ALL AGES JUST DOTE CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Buy N ow Develop \ our Home State fi on our di liciou* !y flavored ie< cream s. We have d ifferen t va rieties of frozen delicacies. R id' luecieuu, cooling, perfectly fro zen cream s -th e joy of th< heightened sum m ir, th e de'igh- of th e festival w in te r—th e ali th e year delicacy de luxe. R R R R R fc by Patronizing Your Railroads Th. ¿ ..I .- ... + + î Buy at home and keep the money •R -R going. I We have reduced prices on granite «R ware, aluminum ware etc. Start the -R «R year aright and buy now. •R « R W h ite t $ $ % Chick Feed. $3.75 p er 100 W hite O at Chop, half or ton lots, S3', per ton $l.yo p er 80 lbs sack Coconut meal. half or ton lots, $37. per ton Mill Run, Mz «R W MZ -R MZ MZ Mz W ill chop Every Day. w . Zb MZ F R U xx M A lw ays Find” says the Good Judge * *• T h a t you get m o re ▼ g e n u in e s a tis fa c tio n a t le ss c o s t w h e n y o u u s e th is class o f 4i, to b a c c o . I A sm all c h c tv lasts so m u c h lo n g e r th an s' a b ig c h e w o f th e o r d in a r y k in d . A n d th e fu ll, ric h re a l to b a c c o ta s te g iv e s a long la s tin g c h e w in g s a tisfa c tio n . I A n v m an w h o u s e s th e R e a l T o b a c c o C h e w W iu tell y o u th .it. / » P u t up fn two styles w B CUT . . . . "I .» P « '“ » “ $11.083,754.93 4,519.888. OJ 1.110,038.86 ...................... Southern Pacific total d i.trib u tio n in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to ' ’ ’ To continue these payrolls, purchases, taxes, and provide better keep is a lo n g fin e -c u t to b a c c o R I G H T C l T is a s h o r t- c u t to b a c c r Reduced Fare Tickets for S u m m e r V a c a tio n is ts a n d T o u r is t s W e e k -e n d a n d S e a s o n S u m m e r V a c a tio n T ic k e ts B ack E ast S u m m e r T o u r is t T ic k e ts to E a s te rn to S e a s h o r e a n d M o u n ta in R e s o r ts will be on sale J. W. MOORE, Owner. C itie s will be on »ale Juue h t to August 15th through May 28th to September 30th C A L IF O R N IA in one direction W eek-end tickets are lim ited to Monday fol­ Final lim it three m onths troni sale date, not lowing sale date. Season tickets perm it stop­ to exceed October 31st Liberal stop-overs overs and return lim its vary w ith closing .late and your choice ot routes. of resorts. • OREGON OUTDOORS’’ A new illustrated booklet graphically describing the d if­ ferent resorts, and including hotel and camp information. Copy F R E E on request. , For particulars as to passenger fares, routes, tram schedules or sleeping car accom m odation. inquire of any Ticket Agent of SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT -R General Passenger Agent -R The Rowland school closed last Saturday. Miss Ethel Green ot Rowland, II teach the Ward school next winter. Miss Della W orthington was sick a few days ago. Dr Kent o’ Harrisburg pronounced her ail ment as an attack of appendicitis Fred Forester shipped a car load o', hay from Rowland hist week. Shedd Mrs H Farwell was an Albany caller last Frida». Heurv Freirksen w as a business caller in Albany Saturday. C C Purdy is enjoying a visit troni h it mother, Mrs W atkin. I S Van Winkle, tax assessor of Linn county, visited S aturJsy with bis son and family. Miss Dena Frum , who is a stu­ dent in Albany College, spent th week end with relatives in Sheud N ight about live years old was and there was $1000 of insur ’ ¡9. “ Am erica’s Social Idea!," a ance carried. lecture by the C hautauqua Di­ (Taken from the Shedd Visitor rector. , » 10. The Emerson Winters-M. of May 4th ) Mis «'has Arnold has been hav­ Gustave Milburn Company, ing quite a sick spell. It came on Concert. her suddenly last Friday night T hursday A fternoon and for a while she was quite bad 31. “ Americans-All’’ Detachment i ff, but is doing better now. C o n c e rt a n d e n te r ta i n m e n t from On April 30th fifty-three of the the Recruit Educational Centers citizeus went out to the Rqbnett of the United States Arm y, Lar­ place and surprised Mrs Rohuett ry Gwecke, E ntertafner. on her fifty-third birthday. Eats 12. CoMitnunity Co-operation, a were plentiful and all had a good lectuie by H arry Hibschman, • line until a late hour. LL. D. The Shedd post office has been N ig iit promoted from a fourth class .to 13. “ America’s Industrial Ideal,” a third clats office. Mrs Brasfield returned from a. lectuie by H arry Hibschman Portland last week where she had LI. I). 