HALSEY HALSEY, LINN ItOtlNTT, OBflflOS $1.59 PER YEAR 1921 MAI VOL. 9, NO. .. 4 THE HALSEY STATE BANK W e H a ve . HALSEY NEWS NOTES e v e r y thing O p t ic a l ___ _ , « « i v n i 5 e y e s t r a in Is the Cause of Many • UC.MAN ILLS II v our eyes give you t« ’‘Lie , yr gl is-es are lunoy ing ’Sl‘1 I We can Relieve \o u . HALSEY, OREGON * 5 I i * L a st F riday evening l>r G arn-J jol.st th e Boy Scout Master, and Ereoll Sneed, Eliiot M cW illiams, (From the H erald ) Bancroft Optical Co. In terest paid on time certificates of deposit phcme The Linn county fair is to be F rank K oontz, Peter P yburn, W il­ esss ¡ v % * * < » W 1 * * * bur N orton, and T hom as M iller four days th is year. I be b,ul W e invite your banking business days will be T uesday, W ednesday, took a hike out to the Calapooia Dr. E. W. Barnum, D entist, at H. KOONTZ, P re s“ u ta V ice-Pres. I hursdav and F riday of the first river and spent a night in the H otel lla lse y every Tuesday and They cooked th e ir own week in O ctober. T h is was daci- woods. * B. M. BOND, C ashier __________ . d -d S atu rd ay ut a meeting of the suppers, told stdrfes, and enjoyed F rid a y . Get R P> Koch of H olley, to cry hoard of pirectorS of the fair asso­ a.tine display of the Auroraborvalis I then went to bed and enjoyed th e . your next sale. He gives satis­ ciation. PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS The first three days will he fea­ sleep of the just u n til an earjv , faction. . . , ,he “ PRE" to payment and,v.ll Win you money «or ten or twenty hour of the m orning when they For Sale Five year old horse e added the HO- » W v , , can but Jo not have t u r e d by big races and the last d a y ri. No commission mortgage, no Life Insurance. V on can. will be school day with all " arose and cooked their breakfasts weight 1520 sound and tru e . school activities as the big feature F ran k Koontz in au g u rated a new Priced cheap. II D M ilzner Phone ,ay on the principal annually. system of ta k in g a bath which See J . M. a n d ,L »• H aw kins. Albany, O regon. _ school ' children will be adm itted did not seem to he popular with 2d I H alsey. free on th a t day. T J Skirvin Seed M erchant A t the m eeting S atu rd ay 1 >»' the rest of the bovs, but they did H ighest cash price paid for oats. .'dicers of the fair association for -ecm to eujoy a plunge in the :;8c net today. 5-12tf chilly w aters of the C alapooia, -.1) l h e past year were re-elected. One day last „eel- Chris Falk except th e doctor, who go» cold I t was announced at the meeting met. yvi’h n painful accident w hile th a t the board bad igned a con­ feet. So did the rest of them , but chopping wood, su staining a saveve tra c t w ith the Frisco Exposition ibeir feet got cold from h.dng Carnival com pany, the largest car- m the water. T hen they hiked cut in the leg with the ax. The wound up till S atu rd ay was m t nival company on the roan. u back home at a late hour of the doing as well as was hoped for h o t i nerceut interest on savings m orning, tired and sleepy, but com pany will be here with two i g r r - . J " ' •” u . , .......... > ~ . — « no serious com plications were loyally declaring they had a tine tra in s of exhibits and will give Capital and Surplus $34,000 T I YLOK. T he First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘W H E R E S A V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ -hows. T he board ters such as ior ,he m any M,d heads of took up detail m at­ arranging for judges different departm ents the different exhibit d ep artm ents. . ’ Citizens of Albany % ava agreed . An Opportunity To Brighten Up — — B n g h te n irg u p th e home 1, one of the chief pleasures of the housewife.- A brig h t, cheerfuf hem e m akes for contentm ent an d comfort. T here are m arred and scratch, ed pieces of furniture— th e worn floor and sta ir treads— the wood­ w ork, which needs reiinwhing— th e ice chest—th e kitchen cabi- i n et and m any other places about the home can be brightened up w ith S herwin - W illiams ' FLO O RLA C ’o“ ‘ walnut, etc. order to introduce Floorlac We are making a sf£C!d/ ^ he coupon frora this ad. bring it quickly to the lf15u^ cW^ d ¿ " ¿ i n give v ou a 35c can of Floorlac X d i looked for. the fair association 15 per cent of tim e. ¡th e money taken in by th e m any semi-annnally. ^ ^ i ^ K i n 8th e co u p o n today. free floorlac SAMPLE .....................r...................................... .............. * J in in this coupon wilh Cent con of J with Tan Cants and r “ y . ^ * h Brush. This introductory offer J; K u d - i - y o u /n a m . -nd bring the coupon to our store today. fla m e . -------------------7 . ..................... ............................................................ to have a two-dav racing program „ „ the F o u rth and F ifth of July with the idea of giving the fan »*- >i)i iation the profits of .h e «nee. W ayne Stew art reported to the ■ oard th a t som e of the best race ‘ horses of .be country would be here for the th e two day meet m July Some of the ru n n e r owners Miss R uth P arton Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. REPAIRS a re here ' W hy not look over your machines and fix them up and be ready for a large harvest? >| You know that it is only a short time unlit i hay harvest, so be ready when it c° mes b?h r®‘ b.\h?X'.i\h Mi. cs„».ie of hay harvest, ¡ « « . - - - j •■■■----- -- - n e. K'"' pairing your tools now- O ur do, , . o repairs is now a. your service. If you have B u s k ’ Fred W oodcock. Geo Swi-h. another kind of machine and need repairs get er, E ddiu B rain, Job» K trklanu the number and we will dothe rest. e ave uid others. Officers of th e Linn C ounty ^ F air some goods on hand that we w,II give a big A ssociation »re: k H i reduction on. Yours for service, pr -sident ; W R Scott, vice prest “ ‘ dent; A C S chm itt, secretary; P A Young, treasurer. The board of directors is m ade up of th e following m em bers: P B rn e tt, Perry P arker, J E Pelzer, K L B u rk h art, Geo A M cCart, H Porter, A M Reeves, Ed Schoel Burge, H J M eltin'». Geo 1 1) F W ilhelm , H C T hom pson. Leon. | ir d G ilkev, w R Scott, R C Burk hart, W W P oland. J C Brow F H Pfeiffer, J D O W oodw orth, Dr A G P rill. P A Y oung, A C A S chm itt s M G arland, Chas Bach, M Averhoff, t L ! ling, S P - Fnîk, C C Cole, C R E vans, B W $ Vick, C W Boelfjcher and J M ? G W MORNH1NWEG IM PLEM ENT S T O R E L IS T E N ! I l l g i. Ib here I1VIV « « I. r i a J ~ — « - «Spring * - tCLCStCli tO RïlOW tllC SpCCldl ____- Miller. R B Koch of Holley FREE & IS tran sacted I bnsineaa in Halsey last F rid ay . ' D S M cW illiams made a husi ness trip to P ortland last F rid ay returning S aturday. A Mr S tew art from P ortland was a business caller in H alsey last r offer that is made for * MX .Î MX MX MX MX I APRIL ONLY iW ith each Sm ' ®"d PanteI MX * order to your Individual rncas- * Xb ure we will give an extra Xh PAIR OF PANTS FREE! /|\ Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ä F riday- • , " yr-~B msett and R oland Mark returned last T h u rsd a y evening X|\ from th e ir visit in Yoncolla. Mrs A V Um stead retu rn ed last Xh T hursday evening from ........ a t /MK C orvallis and th e >.V WPIIB ar« weeks visit ». ••• - near by hills. She reports a h u e , v ir i M. V. KOONTZ CO. Smith Bros.’ Market D H. STURTEVANT. - . L» «• X- - Ï «1 at J