T h e H alsey E nterprise An Independent Newspaper PUBLISHED“ EVERY THURSDAY d lttl piles of leaves. Only th e little eedHr lane looked cheerful. Aftd right In the sam e town, « little wom a« w as lonemime, to o ; Miss S a ra h G raham , w ho lived a t th e t'roxa R oads In the brow n c o tta g e w ith th e w oodbine over i tt. CHAS. BALLARD, Editor T en y e ars b e fo re S a ra h bad lost a Entered as second-class m atter Oc­ d e a r friend. T hey w ere to h av e been * tober 3, 1912, a t the postofli, at Hal m arried. Hup o n e evening the m an aey, Oregon, under the Act of March had lieeu b ile In coining to ta k e her for th e ir w alk th ro u g h C e d ar L ane, 8, 1879. arid w hen he had com e M iss S a ra h had Devoted to the material upbuilding of sen t him away w ithout m eaning It a t Halsey and surrounding country and all. Just for th e sa k e of h e a rin g him re fu se to go Linn County generally Subscription T hen the tparvel happened, a» m a n • rate >1.60 per year in advance. vets will com e to pass. B jy D an a n d 1 — . ------- ------- - M iss Surah m et rig h t in fro n t o f the little town sq u are, w here th e row s of c e d a rs began to form C e d ar Lane. .Miss S a ra h stopped and put h e r hand on th e hoy’s shoulder. “Son. ’ said M iss S aruh. T hen she Hushed and w ondered w hy she had said- It. "W h ere a re yon going?" she asked. “ N ow here," said Hoy .Dan, "E xcept to find a m o th e r a n d —” “ W here» do you live?” ask e d M iss S arah. v * i zsi i o ■ ■ I Da** told Iter, and he told her I ir y p to k s C le v e r ly CoiK6 /7 7 "W Ithout u dud I would," Boy D an A L B A N Y O B £6. (old her. "Com e on.” x “ Now we ll go find our dad d y ," said • Harold Albro, Boy Dan w ith u s tu rd y p u rp o se ,'d ru g ­ M anufacturing Optician. ging Ills new -found m o th e r to w ard the p a th of c e d a rs a n d the little town square. 12016773 Chill though It w as th e re w e re men lounging In th e sq u are, tunned men T h u r sd a y , M ay 5 th , a n d untainted men, d a rk m en and Mainly men. And (h e re w as one mun who began to look h a rd a t th e trtid g Ing hoy. All ut onee he h u rried over from the bench u>al clutched Hoy D un's hand and LAST EPISODE of the am i looked quickly ut th e tittle spurred w rist. T hen he k nelt right dow n and hugged Boy Dun close and w hispered Jerky things. ” M’ hoy, Dan. I could n 't git the courage te r go te r th e home ami- not ta k e y e r along hack w ith me. 'I'lie m an looked a t Miss Sarah, s t a r t ­ ed to speak, h a tte d closer, th ru st out a ircuiblliig hand. "T his Is my new m other, dad." said Hoy Dan firmly. "S h e's aw ful nice. Guess sh e 's cold. S h e's sh ak ln .' G lad y e r come 'long. We ll he s ta r tin ’ home all o f uk. now we've got to g eth er.” He Hopped. "Is th ere a fireplace and a + 4 4 4 4 4 ,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 » 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f Recommended by I Home Investors OCR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR'gives sixteen reasons why the 8 per cent Gold Notes of Mountain States Power Company are not only a good investment, but have points of desirability and conveni­ ence particularly commending them to residents. Here lire several. 1 Safety and cash interest returns regularly paid every six months. 2 Definite agreement to repay principal invested at maturity. Assurance of a regular income at a good rate of return. 4 A strictly home investm ent with property, offices and officers close at hand. 3 Investigate Before You Invest e tris t. MOUNTAIN STATES POW- ‘ THE REVENGE OF TARZAN.” “ LOST CITY », Commencing next week we will shew on Friday evening instead of T hurs­ day. FRIDAY NEXT WEEK. Geo Meiierd's sup, r production. “ BEHOLD, MY WIFE.” It's a P a ra m o u n t picture. Rialto at Harrisburg Saturday, Z an e G ra y 's “R iilers < T th e Dawn" taken 11-11111 tin book “D esert o f W heat.' œsssssssssssssî i. MARVEL DAY m yr ta a l it t l e . 1 SSSSÎSSîSiCiîSii'. ------------------- Siiiy-yiSjiSiSir..- lA 111», by UeClwr» N » s« p a p -t s , n,j L.,u Boy Dan w us lonesom e, «<> lonesom e •h ere w ere te a rs In hl« b it........ » a,id a choke in hl« t h r o a t Hut In , | U|, l c i hl» fist» m anfully in hl» |>utche,l pocket« and ho trie d to get up a real M rlde for the rut» of the frog, it road There « » , a heap o' courn-.e tuck tl a w ay In Roy D an'« h e art, ami a he.ti o’ faith. B esides. Hoy D an w as ru n n in g awav from the home w ith no m o th er In It, ru n n in g aw ay from the loneliness, to And a real m o th e r and a real U m unds Wadco J . 65 (Bring your jug) We sel S k inn er ’ s , the high­ -led lo build w hat 1» ofiiclally de 1 P ound Diamond W .35 est grade Macaroni, Spaghetti. ci-lla l a» "di,- finest and moat ,-om LARD SHORTENING 1 r «und M J B .<15 Egg Noodles and other Macca- let,- I I . Ile a l »clio o l m ill hospital In he w orld. In t 'a l r o . It ts to contain 3 pounds M J B 1.25 roni products. l.'.-Jft beds, mid will have ace.,min©. No 10 pure lard 1.65 5 pounds M J B 2.00 No 5 pure lard Inti«« for W out pailen i« „ day BRING US YOUR EGGS .85 1 pound Golden West . 15 A ttached will be a com pletely c.,ulpH ,j No 10 shortening 1.35 3 pounds Golden West m edical school, w hich will be connect, 1.32 We pay the highest m arket "d w ith the p rojected university a No 5 shortening .70 price—Make this your head­ special dental departm ent, and depart- CANNED GOODS COOKING OILS quarters while in the city. o icn ic for every bran ch of m edical nnd surgical actener. An ri,?ots 2 for .35 Don’t fail to phone 7 7 - We Pint of Mazola ¡jr. Lih,b;;s solid pack 4 for 1 .0 0 ,deliver C. O. D. I Golden Marshmallow 10 pound size 5 pound size Light Karo 10 pounds Light Karo 5 pounds Dark Karo 10 pounds Dark Karo 5 pounds