14. “ Americans-All’’ Detachment been on business. The 8 P has a crew of men at, Concert and E ntertainm ent from Shedd to. repair, the bridge uorth the Recruit Educational Centers of the Uuited States Army, Lar •of town. ry Gwecke, Entertainer, Vernon Acheson, Cecil Elder, ■tnd Lydia Gregory aie sick with tie chickenpox. No one knows EOARDiNG HOME FOR BABIES h >w it got started in the commu­ In stitu tio n In E nglind Had Its Incep- nity. tiivi in the Shortage of Houses Mrs Maggie Prentice of N a p a C ili, Mrs Josephine llill of Scio, Mrs Donae.t of Sweet Home, ami M a Ernie Keith of Oregon Citv, are visiting at th e home of their Program for tha Radcliffe Chau­ T h e r e is tl s c a n i t .' til’ ¿ t t t i . H l o : -U’sejll th e \ tllt\V. ¡sister, Mrs Mabelle Jones. M ‘ tauqua. and if y o u W ill g i v e till? HKtttiT ¡I >urioll> tllO ilU ’h l Prentice and her dauiil‘' J . . _ T uesday , M ay 24, A fternoon you w ill realize that now i th© time to raise h< rses ’b" ' m , Z ’m! <•»• • * 1. 1 he Oakley Concert Company to be in line for tin* tluuiaiitl th at i> s u r e i o com e. and they came up from California Concert. I will S tillltl f o r s«'l \ i< e in H;tl>ey. tile celeb rated ! to visit Mrs Jones while a new 2. The Value of the individual. A lecture by Edward Tomlinson. P urebred P e rch e ro n stallion, Dig» -'till. > ’¡¡'1- to in su re. house is being erected. N ioht The farm residence of R 8 Ache M ondays at B row nsville 3. America’s Political Ideal. A •on burned down Wednesday mor F rid a y s at Howland lecture by Edward Tomlinson. niog of last week. Mr Acbeeot. h ull a lire in the kitchen rang' 4. The Oakley Concert Company. Concert. and went out to «be barn to at W ednesday A fternoon i end to his chores. It is though O f f ic e at H alsey D r u g s to r e > . “ A Community Program,” a there was a defective Hue, fo’ lecture by the Chautauqua Di­ when Mrs Acheson arose the hous< Charity Grange Items. Sunday „ , , „ rector. Mr and Mrs Ralph Pierce o was burning and had got beyond The two bnye bad to 5. The Emerson Winters-M Gus­ Center school was out last F ri. F ig-ne. spent the .Hi, rim,m Sun control. tave Milburn Company, Concert jump troni the up stairs window d .y The teacher and all the pn- •’« ' * " h Francis Kizer and wife, Mi'* Marybelle La H atte—In to escape the flames. There wa- Mr \Villiain«"ii th" county lub pi It and some of th" pupil«' p n a Program of Stories for Youug nothing saved from the building enls took their fundi « and luk,d cader, was at the Grange halt and Old. , except the family. The neighbor* Io the top of Indian Ilea I m oun­ |j«t Thuiaday night to < rgauize The Opening of the Junior Citi­ arrived in time to save the pressurt any eluh tin' people m ight want, tain zenship Campaign. tank and the lighting svsten but as only a lew were pre-el t> Mr and Mrs Alt ert W igg-m-i John Wrggener, aiid’ Mis siru tb - n •! much bu.'ii.e-s was done. Let which were located in anothei 8. Miss Marybelle La H atte—Or­ ganization of "Young America" ers visited witii Chia and Ciar- us hope that more u ileieil will be building. The barn and garage Club. wer« alio saved. The heure a owu in the Iulure. •LCt Waggengr lu Harrisburg ATfENTION FARMER«! witb the fu rth tr developm ent of Oregon. MZ V/ «< . Southern Pacific payroll, i . Oregon for 1920 am ounted to Southern P.c.fic purchases in Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Pac.fic taxes pa.d in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to «R $ •R •R $ 9 4>Corn, 1-2 or 1 Ton Lots, $38per Ton* $ Zb $ zh «e» Ä Ä Zb Zb A . Did You Know «R ® Z|\ T ,. ■n * Cross & o, O ^ . „ J ... R .,. A „1 .1 factor in the developm ent of W estern Oregon . . the Southern Pac.fic Cotnpeny. $ * * and Housemaids. A sm til private hotel for babies Is the late it Idea of dom estic life. The baby ge 'a a change and the mother gets r n s t . ’ The bntiy's hotel or hoarding house Is the p todnet of the shortage of bouses ai el nursem aids. P aren ts have been for< c l Into hotels and furnished apartm erK g and as many hotels have not the o invenlences of the nursery, the babyk hotel, w here he or she may 1 e re re lw 'd as a paying guest. Is m ak­ ing Its appearance. T here Is. of course, .4 eeommodation for the baby carriage. Two cab-tlfled nurses conceived the Idea. Tliq v have established a nursery In H am pst sad. London. The w alls are decorated with ducks and chickens, and ea'-h, I 'ttle guest has a white cot with curtnl ns. A medical man and a dentist a re In attendance. The tariff Is abont $13 a week. The little guests may stay a t veek. a year, or merely for the week ea 1. while th eir parenta go house huntil 'g or holiday mnklng. -A young w ar widow, who has re- «rimed her >rmer po«t •* secretary, brought her I >ahy to th e nursery, and S aturday aft« rnoon and Sunday they ^pend happy 1 lours together, while an­ other woman left her little one In onr ■harge while s h e rejoined her hushaczl f< in the tropics* —Congneuta) News, - - eg.». —