Shoe Repair Shop Halsey Items E. L. STILT and SON Two doors north of the hotel. . J Brownsville and Drifted Snow f u r n it u r e d e a l e r s Am prepared to do all kinds of flour at D H Sturtevant's Carries everything in Furniture, Phone 269 shoe repairing. Satisfaction also PIPELESS FURNACES. Wanted—A few head of cattle guaranteed. to past j re. Ira A Miner. 5.12 JE WEIT the COBBLER. THE WARDROBE 0 W Frum shipped a car sheep from here Tuesday. Mrs 1' red Jackson was a Eugen 215 21, Lyon Street, Albany. visitor Thursday, H C Davis accompanied by \\ DENTISTRY [At the Halsey Drug Store' L Norton drove to Albany Fri day. tional Bank Umiditi. A 'biiiy, O regon, Phil Merriam of Albany College Without pain. Late nerve­ was a week end visitor with his blocking method. A S PL E N D ID FARM TO EXCHANGE parents -of this citv for good property in Portland or any Exchange vour wheat for floui city in Oregon, will take sm all farm as or feed at Thompson’s Flouring part The farm offered for exchange Mills, Shedd. Oregon. 4-28tf consists of 1001 acres located rig h t at a KARI. A. BRAMWELL, l’rou. Grant Taylor visited his daugh­ >!!/ good R R town in the W illam ette v a l- 1 4M .I4 xiix xi,\ Mrs ley, some 500 acres of very rich pro- i ters in Eugene Sunday. Suits' Cleaned And Pressed. ductive land cleared, oalance very good Warmoth was quite sick. LAUNDRY SENT AW ,V o n MONDAY pasture and tim b er' some 250 acres in Mr and Mrs 0 B Stalnaker of crop, fam ily orchard, creek th ru place, Corvallis spent the week end at w ater in all pastures and at all bldgs, the T P Patton home. very fine 2-story w hite honse, also a 202 West Second Street, D S McWilliams had business very good sm aller honse, two barns, WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. m achine shells and all necessary out caliing him to Albany on Thurs­ Regular meeting next Satur­ ALBANY, OREGON buildings B uildings are located in a day. day night. beautiful grove of -shade trees, giving Dr Norman from Albany, is in th e farm a very hom elike appearance this neighborhood testing cattle a Heneed w ith woven wire Priced for few days this week. short tim e only at $55 per acre. Miss Maude Henderson of Al W IL LA M ETTE V A l.LEV LAND CO Electric Haircutting, Massaging bany was a guest of the B M Bono 403 1st N ational Bank Building. and Shampooing. Albany Oregon home the latter part of the week Cleaning and Pressing Mrs Nash of Brownsville spent E. C . M IL L E R Thursd y at the J C Standish Friday, May 13th. home. Mrs G W Laubner was a pas Office 1st door south of school house senger to Albany Thursday even Ilalsey, Oregon. ing returning Friday, Dealer in Real Estate. P H Peterson of McMinnville A GEORGE MELFORD production H andles l'ou n and Country Property, purchased a carload of cows in live him a call anil see if he can fix Embittered with life, a proud aristocrat you this vicinity laat week. up. H C Davis is driving a Stude sneenngly married an Indian squaw. Then baker Six whi-h he recently pur­ chased from the Albany Garage. sent her home to disgrace bis family and sank T H E Y O U T H S ’ C O M P A N IO N a n d th e I Mr Barrett of the Coos Ba\ to the dregs in the lumber camps of the North. E N T E R P R IS E 'region was in our city last week and purchased a carlo id of ha.\ F o r $ 8 .7 5 p e r y e a r. But one day the man in him awoke- Seek- from O W Frum John Salash had the misfortune «.p.ecec.eeunBi, ev,|lng J*1* P1^ 11* crea!ure he had wronged, he W R I G H T & P O O L E to get a piece of steel in his evt LICENSED FUNERAL D IRECTORS one IIA R R 1SBU RG LEBANON l’hone 35 Phone 15 a trip to Eugene for treatment. Branches at Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Brownsville, Win T Tem pleton, Mgr. will be at the Ilalsey Hotel everj Halsey, Phone 166, F rank Kirk, Mgr. luesday and Friday instead ol Tuesday and Thursday, begin­ ning next week. Buy your flour at Thompson’s Flouring Mills, Thompson’s Best All work done promptly and Valley Wheat Flour $1.75 per reasonably. Phone No. 269. sack; Bluestem Hard Wheat Flout $2.00 per sack. 4-28tf DR. E. S. D O N N ELLY Mr and Mrs Dick Landon, who Surgical diseases of are now farming near Browns- Eye, Ear, Nose and T hroat were guests of Mr and Mrs J C G L A S S E S F IT T E D Standish Sunday. Mr Landon D Taylor and Robert Bilyeu Mrs A Brown spent Saturday 501 F irst National Bank Bldg, Albany. was formerly proprietor of the were Albany cal'ers Wednesday. in Albany on business. Clover ware house in this city. Judge J K Weatherford from Wallace Sherling drove up Artistic Piano T uning The F M Maxwell family of Albany transacted business in from Portland Saturday, return­ Tangent, visited Sunday with Halsey Tuesday. A RTH U R COLE, Albany, Ore. ing Sunday. He was accompa­ the J M Porter family. Law­ F H Porter was an Albany visit - nied by Miss Dorothy who had Leave orders with W oodworth Drug Co. We are offering ¡Suits at rence, who was badly crippled Albany. Oregon. or Monday. been in Portland for a short visit a reasonable price that some time ago. is getting along $5. Town or Country $5 Mr and Mrs R L Winniford with her parents. any young man ofcritical very nicely but he has to walk on returned Thursday evening from L D Clinkscales, representing taste will wear with pleas­ crutches. Salem, where they had been on the Radcliffe Chautauqua which Remember a fly killed now business. ure and satisfaction. I is to be given at Shedd May 24. will do away with thousands of Mrs Joseph Culp of Albany,!25, and 26, accompanied by C J DR. R. H. HARRIS W e believe we a rc them in July and August. Call was a guest of Mrs D S McWil- Shedd were here Tuesday in the showing some of the most on the Rawleigh man and get a hams a few days the first o f the interest of the Chautauqu i. It beautiful m aterials for can or more of insect powder; week. j will be remembered that Shedd 2 usick B ank Bulinino. A lbanv . this Spring season that it is guaranteed. H S Winkle Mrs Alta Button of Melrose, held a Chautauqua last year and man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14tf we have ever shown Wisconsin, and Mrs F C Bloom- many from here attended it and J C Walton left Tuesday for field of Portland, are visitom at spoke very highly of it. The re- THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE and the New Stripes. Checks. Eugene to undergo an operation. the A E Whitbeck home. portis that it will be even better OREGON FARMER I Plain Shades, Snappy He expects to be laid up for Mr and Mrs J S McMahan went than it was last year. Seethe one year for $1.65. Novelties, etc. The t a i - ¡about '“*'"’” three weeks. M-s C O to Salem where Mr McMahan se- program on the last page of this loring is ill keeping with J°h.r9x? m ¿>01tland " ¡li remain cured SOme repairs for his tract or. paper. ,1, . ... , , with M'S Walton during his ab A large representation of the the best ideals of the best sence Mrs Johns is Mrs Wal- They returnd Tuesday. , . Barney Cummings of Hcod membership and friends of the C. C. B R Y A N T makers. ton s mother. River arrived Saturday for a Christian chu ch met on Tuesday ATTORNEY A T LA W Died, at her home in Eugene, visit with his parents Mr and ,evening and marched in a body PRICES Tlie-day at 3:30 p. m., Mrs Lottie Mrs Berry Cummings of tois | to the home of their pastor and 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bldg, Albany, Oregon. M Settle, after an illness of three city. his bride, each bearing useful years or more. The remains wen Mrs Smith (nee Helen Moore) and appropriate gifts. Onward brought direct to the Pine resigned her position as teacher Christian Soldiers was sung as ,\mor A. Tussing Grove cemetery today where fun- of the 3rd and 4th grades- This they entered the home and g r e e t ­ LAWYER AND NOTARY eral service;, were held by Elder leaves a vacancy to fill for les9 ed the young people, whoshowed H Phillips at 2:30. She leaves than a month of school, B rownsville . O regon their appreciation in an appropri­ behind her a husband, Elmer Mrs Geo Alford of H arrisburg ate manner, fhe company then S-ttle, two children, Helen and spent Sunday with her parents in departed for the home of Miss R epairing Janette, a mother. Mrs May Mil- this city. She was accompanied Nina Kump where a meeting of P ine Ore»» Shoe» a Specialty ler, a sister, Mrs Harry Leeper, heme by little Rene w'/,o has been the Christian Endeavor was held ALBAXY, OREGON and a brother, Karl A Bramwell, living with her granydparenta, ¡and enjoyable time was spent 5< 1 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, Wedgewood Stoves and Runges. KODAK FINISHING AND PRESSING BARBER - SHOP. F. H. BUSSARD Prop. I. O. O. F. T Ii et f roag «as tb ot tb I inoli to S a io t h id ft ber­ te*- ia t'a et • brid( *»el. tnd H la p o o i s p ia i tio n w a tin i ie p ro on t ta a ey to of th e iro b a l BARBER SHOP RIALTO THEATRE Our Showing of Clothing for Graduation- is Complete. W. J. Rihelin “BEHOLD MY WIFE’’ Come see something new in a motion picture! A tale of Canada’s frozen wilds, society’s drawing rooms, and the biggest, deepest things in human hearts. A GOOD COMEDY A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Chiropractor X-RAY ?AR Her Lim ind L » tu rte a rn u i re ry T rail. >e o f bum ia I to i B tio n c «am e C orp, arg « te r p r .M e l e r ite U n Cl a t 1' Ht f K-c e pper es o' it b ing i S' , M lead th i n a epo H |)( w ill A 0(