i l l r* • in g H alsey ILntefprise An Independent Newspaper PUBLISHED — D. H. Sturtevant went to Port­ a n d .S 't'irJ a v , for busioess. Mr. Kimball look his place in the store IN V E S T D IR E C T EVERY THURSDAY w h lle he w a s * o r e CHAS.’ BALLARD, Editor M Bond and wife and trtoth- er. L y m a n Palmar and fam ily,, e—------------- -------------------- ------ anfj E n u r e d n> ^ n d ^ t a s . m t i t e r O c -, . , jf , To Pay You 8 Per Cent a Year .| a ltP n d a When you put a dollar in our 8 per cen gold notes you make that dollar work for the good of this community and yourself. tober 3, 1012, at the ptxitofiiLc at Hal My, Oregon. under the Act of M arch; reunion 3, igiv. ¡I t of th" Ho Tinsmith fam- There were fifteen present. The editor ot this paper and Devoted"”to the material upbuilding .,1 Halsey and surrounding country sou Linn County generally. Subscript! : jf , wei • filled to Portland, „ f,r a p art of the week. This ra te »1 60 per year » advance (>f H a |> e y E n t e r p r l £ e | I is published bv trie You inves your money in substantial prop- properties devoted to useful public service, where you can watch the investment closely and know’ just how’ it is being handled. office force. Mrs. Morrill and little grand- I daughter who had been visiting i ' with her daughter, Mrs. Eldon Cros3. for seme time past, re­ tu rn e d to her home in Hillsboro P R IV A T E O F F IC E i last Saturday. F O R e x a m in a t io n s Mrs. Albert Stevenson, who P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E has been seriously ill at the hos- F M F r e n c h & S o n s ' pital in Eugene, had recovered ALBAN Y OREO. enough that she was able to be removed to the home of her son Stanley THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL The publisher pro tern is re­ Renovates and makes feather sponsible for all defficiences of m attresses, old furniture and this issue of the Halsey E n ter­ m attresses made like new. prise Bring them in or phone 261-R, The Halsey friends f Frank 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. ¡Schepman are advised th at he is the chosen president of the grad­ uating class of the Creswell, Ore High School. He is a son of the late Prof. Schepman who was a former resident of Halsey. Mrs. Roily Templeton was as­ sisting a t H o t e l Halsey this week. Mrs. G rant Reynolds was too ill to attend the household duties Krvptoks Cleverly Conceal the for a few days this week. Fact that the Wearer Need Mis Mary McWilliams died at Double Vision Glasses. the home of her son D S Mc­ In improving the appearance, Williams this morning, the 19th and conserving eyesight, Kryp- inst. f uneral services conducted b.v Rev Cook, will be held on the toks are a priceless possession. 20th. ■ G L A S S E S F IT T E D ■r GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T Your cash returns comes to you in the form coupons which you clip and cash every six months. No expense or delays of collection. Every addition, extension and improvement of the Mountain States Power Company helps ) to develop home growh and prosperity. Investigate and you will find that there are few, if any, opportunities the safe investment of yonr funds, which are so directly in your own self interests. - A Safe 8 per cent Investment MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents Byllesby Engineering and M anagem ent Corporation Engineers ann Managers M ethodist Church Notes (Dpte>m e tris t. SUNDAY SCHOOL The C h rstian Family. Children, obey your parents in Harold Albro. all th ugs, for this is well pleas­ M anufacturing Optician. ing in the Lord. Fathers provoke not your chi dren, that tljey be Halsey Item s not discourag d.-CcI 3 20, 21. Aim of the lesson-To seek and Prof English went to Euge v \ actuall iv higher ideals in the Friday, for the week end Christian home life. Mrs. Marcella Kirk and child Do 1 live so that others in the left the fore part of the week fur family are made happier a visit in Iowa >> my presence? How inay I Mrs. D F. Dean arrived here dan to cont -itnite something of Sunday to make her future home value to home life. in Halsey The subject Bro. Cook had fo- W. F. White and wife and Ei the young people at their prayer don Cross and wife were Eugene uh . ting, lii 'sday evening, was i How am I saved? callers Sunday The Standard Bearer girls will Miss Nina Rump .vent to Shed ! one day last week to work at the meet this We Ineaday evening with M- .. r a h tr D o c to r« p re s c rib e d I, , a l r. ...» Ih <. a m i b y c o n a ta n tly f a llin g to m e w it h lo c a l tr e a tm e n t, p ro n o u n c e d it itv ..ru b le C a t a r r h la a l o i u l dlaeaae, i " r a l l y in llu m i e.1 b y c o n s t it u tio n a l co n- .Ittto n s a n d th e r e fo r e r e q u ire s c o n s tltu - C t.iia i tr e a tm e n t. H a lt’s C a t a r r h M e d l- , ae. in .n u fu c tu ie d b y r J C I.r n e y A Co T o le d o , O h io Is a c o n s titu tio n a l I I d, la ta k e n In te r n a lly a n d acta t i n . t. HI .1 o n th e M u c o u s S u rfa c e « of tic c .... ' lie H u n d r e d D o lla r « r e ­ w a r d 1 o lte r e d f o r a n y c a s e t h a t H a l l ’«' C a t a r r h M e .l.c ln e fa d s to c u re . Send for c ir c u la r s a n d te s tim o n ia ls . K J C H I- .N E T A C O ., T o le d o , O h io . S o ld b y D r u g g is ts , ' i r Hall's Family lilts for conaiipatlos. & F e a t Used The use of peat as a source of bent goes back beyon.l th e historical period Into the ancient history o f the early tribes In northern Germany. Pliny, the Unman naturalist, gives us possi­ bly the first Indication o f the use of peat. H e reporta that the Teutons on 'lie border of the North sea dried and burned mud, w hat we how would call peat. In Ireland, G reat B ritain and Russia, Scandinavia. Germany. H o l­ land and parts o f France peat has been used as a fu el since tim e Im­ memorial The peat was cut from the b ig very much In the same manner as It Is still being done In many parts of Europe, where It Is cut In brick sl opes, allowed to dry In the wind and sun. DUE TO BO DILY DISO RDERS Scientist Thus E xp lain « the Striking Differences Betwees Various Races of M a n i Ind. Assuming th a t the various existing races of m anklr d are descended from a common sto- k. how- are to be ex- t h v n e i such s triking differences as H rse that distinguish, fo r exumple.rthe ('l.liiam an C o m the Anglo-Saxon, nnd the Anglo-tVison fro m the negro? P ro f. A rth u r K e .th re c e n tly discussed tlds question In an add -ess before the a n ­ thropological section o f the B O t- ish association. He believes that thf- laey to this prob­ lem Is to be fournl through studying the disturbances ansi disorders that oc­ casionally affect th e devtdopment and growth of the huinar body; especially those due to a functf onal derangement o f one or more of n » gland% of In ter­ nal secretion— the ' pituitary,, thyroid, pineal, adrenal and other gitands. In some m anner not y et understood, the functions, carried 1