sorry U ralas tbsugh dlaapiwlnt««!.—Uvury Amor A. Tussing — LAWYER AND,N O T A R Y ^ B rownsville . O regon a A. PfitElSOn Practical Shoe Repairing Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty SOI Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon,