Shoe R epair Shop Mrs B M Bond was an Alban caller ^wo days last week. Two doors north of the hotel. . O tV Frum will chop feed" ev­ Am prepared to do all kinds of ery day. Farm ers take notice P h o n e 269 shoe repairing. Satisfaction Exchange vour wheat for floui guaranteed. or feed at Thompson’s Flouring J E W E T T th e C O B B L E R . Mills, Shedd. Oregon. 4-28tf Mrs Morrill from Hillsboro and little granddaughter arrive« i Sunday for a two weeks’ visit. Lost—a pocketbook. Finde please return to H L Straley an« 1 receive a reward. Mrs Ida Maxwell from Albany was a Halsey visitor the for« part of the week. For Sale. A six weeks heifei calf, thorobred Jersey but nol registrable. Price $15.00. Cal at J A Stevenson’s, at Halsey -Mis. Ä xux 4 D S McWilliams found th< XIIX Practical Shoe glass in the front door of th< Repairing post office broken when h< F ine Dress Shoes a Specialty reached the post office Wednes day morning. 501 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon, 202 West Second Street, L W Byerly has taken ove the cream buying station a ALBANY, OREGON Shedd for Sw ift & Co- Lei Jenne will act as agent at Shedi for the present. Buy your flour at Thompson' A t th e H a ls e y D r u g S tore; Flouring Mills, Thompson’s Bes Valley Wheat FJour $1.75 p- ostume gave “ Lochinvar” in sym pathy with the nsplrailons of ttu sack; Bluestem Hat'd Wheat Flou Irish people. If not actuuly urging Eng­ antomime. Then came some land to grnnt Independence to Ireland. $2.00 per sack. 4-28tf sS/z/Zs f o r th e â r z d u a t e n r lor games and refreshm ents. I At th at time, also the Filipinos were The D F Dean household good knocking nt your door, tin t of the The League had charge last womb arrived here Wednesday an< of war, many European repub­ Sunday evening of the regular lic» were born, and America has re ­ were placed in the house Mi -rvice. The delegates to the joiced to uphold the same. And yet Dean recently purchased frot claim of the Filipinos Is still un­ ottage Grove convention gave the the Isabel Kirk estate. Mi heeded. Must there be exceptions, neir reports and we are frank in then. In International Justice? Dean is expected here in a lev “My plea, gentlem en of the Ameri­ aying th at we never listened to days, but Mr Dean is not expec can Congress, Is th a t you Ignore no tetter ones. The girls were ed until some time in July. longer the repeated requests of’ a de­ here to bring back all the g«xid serving people for an independenc»* Remember a fly killed nov hings or they could not have th at rightfully belongs to them. The will do away with thousands o iven such complete reports. No g ranting of independence now affords them in July 2nd August. Ca' >ne can listen to so many good (he U nited S tates a golden opportunity to give to the world unansw erable on the Rawleigh man and get ; hings th at our young people in proof of Its sincerity, Its consistency can or more of insect powder and Its altruism . It will be the g reat­ he great League are doing with- est example of square dealing In Uie it is guaranteed. H S Winklt ut seeing the great good th a t is history of the ages.' man, the Rawleigh man. 4-14t “Do not think we are not nppre- >eing done. The pastor said At the Lake Creek Farm Bur of all you have done for us. hey were the finest bunch there clatlTe We are. America hag tru ly treated eau meeting Friday a movemen ind we believe it. the Filipino people as no other nation was started toward getting th ­ has ever treated an alien race In all A fter the reports came the in­ read improved from Irish Ben history. The high points of the Amer stallation of officers which was Iran policy In the Philippines have north one mile and thence east t< been consistently Inspired hv altruism Halsey, A comrqittee of fiv< rood. At the close of the ser- We know th a t you were actuated In ice Edna Robinson came to the were chnsen to confer with th your labors by the desire to contrlh dtar and earnestly gave her ute to our own welfare. county court, and this eommitte You’ll find our store was instructed to keep busy u n t: mart to Christ. “And we love you perhaps most of all for your solemn prom ise to grnnt The W F M S will meet with us that which we hold d earer than life results were obtained.—Harris .1rs McWilliams on Friday p m . Itself—our freedom. Independence Is replete with the prop­ burg Bulletin. Che losing side in the Mystery our national Idenl. It Is our all ab ­ Wednesday G W Laubner, I I on contest are to entertain the sorbing nlm. It grows stronger every hour. F o r the spirit of nationalism er clothes and furnish­ Taylor, D S McWilliams, H ( winners. never dies. Much lesa can It be sub­ Davis and O W Frum from Ha1 dued. We believe th at we ran . never The K ing’s Heralds will meet hope to be n sturdy rfntlon if we are sey and a large delegation iron ings for such an occa­ Lake Creek made a call on th Saturday p m with Mrs Wesley to rely forever on the magiiuiilmlty of the United Stntes. ind Daniel. County Court for the purpose o "A m erica's task In tjie Philippine Next Sunday morning Moth­ Islands Is finished. W hat you have as asking for a m arket road, Halse; sion in clothing, with as your sacred obligation In to Irish Bend ferrv by the w ayo ers’ day will be observed in a suined fitting manner. The Booster th a t p a rt of the world has been ful and the N H Cumming filled. A people with n medieval ays that v e ry individual, Tulsa place. They have fairly goo girls will be at the door to f u r ­ tem of Institutions has been tran s formed Into a conscious nation, Im assurance that their plea will b< nish all with the appropriate bued with all th at Is modern in the flower. There will be a solo by activities of nations. And If you give hard to attain, youthful granted. Alberta Koontz, a duet by Hazel us Independence our g ratitude to you Mrs M E Russ died Tnursda Gulliford and Pearl Pehrsson, a will Increase a thousand fo ld ; It will morning, May 5, between thre« If you keep faith with us style so necessary to the and.six o’clock, Mary Elizabetl ong each by the Standard Bear- last “T forever here Is bu’t one Issue In the Phil r j and the Boosters and a read­ Ipplne question, nnd th at la: Is there Neely was born in 1838 near Cly ing by Mabel Robinson. today a stable governm ent on the Is­ mer, Chautauqua County, Nev high school student. lands? In the Jones law you promised York. She was married to Re Independence upon th e establishm ent of such a stable governm ent. Your Elijah Russ in 1857. Converte own Governor-General has ofTlcially W r ic e # 2 5 .°° to $ W .°° in early life, she lived a faithfu reported th a t there Is a stable gov and happy life in Christ, a faith em inent In existence today, nnd we also have subm itted plenty of evidence ful wife and a devoted lovinj to su b stan tiate Its existence. Tlo-re mother to her two children, H : fore, we hope and expect America will now carry out Ita pledge.” husband preceded her to th» heavenly home in 1931. ♦ -•« ♦ --- a in ingco THE WARDROBE AND PRESSINE A. Peterson F. H. BUSS ARD Prop. KODAK FINISHING ® CLOTH i CONGRESS HEARS DRAMATIC PLEA FROM FILIPINO M ethodist C hurch N otes S unday A L B A N Y . OREGON. Halsey Items Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H S turtevant's. W anted—A few head of cattle to pasture. Ira A Miner. 4.2Itf Mrs Mary McNeil went to Cor­ vallis Friday for a visit with friends. Frank Kirk and W R Kirk ap­ plied Tuesday for a discharge as executors of the estate of Isabel C Kirk, deceased. school Rest and Recreation. “ The Sabbath rest does no mean idleness: it means work tha is all peace.” Some little tokens will be giver at S S next Sunday to those wh- have committed the 24th Psalm The net proceeds of the dinne given last week by the Leagu- amounted to $30. The Booster and Baraca Juniors were entertained on Friday even ing by Elliot McWilliams. Tt of the girls, eitfht boys, the tw< teachers and their families wet « present. The girls dressed in W ashington. — For European Children. "M ust the heart Italy and neighboring countries, of Amerlen heat only for the free­ especially Swltxerlond, at the end of dom of Ireland, of October held at Milan a conference Poland nnd of the on child w elfare to dlscussi more s|>e Cxecho . Slovaks, dflcally, seaside and country homes and not for the for needy children, placem ent of chll Independence of dren In foreign countries; vacation th e P hilippine In­ cam ps; also provision of Institutional ra re In d tle s ; state, local and Inter­ lands?” T his was the national organisation of child w elfare; question Resident b etter training of aoclal w orkers en­ C o m m i s s i oner gaged In child w elfare service, and Isauro Gahaldon Improvement of technique generally of the Philippines The public w elfare departm ent of the P h il ip p in , R . i d . n t adressed directly city of Milan, which called this con to the memher- ference, la especially com erned over C o m m is s io n e r ahlp of the House the duplication of efforts, the lack of I s a u ro Q , b a ld a n of R epresentalves proper care In the sm aller conmiuul In a speech which was given very tl«*e and Interaction between town and close attention and was frequently ap­ country. One definite aim Is that of plauded. making International co-ot>ern»lon In "At one tim e,” said Comm issioner I thia field a m eans of encouraging «lahaldon, "Congresa had before It no closer relationship between the pen less than thirty resolutions expressing — - —- — - . E . L. S T IF F a n d SO N F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S Carried everything in Furniture, also PIPELE SS FURNACES. VV edgewood Stoves and R anges. 21^5-217 Lyon Street, Albany. DENTISTRY !£ H. J ack - a r o id .0 4 —>05 1st Na­ tional Hank lltiildin, Albany, O regon, sou Without pain. blocking method. Late nerve­ BARBER - SHOP. KARL A. BRAMWELL. Prou. Suits' Cleaned And Pressed. l.AVXDKV SENT AWAY on MONDAY I. (). O. F. W1LDEY LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next S a tu r­ day night. BARBER SHOP Electric H aircutting, M assaging and Shamoooin'g. Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin Office 1st door south of s I. <•’. hi use Halsey, <• » «. J e a le r in R ea l I :ia*e. H andles Town and Country Property, live him a call anil see if he can fix ,ou up. C hiropractor DR. A. IL PINNEY E le c tr ic a l equ ip p ed ‘ oflice Kooin 401 F irst National Bank B uilding Albany Ore. THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION and the • E N T E R P R IS E For $3.75 per year. W R IG H T & P O O L E , LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS BAR RI.tBURO 1. E HANON l’hone 35 Phone 15 Branches at Brownsville, Win T Tem pleton, Mgr. Halsey, Phone 166, Frank Kirk, .'•fer. F. M. GRAY, D raym an. All work done promptly and reasonably. Phone No. 269. DR. E. S. D O N N E L L Y Surgical diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose anil T hroat G t A S S E S F IT T E D 501 Hirst National Bank Bldg, Albany. Artistic Piano I uning ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Ore, Leave order» with Woodworth Drug Co. Albany. Oregon. $5. T ow n o r C o u n tr y $5 C hiropractor DR. R. H. HARRIS X RAY C usick THE B ank H u ii . dino . A lbany . HALSEY ENTERPRISE and the OREGON FARMER one year for $1.65. C C. B R Y A N T ATTORNEY AT LAW 201 New First N at'l Bank Bldg, Albany, Oregon. A m o r A . T u s s in g LAWYER AND NOTARY UKUWNtiVILLE, OKfctsON