HALSEY “ 77" VOL. 9, NO. 37 ...N X NTERrRISb $1.50 PER YEAR OREGON. THE HALSEY STATE BANK »' AV 12 !'■« ♦»*♦**** HALSEY NEWS NOTES EV ER Y W H ER E C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D TAYLOR, V iee-l‘res. B. M. BOND, ( ’ashim- We added the -‘PRE” to payment and will loan yon . . . mey ÎPr ,« ,r . Miss Maude Henderson of A l­ bany, visited somt friends in Hal- A letter from Mr Kessell manager sey the latter part of lost week. Bancroft Optical Co. T J Skirvin Seed Merchant )f the Itiato Theatre here, that i l-i ■ i \\ Albany, rh . ue K.l .tiouia have nave been ucm published j ,- --------- last Highest cash price paid foi 1 diould ■veek, states th a t beginning with s8c net today. 5-12tf Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, at ... Mrs », M M B -r Taylor of Corvallis, Friday Mow May 13 13, the moving pic- pic ! Hotel llulsey every Tuesday and •ures will be shown on Friday arrived here last Thruaday for a , Thursday. lights instead of T hursday nights, visit of a few days with her Get R B Koch of Holley, to cry uid that he will have only big sister,M rs Southern. 'y o u r next sale. He gives satis- special shows which he shows at For Sale—Five year old horse Harrisburg on Saturday nights. ' faction. weight 1520 sound and true He hat been able to arrange Priced cheap. H D Mitzner Pho. e Wednesday of last week at the hookings so that be can give the 264 Halsey. I office of County Judge W R Bilveu, people of Halsey the benefit of W H Walton had the misfor­ occurretl the wedding of Joseph these bigger shows and“ hopes th at tune last Friday afternoon while Krewson of Leone, and Mrs Min- the patronage will justify him in grubbing out some fence corn-r-. ! nie Boyer of Halsey. Mrs Krew- •ontiuuing to do so. to miss the weeds with his grub­ Ison is a daughter of Mr Curry. H j has booked for this week bing hoe and strike his foot. He ’ The newly married couple arrived leorge M elford’s special pro- thought at first he had cut an 1 in Halsey the same evening. luction artery hut an exam ination by a ! I/ist Friday at the home of lhe J bride’s father at 1316 Front strept •‘Rehold My Wife” doctor showed th at it was not in Albany occurred the wedding “f and for other early dates he has to dangerous. offer “ Midsummer Madness, Miss Helen Moore* and Rev Ray Rev Cook went to Junction City “ Dead Men Tell No Tales,’’ j,„ond C Sm ith, Dr D. V Pol.ng, Sunday after the services at lhe Fatty Arbuckle in the “ Roundup’ ' pastor -of the Presbyterian church, church here, to preach the funeral Outside The Law,” Chas C hap­ ¡officiating. Mrs Sm ith has been sermon in English of Edward th e H a l-c y sch o o ls in -The K id,” “ Forbidden Fruit Jenson who was electrocuted at lhe ! a te a c h e r in t line of pictures th at cannot be since ab o u t th e first of th e y e a r, Oregon Electric bridge between ' while Rev Smith has been asso­ beaten. Harrisburg and Junction Citv some ciated with the Christian church Worth Bass was an Albany call- lime ago, and whose body had just ill Halsey as its pastor for a few been found Thursday. The hov month-.. At present they are liv­ r Saturday. Mrs Bassett and her grandson was a t one time one of Rev Cook a i n g in lhe post office building. Roland Marks, left last Saturday Boy Scouts. or a brief visit in Yoncolla. L E W alton was a business caller in Albany Monday, Dr and Mrs T I Marks and Mr a n i Mrs J W lir in k a r d enjo y ed an o Ring on the Calopooia Sunday- O n e night last week tin Boy .-¿out» had a feed at their meeting. They were expecting to i n i t i a l » ,.,„ 1 1 , l i u , n i ^ S p rin g -■ one new members but as none „bowed up the old standbys had to e .t their feed themselves. tooth harrows. Rollers, both vim >. The furnace at the school house Cultivators, 2-horse and a .-teelh 1-h rso w .s giving trouble again last Manure spreafhws, the b< ' t t h e ie is ' ' • • Friday,.and the most of the school L o t a vacation in the afternoon. 'The High School Bible pupils st iv ed and took their ex a m in ' Change in Time of the Movies Interest paid on time certificates ot deposit W e invite your banking- business ° No commission mortgage, no Life lusnraace. ^ o u can. io pay on the principal annually. See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, O regon.^ T he First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ sem i-annoally. e y e s t r a in 1» the C au.e of Many III MAN H I S If y o u r e v e . give you trouble xour glasses are annoying S lili I S. We can Relieve Aon. H ALSEY, OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 W e H ave every thing O ptical Smith Bro An Opportunity To Brighten Up — —■ Eio’.htenine up the home » one of the chief pleasures of the housewile. A bright, cheerful home makes for contentment en d comfort. There are m arred and scratch, e d pieces of furniture— the worn floor and stair treads—the wood­ work, which needs refinishing— ] the ice chest—the kitchen cabi­ net and many other places about the home can be brightened up with ..7* S herwin - W illiams FLO O RLA C Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season. a W e h H w 'o i L a ^ 7 » ' 7 , ' i ation. . 1 bast Saturday afternoon on the h Stover enirine ami » gnum i- O rder repairs Now. H a le y hall ground the Halsey .)-h»ro\ei n ip These are Homo ot tlie mi I'M». High School crossed bats with the G .W M O R N H IN W E G IM P L E M E N T S T O R E .______ H irrisb u rg H ig h School which re- „ „ It,d in a s c o .e o f 8 to 4 in favor Of Harrisburg. Halsey was hand.- ¡cipped by only having eight play- ers against Harrisburg's nine, two 'of Halsey’s best players being ab­ xV sent But »o sPite ol Halsey only /ft M/ having eight players they were .n /ft \5/ the lead up to the seventh inning, /ft when the Halsey boys went to ■ ieces, allowing the Harris >urg \»/ a 1 ,,ys to make five scores in th at /ft \\t inning. After th a t Halsey held /ft t them level neither side scoring after /ft $ t'ue seventh inning. /ft Mis» Helen Cook was delightfully /ft M/ , entertained at the home of her sts- /ft W t „ Mrs L B Kimbrell last Thurs /ft t-S evening May 5 by a surprise party /ft M/ given in honor of her birthday /ft \ you will be in- J ring is io here -----------• _1 to LnotV M > terested know fill* the SillPi'Itll special free offer that is made for APRIL ONLY IW ith each Suit or Coat and I an ts« order to your Individual meas- « ure we will give an extra ' PAIR OF PANTS FREE. : Satisfaction Guaranteed. ; D. H. STURTEVANT. M. V. KOONTZ CO. and Roland Marks. ..« z • * •• ApCiJL. S 1 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon,